明末清初前,气候温暖,双季稻可以自然生长。小冰期后,气候虽有几度回暖,但热量条件处于一年二熟有余、三熟不足的状况,热量条件成为影响粮食生产的敏感性因子。当今在气候的自然变冷和 CO2增加的增暖影响下,太湖流域实际存在的年积温下降,冬暖,夏凉和秋低温提前的趋势对粮食生产必有深远影响。
Before the end of the Ming Dynasty to the early of the Qing Dynasty,climate was warm,and heat energy was plentiful,so double cropping of rice in Taihu Lake basin could grow without any protection. Later the world climate entered the Little Ice Age,the double cropping of rice was extirpated nearly,grain output decreased heavily.After the Little Ice Age,although,the world climate got warm,sometimes,the thermal condition was enough for two crops but three crops one year throughout the period.So both the area and output of double cropping of rice was fluctuated with variation of cold/warm.The condition of heat energy,with the movement of climatic zone,became a sensitive factor which effects grain production.Recently,as CO2 concentration. in atmosphere is increasing,climate is warming.With the comprehensive effect of such warming and natural cooling trend,the climate in Taihu Lake basin shows the following trend:warming in winter,cooling in summer,decreasing of annual accumulated temperature and advancing of autumn low temperature.This trend will strongly influence the grain production.
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