Paddy field of 4000mu was polluted by waste water containing mylthmercury in Qingzhen District of Guizhou Province.The mylthmereury pollution index of paddy field was up to 60,thai of rice 7.The mylthmercury pollution index of well water in the district was up to 200,that of Hongfen Lake 50. Although the waste water containing mercury was treated,trace mylthmercury was still drained into environment,which was obviously polluted. The hair and blood in about 30% of people in the district accumulated mylthmercury,which came from rice and meat of domestic animals,but the content was lower than that of the people who eated polluted fish and shellfish. Otherwise,the district is located in NNE lava mountainous region,the stratum is dominated by carbonate rock of shallow-sea facies.Therefore it is possible that groundwater is polluted through permeation effect.
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