The article adequately analyze the governing measures on every section of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and a series of key ways to maintain and harness the river course at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were put forward, namely, 1) control the river situation, harness the collapse of river bank, strengthen the stability of river bed and bank.; 2)pay full attention to the possible influences on river course change which caused by 'Three Gorges Project'; 3)regulate the sand-mining in the Yangtze River scientifically and rationally. In addition the current situation and existing problems of exploiting on the water front resources of the Yangtze River was also analyzed, according to it, the principles of exploiting the water front was proposed. In the process of exploiting the water front resources at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, some problems also exist, such as instability of river situation, irriational distribution, serious water pollution and the waste of water front resources. Further solution must be worked out.
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