The Changbai Mountain is rich in natural resources and complicated in ecological structure.With the Changbai Mountain Natural Conservation of the MAB Program of UNESCO, the region becomes a very important scientific research base. It is the first time to do the dynamic analysis of vegetation covering in the region by means of remote sensing. The classification of LANDSAT TM images of the Changbai Mountain was digitally processed. Combined with multitemporal LANDSAT images, DTM information and field investigation, the dynamic change and current situation of vegetation covering of the mountain are analyzed. The vegetation distribution feature of the Changbai Mountain is: taking the highest peak in the mountain range as the axis, presenting a ring-like belt distribution. Up 700 meters above sea level is primeval forest. From top to bottom, it is divided into four zones:alpine tundra zone, erman birch forest zone; coniferous forest zone and broadleaf-Korean pine forest zone. Below 700 meters is overcutting area. The forest covering appeared an obviously decreasing trend. In the past 30 years, it decreased by almost 20%. On the other hand, the quality of the forest is also decreased. The proportion of secondarly forest is increasing. It causes the ecological environment worse, and the forest ecological system function decreasing. The strategic decision for reasonable utilization and management of natural resources of the Changbai Mountain is also forwarded.
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