

  • 华东师范大学地理系 上海 200062

收稿日期: 2001-08-28

  修回日期: 2002-03-25

  网络出版日期: 2002-09-20



Dry/Wet Climate Changes since 960 A.D. in Taihu Drainage Basin of China

  • Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062

Received date: 2001-08-28

  Revised date: 2002-03-25

  Online published: 2002-09-20




王张华, 陈中原, 寇莹, 陈宇 . 太湖流域公元960年以来的气候干湿变化研究[J]. 地理科学, 2002 , 22(5) : 546 -551 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2002.05.546


The present study collected historic climatic records since 960 A.D. from the Taihu drainage basin. A dry/wet series, i.e. a five-grade index of severe flood (1), flood (2), normal (3), drought (4), and severe drought (5) from 960 A.D. to 1992 A.D. was reconstructed and χ2-test was used to examine the evenly distribution of the series. Power spectrum analysis was made for the present 1033-year dry/wet grade series with different lagging of 280, 200, and 150. Process of "Red Noise" was applied to make the significance test (α=0.05). Moving t-test was applied to detect the abrupt climate changes of the study area. The 11-year and 30-year moving average curves and their 6-degree polynomial regression curves are also presented to help the detection of climate jump. Spectral analysis reveals that the change of drought-wet climate in the study area was a superposed phenomenon with the major period of ~100-year, and other notable periods of 36-year, 26-27-year, 11-year, 22-year, 15-year, 19-year, 2-3-year, 8-year, and 5-6-year. Compared with those of celestial activity and climate change collected by previous work, these periods are supposed to be closely related to the celestial activities that control the planetary wind system and East Asia monsoon circulation. The moving t test detected two large-scale abrupt changes, i.e., 1247-1263 A.D. and 1618-1635 A.D. The climate between these two abrupt changes was relative humid. Before 1247 A.D. and after 1635 A.D. it was relative dry. The 14th to 15th centuries was the wettest episode during the last 1000 years in the study area. This getting-humid event occurred widely in East Asia.


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