This paper,using the high altitude data from 45 stations and the surface data from 100 stations,makes a comparison between strong monsoon year(1973)and weak monsoon year(1972)in North China,and calculates wet static energy,vertical structure of wind of high-and low-level flow fields,the contents and transport of water vapour,the income and export of water an vapour,and water cycle,etc.in strong and weak monsoon years respectively. The following conclusions have been drawn: 1.There was a distinct occluded high energy tongue in the strong monsoon year and a low energy tongue in the weak monsoon year. 2.In the strong monsoon year,western Pacific subtropical high was strong, a wet and warm south air-flow from it met with the drier westerlies nearby 41°N and there were two water vapour transport air-flows.In the weak monsoon year,subtropical high was weak,a wet and warm south air-flow met with westerlies nearby 35°N and there was only one water vapour transport air-flow. 3.The water vapour content of the whole layer in North China in midsummer was 20—40mm and water vapour content was distributed along northeastsouthwest in the strong monsoon year and along latitude in the weak monsoon year. 4.There was a net income of about 95×108m3/month in the strong monsoon year and a deficiency of about 345×108m3/month in the weak monsoon year. 5.Rainfall in North China in midsummer relies mainly on external water vapour supply in both strong and weak monsoon years.
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