"Tupu" is a methodology that means to use iconic or graphic language for integrate the spatial and temporal analysis together, including a series maps such as symptom map, diagnose map and action map. "Geo-informatic Atlas" is a series of multi-dimension diagram for geo-scientific analysis, which isn't only for the present description, but also includes spatial and temporal geographical modeling for past reconstruction and virtual future forecasting. "Atlas" may be used not only for data collection, data mining, but also for scientific forecasting and decision-making.The main model of rural economic development of China will be small towns' construction. But there is little study on the spatial evolution of small towns. Integrated with the modern spatial technique and information science, Tupu may create some new conceptions for the study of the small town.In the first part of the paper, the authors discuss the pedigree, elements and characters of the geo-information Atlas of small towns. The development of spatial organization of town system, the outer morphology and inner structure of small towns was demonstrated in detail.In the second part of this paper, owing to methods of atlas and technology of GIS, taking Taizhou and Yongchang as examples, the authors probe into the geo-information atlas of small towns by the symptom maps of the town system, the symptom maps of the outer morphology and the symptom maps of inner structure.Finally base on the preliminary study and application of atlas method, the authors draw the conclusion that the town-information atlas is a good method for interpreting the development of the small town and it is also a good method for the government to making decision.
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