The Taibaishan, a major peak of the Qinling Mountains, is 3767m high above sea level. There were at least twice glaciations in the late pleistocene. Since the Holocene, the periglacial processes dominanted overthere with allof glaciers retreating. In this area periglacial landforms can be divided into three groups as follows: 1. such forms as talus, rock glacier, and block slope, formed by frozen-weathering. 2. the forms, such as nivation hollows, nivation benches, and higher planation terraces, formed by nivation, and 3.the patterned ground (circles sorted, nets, etc.), formed by frozen sorting action, and distributed in the tundra zone, with an altitude of more than 3,000m above sea level. The present periglacial zone of the Taibaishan peak is Alpine periglacial one, continental climate forest-meadow type, while the ancient:one preferredthe desert type. Based on the low limit of periglaciations, permafrost distribution and the upper limit of coniferous forest, it is demonstrated that the ancient periglacial type isn’t of marine one, but transitional type from marine to continental climate.
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