On the basis of observed records of daily snowcover depth,monthly average temperature and monthly total precipitation at Tianshan Mountains Snowcover and Avalanche Station in the valley of the Kunes River,three trend estimates about the snowcover depth,cold season precipitation and cold season temperature by using the difference of average,least square fitting and slope AR(1)process are made. The results show that an increasing trend of the snowcover depth is very significiant in the middle mountains of western Tianshan in the last 30 years or so.The change trend coincides with the snowcover change trend over the Tibetan Plateau,and the snowcover accumulation increases in Antarctica and Greenland.The secular trend of cold season temperature and precipitation is increasing as well.In the last 30 years,the annual accumulation of snowcover increases 1.43%,the annual increasing rate of cold season precipitation is 0.12%,and the cold season temperature has increased 0.8℃.A significant positive correlation exists between snowcover and cold season percipitation,but the correlation between snowcover and cold season temperature is negative.The increases of snowcover mainly result from the increases of cold season precipitation,which occurred in the background of global climate warming.
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