According to regional characteristics of the threenatural zones in Jilin prvince,the author collected 421 samples from personal hair in difierent zones,analysed the contents of Cu,Pb and Mo,and gave respectively the background values in the three zones and the mean value in Jilin province,those are Cu(7.43±1.97ppm),Pb(2.41±1.46ppm) and Mo(67.2±14.1ppb) in Jilin province;Cu(6.07±1.97),Pb(3.92±2.31ppm) and Mo(67.0±16.0ppb) in the East Mountaineous Zone,Cu(7.36±1.72ppm),Pb(2.36±1.57ppm) and Mo(40.1±10.4ppm) in the Middle Semi-Mountaineous Zone,and Cu(8.55± 2.11ppm),Pb(1.23±0.71ppm) and Mo(83.5±14.7ppb) in the West Plain Zone. The background value varies with regionally chemical features,the author point to differetiation in-content of Cu,Pb,Mo and their backgound value in the three zones as comppare with those in some provinces in China. The background value of Cu,Pb and Mo in personal hair can be used to indicate the differentiation in microelement between keshan’s disease area had indisease area,netherless,as a main method,the background value of Pb and its content in person hair can be used to avaluate environment quality and calculate its variation.
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