The Poyang Lake area lies in the north of Jiangxi Province.It is rich in light and heat resources and has various types of land,which provided favourable Conditions for the agricultural production in the broader ense.Generally the type of the land in this area is centered on Poyang Lake.From the center to the outside of thearea and from the foot of mountain to its top the types of land in turn:the mar-shland-meadow-sandy beach and the water surface;the light meadow-paddy soil alluvial plain,the red soil on which pine and tea oil trees are grown;the low hilly land with brown-red soil;the hilly land with red and yellow soil on which pine and China fir are grown;the hilly area with the yellow-brown soil on which there is broadleaf forest.The Poyang Lake area has varioua land resources.Its area under Cultivation is 24.2% and 17% under forest.The water area is 9.4%.The industry andcommunication,the cities and towns are 10%.the waste hills and land are 39.4%. Out of them there are 3,000,000 mu of waste land in the low hilly land which can be brought under cultivation.Due to various reasons the waste of land is made,the soil fertility is decreased,the level of productiveness is not high etc.In order to rationally exploit and utilize the land resources in the area we have put forward the following ideas:1.Developing the advantages and avoiding the disadvantages,regulating the distribution of productiveness and bringing the potential of land in production into play;2.Launching a large-scale water conservancy projects and reforming soils;3.Persisting in combination of the utilization with the conservation and avoiding the decrease of the soil fertility;4.Rationally opening up the wasteland with red soil at the low hilly waste land.
[1] 中国科学院地理研究所,中国农业地理总论,科学出版社,1979年。
[2] 李昌华,江南丘陵山地森林资源的过耗和林地生态平衡的破坏,自然资源,4期1980年。
[3] 苏成录、梁国权,都阳湖合理开发利用方向的探讨,帐江经济,2期1981年。
[4] 杜高洪,关于加快接北商品棉基地建设的探讨,江西棉花科技通讯,2期1980年。
[5] 杜高洪,湖口县低残丘黄徐壤利用改良,江西农业科技,2期1980年。