The peat resource is rich in Jilin province, its reserve amounts to 1000 million tons, being in the third position of its rank in China. The peat in the eastern part of this region is distributed widely and rich in reserve, and most of it presented in exposed form; the peat in the western part is scattered, poor in reserve, and most of it Presented in buried form. Based on its form and quantity, the distribution of peat reserve in Jilin province is divided into 3 regions and 11 sub-regions. Through spore-pollen analysis and C14 dating, it is recognized that the peal in Jilin province has mainly been formed and deve loped since middle Holocene.In last thousand years, the peat swamp in the western part has been gradually buried by silts, but it, in the eastern part, is still continuously developing. In this region, the herb-peat of rich-nutrition is prominent. As compared with the peat in other provinces of our country, it has high organic substance content, intermediate degree of decomposition, and high humiaeid content. In addition to the peat with low organic substance content is only good for agricultural utili zation, the peat with intermediate and high content of organic substance is suitable for agricultural, industrial utilization, and in enviroment protection etc.
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