

  • 清华大学水利水电工程系, 北京 100084

收稿日期: 2000-03-09

  修回日期: 2000-05-28

  网络出版日期: 2001-07-20



GIS-Based Risk Assessment of the Debris Flows in the Lower Lancang River Watershed

  • Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

Received date: 2000-03-09

  Revised date: 2000-05-28

  Online published: 2001-07-20


澜沧江下游区是我国泥石流灾害相对频发的地区之一。在分析泥石流形成发育影响因素的基础上,指出澜沧江下游区泥石流的爆发主要受沟道坡度、植被覆盖度/土地利用和降水等环境因素影响。据此,构建了泥石流爆发危险性评价数据库、知识库和危险性评价数字环境模型。在ARC/INFO GIS的支持下,提取了坡度、植被盖度和降雨量等主要泥石流危险性评价指标。依据知识库对各类因子进行了分级和赋权,对澜沧江下游区泥石流爆发危险性进行了区划。


闫满存, 王光谦, 刘家宏 . GIS支持的澜沧江下游区泥石流爆发危险性评价[J]. 地理科学, 2001 , 21(4) : 334 -338 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2001.04.334


Debris flow hazards are an inherent but dangerous and costly element of mountainous environments in the lower Lancang River watershed.Conventional hazard map provide useful inventories of hazardous sites but provide little insight into the potential area of the hazards, this approach tends to rely heavily on subjective interpretation of the landscape.Assessing and predicting mountainous hazards potential using geographic information systems (GIS) are receiving increasing attention over years.Based on the spatial analysis of driving and triggering factors promoting the occurrence and development of debris flows in the Lancang River watershed a database and repository are constructed for assessing the area susceptible for debris flows in the area.A correlation of the occurrence of debris flows with slope gradient, vegetation cover and rainfall are also presented for providing multivariate statistical data available for assessing risk of the debris flows in the area.Using Arc/Info grid module all data in Arc/Info coverage, including contour, vegetation cover and rainfall are transformed into TIN data and DEM and further into raster gradient, vegetation and rainfall with raster of 100m X 100m .With the repository used for assessing the potential of the occurrence of debris flows, The classification of gradient, vegetation and rainfall with five ranks, in agreement with five risk ranks of debris flows :highest, high, moderate, less and none are implemented on Arc/info platform.A digital environmental model (DEM) to assess the debris flow risk in the lower Lancang river watershed.is employed to implement the processes of spatial algebra overlay.Raster gradient, vegetation and rainfall data with a weight of 0.5, 0.3 and 0.2,respectively are imported into same grid environment with to produce a new map, showing the potential zones of the debris flows with different risk ranks of the lower Lancang river watershed.With the overlay of conventional map of the debris flow hazards in history in the area with assessment result, it can be shown that the highest and high risk zones of assessment results are in agreement with the dense zones of debris flows in history and also indicate that the index selected and methods used for assessing the risk of debris flows in the Lancang river watershed are rational and credible for conducting the debris flow disaster control and mitigation in the area.and for helping mitigate the associated risk.


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