

  • 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京100101

收稿日期: 1999-10-29

  修回日期: 2000-05-08

  网络出版日期: 2000-07-20



The Mechanics and Measures to Sustainable Agriculture of Northwest Plain of Shandong Province——A Typical Study on Dongchangfu County

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, CAS, Beijing, 100101

Received date: 1999-10-29

  Revised date: 2000-05-08

  Online published: 2000-07-20




王云才 . 鲁西北平原可持续农业发展的机制与途径——以东昌府区为例[J]. 地理科学, 2000 , 20(4) : 343 -349 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2000.04.343


Dongchangfu is a county with the characteristics of Liaocheng and the agriculture area of North China and Huang-HuaiHai region.It has a large population and less developed economy, particularly rural economy is backward.With the development of 50 years in the past, it had formed four characteristics of SARD system of Dongchangfu county.Firstly, gross population is large scale and increasing rapidly, but less educated , population growth is a less efficient procession.secondly, natural resources such as mineral, water and energy are scarce.Land resources are mainly natural resources for people to live by, but they are poor and less-productive.It is the reason of scarce mineral and water resources that rural industries come to step later and accumulate less capital for further development.Thirdly, natural disasters such as drought, flood, saltization and alkalization had been better prevented from, but some of them still did great damages to people, they will have threatened the agriculture and rural development in the future.Fourthly, with the rapid growth of economic, capital and technology inputs are less sufficient, it consumes large resources with large waste.It has formed four paradoxical relations with SARD system:(1) gross population grow so rapidly but cultivated land decrease sustainably, (2) water resources are scarced but demand of it increase rapidly, (3)it has large area of less productive land and can’t sastify the desire of people wanted to produce more, (4) the input of capital and techology can’t sastify the demand of them with the economic rapid growth.The operating mechanics are main contents in this paper.By investigation for one month in the typical region, we studied deeply the rules of mechanics, particularly studied agriculture investment mechanics, the marketing agriculture and technology application and popularization ,mechanics of agriculture business organization and mechanics of macro-decision and regulations.Based on this, we give some measures on the ways to sustainable agriculture:(1)adjusting agriculture structure to promote the development of sustainable agriculture; (2)through marketing, industrization and specialization of rural society to realize sustainable development of agriculture; (3)accelating the application and popularization of agriculture technology,enhancing the quality of farmers and acclerating the construction of agriculture human capical and (4)builidig up the regulating system of development of sustainable agriculture.


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