Since reforming and opening to outside world, the Zhujiang River delta has absorbed an amount of capital, technology and labor forces with favorable policies and adaptable approaches, forming polarization effects with a labor-intensive as a core.Driven by polarization effects, the Zhujiang River delta has undertaken great regional changes, which include:1 the main economic figures increasing rapidly and economic strength becoming stronger and stronger;2 light industry and labor-intensive industry polarization;3 the proportion of second and tertiary industry in GDP increasing while agricultural proportion decreasing.4 rapidly urbanization;5 regional structure adjusted.However, since the middle of the 1990s, the polarization in the Zhujiang River delta has weakened because of some changes from home and abroad, which are:1 with the advantages of favorable policies lost, internal forces weaken;2 stronger competition from Shanghai and Sandong Province; 3 external economic environment changes due to Asia financial crisis and lessening investment from Hongkong and Macao; 4 fierce challenges to light industry and labor-intensive industry because of increasingly product cost.The Zhujiang River delta’s economy has entered into adjusting phase with economic rate and export decreasing as well as labor-intensive industry decentralizing to neighbour area.In order to realize economic continuous development in the Zhujiang River delta, the atuhor think that after 20 years’ high speed development, the Zhujiang River delta has accumulated a great economic strength, its Hi tech industry has taken shape and the growing core of Hi tech development rapidly and with constitutional reform deepening, and many transnational corporation coming into the area, the Zhujiang River delta has some advantages to start the industry and geographic polarization with the tech intensive as core.But, there exists some limitation, such as lack of well quality talents, technology, so some measures must be taken to settle down this problems.
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