How to imply resources equitable distribution and industrial coordinated development has held more and more people’s interest. Beijing has made rapid growth in the past, to study industrial structure of its urban rural transition belt is of momentous current significance. The industrial structure of this region has the following features: 1)Agriculture has turned to metropolis agriculture, animal husbandry contributes main products.2)Non-agriculture industries grow rapidly. 3)Economic activity is short of a long-term plan, industrial structure is unstable.4) There is an apparent difference between districts. By 1996, the industrial structure had changed to 3.7%:42.8%:53.5%, proportion of the primary industry decreased year by year, the secondary industry grown steadily and the tertiary industry raise rapidly, employment structure has greatly changed, too, and every district has formed a few preponderant industries. There are five facts that impel the evolution of industrial structure: 1) economic development,2) value change of land, 3) urban planning,4) policy, 5) society. In future, this district should maintain current speed of the secondary industry development, quicken the speed of the tertiary industry development. Chaoyang district will be a base of technology-intensive industries. Haidian and Fengtai districts will be a base of high-technology industries. Shijingshan district will become a base of heavy industries.
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