

  • 1. 华东师范大学地理系 上海200062;
    2. 中国科学院黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室 陕西西安710054

收稿日期: 1999-06-09

  修回日期: 1999-11-16

  网络出版日期: 2000-01-20



Different Morphological Features of the Paleosols in the Loess Plateau, Northwest China and Their Formations

  • 1. Department of Geography, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062;
    2. State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an Shaanxi 71005

Received date: 1999-06-09

  Revised date: 1999-11-16

  Online published: 2000-01-20




胡雪峰, 周杰, 孙有斌, 安芷生 . 黄土高原古土壤形态特征的差异及成因探讨[J]. 地理科学, 2000 , 20(1) : 39 -44 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2000.01.39


The Lingtai section includes both the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence and the Tertiary red clay. The investigations revealed that the morphological features of the paleosols of the section formed in late Quaternary (S0-S8), middle and early Quaternary (S9-S41) and late Tertiary (the Tertiary red clay) were different to large extent. It was caused by the different water migrating patterns during the paleo-pedogenetic processes. According to the variations of the morphological features and the paleo-pedogenesis, the paleosols in the different periods mentioned above were classified as the leaching-type paleosols, the stagnating type paleosols and the ground-water-fluctuating-type paleosols, respectively. The variations of the paleosols’ morphological features, which are common in the Loess Plateau, were caused by the changes of environmental factors, mainly precipitation and dust accumulation rate. A correct understanding of it will help us further interpret the palaeo-climates and palaeo-environments of the Loess Plateau, northwest China since the late Cenozoic.


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