

  • 1. 聊城大学环境与规划学院, 山东 聊城 252059;
    2. 北京师范大学地理科学与遥感科学学院, 北京 100875

收稿日期: 2009-08-28

  修回日期: 2010-01-06

  网络出版日期: 2010-07-20



The Characteristics, Reasons, and Measures of County Economic Division of Xinjiang

  • 1. College of Environment and Planning, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong, 252059;
    2. Institute of Geography and Remote Sensing, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875

Received date: 2009-08-28

  Revised date: 2010-01-06

  Online published: 2010-07-20




张锦宗, 梁进社, 朱瑜馨 . 新疆县域经济分异特征、原因及对策探讨[J]. 地理科学, 2010 , 30(4) : 536 -543 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.04.536


After the evaluation of economic development, the paper analyzed the characters of the counties’ economic division in Xinjiang. The spatial distribution of economic development level of Xinjiang in 2006 is unbalanced and it forms a high level area which circled Urumqi City and stretches to Changji Autonomous Prefecture, Shihezi City, the east part of Ili Prefecture, the north part of Altay Administrative Offices, along the south and east to the parts of Turpan Administrative Offices and Hami Administrative Offices. It also forms a low level area which circled Hotan Administrative Offices and stretches north-ward’s to Kashgar Administrative Offices and Aksu Administrative Offices. The spatial distribution of economic development level of Xinjiang formed one core zone, two circle zones and one remote zone. The core zone includes Urumqi City, Changji City and Shihezi City. The inner circle is near to the core zone and the outer circle is near to the inner circle. The numerical values of per Capita GDP decrease from the core zone to the remote zone. Most of the developed counties are distributed in north part of Xinjiang, the level of economic development of inner Xinjiang is higher than the outer Xinjiang, the level of economic development of North Xinjiang is higher than the South Xinjiang, and the status of Xinjiang county’s economic is characterized by unbalanced growth, by the difference between inner and outer, between North and South. There is widely difference between Han nationality and Minority too. There also is widely difference in nationalities of Minority. Manchu, Russion, Hui, Tatar are the highest level group of Minority; Kirgiz, Uygur, Tajik are the lowest level group of Minority; Xibo, Uzbek, Mongo, Daur, Kazak are the middle level group of Minority. The main residence of every nationality is different from others and most of Minority residential area distribute in remote frontier. So, the counties’ economic division includes spatial division, nationality division, and the two divisions formed the nationality economic spatial division. Today’s nationality economic spatial division is the result from a cautious decision which was compelled after a long period nation safety. The difference of investment in the fixed assets, difference of employment Proportion, occupation structure difference and the distribution difference in different nationalities lead the nationality economic spatial division. To harmonize the nationality economic spatial distribution, it must increase investment in the fixed assets in under-developing areas, and to harmonize the economic development and employment increase. Make hard to develop education and to train rural able-bodied persons; to decrease growth rate of numerous national minorities’ population and to improve their quality. While these things are done, all nationalities an all counties in Xinjiang can coordinate together and it’s helpful for nation’s stabilization and development.


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