Now trade protectionism was being further intensified in the context of global financial crisis because of global economic downturn. The economy of China was highly dependent on the international market. The situation of trade friction would be even more severe in China. How to response to the changes of international marketing was a hot topic which all communities currently concern. The factors which affect the international market were complex and changeable. It was also difficult to measure accurately.These factors also were strong fuzzy uncertainty.The article built a fuzzy clustering model for strong fuzzy uncertainty of factors and created a dynamic clustering through examples of MATLAB-based simulation program designed. The fuzzy clustering model was effective and reliable through fuzzy partition for the international market. This article provided a new science method of quantitative analysis for the export enterprises which did decision-making and be quantified to assess the changes in the international market. The new method of quantitative analysis also can be beneficial to anticipate and grasp the development trend of international market and seek new export markets.
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