Using "space for time" method, the influence of land use/cover change (LUCC) from natural forest to secondary forest, plantations, orchard and sloping tillage on soil CO2 efflux was evaluated in mid-subtropical mountainous area in South China. Results showed that the soil CO2 efflux rate was significantly reduced by 32%-63% after the land use changes. Concomitantly, soil carbon input from the litter-fall, fine root turnover, and soil organic carbon storage and quality were remarkably declined. The highly intensified human disturbance (slash and burning, cultivation, weed and fertilization) led to serious soil and water losses and rapid decomposition of soil organic matter. After the natural forest was converted to secondary forest and plantations, the soil CO2 efflux rate was reduced by 32%-48%, which was higher than the average level in tropics (29%). Whereas the reduction of soil CO2 efflux rate (by 50%-63%) after the transformation from natural forest to agriculture land was higher than the global average level. Owing to the potential vulnerable natural environment (frequent heavy rain and steep slope), the reduction levels of fine root turn over rate and soil organic carbon storage induced by the land use change in mid-subtropical China were much higher than the tropical or the global average level. This might be the major reason of the higher reduction level of soil CO2 efflux rate in this geographical region than the tropical or the global average level following the land use changes.
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