收稿日期: 2012-05-11
要求修回日期: 2012-10-10
网络出版日期: 2013-01-20
The Spatial Fractal Characteristics and Complexity of Rural Residential Areas in Beijing
Received date: 2012-05-11
Request revised date: 2012-10-10
Online published: 2013-01-20
在多种发展功能相融合的背景下,以形状属性的空间演变为基础分析了北京城郊区域总体、平原区、近郊平原区农村居民点的空间特征。波谱分析显示,在近中郊、远郊、山区3个基本圈层的基础上,以前门为中心3种区域农村居民点斑块的空间周期交错分布。分形和Hurst指数的分析进一步显示,虽然城郊区域总体农村居民点斑块受多种因素影响,其空间结构复杂但却不具有分形特征;而地形单一、主要从事农业生产的平原区(7~76 km)、乃至深受城镇化、产业化、农区非农化影响的近郊平原区(7~49 km)的农村居民点斑块的空间结构虽然简单但却具备分形特征。后2种农村居民点斑块的空间演变与其所在区域的农业发展进程存在着差异。总体上,北京农村居民点处于承接大都市空间扩展与农业、农村、农民协同发展的关键环节,对不同区域农村居民点空间规划的策略也应不同。
宋志军 , 关小克 , 朱战强 . 北京农村居民点的空间分形特征及复杂性[J]. 地理科学, 2013 , 33(1) : 52 -60 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2013.01.52
Under the background of multifunctional integration, this article analyzes the spatial characteristics of the residential areas in the overall suburb zone, plain zone, the outskirts plain zone of Beijing based on the spatial evolution of residential shape properties. The spectrum analysis shows that, the rural residential areas of the three zones are in crisscross distribution with Qianmen as the center, on the basis of three basic circles of mid-outskirts, outer suburbs, mountainous zone in Beijing. Based on this analysis, the article calculates the spatial dimension and Hurst index of three zones’ rural residential patches, and argues that the spatial structure of rural residential patches in overall suburb zone (20-122 km) is complex but not have fractal characteristics; but those in the plain zone (7-76 km) and the outskirt plain zone (7-49 km) are relatively simple but have fractal characteristics. The spatial evolutions of the latter two zones’ rural residential patches are different from their agricultural development processes. On the whole, the spatial evolution of the three zones’ rural residential areas is driven by urbanization, industrialization and non-agriculturalization of rural areas, and it is current at a critical stage of spatial expansion of the metroposis and coordinated development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
Fig.1 The distribution of rural residential settlement in Beijing in 2006图1 2006年北京农村居民点空间分布 |
Table 1 Bi-logarithm inspection of circle-CoR in three rural residential patches表1 三种区域农村居民点斑块的圈层-紧凑率的双对数检验 |
区域 | 圈层范围(km) | 拟合优度R2 | 初步结论及可能存在的原因 |
城郊区域总体 | 7~122 | 不满足幂律分布 | 没有分形特征;地形、规划、社会快速变化等综合影响所致 |
平原区 | 7~76 | 0.873 | 有分形特征;但受多种规划、区域快速而相对无序的发展等干扰大 |
近郊平原区 | 7~49 | 0.879 | 有分形特征;但受多种规划、社会经济基础的快速变化等干扰大 |
Fig.2 The spatial autocorrelation analysis and spectrum analysis of three rural residential zones图2 三种区域农村居民点的空间自相关分析与波谱分析 |
Fig.3 The circles’ distribution sketch map of three zones’ rural residential areas in Beijing图3 北京三种区域农村居民点的圈层分布 |
Table 2 The gravity level of towns in Beijing suburbs in 2010表2 2010年北京郊区农业区各城镇引力值的等级分析 |
中心城区 | 门头沟 | 房山 | 顺义 | 通州 | 昌平 | 大兴 | 怀柔 | 密云 | 平谷 | |
K=3* | 1 | 2~2.5 | 3 | 3~3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5~4 | 5 | 5~5.5 | 5.5 |
K=4 | 1 | 2 | 2.5~3 | 2.5~3 | 3 | 3 | 3~3.5 | 4 | 4~4.5 | 4.5 |
K=7 | 1 | 1.5~2 | 2~2.5 | 2~2.5 | 2~2.5 | 2.5 | 2.5~3 | 3 | 3~3.5 | 3.5 |
Table 3 The layout of multi-functional development mode in Beijing suburb表3 基于多功能化的北京城郊农业区发展模式的空间分布 |
主导模式 | 主要分布的农业区 | 主要城镇 |
社会-经济主导型 | 朝阳,海淀及丰台大部,大兴内缘 | 朝阳、海淀、丰台 |
综合性1主导型 | 通州、顺义、昌平、房山内缘,大兴中部,海淀外缘 | 通州、大兴 |
综合性2主导型 | 通州、顺义、昌平的大部,门头沟和房山部分,大兴外缘 | 顺义、昌平、门头沟、房山 |
非农-农业主导型 | 通州、顺义、昌平的外缘,门头沟、房山、大兴部分地区 | 怀柔 |
生态-农业主导型 | 平谷、密云、怀柔内缘,门头沟、房山部分地区 | 平谷、密云 |
生态主导型 | 平谷、密云、怀柔大部,门头沟、房山外缘 | 远郊区县的山区 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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宋志军,刘黎明. 城乡一体化背景下的北京郊区城镇体系[J/OL].中国科技论文在线,
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