收稿日期: 2012-05-05
要求修回日期: 2012-06-13
网络出版日期: 2013-02-20
Evaluation and Evolution of Exploitative Intensity of Cultivated Land Resources in China
Received date: 2012-05-05
Request revised date: 2012-06-13
Online published: 2013-02-20
宋小青 , 欧阳竹 , 柏林川 . 中国耕地资源开发强度及其演化阶段[J]. 地理科学, 2013 , 33(2) : 135 -142 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2013.02.135
Regional differences of resource endowment and economic and social development decide the phase characteristic of the evolving structure of the exploitative intensity of cultivated land resources (EICLR). From the standpoint of grain production, this article put forward an evaluation method which involves explorative breadth, exploitative depth and exploitative frequentness and the assumption of the phase characteristic of the evolving structure. The empirical results are proved well at the country and the provincial scales. Evaluation of the EICLR depicts successfully the phase characteristic of the evolving structure and estimate accurately the regional exploration status of cultivated land resources. Thus, it could provide scientific evidence for cultivated land resources management. Overall, the phase of extension type of cultivated land resources exploration which has the main features of raising explorative breadth has been completed in China. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, cultivated land resources exploration has entered the era of intension type which has the main features of raising explorative depth. Noteworthy is that the decline of exploitative frequentness is also the serious issue during this era. Value of the EICLR at the country level is 25.064% in 2004. In the meanwhile, significant differences of the EICLR and its structural evolution are shown across agricultural zones and the 31 provinces. Finally, regional differentiated regulation policies of the EICLR are proposed under the direction of cultivated land resources management transition.
Key words: cultivated land resources; exploitative intensity; evaluation; evolution; China
Fig. 1 Regional distribution of cultivated land resources and its exploitative breadth in China, 2004图1 2004年中国耕地资源及其开发广度区域分布 |
Fig. 2 Regional comparison of exploitative depth of cultivated land resources in China, 2004图2 2004年中国耕地资源开发深度区域对比 |
Fig. 3 Changes in multi-cropping index of grain growing in China, 1990-2003图3 1990~2003年中国粮食复种指数阶段变化 |
Fig. 4 Regional comparison of exploitative frequentness of cultivated land resources in China, 2004图4 2004年中国耕地资源开发频度区域对比 |
Fig. 5 Districts of exploitative intensity regulation of cultivated land resources in China图5 中国耕地资源开发强度管控分区 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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