This study aims to disclose dynamic relationship among land utility, economic growth and environmental efficiency by proposing an urbanization evaluation model.Firstly, we quantitatively describe the changes of land use and land utility from urban expansion by using the technology of remote sensing image interpretation.Secondly, environment efficiency is evaluated by analyzing of urban spatial distribution aided by GIS techniques.Finally, dynamic relationship between environment efficiency and socio-economic is simulated through proposed model which is constructed based on theories of the maximum social welfare and Green GDP (GGDP).The proposed model is applied to Xi’an, China.Our model is proved to be efficiency in simulating the dynamic relationship among land utility, economic growth and environmental efficiency through the analysis of urbanization process in Xi’an.Results show that urban expansion leads to land utility increasing under socio-economic development.However, land utility will increase only if the marginal eco-environment cost is not impaired by urban expansion; the improving technology and technological innovation can reduce the economical loss, and thus postpone the terminal of urbanization.The simulated result shows that the urbanization process in Xi’an will stop in 2021.
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