作者简介:覃红燕(1975-),女,湖南石门人,博士研究生,主要从事生态水文研究。E-mail: qhy@hunau.net
收稿日期: 2011-05-25
要求修回日期: 2011-07-22
网络出版日期: 2012-05-20
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCX2-YW-435)、国家重大基础研究计划 (2009CB 421103)资助
Changes of Runoff and Sediment Discharge into Dongting Lake from the Four Rivers in Hunan Province
Received date: 2011-05-25
Request revised date: 2011-07-22
Online published: 2012-05-20
覃红燕 , 谢永宏 , 邹冬生 . 湖南四水入洞庭湖水沙演变及成因分析[J]. 地理科学, 2012 , 32(5) : 609 -615 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.05.609
On the basis of hydrological data from 1951 to 2009 of four representative gauging stations (Xiangtan, Taojiang, Taoyuan, Shimen), the changes of runoff and sediment discharge into Dongting Lake from the Four Rivers (Xiang River, Zi River, Yuan River and Li River) in Hunan Province were investigated using Mann-Kendall trend test, moving average value and double mass analysis. The results showed that annual runoff was highest in Xiang River (657×108m3), intermediate in Yuan River (640×108m3) and Zi River (229×108m3), and lowest in Li River (147×108m3). However, the changes of annual runoff of the Four Rivers were insignificant (P > 0.05), with several up-down processes. Annual sediment discharge was highest in Yuan River (1 051×104t), intermediate in Xiang River (959×104t) and Li River (382×104t), and lowest in Zi River (199×104 t).The annual sediment discharge from the Four Rivers showed a significantly decreasing trend generally (P < 0.001). Changes of annual runoff and annual sediment discharge were consistent in Xiang River before 1980s, in Zi River after 1960s, in Yuan River before 1980s and in Li River before 1990s. Moreover, the time of abrupt change in annual sediment discharge was different among the Four Rivers, with Xiang River in 1996, Zi River in 1973-1974, Yuan River in 1997-1998 and Li River in 1998, and the time of abrupt beyond 95% confidence interval was 1999, 1963, 1988, 2001 in Xiang River, Zi River, Yuan River and Li River, respectively. Double mass analysis between annual runoff and annual sediment discharge showed that Xiang River had one turning point in 1991, Zi River three points in 1961, 1981 and 1997, Yuan River two points in 1979 and 1997, Li River one point in 1996. Turning points of annual sediment discharge in Four Rivers were closely related to the construction of large-scale reservoirs. The reduction of annual runoff, increase of vegetation cover and construction of medium- and large-scale reservoirs were the main reasons accounting for the great reduction of annual sediment discharges of Four Rivers after 2001.
Key words: Four Rivers; abrupt change; hydrological process; reservoir
Fig.1 Location of representative hydrological stations of Four Rivers in Hunan Province图1 湖南四水代表性控制站位置 |
Fig.2 Moving average values of annual runoff and sediment discharge in representative hydrological stations of Four Rivers of Hunan Province in 1951-2009图2 湖南四水入洞庭湖代表性水文站1951~2009年的年径流量和年输沙量移动均值 |
Fig.3 Statistical values of M-K test for annual runoff (a, b, c, d) and sediment discharge (e, f, g, h) of the representative hydrological stations of Four Rivers in Hunan Province in 1951-2009图3 1951~2009年湖南四水代表性水文站年径流量(a, b, c, d)和年输沙量(e, f, g, h)的M-K检验统计值 |
Fig.4 Double mass analysis between annual runoff and sediment discharge of Four Rivers of Hunan Province in 1951-2009图4 1951~2009年湖南四水年径流量和年输沙量双累积曲线变化 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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