Scientia Geographica Sinica  2015 , 35 (5): 551-557

Orginal Article


曾文1, 吴启焰1, 张小林1, 向梨丽2

1.南京师范大学地理科学学院,江苏 南京 210023
2.成都市新都一中,四川 成都 610500

The New Features of Anti-coalition in China’s Urban Space: A Case Study of “No.94 yard” in Kunming

ZENG Wen1, WU Qi-yan1, ZHANG Xiao-lin1, XIANG Li-li2

1.Department of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023,China
2. Xindu District No.1 Middle School, Chengdu, Sichuan 610050,China

中图分类号:  F129.9

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2015)05-0551-07

通讯作者:  吴启焰,教授。

收稿日期: 2014-01-30

修回日期:  2014-04-30

网络出版日期:  2015-05-20

版权声明:  2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41271176、41371172)、江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXLX13_373)、江苏省优势学科建设基金、江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心资助


作者简介:曾 文(1987-),男,山东东营人,博士研究生,主要从事城乡规划与社会地理学研究。




关键词: 反增长联盟 ; 增长联盟 ; 城市政体 ; “94号院” ; 尺度变迁


This article takes the “No. 94 yard” in Kunming as an example and deconstructs the superstructure of the urban regime in it, then analyzes the mutual relations of each political economic group in the area of urban development. The anti-growth coalition in this case has successfully held back the growth strategy of the local growth coalition via the organized and multifaceted resistance, which indicates that the anti-growth coalition in China has developed and even matured in some way. The results show that the urban regime in this case presented two new features: 1) it has the feature of continuity, which demonstrates that the relation between the growth coalition and anti-growth coalition is not completely opposite, but forms a kind of cooperate-collide continuum, and it is continuously changing inside the growth coalition; 2) The urban regime also has the feature of scale. As the geographic scale becomes larger, the divergence between the growth coalition and anti-growth coalition gets greater, their attitudes are more entirely opposite, it is more inclined to dualism, and the anti-growth coalition would try to get more support from the third party so as to expand the discourse power in the competition; As the geographic scale becomes smaller, the attitudes of the two parties are vaguer, and the growth coalition gets more predominant and has more advantage of rule-making. And scale jumping becomes the focus of both sides, the anti-growth coalition strives to push up the scale, in contrast, the growth coalition tries hard to push down the scale.

Keywords: anti-growth coalition ; growth coalition ; urban regime ; “No.94 yard” ; scale jumping


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曾文, 吴启焰, 张小林, 向梨丽. 中国城市空间反增长联盟的新特征——基于昆明市“94号院”的实证分析[J]. , 2015, 35(5): 551-557

ZENG Wen, WU Qi-yan, ZHANG Xiao-lin, XIANG Li-li. The New Features of Anti-coalition in China’s Urban Space: A Case Study of “No.94 yard” in Kunming[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(5): 551-557




1 研究方法与研究区域概况

1.1 研究方法与资料获取


1.2 研究区概况

昆明作为相对落后西部地区的中心城市[21],2000年以来与东部沿海城市类似[22],亦经历大规模的旧城更新与改造,经济转型与中产阶层化[23]。 在此大背景下,本文研究对象为昆明市人民西路94号云南广播电视家属院(以下简称“94号院”),占地面积约3万m2,位于昆明市中心西侧,区位极佳(图1);同时居住区内部拥有完备的生活服务设施,包括幼儿园、停车场、网球场等。居住区外围楼层设有商铺,很多为居住区业主所有。院内居住的大部分为退休老人(相当一部分为退休老干部、抗战老战士)。


图1   “94号院”位置平面图

Fig.1   The location of “No.94 yard”

2 研究结果

2.1 “94号院案例发展经过


图2   “94号院”案例的发展

Fig.2   The agenda of “No.94 yard”

2.2 “94号院”案例中的各方利益集团


图3   “94号院”案例中城市政体上层建筑

Fig.3   The urban regime of “No.94 yard”

2.2.1 增长联盟


随着经济体制改革的不断深化,特别是分税制改革以来地方政府更加重视自身利益的发展。2000~2011年五华区房地投资额逐年攀升,同时占国内生产总值的比重在大部分年份都维持在15%以上(图4),其对GDP的贡献率亦呈现出波动中上升的趋势,在2010年更是达到了47.6%。房地产业对地方经济的拉动作用可见一斑。此外,地方政府还可以依靠旧城改造所征收的土地,通过招拍挂等方式获取巨额土地收让金收入[3]。在巨大经济利益的考量下地方政府对房地产业的态度显而易见,而对旧城(包括城中村)拆迁则是实现其目标的第一步。因此,在昆明市全面启动城中村拆迁改造计划后五华区政府也积极参与其中,在本案例高潮期发生的前2 a(即2008年)就已开启了对“94号院”的拆迁计划。


2.2.2 案例中的反增长联盟

不同于国内许多拆迁案例中居民温顺地听从政府意见或者一味强制抵抗,“94号院”案例中的小区居民组成反增长联盟进行有组织、多层面的反抗活动。“94号院”的反增长行为包括:① 在小区内贴出抗议横幅,小区居民自发捐钱印刷宣传材料;② 组成业主委员会,派专人轮流值班,不让陌生人员进入小区内;③ 由业主委员会向当地法院起诉区政府并联合省政协委员向中央政府提案;④ 联合云南知青网、网易等非官方媒体进行呼吁、抗争,寻求大众同情、理解和支持。案例中反增长联盟如此有组织、高效的反抗行为得益于小区居民的社会地位与身份关系。“94号院”的居民多为退休干部,拥有较高的知识水平,同时社会关系网络丰富,他们懂得运用各种社会资源和法律途径进行维权;同时单位制居民内部固有的团结意识以及很多退休干部曾为抗战老红军、老战士,都使得他们在强烈的维权反抗意识下更懂得如何高度组织起来抵制增长联盟。从调查中可以了解到小区居民懂得走法律程序向地方法院状告区政府,同时寻求上级政府(中央)的同情与支持。这正是弱势方冲破强势方的规制限制实现尺度上推进而在更大尺度反制强势方,从而扭转不平衡权力格局的典型。“94号院”居民的行为充分体现了其对尺度政治的运用[24]

2.2.3 媒体的作用


图4   2000~2011年五华区房地产投资完成额对GDP的贡献情况

Fig.4   The contribution of real estate investment to GDP in Wuhua District in 2000-2011

3 “94号院”案例中城市空间反增长联盟的特征分析


3.1 连续性


3.2 尺度性


同时,本案例也反映出明显的尺度政治效应。地理尺度越大,反增长联盟越能得到第三方的支持,在双方博弈中的话语权越大;反之,增长联盟则具有更多的规则制定优势,更具有主导和优先权。而尺度变迁[28](Scale Jumping)则成为反增长联盟与增长联盟之间关注的焦点:反增长联盟力求上推尺度(案例中居民通过上述地方中级人民法院、向中央政府反映情况、在报刊网络等媒体中宣传自身处境等),得到更多小尺度外的支持;增长联盟则尽力下压尺度(街道人员安抚居民不要过分宣扬事件),维持自身在小尺度范围内的优势。因此,增长联盟与反增长联盟之间的相互博弈在地理维度上亦构成政治尺度连续谱,与“合作—冲突”连续统共轭(图5)。

图5   城市政体上层建筑政治尺度连续谱

Fig.5   The continuous spectrum of political scale in urban regime

4 结 论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[23] 吴启焰,罗艳.


[J].城市规划, 2007,31(8):30~35.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

辨析了西方中产阶级化原理及特 征,剖析了中国的中产阶级化过程,分析了中国中产阶级化产生的历史和社会背景,并对中西方城市的中产阶级社会化与空间化在表现形式与动力机制等方面做了对 比研究,强调中国的中产阶级化与西方的中产阶级化过程尽管发展阶段与表现形式存在差异,但中西方城市中产阶级化具有异源同质性。指出随着国际化进程的推 进,中国中产阶级化会越来越具有国际化特征,与西方的中产阶级化后续演替具有相当的类似性。
[24] 刘云刚,王丰龙.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


杨艳辉. 动迁员盼94号院“开门”对话


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[28] Smith N.

Homeless/Global: scaling places

[C]//Bird J et al. Mapping the futures. London: Routledge, 1993:87-119.

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[1] Shin H B.

The right to the city and critical reflections on China's property rights activism

[J]. Antipode, 2013, 45(5): 1-23.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Top of page Abstract Introduction Contextualising the Right to the City: Whose Rights Count? Displacement, Nail-houses, and Property Rights Activism “Local Epistemology” of Nail-houses Rights Awareness and the Limits of Property Rights Activism Conclusion: Calling for the Right to the City in China Acknowledgements References Wholesale clearance and eviction that typify China's urban development have often resulted in discontents among urban residents, giving rise to what critics refer to as property rights activism. This paper is an attempt to critically revisit the existing debates on the property rights activism in China. The paper refers to the perspective of the “right to the city” to examine whose rights count in China's urban development contexts and proposes a cross-class alliance that engages both migrants and local citizens. The alliance itself will have substantial political implications, overcoming the limited level of rights awareness that mainly rests on distributional justice in China. The discussions are supported by an analysis of empirical data from the author's field research in Guangzhou, which examines how local and non-local (migrant) residents view nail-households resisting demolition and forced eviction.
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In recent years, urban governance has become increasingly preoccupied with the exploration of new ways in which to foster and encourage local development and employment growth. Such an entrepreneurial stance contrasts with the managerial practices of earlier decades which primarily focussed on the local provision of services, facilities and benefits to urban populations. This paper explores the context of this shift from managerialism to entrepreneurialism in urban governance and seeks to show how mechanisms of inter-urban competition shape outcomes and generate macroeconomic consequences. The relations between urban change and economic development are thereby brought into focus in a period characterised by considerable economic and political instability.
[3] 吴启焰,曾文.


[J].地理研究,2011,30(10):1847~1860.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

"地王"现象作为一种城市政治经济现象,是中国城市社会经济发展的必然结果。本文首先对国内外城市政治经济理论进行了回顾,然后运用其中的城市政体论与增 长机器论对"地王"现象的上层建筑进行了解构,通过分析该现象背后各利益集团之间相互作用的机制,认为"地王"这一土地投机泡沫现象,是城市尺度内土地开 发领域的各方政治经济群体博弈的城市政治经济后果,并且"地王"现象中的增长机器与城市政体内权力组织有以下几方面的特点:(1)地方政府在增长联盟中处 于支配地位,是增长联盟的核心;(2)中央政府对增长联盟有着绝对的、最终的调控能力;(3)增长联盟与反增长联盟构成"合作—冲突"连续统。(4)增长 机器与政体类型会随着地方政府财政收支平衡能力和社会国民意识的发育而发生变化,在地理或历史维度上呈现从发展政治策略到社会福利策略的时空上连续过渡。 此外,与西方案例有异,中国城市政体/增长机器突破了城市内部的局限,将增长联盟的博弈从地方、场所推到了国家的层面。
[4] Stoker G.

Theory and urban politics

[J]. International Political Science Review,1998,19(2):119-129.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article presents the main themes in the theoretical debates taking place in urban political theory. The first debate is around the analysis of community power and its renewal through such theoretical approaches as growth machines and urban regime theory. The analysis of urban protest is a second debate and the author suggests that the renewal of this analysis should come through the investigation of third force organizations, neither private nor public. The third and final debate is that regarding the emergence of contextual theory, including approaches relating to globalization and regulation theory. The article concludes that urban political science has remained open to new theoretical approaches.
[5] Molotch H.

The city as a growth machine: toward a political economy of place

[J]. The American Journal of Sociology,1976,82(2): 326-329.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

green urbanism–unknown to most of the world at the time the Brundtland Commission publishedits chambers of commerce; it becomes a part of the statesman talk of editorialists and politicalofficials. Such people do not speak of growth as useful to profits–rather, they speak ofit
[6] Fainstein N, Fainstein S.

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[10] Feagin J R.Talling the social cost of urban growth under capitalism: the case of Houston[C]//Cummings S, et al.Business Elites and Urban Development. Albany: State University of New York Press,1988:205-234.

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[11] Vogel R K, Swanson B E.

The growth machine versus the antigrowth coalition: the battle for our communities

[J]. Urban Affairs Review,1989,25(1):63-85.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In 1987, in their book Urban Fortune: The Political Economy of Place , Logan and Molotch argued that growth is not usually in the community interest. They proposed a strategy to alter the ability of business to force cities to compete for capital. This strategy depends upon the antigrowth coalition winning its struggle against the growth machine in individual communities. But the issue of growth is more complex than suggested by a growth/no growth dichotomy. The real issue facing localities is how to attract, direct, or repel growth to serve the community interest. In this article, we consider (1) whether growth management can resolve the power struggle between pro- and antigrowth forces and (2) whether growth management can encourage communities to undertake a search for the public interest.
[12] Zhang T.

Urban development and a socialist pro-growth coalition in Shanghai

[J]. Urban Affairs Reviews,2002,37(4):475-499.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT The author analyzes pro-growth coalitions in Shanghai, China, a socialist society, and identifies two dimensions in coalition building: the political dimension and the economic dimension. Concepts of regime theory work well with the economic dimension but differ from the political dimension of urban governance of the city. So regime theory, which is developed based on experiences in the United States, may partly be applied in the socialist context. The study reveals features of the socialist pro-growth coalition in Shanghai in the transitional era: a regimecharacter ized by a strong local government followed by cooperative nonpublic sectors with excluded community organizations.
[13] Wu F.

China’s recent urban development in the process of land and housing marketisation and economic globalization

[J]. Habitat International, 2001,25(3):273-289.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The postreform landscape is characterised by the formation of a more market-oriented system and the ‘open-door’ policy. Economic globalisation and marketisation, especially in the arena of urban land and housing, are becoming the key variables determining the postreform urban development in China. Since China opened its door in 1978, foreign investment has continued to flow into the cities and played a vital role in urban development. In the first round of economic reform (1978–1992) urban policies were formulated under the internal constraints of a socialist system. Since 1992 onwards, however, substantial marketisation in land and housing and the inflow of foreign capital into real estate have begun to qualitatively change the scene of urban development. Now China is moving closer to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) membership. The ‘synergetic’ effect of global and local forces will continue to transform urban China. This paper therefore aims to offer an initial examination of these two variables and then to explore of the implications for urban planning and real estate growth.
[14] Zhu J.

Local growth coalition: the context and implication of China’s gradualist urban land reforms

[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1999, 23(3):534-548.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

China's urban land reforms are being implemented within a framework of general economic reforms which are gradualist in nature. Thus, the urban land reforms are moving step by step towards the establishment of a land market. This gradualism is developing in association with a redefinition of central-local intergovernmental relations in the reform era, and with the advent of localism. In this context, gradual urban land reforms have become an implicit programme to nurture local enterprises and developers, a means of fostering local government-enterprise coalitions and an instrument to strengthen local government's position in local development. During the systematic transition toward a socialist market economy, booming Chinese cities are formulating informal local 'urban regimes' to compete for local growth by capitalizing on financial gains derived from a dual market of urban land and property development. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1999.
[15] 张京祥,吴佳,殷洁.


[J].城市规划,2007,31(12):26-36.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国的城市土地储备制度是在特 定发展环境和特定土地使用规制体系中的一项制度创新,是分权化改革与土地市场化改革相叠合的产物,它强化了转型期中国地方政府的企业化治理特征。文章通过 对南京的实证研究,揭示了土地储备制度对城市空间演化的种种正、负效应,并运用城市增长机器理论剖析了政府在土地储备过程中对短期利益的述求。文章认为, 当前中国许多城市实施的土地储备制度具有极大的功利性,其对城市发展中的公共利益难以保障,并直接导致了政府行为的寻租,影响了城市长远的可持续发展。建 设社会主义和谐社会的目标,要求任何一项制度创新必须以综合效益作为其制度设计成功与否的检验标准。
[16] He S, Wu F.

Property-led redevelopment in post-reform China: A Case study of Xintiandi redevelopment project in Shanghai

[J]. Journal of Urban Affairs, 2005, 27(1):1-23.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

: Urban redevelopment in China has experienced great transformation. Government-backed redevelopment has been replaced by privately funded and property-led redevelopment. This article discerns the impetus of ongoing property-led redevelopment. A case study of the Xintiandi project in Shanghai reveals how property-led redevelopment actually works. Pro-growth coalitions between local government and developers are formed. Despite its role as capital provider, the private sector is still regulated by the government due to its negligible influence on local governance. The government controls the direction and pace of urban redevelopment through policy intervention, financial leverages, and governance of land leasing. Property-led redevelopment is driven by diverse motivations of different levels of the government, e.g. transforming urban land use functions, showing off the entrepreneurial capability of local government, and maximizing negotiated land benefits. Driven by profit seeking, some thriving urban neighborhoods are displaced by high-value property development, and suffer from uneven redevelopment.
[17] Yang Y, Chang C.

An urban regeneration regime in China: A case study of urban redevelopment in Shanghai’s Taipingqiao area

[J]. Urban Studies,2007,44(9):1809-1826.      URL      摘要

This article investigates Taipingqiao urban redevelopment projects in Shanghai that have conserved the traditional 'Shikumen' architectural form with the goal of exploring the driving-forces behind Shanghai's spatial restructuring and to shed light on the new mechanisms for public-private partnership evolving in China. A model called a 'rent gap seeking regime' (RGSR) is proposed to explain the mechanisms behind China's urban redevelopment. It is found that the logic of capital accumulation has dominated the reshaping of Shikumen's spatial forms and has been transformed into symbolic real estate values. It is argued that a pro-growth coalition between district government and foreign capital emerged during this process of urban restructuring; the paper analyses the features of how this coalition exercises power. Finally, based on empirical research, the paper engages Western regime analysis in a theoretical dialogue.
[18] 罗小龙, 沈建法.


[J]. 城市规划, 2006, 30(3): 48~52.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在增长联盟的理论视角下,以江阴经济开发区靖江园区为例,从参与 者互动和联盟形成过程两个理论角度审视了中国城市化进程中的增长联盟与反增长联盟.在理论上丰富了我国城市中地方政府-企业增长联盟的研究.研究也发现, 在城市化进程中出现的农民自发抵制增长的活动已经逐渐形成反增长联盟.其原因主要包括土地征用、不合理的拆迁政策和农民缺乏就业渠道.本研究的发现可为健 康城市化和促进农村人口的转移提供启迪.
[19] Shen J F.

Scale, state and the city: Urban transformation in post-reform China

[J]. Habitat International,2007, 31:303-316.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 刘云刚,叶清露.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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