Scientia Geographica Sinica  2015 , 35 (6): 765-772

Orginal Article


张延伟123, 葛全胜1, 魏文寿4, 郑景云1

1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
2.商丘师范学院环境与规划学院,河南 商丘 476000
3.山西师范大学地理科学学院, 山西 临汾 041000
4.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011

Application of HOMR-HOM for Homogenization to North Xinjiang Daily Maxima and Minimum Temperature Series During 1961-2010

ZHANG Yan-wei123, GE Quan-sheng1, WEI Wen-shou4, ZHENG Jing-yun1

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2. College of Environment and Planning, Shangqiu and Normal University, Shangqiu, Henan 476000, China
3. College of Geographical Science, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, Shanxi 041000, China
4. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China

中图分类号:  P426.6

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2015)06-0765-08

通讯作者:  葛全胜,研究员。

收稿日期: 2014-01-17

修回日期:  2014-04-22

网络出版日期:  2015-06-20

版权声明:  2015 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  973计划项目(2010CB950101)中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目(XDA05080100)国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAC23B01)河南省教育厅项目(2014-qn-151)和国家社会科学基金项目(14CJY077)资助





在实际的气象观察中,受站点迁移、城市化及仪器更换等影响,气象观测数据往往存在不均一性。这种不均一性会掩盖气候变化的真相、造成气候变化诊断结果的失真。因此,观测数据序列均一化具有重要的科学和实际意义。选择1961~2010年期间北疆地区37个气象站点(其中14个站点发生过大的迁移,迁移次数达17次之多),首先以乌鲁木齐站点为例子,说明新的HOMR-HOM方法数据断点检测和数据订正过程。然后,对北疆地区逐日最高气温和最低气温进行均一化处理。结果表明:① 新的均一化HOMR-HOM方法能较好的检测断点和订正北疆地区的逐日气温数据;② 经过均一化处理,北疆地区最高气温观测数据比均一化后数据高,最低气温观测数据比均一化后数据低。

关键词: 北疆 ; HOMR-HOM ; 最高气温 ; 最低气温


Human activities and the environment are greatly affected by climate and weather extremes. A growing interest in extreme climate events is motivated by the vulnerability of our society to the impacts of such events. In the world, the occurrence of flood over the seven big river valleys is of high frequency, and both flood and geological disasters increased due to the increase of intense precipitation events and the consequent increase of their concentration degree. In practice, climate data is inhomogenous meteorological observations series in northern Xinjiang. Climate data is affected by meteorological site migration, meteorological instruments to replace, change the number of observations, urbanization, and so on. In present study, we applied HOMER-HOM methods to detect and adjust the inhomogeneities of daily temperature series. Based on the HOMER-HOM method, we analyzed the inhomogeneities in daily maxima and minimum temperature series at Urumqi station caused by relocations in 1976, 1999 and 2002. Comper of Meta data, we find Urumqi station relocation in 1975 and in 1999, instrument replacement in 2003. It shows that the HOMER-HOM method is a good effect method. The adjusted series exhibited a long-term daily maxima and minimum temperature series for the annual mean series during 1961-2010, in which the daily maxima temperature series bias is high by comparison of correct data and the daily minimum temperature series bias is low by comparison of correct data.

Keywords: Northern Xinjiang ; HOMR-HOM ; maximum temperature ; minimum temperature


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张延伟, 葛全胜, 魏文寿, 郑景云. 应用新方法HOMR-HOM均一化1961~2010年北疆最高和最低气温[J]. , 2015, 35(6): 765-772

ZHANG Yan-wei, GE Quan-sheng, WEI Wen-shou, ZHENG Jing-yun. Application of HOMR-HOM for Homogenization to North Xinjiang Daily Maxima and Minimum Temperature Series During 1961-2010[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(6): 765-772





1 研究区域与数据


检查元数据记录发现,乌鲁木齐站在1961~2010年中有过2次迁站,分别为1975年12月31日由乌鲁木齐市西郊机场迁址到乌鲁木齐市南门幸福路(东侧),1999年12月31日由乌鲁木齐市南门幸福路 27 号迁址到乌鲁木齐市建国路 97 号。此外,还存在8次左右的仪器更换。

2 气温的均一化

2.1 PRODIGE断点检测方法



Y̅=1ni=1nYiYj¯=1nji=tj-1+1tjYi,j=1,…,k+1 Yi(i=1,2,…,n)为时间序列; τ1, τ2,…, τkk个断点的位置;K={ τ1, τ2,…, τk} {1,2,3,…,n}为所有断点的集合; nj=τj-τj-1|τj-1+1,τj|的长度。





图1   研究区域及站点分布

Fig.1   The distribution of weather station in the study area

图2   乌鲁木齐站与参考站的差值序列(|代表断点)

Fig.2   The differences between the annual minimum temperature sequences of Urumqi station and the reference station

图3   乌鲁木齐站断点检测(乌鲁木齐站与参考站的差值序列对比检测到的断点位置,从顶部到底部站点是按标准差的残差减小的顺序排列。从上到下,对比得到断点的可靠性增加)

Fig.3   The detected breakpoints for time series of the annual minmum temperature at Urumqi station

2.2 ACMANT断点检测方法

ACMANT(Adapted Caussinus Mestre Algorithm for Networks of Temperature series) [20]是新的均一化方法。它主要是根据PRODIGE方法在季节非均一性和周期上的修改,研究气温时间序列的季节非均一化的检测。ACMANT方法已经被COST ES0601(Advances in homogenisation methods of climate series: an integrated approach HOME )工作组证明能很好的使用于中高纬度地区的气温数据集的均一化。



图4   乌鲁木齐站断点位置

Fig.4   The breakpoints for Urumqi station

2.3 逐日气温订正

逐日气候数据序列的非均一性订正更多的是考虑了气候序列的平均态和中心趋势。而Della-Marta和Wanner[21]的HOM方法(Hight Order Moder method)则考虑了非均一性对气候极值的影响,实现了对逐日气候序列的均值和站点概率密度函数高阶矩的订正。

根据 HOMER(Homogenisation R language method)方法得到的北疆地区37个站点的断点的情况,再利用HOM方法(Hight Order Moder method)对这37个站点进行逐日最高气温和最低气温均一化。这种新的均一化逐日气温数据的方法,命名为HOMR-HOM。应用HOMR-HOM方法,建立1961~2010年北疆地区逐日最高气温和最低气温均一化的数据集。

以乌鲁木齐站为例来描述逐日最低气温的订正过程。以上基于HOMER方法进行断点检测得到乌鲁木齐最低气温的断点发生1975年、1999年和2002年,断点情况与元数据迁移时期基本相符。同时,HOM方法要求待检站和参考站有比较高的相关性,在限制的时间段内,待检站和参考站都应该是均一的,称为均一区间 (HSPs)。乌鲁木齐站及参考站(昌吉、吉木萨尔、克拉玛依、米泉、沙湾、天池)的断点经过检测得到记录图(图5),基本与元数据站点迁移及仪器更改时期相符。

图5   乌鲁木齐站和参考站断点情况

Fig.5   The Urumqi station and the reference station of breakpoint

现在以乌鲁木齐站春季的均一化订正为例说明HOM方法订正的主要过程[21]:① 定义待检站的HSPs,选择一个相关性最好的参考站,使得参考站的HSP能够覆盖待检站的HSP1(均一区间1)和HSP2(均一区间2)。② 利用非线性模型对待检站的HSP1和参考站进行拟合,并使用参考站与待检站的非均一性后期的(HSP2)重合的数据来预测待检站的HSP2的气温,待检站(HSP2)的观测值与预测值产生差值序列。③ 拟合待检站HSP1和HSP2的概率分布,根据待检站的HSP1概率分布的十分位值,对差值序列进行区间划分。④ 利用平滑变化函数对区间差值进行拟合,来获得每个百分位的估计订正量;由待检站HSP2的概率分布,确定HSP2中每个观测值所在的百分位,对其进行订正;完成待检站的逐日气温的均一化。

HOM方法要求,参考站点与待检测站点之间必须有较高的相关性。在对待检测站的HSPs和参考站点进行非线性拟合时,从待检测站点最近的非均一性站点开始检测。必须使得参考序列的HSPs至少要涵盖非均一性前期3 a和非均一性后期3 a。但是在许多情况下,一个参考站也许只能适用于涵盖待检测站中的某一个HSPs,而不能适用于待检测站点所有的HSPs,这时对待检测站点进行均一化处理时,需要至少多于1个参考站点。

在2.1中HOMER检测已知,乌鲁木齐站在1976年、1999年、2002年存在断点,那么它就涵盖4段均一性区间HSP1(1961~1976),HSP2(1976~1999),HSP3(2000~2002),HSP4(2003~2010)。本节以乌鲁木齐站秋季逐日最低气温为例,选择4段均一性区间中的HSP1(1961~1976)为基准,分别选取涵盖断点1976年非均一性前期3 a和非均一性后期3 a的吉木萨尔、米泉、克拉玛依作为参考站。

1) 非线性模型拟合

使用非线性局部加权回归模型LOESS (nonliner locally weighted regression)[20]来对非均一前期待检测(yi)和参考站(xi)的逐日最低气温进行线性拟合。平滑模型为:


其中,g为回归函数,i是第i个观测值(i=1,2,…,Nmodel (观测值总个数)), εi是随机误差。在模型(1)中,平滑参数a(a>0),局部拟合多项式的阶数 λ(0,1,2)和随机误差 εi的分布(高斯分布或均匀分布)决定着回归函数g。在HOM方法中,选择随机误差 εi的分布为高斯分布,这样可以减少远离拟合曲线的离散点。可以根据待检测站和参考站的相关系数和观察值的函数来作为设定参数的标准,参数设定的详细标准见文献[21]。


2) 百分位订正

根据乌鲁木齐站HSP1的累积概率分布将乌鲁木齐站HSP2观测值和模型拟合值之间的差值进行区间划分。HSP1和HSP2的累积概率分布(CDF)是L-moments[22]理论拟合,并使用分布拟合检验Kolmogorov-Smirnov test(K-S检验[40]) 对6种最优拟合分布的比较,对乌鲁木齐站的HSP1和HSP2的分布选用GEV分布。HSP2的分布已经得到,确定每个观测值所在的百分位(根据平滑变化的参数对区间十分位的差值拟合得到百分位的估计修订)进行修正。订正曲线呈现下降趋势,说明乌鲁木齐站HSP2的逐日最低气温变化应小于HSP1逐日最低气温变化值。对于所有的十分位差值的修正均值为+0.72°C。

将HSP1和基于HSP1修正的HSP2逐日最低气温变化看作新的HSP1,然后同样的方法,使 HSP3均一化到HSP1,最后将HSP4均一化到HSP1,这样得到乌鲁木齐站点秋季逐日最低气温的均一化值。HSP3、HSP4的非线性模拟、累计概率分布、百分位订正。将以上方法应用于其他3个季节,可以得到乌鲁木齐站长期逐日最低气温的数据。

2.4 均一化的验证



2.5 气温订正结果

经计算得到37个站50 a年平均最低气温订正前为-0.22°C,订正后为 -0.20°C,年平均最高气温订正前为12.6°C,订正后为12.34°C。图6a,图6b分别为订正后的年平均最低/最高气温与订正前的年平均最低/最高气温的差值分布,可以看出订正幅度基本在 -0.8~+0.8°C之间,订正后北疆地区最低气温大多数台站较订正前气温变高;订正后北疆地区最高气温大多数台站较订正前气温变低。

图6   原序列年平均最低气温与订正后的年平均最低气温的差值(°C) (a);原序列年平均最高气温与订正后的年平均最高气温的差值(°C) (b)

Fig.6   Difference (°C) between original sequence of annual mean minimum temperature and the revised annual average minimum temperature(a), difference (°C) between original sequence of annual mean maximum temperature and the revised annual average maximum temperature(b)

3 结果和讨论


1) 新组合均一化逐日气温的方法-HOMR-HOM方法,通过案例分析,可以较好的检测断点和订正数据。通过订正后北疆地区大多数台站较订正前气温存在一定的差异,这说明观察数据存在一定的问题。均一化后的数据集的使用,会逐渐和以往观察数据得出结论做比较,来确定数据集能否直接用来进行极端气候事件研究。

2) 以乌鲁木齐为例的研究表明,新的均一化方法可以很好的应用到北疆地区的逐日气候均一化研究。但是,该方法不能只能在中高纬度地区进行研究,具有一定的局限性。

3) 应用该方法对逐日最高气温和最低气温进行了均一化订正,得到北疆地区逐日最高气温和最低气温数据集。研究发现北疆地区观测最高气温数据比均一化后数据高,观测最低气温数据比均一化后数据低。

4) 得到的均一化数据集为未来北疆地区极端气候变化研究打下了良好的数据基础。均一化数据集,可以减少人为因素对气候变化研究影响,具有重要的研究价值。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Recent Changes in Climate Extremes in the Caribbean Region

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 2002, 107: 4601-4601.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[1] A January 2001 workshop held in Kingston, Jamaica, brought together scientists and data from around the Caribbean region and made analysis of indices of extremes derived from daily weather observation in the region possible. The results of the analyses indicate that the percent of days having very warm maximum or minimum temperatures increased strongly since the late 1950s while the percent of days with very cold temperatures decreased. One measure of extreme precipitation shows an increase over this time period while the one analyzed measure of dry conditions, the maximum number of consecutive dry days, is decreasing. These changes generally agree with what is observed in many other parts of the world.
[2] Parker D E.

Effects of Changing Exposure of Thermometers at Land Stations

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 1994, 14: 1-31.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In view of the implications for the assessment of climatic changes since the mid-nineteenth century, systematic changes of exposure of thermometers at land stations are reviewed. Particular emphasis is laid on changes of exposure during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century when shelters often differed considerably from the Stevenson screens, and variants thereof, which have been prevalent during the past few decades. It is concluded that little overall bias in land surface air temperature has accumulated since the late nineteenth century: however, the earliest extratropical data may have been biased typically 0.2掳C warm in summer and by day, and similarly cold in winter and by night, relative to modern observations. Furthermore, there is likely to have been a warm bias in the tropics in the early twentieth century: this bias, implied by comparisons between Stevenson screens and the tropical sheds then in use, is confirmed by comparisons between coastal land surface air temperatures and nearby marine surface temperatures, and was probably of the order of 0.2掳C.
[3] Nordli P O, Alexandersson H, Frich P.

The Effect of Radiation Screens on Nordic Time Series of Mean Temperature

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 1997, 17: 1667-1681.<1667::AID-JOC221>3.0.CO;2-D      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract A short survey of the historical development of temperature radiation screens is given based upon research in the archives of the Nordic meteorological institutes. In the middle of the nineteenth century most thermometer stands were open shelters, free-standing or fastened to a window or wall. Most of these were soon replaced by wall or window screens, i.e. small wooden or metal cages. Large free-standing screens were also introduced in the nineteenth century, but it took to the 1980s before they had replaced the wall screens completely in all Nordic countries. During recent years, small cylindrical screens suitable for automatic weather stations have been introduced. At some stations they have replaced the ordinary free-standing screen as part of a gradual move towards automation. The first free-standing screens used in the Nordic countries were single louvred. They were later improved by double louvres. Compared with observations from ventilated thermometers the monthly mean temperatures in the single louvred screens were 0·2–0·4°C higher during May–August, whereas in the double louvred screens the temperatures were unbiased. Unless the series are adjusted, this improvement may lead to inhomogeneities in long climatic time series. The change from wall screen to free-standing screen also involved a relocation from the microclimatic influence of a house to a location free from obstacles. Tests to evaluate the effect of relocation by parallel measurements yielded variable results. However, the bulk of the tests showed no effect of the relocation in winter, whereas in summer the wall screen tended to be slightly warmer (0·0–0·3°C) than the double louvred screen. At two Norwegian sites situated on steep valley slopes, the wall screen was ca . 0·5°C colder in midwinter. The free-standing Swedish shelter, which was used at some stations up to 1960, seems to have been overheated in spring and summer (maximum overheating of about 0·4°C in early summer). The new screen for automatic sensors appears to be unbiased compared with the ordinary free-standing screen concerning monthly mean temperature. 08 1997 Royal Meteorological Society.
[4] David W P, Tapash D, Daniel R, et al.

Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation using statistical and dynamical downscaling

[J]. Climate Dynamics, 2012, 40:839-856.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Sixteen global general circulation models were used to develop probabilistic projections of temperature (T) and precipitation (P) changes over California by the 2060s. The global models were downscaled with two statistical techniques and three nested dynamical regional climate models, although not all global models were downscaled with all techniques. Both monthly and daily timescale changes in T and P are addressed, the latter being important for a range of applications in energy use, water management, and agriculture. The T changes tend to agree more across downscaling techniques than the P changes. Year-to-year natural internal climate variability is roughly of similar magnitude to the projected T changes. In the monthly average, July temperatures shift enough that that the hottest July found in any simulation over the historical period becomes a modestly cool July in the future period. Januarys as cold as any found in the historical period are still found in the 2060s, but the median and maximum monthly average temperatures increase notably. Annual and seasonal P changes are small compared to interannual or intermodel variability. However, the annual change is composed of seasonally varying changes that are themselves much larger, but tend to cancel in the annual mean. Winters show modestly wetter conditions in the North of the state, while spring and autumn show less precipitation. The dynamical downscaling techniques project increasing precipitation in the Southeastern part of the state, which is influenced by the North American monsoon, a feature that is not captured by the statistical downscaling.
[5] Camuffo D.

Errors in Early Temperature Series Arising from Changes in Style of Measuring Time, Sampling Schedule and Number of Observations

[J]. Climatic Change, 2002, 53:331-352.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Study of the Padova series (1725鈥搕oday) is a useful example, of general interest, of a critical revision of long time series. These are composed of a number of inhomogeneous parts, each of them with mean daily values, and extremes, computed in different ways, based on observations taken at different times, or with the time expressed in different styles. Imprecise clocks, little care for the schedule established for meteorological readings, changing style of evaluating time, inappropriate choice of observing schedules, too small a number of readings to compute the daily average, generated errors that caused significant departures in time series, that could be interpreted as a climate signal. In the past, average values were obtained with only a few daily measurements. The first problem is to correct the data and extrapolate the hourly temperatures needed to evaluate the daily minimum, maximum and average values in a homogeneous way. The change of style in temporal reference introduced spurious seasonal changes. Styles (or combinations of styles) used were: Italian time in use till 1789, in which the hours were computed starting from twilight; apparent solar time based on the actual motion of the sun; mean solar time based on the average motion of the sun; local time referred to the actual passage of the sun across the local meridian (local culmination); French time starting at midnight and regulated on the local culmination; Western European Time regulated on the culmination of fictitious average solar motion on a reference meridian 15掳 East. A test was performed to verify whether the times chosen for readings were appropriate, in particular when observations were performed not close to the daily minimum and maximum. In effect, in the early period with Morgagni and Toaldo, the choice of schedule of observations was good, but afterwards the introduction of new observations, not always established at the most appropriate schedule, reduced the representativity of the data. The error in calculating the daily average temperature after a given number of observations taken at different hours of the day has been analysed. National, and especially international recommendations have been particularly important in the choice of observations times, and in determining averages. These recommendations have been simultaneously applied on a large number of sites, causing an in-homogeneity that may be misinterpreted as a well-documented, widespread climate change.
[6] Trewin B.

Effects of Changes in Algorithms Used for the Calculation of Australian Mean Temperature

[J]. Australian Meteorological Magazine, 2004, 53: 1-11.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[7] 李庆祥, 刘小宁, 张洪政, .


[J]. 气象科技, 2003, 31(1): 3~10.

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Alexandersson H.

A homogeneity test applied to precipitation data

[J]. Journal of Climatology, 1986, 6: 661-675.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In climate research it is important to have access to reliable data which are free from artificial trends or changes. One way of checking the reliability of a climate series is to compare it with surrounding stations. This is the idea behind all tests of the relative homogeneity. Here we will present a simple homogeneity test and apply it to a precipitation data set from south-western Sweden. More precisely we will apply it to ratios between station values and some reference values. The reference value is a form of a mean value from surrounding stations. It is found valuable to include short and incomplete series in the reference value. The test can be used as an instrument for quality control as far as the mean level of, for instance, precipitation is concerned. In practice it should be used along with the available station history. Several non-homogeneities are present in these series and probably reflect a serious source of uncertainty in studies of climatic trends and climatic change all over the world. The significant breaks varied from 5 to 25 per cent for this data set. An example illustrates the importance of using relevant climatic normals that refer to the present measurement conditions in constructing maps of anomalies.
[9] Gullett D W, Vincent L,

Sajecki P J F. Testing for Homogeneity in Temperature Time Series at Canadian Climate Stations

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 1999, 19: 1375-1388.

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[10] Easterling D, Peterson T.

A New Method for Detecting Undocumented Discontinuities in Climatological Time Series

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 1995, 15: 369-377.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The development of homogeneous climatological time series is a crucial step in examining climate fluctuations and change. We review and test methods that have been proposed previously for detecting inhomogeneities, and introduce a new method we have developed. This method is based on a combination of regression analysis and non-parametric statistics. After evaluation against other techniques, using both simulated and observed data, our technique appears to have the best overall performance.
[11] Perreault L, Bernier J, Bobee B, et al.

Bayesian change-point analysis in hydrometeorological time series

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2000, 235: 221-241.

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[12] Vincent L A.

A technique for the identification of inhomogeneities in Canadian temperature series

[J]. Journal of Climatology, 1998, 11: 1094-1104.

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[13] Vincent L A, Zhang X, Bonsal B R, et al.

Homogenization of daily temperatures over Canada

[J]. Journal of Climate, 2002, 15(11): 1322-1334.

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[14] Szentimrey T.Multiple analysis of series for homogenisation (MASH), in Proceedings of the Second seminar for Homogenisation of Surface Climatological Data, 720 WCDMP, No. 41, WMO-TD No. 962, 1999.

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[15] Szentimrey T.

Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization (MASHv3.03). Hungarian Meteorological Service H-1525, P.O. Box 38, Budapest,

Hungary, 2012.

[16] Szentimrey T.

The manual of Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization (MASH). Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary. 2008. [Available from


URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[17] Li Z, Yan Z W.

Application of multiple analysis of series for homogenization (MASH) to Beijing daily temperature series 1960-2006

[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2010, 27(4): 777-787.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Homogenization of climate observations remains a challenge to climatechange researchers, especially in cases where metadata (e.g., probable dates ofbreak points) are not always available. To examine the influence of metadata onhomogenizing climate data, the authors applied the recently developed MultipleAnalysis of Series for Homogenization (MASH) method to the Beijing (BJ) dailytemperature series for 1960--2006 in three cases with different references: (1)13M---considering metadata at BJ and 12 nearby stations; (2)13NOM---considering the same 13 stations without metadata; and (3)21NOM---considering 20 further stations and BJ without metadata. The estimatedmean annual, seasonal, and monthly inhomogeneities are similar between the 13Mand 13NOM cases, while those in the 21NOM case are slightly different. Thedetected biases in the BJ series corresponding to the documented relocationdates are as low as -0.71<sup>o</sup>C, -0.79<sup>o</sup>C, and -0.5<sup>o</sup>Cfor the annual mean in the 3 cases, respectively. Otherbiases, including those undocumented in metadata, are minor. The resultssuggest that any major inhomogeneity could be detected via MASH, albeit withminor differences in estimating inhomogeneities based on the differentreferences. The adjusted annual series showed a warming trend of 0.337, 0.316,and 0.365<sup>o</sup>C (10 yr)<sup>-1</sup> for the three cases, respectively, smallerthan the estimate of 0.453<sup>o</sup>C (10 yr)<sup>-1</sup> in the original series,mainly due to the relocation-induced biases. The impact of the MASH-typehomogenization on estimates of climate extremes in the daily temperature seriesis also discussed.
[18] Caussinus H, Lyazrhi F.

Choosing a linear model with a random number of change-points and outliers

[J]. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 1997, 49(4): 761-775.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The problem of determining a normal linear model with possible perturbations, viz. change-points and outliers, is formulated as a problem of testing multiple hypotheses, and a Bayes invariant optimal multi-decision procedure is provided for detecting at most k (k > 1) such perturbations. The asymptotic form of the procedure is a penalized log-likelihood procedure which does not depend on the loss function nor on the prior distribution of the shifts under fairly mild assumptions. The term which penalizes too large a number of changes (or outliers) arises mainly from realistic assumptions about their occurrence. It is different from the term which appears in Akaike‘s or Schwarz‘ criteria, although it is of the same order as the latter. Some concrete numerical examples are analyzed.
[19] Domonkos P, Poza R, Efthymiadis D.

Newest developments of ACMANT

[J]. Advances in Science and Research, 2011, 6: 7-11.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The seasonal cycle of radiation intensity often causes a marked seasonal cycle in the inhomogeneities (IHs) of observed temperature time series, since a substantial portion of them have direct or indirect connection to radiation changes in the micro-environment of the thermometer. Therefore the magnitudes of temperature IHs tend to be larger in summer than in winter. A new homogenisation method, the Adapted Caussinus 鈥 Mestre Algorithm for Networks of Temperature series (ACMANT) has recently been developed which treats appropriately the seasonal changes of IH-sizes in temperature time series. The performance of ACMANT was proved to be among the best methods (together with PRODIGE and MASH) in the efficiency test procedure of COST ES0601 project. A further improved version of the ACMANT is described in this paper. In the new version the ANOVA procedure is applied for correcting inhomogeneities, and with this change the iterations applied in the earlier version have become unnecessary. Some other modifications have also been made, from which the most important one is the new way for estimating the timings of IHs. With these modifications the efficiency of the ACMANT has become even higher, therefore its use is strongly recommended when networks of monthly temperature series from mid- or high geographical latitudes are subjected to homogenisation. The paper presents the main properties and the operation of the new ACMANT.
[20] Cleveland W S, Devlin S J.

Locally-weighted fitting: An approach to fitting analysis by local fitting

[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1988, 83: 596-610.

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[21] Della-Marta P M, Wanner H.

A method of homogenizing the extremes and mean of daily temperature measurements

[J]. Journal of Climate, 2006, 19(17): 4179-4197.

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[22] Hosking J R M.

L-Moments: Analysis and Estimation of Distributions Using Linear Combinations of Order Statistics

[J]. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 1990, 52(1): 105-124.

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