Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (3): 335-341

Orginal Article


褚艳玲, 宫之光, 杨忠振

大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁 大连 116026

The Spatial Pattern of China Air Cargo Transportation in 21st Century

Chu Yanling, Gong Zhiguang, Yang Zhongzhen

Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China

中图分类号:  F562.3

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)03-0335-07

收稿日期: 2015-03-9

修回日期:  2015-07-19

网络出版日期:  2016-03-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(3132012076)资助





基于标准差椭圆和空间基尼系数,利用2001~2012年机场和航段的数据对中国航空货运空间变化特征进行分析,为制定航空货运产业发展战略和优化航空货运网络布局提供决策参考。结果表明:① 航空货运的空间格局和经济格局分布一致,航空货运中心由东南沿海地区向西北内陆方向移动;② 航空货运网络由混合式网络向轴辐式枢纽网络转化,由单一机场枢纽发展形成了京津、沪杭、广深和成渝4个组合枢纽;③ 航空货运在机场和航段上分布趋于分散;④ 航空货运主通道集中了30%以上的运输量。

关键词: 航空货运 ; 标准差椭圆 ; 空间基尼系数 ; 主通道


The domestic express market in China expands quickly since 2000. Air cargo transportation industry becomes a new growth point in China civil aviation transportation industry. In 2012, China civil aviation cargo turnover volume is 57.44×108 tn-km, second behind US in the world. China air transportation varies from both time and space with the international air freight transportation market change and domestic air freight transportation rise. Air freight transportation is a very important part of air transportation and flight network is its spatial carrier to provide air transport service. Illustration of China air transportation feature and its spatial pattern to both air freight transportation industry and aviation industry will contribute to formulate aviation industry development strategy, which has a very important theoretical significance and practical value to China air freight transportation industry development and airline network layout optimization. The air transportation and its spatial pattern are the important topics in air transport field in China. Currently concerning studies are mainly focusing on the passenger traffic. Thus, this paper analyzes the spatial pattern and temporal evolution of air cargo transportation in China based on SDE and Spatial Gini index. SDE is used to describe temporal process of the element spatial distribution. Spatial Gini index is used to measure element concentration in network. With domestic airport and flight segment data from 2001 to 2012, this paper calculates SDE and Spatial Gini index to describe China air cargo transportation and its spatial pattern. The result shows: 1) The spatial pattern of the air cargo transportation is consistent with the economic pattern, mainly concentrating in Shanghai and Hangzhou—the core of Changjiang River Delta, Guangzhou and Shenzhen—the core of Zhujiang River Delta, Beijing and Tianjin—the core of Beijing and Tianjin District, as well as developed areas in western China, (e.g.) Chengdu and Chongqing). China flight transport center is moving to the northwest inland region from the southeast coastal areas; 2) Four combination airports (e.g. Beijing/Tianjin, Shanghai/Hangzhou, Guangzhou/Shenzhen and Chengdu/Chongqing) replace Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and become four highly concentrated regional air freight transport combination hubs. Air freight network is changing from coexistence hybrid network (point-to-point structure, hub-and-spoke hub structure) to hub-and-spoke network. 3) The air cargo at the airports and flight segments tends to disperse, and its volume on hub airports and main routes reduces slowly year on year. Regional airports and branch flight segments undertake more and more air cargo. 4) The air cargo transportation main corridors are established between four combination hubs. On those corridors, the total air cargo volume reduces from 47.04% in 2001 to 30.91% in 2012.

Keywords: air cargo transportation ; standard deviation ellipse ; spatial Gini index ; main corridor


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褚艳玲, 宫之光, 杨忠振. 21世纪以来中国航空货运空间变化研究[J]. , 2016, 36(3): 335-341

Chu Yanling, Gong Zhiguang, Yang Zhongzhen. The Spatial Pattern of China Air Cargo Transportation in 21st Century[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 335-341

经济增长、管制放松、竞争加剧等都促进了航空运输的快速发展[1],使得航空运输和航线网络成为国内外研究的热点。航线网络是提供航空运输服务的空间载体,航空货运是航空运输的重要组成部分。国外研究从宏观角度分析了世界、欧洲、北美航线网络的特点和航空运输空间演化过程[2~8],从微观角度分析了航空公司航空货运网络的特点并提出网络设计方法[9~12]。随着中国国内快递市场迅速扩张,航空货运快速发展,逐步引起了学者的关注。国内学者发现中国航空货运网络已发展到点对点结构和轴辐式枢纽结构并存的混合模式,网络通达性越来越高,并确定未来中国10个枢纽机场的布局[13~16];航空网络具有“无标度”特征的“小世界网络”演变趋势[17, 18];航空货运模式以拥有全货机且客机腹舱兼营货运的航空公司为主[19~21]。现有研究多集中在航空货运网络和服务模式方面,对中国航空货运空间分布及变化展开的动态研究较少。本文试图运用标准差椭圆和空间基尼系数相结合的方法,定量识别并以空间可视化的方式刻画中国航空货运空间变化整体特征,从多重角度揭示21世纪以来中国航空货运空间变化过程,有助于制定航空产业发展战略,对促进中国航空货运业发展和优化航线网络布局具有重要理论意义和实用价值。

1 研究对象与研究方法

1.1 研究对象及其相关数据


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 标准差椭圆

标准差椭圆(Standard deviational ellipse,SDE)最早在1926年由Lefever提出,用于揭示地理要素的空间分布特征[23],之后被广泛用于空间统计领域。随着GIS技术的发展,基于地理信息的SDE方法已成为空间统计模块的常规统计工具[24, 25]。SDE能够从多重角度反映要素空间分布的整体性特征[26],其中SDE中心反映要素空间分布整体在二维空间上的相对位置;长轴方向反映其在二维空间上展布的主趋势方向,这种趋势是通过转角体现的,即从标准差椭圆的顶点开始按顺时针进行测量的长轴的旋转角度;长轴长度表征要素空间分布在主要方向上偏离中心的程度,短轴长度代表其在次要方向上偏离中心的程度,长、短轴长度的比值体现要素空间分布的形态。在一定的时间尺度上,要素空间分布变化的时空过程可以通过SDE方法来刻画。要素空间分布的中心、展布范围、方向和形态随时间变化具有不同的动态特征,这就为描述航空货运空间变化过程提供了参考标准。本文基于2001~2012年中国机场的空间区位(经纬度),以机场年货邮吞吐量为相应权重,计算不同时间航空货运空间分布的标准差椭圆。

1.2.2 空间基尼系数

Krugman[27]等将洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数用于衡量产业在空间上的分布均衡程度,构建了空间基尼系数(Spatial Gini index)。空间基尼系数介于0到1之间,某产业在空间上的分布越均匀,该产业的空间基尼系数就越小,当空间基尼系数等于0时,说明产业呈均匀分布状态。反之,产业在空间上分布越集中,其空间基尼系数越大,当空间基尼系数等于1时,说明产业都集中在某一个地区。

Reynolds-Feighan[28, 29]把空间基尼系数引入到航空运输网络中,用来衡量网络中要素的集中度,空间基尼系数[2]被定义为:

式中,i、j为网络中的节点,yi为第i个节点或边的权重, y̅为网络中节点或边的权重平均值,n为网络中节点或边的数量。




空间基尼系数随n的增加而增大,因此需要对空间基尼系数进行改进,以剔除n对系数的影响,这里借鉴Burghouwt[2]的研究,引入NC(network concentration)系数 NC



2 机场货邮吞吐量空间分布变化特征

2001~2012年,中国民用机场数量由139个增至183个,同期货邮吞吐量从339.3万t增至1 157.8万t;2012年货邮吞吐量在万t以上机场有49个,较2001年增加了16个,其总吞吐量占全国总量的比例由97.71%提高到98.46%,说明航空货邮主要集中在万吨以上的大型机场;2001~2012年,前20位机场的吞吐量之和占全国总量的比重变化不大,在90%左右,其中青岛、长沙和郑州取代福州、石家庄和太原进入前20名;20个机场中货邮吞吐量年均增长率最高的是天津,为16.41%,最低的是海口,为5.74%[22]


2.1 机场货邮分布的标准差椭圆分析


图1   2001~2012年中国机场货邮分布标准差椭圆

Fig.1   SDE of airport cargo distribution in China in 2001-2012

2.1.1 货运中心由东南沿海向西北内陆方向移动

标准差椭圆的中心坐标空间移动轨迹如图1。2001~2005年中心坐标由(115.66°E,31.29°N)移动到(116.63°E,31.02°N),中心总位移为112.47 km,其中向东移动108.35 km,向南移动30.16 km,总体呈现向东南移动的趋势。这个时期东南沿海地区的航空货运发展速度高于其他地区;2005~2010年,中心向西北移动了24.73 km,2010~2012年继续向西北移动了52.64 km。中心从2005年开始离开东部海岸线,向西北方向移动,表明中西部航空货运的增长速度变快,货运中心由沿海向内陆方向移动,国内市场对航空货运拉动作用增强。中国社科院的研究也表明2008~2011年中西部地区和东北地区经济增长速度超过了东部地区[26]

2.1.2 京津地区和中西部地区航空货运发展速度加快


2.1.3 航空货邮在主要方向和次要方向上均远离中心


2.1.4 航空货邮分布呈现先集中后分散的趋势

2001~2005年标准差椭圆面积由1 125 629.02 km2减小到746 014.87 km2,表明货运分布趋于集中,前20位机场货邮吞吐量占比由88.76%增加到90.86%。到2012年椭圆面积增加到969 921.64 km2,表明货运分布趋向分散,统计前20位机场货邮吞吐量占比由90.86%下降到87.798%。标准差椭圆囊括了中国航空货运网络中的主要机场。

2.2 七大区域机场分布的标准差椭圆分析


图2   2001~2012年中国分区域货邮吞吐量占比变化

Fig.2   Ratio of 7 region’s airport freight volume in 2001-2012

分别对每个区域机场进行标准差椭圆分析得到图3,分析结果表明:① 2001~2012年,7个标准差椭圆的中心只有微小的变化,华东、中南、华北和西南地区的标准差椭圆的中心分别位于上海杭州、广州深圳、北京天津、成都重庆之间,这表明上海/杭州、广州/深圳、北京/天津、成都/重庆分别为华东、中南、华北和西南区内货运分布的中心。

② 2001~2012年,华东和西南区标准差椭圆面积减小,表明华东区机场货邮越来越集中在上海和杭州,而西南区则集中在成都和重庆;中南、华北、东北、西北和新疆区的面积增大,表明他们内部机场货运从干线机场向支线机场转移。

图3   2001~2012年中国七大区域机场货邮分布标准差椭圆

Fig.3   SDE of airport cargo distribution in seven regions in 2001-2012

2.3 机场货邮分布空间基尼系数和NC系数

基于公式(1)~(3)计算得到2001~2012年机场货邮吞吐量分布的空间基尼系数和NC系数(图4),具体分析如下:① 2001~2005年,空间基尼系数和NC系数逐渐变大,表明航空货运分布越来越集中在少数大型机场。其中北京、上海、广州货邮吞吐量占总吞吐量的比重由54.58%上升到56.86%,北京-天津、上海-杭州、广州-深圳、成都-重庆4组机场货邮吞吐量比重由70.2%上升到73.37%。2005~2012年,空间基尼系数和NC系数逐年变小,航空货运集中速度变缓,北、上、广三大机场占的比重下降到53.75%,航空货运由集中在北、上、广三大机场向周围机场扩散,北京-天津、上海-杭州、广州-深圳、成都-重庆4组机场货邮吞吐量比重上升到74.37%。② 2012年NC系数为0.711,网络中有181个机场,说明网络处于大型枢纽网络的边缘,网络中有3~4个枢纽。结合标准差椭圆分析结果,可以判定北京-天津、上海-杭州、广州-深圳和成都-重庆4组机场取代北京、上海、广州形成了航空货运网络的4个高度集中的区域性货运组合枢纽,航空货运网络处于从混合结构向轴辐式枢纽结构转化的过程中。航空货运空间分布格局和经济发展格局相吻合,主要集中在以上海、杭州为核心的长三角地区,以广州、深圳为核心的珠三角地区,以北京和天津为核心的环渤海地区(京津地区)和西部发达地区的成都和重庆。

图4   中国机场货邮分布空间基尼系数和NC系数

Fig.4   Spatial Gini index and NC index of airport cargo distribution in China

3 航段货邮运输量空间分布变化特征


3.1 航段货邮分布空间基尼系数和NC系数


表1   中国主要航段货邮运输量变化

Table 1   China’s top 20 flight segment freight transport volumes (2001-2012)



3.2 航空货邮运输主通道


图5   中国航段货邮分布空间基尼系数和NC系数

Fig.5   Spatial Gini index and NC index of flight segment cargo distribution in China

4 结论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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This paper examines international air passenger and cargo flows within and among Asia, Europe, and America, and the degree of air traffic density for major cities worldwide, using a basic gravity model composed of GDP, population, distance, and several dummy variables. The results reveal that many cities are strengthening their position as international air transportation hubs, especially: Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, New York, and Miami. Finally, the results show that the air traffic density of three cities, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Amsterdam, is growing at an extraordinary rate.
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The gradual liberalization of international air transport has largely benefited the traveling public. Progress since the development of concepts such as &ldquo;Open Skies&rdquo; in the late 1970s as an alternative to the restrictive bilateral air service agreements that had effectively controlled most international air transport since the mid-1940s has been uneven and spasmodic. The recent move to open the North Atlantic more fully to competition has proved a particularly challenging task, and the agreement between the US and the European Union is still both partial and conditional. This paper offers an overview of the economics of the situation and provides insights into the reasons why it has developed in the way it has, the outcomes that we may expect from it, and some consideration of the wider, non-commercial, impacts that it may have.</p>
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<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper contrasts the North American and European air transport markets using the extensive Official Airline Guide Databases. The pattern of network development in the two continental regions is examined using data for 1996&ndash;2008. The top ten carriers in both regions are analysed closely in terms of network structures and the basic geographical characteristics of these networks are highlighted. In addition, different measures of air transport activity such as seating capacity, and number of movements and of routes are compared. Visualisations of carrier networks are used to highlight the different network strategies operated by low cost and full service carriers. European carrier networks display many significant differences to North American carrier networks. European carriers generally organise their networks around one or two key nodes within the member state in which they are registered and generally do not operate interactive, continental-wide, multiple hub-and-spoke networks as do North American carriers. European and North American low-cost carriers operate much more interconnected networks than full services carriers. Southwest Airlines stands out as operating a particularly highly interconnected network.</p>
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This paper investigates the connectivity of the airport networks in China, Europe and US. Our aim is to analyze which network is most beneficial to final passengers in terms of travel time and which of the network features lead to such a result. A time-dependent minimum path approach is employed to calculate the minimum travel time between each pair of airports in the three networks, inclusive of flight times and waiting times in intermediate airports. The authors evaluate each fastest indirect connection in terms of waiting times and routing factors to consider the effect of the hubs' coordination and locations. The Chinese network provides the quickest travels for passengers, but this performance is explained by a small number of airports per inhabitant. The US network is the most coordinated when considering indirect connections. The EU network provides the most homogeneous level of service when comparing airports of different sizes.
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Study of the topology and robustness of airline route networks from the complex network approach: a survey and research agenda

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Communication via air routes is an important issue in a world organized around a web city network. In this context, the robustness of network infrastructures, e.g. air transport networks, are a central issue in transport geography. Disruption of communication links by intentional causes (e.g., terrorist attack on an airport) or unintentional (e.g., weather inclemency) could be crucial for countries, regions and even the airlines affected themselves. Policymakers and the management of airlines and alliances should be able to reduce the effects of such interruptions in order to ensure good communication through air transport (i.e., maximize the robustness of their network at a reasonable cost). The literature review of the study of air transport route networks through an analysis of complex networks has highlighted a lack of contributions to the study of the topology and the robustness of such networks which contrasts, with advances undertaken for other transport networks or communication systems. This survey suggests areas in which research should be undertaken, based on the existing literature in other areas and from three different perspectives: global route networks, airline alliances, airlines and airports so as to help towards a better understanding of air traffic and, therefore, to be able to assess the potential damage of any airport being inoperative for a continent, country or airline.
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Airport network has a nontrivial impact on shaping the development of a country or region, and decision makers or researchers can benefit from its evolution characteristics. This paper presents an exploratory analysis on the evolution of the US airport network from 1990 to 2010. Generally, we find that (1) the USAN has experienced a drastic change in both its structure and traffic amount in the year 2002. Particularly, regarding the entire USAN, we show that (2) it preserves the scale-free, small-world, and disassortative mixing properties over time which is consistent with the previous studies. Thereafter, the evolution of the USAN is examined from two perspectives: stable cities that never disappear in the time period and new cities that only appear in certain years. Findings from the first perspective imply that (3) stable cities form the backbone of the USAN over time and their structural similarity over time shows regularity. On the other hand, results from the second one indicate that (4) the USAN is undergoing a process of continuous densification intertwined with intense exploration in 1991 and 2002, which consequently leads to a stable USAN.
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Does EU ETS instigate Air Cargo network reconfiguration? A model-based analysis

[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013,225(3):518-527.      Magsci      摘要

From 2012 on aviation is included in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and operators have to hold one allowance per tonne of CO2 emitted on every flight departing from and/or arriving at an airport within the EU. Now two questions are of interest: Is it profitable for airlines to reconfigure their routes to reduce EU-related emissions and costs, and, will the scheme be successful in the sense that emissions are reduced significantly. Here the potential for and the consequences of reconfiguration are different for the passenger and cargo business, respectively. In this paper we present a model-based evaluation of network (re-)configuration/optimization at cargo airlines under different EU ETS scenarios and we discuss the results with respect to the two issues raised above. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[11] O'Kelly M E.

Air freight hubs in the FedEx system: Analysis of fuel use

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2014,36:1-12.


[12] Reis V.

Analysis of mode choice variables in short-distance intermodal freight transport using an agent-based model

[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2014,61: 100-120.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Medium to long-distance intermodal transport has been strongly promoted by the European Commission and national governments as a solution for ensuring the sustainability of the freight transport sector. However, so far, intermodal transport has revealed limited capacity for competing against road transport. New solutions aimed at expanding the limits of its competitiveness are needed. Some successful cases of short-distance intermodal transport reveal untapped market opportunities. The literature on mode choice fails to explain these successes. The research has focused mainly on long-distance services, and the findings are not necessarily transferable to the short-distance transport. This paper presents the results of research aimed at testing this assumption. A new agent-based model to simulate the transport operations and behavioural reactions of transport agents was developed, applying mode choice variables that are consensually referred to as pivotal in the mode choice process: price, transit time, reliability and flexibility. The use of the model was to ascertain the performance of competing transport modes (intermodal and road) under different demand scenarios. Applications of the model to a short-distance transport service show that only price could explain the Freight Forwarder choice for intermodality. The evidence produced by this research suggests that the mode choice process for short-distance transport services may be governed by other decision variables and that current intermodality-oriented policy options should be revised, as they exclude a potential market segment.
[13] 潘坤友, 曹有挥, 魏鸿雁, .


[J].经济地理,2007,27(4):653-657.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

选取国内空港130个、航线317条,国际空港72个、航线237条,从空港和航线两个角度 探讨我国航空货运机场分布格局和网络结构,结果发现:华东区、华北区、中南区是航空货物的主来源地、目的地和中转地,上海、广州和深圳、北京构成我国航空 货运的“三极”,形成货运三角;航空货运主要分布在少数枢纽空港间的航线上,呈现集中状态,前五位航线的货运量之和为43.83万t,占27.33%;航 空货运高度集中在人口100万以上的城市间,人口100万以下的城市间航空货运联系很弱,所占市场份额之和不足1%,中等城市之间、大城市与中等城市、小 城市之间无直航航线联系;我国对外航空货运联系主要集中在北美、日韩、西欧和港澳地区,与东欧、中东和南亚地区的航空货运联系较弱,与非洲和拉美地区目前 还没有直通航班。

[Pan K Y, Cao Y H,

Wei H Y et al.The study on distributing pattern and network structure of air freight airports in China

. Economic Geography, 2007, 27(4): 653-657.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

选取国内空港130个、航线317条,国际空港72个、航线237条,从空港和航线两个角度 探讨我国航空货运机场分布格局和网络结构,结果发现:华东区、华北区、中南区是航空货物的主来源地、目的地和中转地,上海、广州和深圳、北京构成我国航空 货运的“三极”,形成货运三角;航空货运主要分布在少数枢纽空港间的航线上,呈现集中状态,前五位航线的货运量之和为43.83万t,占27.33%;航 空货运高度集中在人口100万以上的城市间,人口100万以下的城市间航空货运联系很弱,所占市场份额之和不足1%,中等城市之间、大城市与中等城市、小 城市之间无直航航线联系;我国对外航空货运联系主要集中在北美、日韩、西欧和港澳地区,与东欧、中东和南亚地区的航空货运联系较弱,与非洲和拉美地区目前 还没有直通航班。
[14] 管驰明.

50 多年来中国空港布局演变及其影响因素——基于空间分析和数理统计的方法

[J]. 经济地理, 2008,28(03):445-449.


[Gan C M.

A research on airports distribution and determinative factors in china in the past over fifty years: based on spatial analysis and quantitative statistic

. Economic Geography, 2008, 28(3): 445-449.]


[15] 张兵, 胡华清, 张莉, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2010,30(4):489-495.

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[Zhang B, Hu H Q,

Zhang L et al. The air cargo transportation development and air cargo flow’s spatial pattern in China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010, 30(4): 489-495.

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[16] Wang J, Mo H, Wang F.

Evolution of air transport network of China 1930-2012

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2014,40(8):145-158.

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[17] 曾小舟, 唐笑笑, 江可申. 基于复杂网络理论的中国航空网络结构实证研究交通运输系统工程与信息, 2011, 11(6):175-181.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Zeng X Z, Tang X X, Jiang K S.

Empirical study of Chinese airline network structure based on complex network theory

. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2011,11(6):175-181.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] Wang J, Mo H, Wang F, et al.

Exploring the network structure and nodal centrality of China’s air transport network: A complex network approach

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography,2011,19(4):712-721.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper paper uses a complex network approach to examine the network structure and nodal centrality of individual cities in the air transport network of China (ATNC). Measures for overall network structure include degree distribution, average path length and clustering coefficient. Centrality metrics for individual cities are degree, closeness and betweenness, representing a node's location advantage as being directly connected to others, being accessible to others, and being the intermediary between others, respectively. Results indicate that the ATNC has a cumulative degree distribution captured by an exponential function, and displays some small-world (SW) network properties with an average path length of 2.23 and a clustering coefficient of 0.69. All three centrality indices are highly correlated with socioeconomic indicators of cities such as air passenger volume, population, and gross regional domestic product (GRDP). This confirms that centrality captures a crucial aspect of location advantage in the ATNC and has important implications in shaping the spatial pattern of economic activities. Most small and low-degree airports are directly connected to the largest cities with the best centrality and bypass their regional centers, and therefore sub-networks in the ATNC are less developed except for Kunming in the southwest and Urumchi in the northwest because of their strategic locations for geographic and political reasons. The ANTC is relatively young, and not as efficient and well-developed as that of the US. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[19] 胡华清, 彭峥.


[J]. 综合运输, 2013, (6): 24-28.

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[Hu H Q, Peng Z.

Analysis of China air cargo transportation pattern and its development ideas

. Comprehensive Transportation, 2013, (6): 24-28.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[20] 张莉, 姚津津, 胡华清.


[J]. 综合运输, 2013,(1):22-28.

URL      摘要


[Zhang L, Yao J J, Hu H Q.

Analysis and countermeasures for China cargo transportation service chain

. Comprehensive Transportation, 2013, (1): 22-28.]

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[21] 陶学宗, 张戎, 吴琴.


[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2011,11(05):22-28.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

上海航空货运业已成为上海经济新的增长点,在全国亦占有重要地 位.本文从机场及货运设施、航空货邮吞吐量及结构等方面分析了上海航空货运业的发展现状,并对上海机场及货运设施发展进行了展望.运用SPSS软件对航空 货邮吞吐量与外贸进出口总额进行了回归分析和弹性分析.在此基础上预测了上海航空货邮吞吐量的发展趋势.结果表明,上海机场的服务范围已超越长三角地区, 航空货邮吞吐量具有显著的不均衡性,未来将随着外贸进出口总额的增加而增加,但其增速慢于外贸进出口总额增速,预计“十二五”末达到530万吨左右.机场 货运设施能够满足航空货运发展的需要.最后,提出了上海航空货运业的发展对策.

[Tao X Z,Zhang R, Wu Q.

Status and future development of shanghai air cargo industry

. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2011, 11(5):22-28.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

上海航空货运业已成为上海经济新的增长点,在全国亦占有重要地 位.本文从机场及货运设施、航空货邮吞吐量及结构等方面分析了上海航空货运业的发展现状,并对上海机场及货运设施发展进行了展望.运用SPSS软件对航空 货邮吞吐量与外贸进出口总额进行了回归分析和弹性分析.在此基础上预测了上海航空货邮吞吐量的发展趋势.结果表明,上海机场的服务范围已超越长三角地区, 航空货邮吞吐量具有显著的不均衡性,未来将随着外贸进出口总额的增加而增加,但其增速慢于外贸进出口总额增速,预计“十二五”末达到530万吨左右.机场 货运设施能够满足航空货运发展的需要.最后,提出了上海航空货运业的发展对策.
[22] 中国民用航空局发展计划司. 从统计看民航(2002~2014)[G].北京: 中国民航出版社, 2002~2014.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Civil Aviation Administration of China. Statistical data on civil aviation of China(2002-2014). Beijing: China Civil Aviation Press, 2002-2014.]

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[23] Lefever.

Measuring geographic concentration by means of the standard deviational ellipse

[J]. The American Journal of Sociology, 1926,(1):88-94.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many social problems involve the geographic location of the social factors concerned. To know the characteristics of the areas in which these factors appear is to throw light on the entire situation. A statistical method for measuring the concentration of unit locations on a"
[24] 赵作权.


[J]. 地理科学进展,2009, 28(1): 1-8.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用统计学方法研究社会经济与自然等要素的地理空间分布在最近几十年来已引起许多学者的关注。地 理空间分布的整体性就像它的局部性一样,是空间统计分析的主要对象。本文目的是综述各种地理空间分布整体 性特征的统计研究进展。在这里,地理空间分布的整体性特征是指它在二维空间上的中心和方位以及它自身的地 理范围、空间密集度和形状。文中介绍了对这些整体性特征进行统计描述、预测和估计的方法。已有近20 个空间统 计指标用于描述社会经济和自然地理空间分布的各种整体性特征,分析和预测它们的时空演化过程,如空间移动、 扩张、加密、旋转,并确定不同空间分布的相关关系。文中探讨了地理空间分布整体统计目前存在的主要科学问题, 如空间独立性假设、空间随机抽样、时空过程分析(包括时空稳态随机过程)、空间统计描述方法和空间分布函数等。</p>

[Zhao Z Q.

Global statistics of spatial distribution: a literature review

. Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(1):1-8.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用统计学方法研究社会经济与自然等要素的地理空间分布在最近几十年来已引起许多学者的关注。地 理空间分布的整体性就像它的局部性一样,是空间统计分析的主要对象。本文目的是综述各种地理空间分布整体 性特征的统计研究进展。在这里,地理空间分布的整体性特征是指它在二维空间上的中心和方位以及它自身的地 理范围、空间密集度和形状。文中介绍了对这些整体性特征进行统计描述、预测和估计的方法。已有近20 个空间统 计指标用于描述社会经济和自然地理空间分布的各种整体性特征,分析和预测它们的时空演化过程,如空间移动、 扩张、加密、旋转,并确定不同空间分布的相关关系。文中探讨了地理空间分布整体统计目前存在的主要科学问题, 如空间独立性假设、空间随机抽样、时空过程分析(包括时空稳态随机过程)、空间统计描述方法和空间分布函数等。</p>
[25] Warntz.

Contributions to a statistical methodology for areal distribution

[J]. Journal of Geographical System, 2011, (13):127-145.

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[26] 赵璐.


[J]. 城市发展研究, 2013,20(7): 14-18.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

国内市场正在重塑我国经济空间格局。本文利用标准差椭圆和标准距离方法,基于全国287个城 市(地级及以上)数据确定了我国经济格局时空演化的基本态势:2003~2010年,我国经济重心正向内陆方向移动,经济发展呈现出空间收缩密集化态势, 且在东一西方向上的增长趋势强于南一北方向,经济发展空间均衡趋势明显,空间差异呈下降趋势。这些趋势表明,我国国内市场引发的聚集经济作用在不断加强。 建议以华北平原和长江中下游平原为主构建我国经济发展的核心区,加大对安徽省、河南省和湖北省等靠近全国市场的中部地区的投入力度,大力推动我国经济进入 内生增长、沿海一内陆双轮驱动的发展轨道。

[Zhao L.

Projecting the spatial-temporal evolution of economic pattern in China

. Urban Development Studies, 2013, 20(7): 14-18.]      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

国内市场正在重塑我国经济空间格局。本文利用标准差椭圆和标准距离方法,基于全国287个城 市(地级及以上)数据确定了我国经济格局时空演化的基本态势:2003~2010年,我国经济重心正向内陆方向移动,经济发展呈现出空间收缩密集化态势, 且在东一西方向上的增长趋势强于南一北方向,经济发展空间均衡趋势明显,空间差异呈下降趋势。这些趋势表明,我国国内市场引发的聚集经济作用在不断加强。 建议以华北平原和长江中下游平原为主构建我国经济发展的核心区,加大对安徽省、河南省和湖北省等靠近全国市场的中部地区的投入力度,大力推动我国经济进入 内生增长、沿海一内陆双轮驱动的发展轨道。
[27] 罗勇, 曹丽莉.


[J]. 经济研究, 2005, (8): 106-115.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

制造业是集群特征最为明显的产 业。本文利用Ellision和Glaeser建立的产业地理集中指数和自定义的五省市集中度对中国20个制造行业1993、1997、2002、 2003年的集聚程度进行了精确测定。结果表明,1993—1997年集聚程度有所下降,1997—2002—2003年集聚程度呈增长趋势。集聚程度的 提高是主要的变动方向和发展趋势。集聚程度由高到低的行业分布依次为:技术密集型产业———资本密集型产业———劳动密集型产业。地域分布极不平衡,江 苏、广东、山东、浙江、上海五省市集中度很高,西部边远地区则远远落后,两极分化严重。总体上看,制造业的集聚程度与工业增长表现出较强的正相关性。

[Luo Y, Cao L L.

A positive research on fluctuation trend of China’s manufacturing industrial agglomeration degree

. Economic Research Journal, 2005, (8):106-115.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

制造业是集群特征最为明显的产 业。本文利用Ellision和Glaeser建立的产业地理集中指数和自定义的五省市集中度对中国20个制造行业1993、1997、2002、 2003年的集聚程度进行了精确测定。结果表明,1993—1997年集聚程度有所下降,1997—2002—2003年集聚程度呈增长趋势。集聚程度的 提高是主要的变动方向和发展趋势。集聚程度由高到低的行业分布依次为:技术密集型产业———资本密集型产业———劳动密集型产业。地域分布极不平衡,江 苏、广东、山东、浙江、上海五省市集中度很高,西部边远地区则远远落后,两极分化严重。总体上看,制造业的集聚程度与工业增长表现出较强的正相关性。
[28] Reynolds-Feighan A.

An assessment of the capacity and congestion levels at European airports

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 1999,5(3):113-134.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the current capacity of the EU's airport infrastructure and the main factors determining that capacity. The nature and role of airport services are detailed. The determination of capacity is examined with discussion of the influence which air traffic control factors, demand characteristics, environmental conditions and engineering design will have on capacity. The methods used to assess delay are detailed along with extensive data sketching the current state of Europe's system of large airports and the extent of infrastructure congestion. The options available to policy makers to improve the management and organisation of capacity are set out and critically discussed.
[29] Reynolds-Feighan A.

Traffic distribution in low-cost and fullservice carrier networks in the US air transportation market

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2001,7(5):265-275.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     
