Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (3): 448-457

Orginal Article


舒培仙12, 李保生12, 牛东风1, 王丰年3, 温小浩1, 司月君4, 陈琼1

1. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广东 广州 510631
2. 中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710061
3. 惠州学院旅游系, 广东 惠州 516007
4. 广西师范学院规划与地理科学学院, 广西 南宁 530001

Climate Variations Recorded by the Grain-size from the DGS1 Segment in the Southeast of China′s Mu Us Desert During the Holocene

Shu Peixian12, Li Baosheng12, Niu Dongfeng1, Wang Fengnian3, Wen Xiaohao1, Si Yuejun4, Chen Qiong1

1.School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, Guangdong, China
2.State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China
3.Tourism department, Huizhou University, Huizhou 516007, Guangdong, China
4.School of Geography and Planning, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning 530001,Guangxi, China

中图分类号:  P532

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)03-0448-10

通讯作者:  李保生,教授。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2014-12-5

修回日期:  2015-03-16

网络出版日期:  2016-03-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2013CB955903)项目、国家自然科学基金(41471159)项目资助






关键词: 滴哨沟湾剖面 ; 粒度 ; 气候变化 ; 全新世 ; 毛乌素沙漠


The DGS1 segment in the Dishaogouwan section from the Salawusu River valley is a typical stratum to study the climate variations in the Holocene. Based on the dating ages and analysis of the grain-size features within the DGS1,we find that the particle gradually becomes finer but the sorting rate becomes poorer from mobile dune sands, peat, paleosols, semi-fixed sand dunes to the lacustrine facies and secondary loess; the grain-size parameter values of Mz(ϕ), σ1(ϕ), SK1 in the dune sands are lower than those in the lacustrine facies or secondary loess, and the KG value shows opposite trends; the Mz ranges from 2.26 to 3.36 (average 2.55) in the dune sands, 2.33 to 6.33 (average 4.28) in the lacustrine facies and 4.25 to 5.27 (average 4.58) in the secondary loess; the σ1(ϕ) ranges from 0.51 to 2.51 (average 0.97) in the dune sands, 0.81 to 3.25 (average 2.13) in the lacustrine facies and 1.10 to 2.46 (average 1.46) in the secondary loess; the SK1 ranges from 0.01 to 0.45 (average 0.29) in the dune sands, 0.09 to 0.53 (average 0.32) in the lacustrine facies and 0.22 to 0.38 (average 0.36) in the secondary loess; the KG ranges from 0.92 to 1.70 (average 1.42) in the dune sands, 0.65 to 1.80 (average 1.13) in the lacustrine facies and 1.22 to 1.51 (average 1.44) in the secondary loess. They display distinct variations that correspond to the sedimentary changes. The surface microstructure of the quartz grains in the lacustrine facies under the electron microscope scanning shows typical aeolian characteristics with good roundness, without precipitated silica, but with pits on the surface. Together with the freshwater gastropod fossils discovered in the stratigrapgical layers, we suggest that the grain-size cycles in the DGS1 segment actually reflect the climate variations in the alternation of East Asian winter and summer monsoons in the Holocene, and the climate of the Holocene can be divided into four stages: the warming period of the Early Holocene; Holocene heyday; the fluctuation period from the Megathermal to cold; and the cooling period of instability and desertification. The climate changes in the DGS1 during the Holocene correspond well to those found in the North Atlantic and some places in China, which probably results from the global climate changes in the Holocene.

Keywords: Dishaogouwan section ; grain-size ; climate change ; Holocene ; Mu Us Desert


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舒培仙, 李保生, 牛东风, 王丰年, 温小浩, 司月君, 陈琼. 毛乌素沙漠东南缘滴哨沟湾剖面DGS1层段粒度特征及其指示的全新世气候变化[J]. , 2016, 36(3): 448-457

Shu Peixian, Li Baosheng, Niu Dongfeng, Wang Fengnian, Wen Xiaohao, Si Yuejun, Chen Qiong. Climate Variations Recorded by the Grain-size from the DGS1 Segment in the Southeast of China′s Mu Us Desert During the Holocene[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(3): 448-457


萨拉乌苏河流域位于内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙漠东南部边缘(图1)。该流域是中国北方上更新统河湖沼相标准地层萨拉乌苏组的命名地[7]。流域上更新统–全新统多层序的风成沙丘砂、河湖沼相和古土壤沉积,忠实的记录了沙漠地区长期的风沙活动。最近10 a来萨拉乌苏流域环境变化的研究工作有了一些新进展[8~12],其中Niu et al.和Lü et al.对米浪沟湾MGS1层段的研究表明,全新世以来毛乌素沙漠曾经历了类似于D/O振荡式的东亚冬夏季风的波动[11,13],其中的风成沙丘砂活动事件在时间和气候性质上与北大西洋11 000 a B.P.以来的寒冷波动基本一致。然而这中变化的客观存在仍然需要更多的地质材料进行佐证。


1 材料与方法

滴哨沟湾剖面位于萨拉乌苏河流域滴哨沟湾村的河流左岸,地理坐标为37°43′26.3″N,108°31′2.3″E,剖面顶部海拔高度1 309 m(图1)。该剖面地层出露厚度为62.70 m(图2),时代包括全新统、上更新统和中更新统上部[15]。DGS1的堆积深度为0~4.84 m,包括12层湖沼相(LS)、3层古流动沙丘砂(D)、1层现代流动沙丘砂(0MD)、3层古固定-半固定沙丘砂(FD)、1层砂质古土壤(S)、1层泥炭(P)和1层次生砂质黄土(CS)。

图1   研究区地理位置

Fig.1   The location of study area

DGS1总共有7个样品的年代测试结果,其中6个常规14C年代(表1[16]和1个OSL年代(见图2)。14C年代由中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所14C实验室测定。OSL年代由中国地质矿产部水文地质工程地质研究所光释光实验室完成。对14C年代采用Calib7.0程序中Intcal 13数据集[16]进行校正(表1)。由于这6个常规14C年代测试结果在第4个年代出现倒置,其余均符合地层层序律原则,将此点删除,并以剩下测定年代为控制点运用沉积速率线性内插方法建立该剖面的时间标尺(图2)。同时滴哨沟湾剖面DGS1底部已有大量的绝对年代值[15~17]。如图2所示,我们使用苏志珠等[16]该层段底部(21LS)14C年代测定结果作为全新世开始。剖面1CS顶部OSL年代为1 800±100 a B.P.,最新的光释光年代结果[18]14C年代结果也吻合较好。

表1   滴哨沟湾DGS1层段14C年龄测定结果

Table 1   14C dating ages and calendar ages of some horizons in the DGS1

(a B. P.)
(a B. P.)


按照1~2 cm间隔对采集的234个样品进行了粒度分析。分析仪器为Mastercizer 2000 M型激光粒度分析仪,分析范围0.02~2 000 µm,误差<2%。粒度单位采用ϕ值表示,转换公式为克伦宾[19]制定的f=-log2dd为粒径mm)。平均粒径(Mz)、标准偏差(σ1)、偏度(SK1)和峰度(KG)等粒度参数的计算采用Folk and Ward [16]所制定公式。

图2   DGS1沉积序列

Fig.2   The sedimentary sequence of the DGS1

2 结果

2.1 粒径级配



图3   DGS1层段粒度累计百分比含量垂向变化

Fig.3   The changes of grain-size cumulative percentage in the DGS1




剖面2.5~2.25 m深度范围是砂质古土壤层(3S),粒级组分由高到低依次是细砂、中砂、粗粉砂和极细砂,分别为56.67%,25.34%,8.27%和8.07%。黏土和细粉砂含量相对增加,平均值近1%。可以看出,该层古土壤的发育程度较低。


2.2 粒度参数变化


表2   DGS1层段各沉积相粒度参数特征分布

Table 2   Grain size characteristic parameters in the DGS1 segment of each sedimentary facies

范围2.27~5.120.53~2.510.02~0.510. 92~1.24



图4   DGS1粒度特征参数变化及其所反映的全新世气候波动

Fig.4   The changes of grain-size parameters Mz, σ1, SK1 and KG in the DGS1

3 讨论

3.1 DGS1层段的堆积过程


全新世早期,太阳辐射量增加,东亚夏季风增强[25,26],降水增多,地势低洼之处开始汇水成湖,剖面中21LS湖沼相层的出现正是这一过程的体现,但其厚度不大且与固定半固定沙丘砂相互交替,说明此时的湖泊面积较小,当冬季风增强之时,湖泊面积缩小并发育固定半固定沙丘砂。在东亚夏季风强盛时期,特别是全新世大暖期,毛乌素沙漠水热条件好,此时中国东部沙区地表景观上表现为高地普遍发育砂质古土壤,地势低洼之处形成湖泊[27,28],鹿化煜等[29]最新研究表明,大暖期时期毛乌素沙漠几乎全部固定。那么DGS1中所见厚度1.5 m的湖沼相沉积就不足为奇。但是干旱–半干旱地区的表层物质堆积松散,在强风天气条件下,地表粉尘物质容易被风吹扬进入大气环流,在近源或远源地区沉积下来,位于粉尘源区的湖泊作为粉尘“收集器”,将会接纳区域性的较粗的颗粒物质。因此,在干旱-半干旱地区,风成输入组分成为封闭湖泊沉积物的主要来源之一[30]。研究区大风天气频繁,湖泊沉积物的粒度组成中必然有一部分来自风成输入组分。选取DGS1湖沼相沉积层(13LS、15LS、17LS和21LS)中石英颗粒表面进行电镜扫描,发现其磨圆度较好,颗粒表面无硅质沉淀并显现出麻坑(图5),显示出其典型风成特征。这就说明了DGS1中粗颗粒物质的风成成因。当然湖泊流水作用,会带入大量的细颗粒物质,使平均粒径有不同程度的细化,故湖沼相的Mzϕ)和σ1ϕ)值均较大,显示了颗粒变细和分选变差。

图5   DGS1湖沼相沉积中粗颗粒石英砂粒电镜扫描

Fig.5   The surface microstructure of quartz grains from the lacustrine facies in the DGS1

剖面深度3.1 m之上地层不同类型沙丘砂的出现是砂源供给、风力大小和植被覆盖的综合结果[31]。研究地点所处的毛乌素沙漠至少在中更新世就以形成[32,33],而萨拉乌苏流域的地层中保存着非常发育的末次冰期的沙丘砂[34],因而研究地点的沙丘砂补给充足。一般来说,该地区沙丘可以通过两种主要方式形成。一种情况是,干旱的气候导致地表植被覆盖度降低,先前固定或半固定的沙丘活化,沙丘表层砂在风力作用下开始搬运移动,导致沙丘移动或者新沙丘形成。另一种情况是,河流或湖泊等水动力搬运携带外来砂粒,当气候变干,湖泊/河流面积缩小,砂质沉积物在湖滨与河边等地貌部位近源堆积,形成沙丘。早全新世的古固定–半固定沙丘砂的出现应该就是第二种情况下的砂质沉积物。而在全新世大暖期后期,伴随着冬季风增强和夏季风的减弱,该地降水逐渐减少,滴哨沟湾古湖逐渐萎缩,研究地点成为湖滨沼泽地带,强劲的风力所携带的粗砂物质在跃移过程中被沼泽水草阻挡捕获,并受潜育环境影响,剖面厚层湖沼相结束之后出现的泥炭层(9P)可能是这种过渡环境的产物,从而在粒度特征上表现出较粗的平均粒径。在冬季风仍占优势,夏季风也可以影响的形势下,湖泊干涸,风力作用之下砂质物质开始堆积,不多的降水量维持着沙丘表层植被,形成固定–半固定沙丘,这种类型的沙丘粒度组成中粉砂和黏土含量较高,平均粒级偏粗。而当冬季风对该地区起绝对作用,这种环境持续发展,地表植被盖度将大大降低,导致砂质物质大量富集于地表,形成充足砂源,在强劲风力作用下,搬运携带粗粒的碎屑形成地表风沙流,并强迫更多细粒形成尘暴流失,同时抑制黏粒的滋生,使得颗粒粗化,遇到阻碍堆积形成流动沙丘,这一过程就是前述沙丘形成的第一种模式。DGS1中流动沙丘砂粒度平均粒径变粗,Mzϕ)值在曲线上表现为低谷与这种环境有密切的关系。当西伯利亚–蒙古高压进一步减弱到冬季风力小于起沙风力(5 m/s)的时期,降尘的发生频率有可能大为增加,次生黄土1CS就是这种气候的直接后果。


3.2 DGS1层段的粒度记录的全新世气候波动




第1阶段,全新世早期气候好转,21LS-18FD(11 020~10 290 a B.P.),平均粒径Mzϕ)逐渐变细,粒度组分中含沙量逐渐降低,黏土含量增高。气候比末次冰期明显好转,冬季风减弱,夏季风增强,沙漠主要以古固定–半固定沙丘为主,温度升高,降水增加,局部地区形成了暂时性湖泊和沼泽,湖沼相发育。但暖湿程度不如后面的鼎盛期。同时该层段常见有较多淡水螺壳,主要为平卷螺和塔螺贝壳[16],另外在地层中也发育冻融卷曲或融冻褶皱现象[16],表明此阶段温度仍然较低,气候相对干凉;该阶段沉积物碳酸盐含量极低,无机碳酸盐碳氧同位素组成相对偏轻[38],表明此阶段主要以河流淡水为主,气候逐渐升高,但降雨量不明显。此阶段据祁连山敦德冰芯记录,冰后期升温开始于10.75 ka B.P.以前,气候发生多次震荡[39]。其中,18FD(10 290~10 580 a B.P.)/20FD(10 670~10 930 a B.P.)所代表的冷事件可与Bond等[2]发现的北大西洋冷事件中的10.3 ka B.P.对比。

第2阶段,全新世鼎盛期,17LS-12LS(10 290~6 590 a B.P.),平均粒径达到最高点,粒度组分里的黏土含量也达到最高值。在地层上灰白色湖沼相堆积并发育大量淡水腹足类化石为主要特色。软件动物一般迁徒能力很弱,生态环境的阻隔使其适应能力较差,对生活环境的变化较为敏感,如水温、盐度、酦碱度、底质等的要求比较严格,其适应能力有一定范围。经鉴定该层段软体动物主要为凸旋螺(图6)。目前其最南分布于中国广东、云南,国外分布于东南亚一带,最北分布于陕西。这一物种的出现反映了较温暖、湿润的生物气候环境。说明DGS1层段湖沼相沉积的形成时具有比较温暖、湿润的气候环境。同时该层段淡水腹足类化石属种,有许多幼体标本,它们常以绿色水生植物、藻类为食,其在春季产卵孵化后经历过迅速繁殖,但绝大多数可能在春夏之交时受到流水堆积或者更可能是受到季节性的沙尘暴气候的影响而夭折。据此我们认为该时期东亚夏季风强盛,但是区域性的风沙活动依然存在。而对DGS1有机质、碳酸盐和碳酸盐碳氧同位素等进行研究表明[38],该层段有机质、碳酸盐含量快速上升,碳酸盐碳氧同位素组成也明显偏重,表明该段时期滴哨沟湾古湖泊扩张到最大,温度和降雨量同时增加,但是高温导致了蒸发作用的加强,蒸发降雨比值增大,有效湿度不高,植被状况中等,这就证明该时期风沙活动存在的可能性。此鼎盛期在中国多处地点均有记录,如方修琦等[39]根据中国全新世气温集成序列资料认为全新世鼎盛期出现在8~6.4 ka B.P.。

图6   DGS1湖沼相沉积中的淡水类腹足类动物化石

Fig.6   The fossils of the freshwater gastropods from the lacustrine facies in the DGS1

第3阶段,大暖期向寒冷期转变的波动期,11LS-10LS(6 590~3 760 a B.P.)。整个层段平均含砂量比大暖期期间降低,颗粒变粗。有资料显示全新世高温期的晚期气候更不稳定,表现为快速降温变干过程[40]。该层段腹足类化石中西伯利亚旋螺Gyraulus sibiricus (Dunker)、小土蜗Galba pervia (Martens)组合的出现,亦反映了较寒冷、干旱的生物气候环境。这是因为这些种类一般具有耐寒冷的能力,能适应大陆性气候环境,从目前巳知种的地理分布看,主要生活在华北区、蒙新区、青藏区(即古北界区域内),它们系典型的古北界种类。同时该阶段有机质含量较高,碳酸盐含量则快速下降,碳酸盐碳氧同位素组成进一步偏重,表明了温度和降雨量均有所下降。

第4阶段,降温不稳定的沙漠化频繁变化时期,9P-0MD(3 760~0 a B.P.),此阶段粒度颗粒最粗,分选最好。以沙丘砂堆积为特点的干冷多风气候期为主体,且具有不稳定性,期间发育的2D、4D、6D是气候急剧变冷的结果。这与方修琦等[39]认为晚全新世4 ka B.P.以来气候为相对较冷的结果相一致。另外,其中0MD(0~1 800 a B.P.)可与北大西洋冷事件0.4~1.4 ka B.P.对比,6D(2 820~3 140 a B.P.)可与北大西洋冷事件2.8 ka B.P.对比,9P(3 380~3 760 a B.P.)可与北大西洋冷事件4.2 ka B.P.对比;次生黄土1CS(1 800~1 980 a B.P.)所代表的的气候回暖期与GISP2[41]和方修琦等[3]的气温集成序列显示的小冰期之前的1 ka B.P.前后有一次短暂的温暖期相一致。

4 结论


1) DGS1的粒级配制中,除次生黄土外,其余沉积相均以细砂含量最高。从粒度参数来看,流动沙丘砂、泥炭、砂质古土壤、古固定–半固定沙丘砂到湖沼相和次生黄土颗粒逐渐变细,分选逐渐变差,在剖面垂直方向上形成与沉积旋回相对应的粒度旋回。

2) 湖沼相沉积的石英颗粒表面电镜扫描,发现其磨圆度较好,表面无硅质沉淀并显现出麻坑,显示出其典型风成特征,说明DGS1中湖相沉积时毛乌素沙漠仍存在风沙活动。

3) 通过比较剖面有机碳同位素和动物化石记录的气候变化,认为DGS1粒度记录了全新世以来多次冬夏季风交互演替的过程。其全新世气候可分为4个阶段:即全新世早期气候好转期、全新世鼎盛期、大暖期向寒冷期转变的波动期和降温不稳定的沙漠化频繁变化时期。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[40] 陈云,李铮华,赵景波,.


[J].海洋地质与第四纪地质,1999,19(3) :97-103.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

对黄土高原黄土剖面中的黑垆土进行了植物孢粉、植物硅酸体、碳同 位素和化学分析测试,结果表明,黑垆土良好地记录了全新世高温期气候不稳定性,在大致9~6kaB.P.期间,曾发生数次强度不等的快速变化.这为当今及 未来气候变化趋势预测提供了参照,同时表明,气候系统很复杂,过去关于气候演化过程的认识将面临新的挑战,气候系统内部某因子的变动都可能牵动整个系统从 而发生不规则的快速变化事件.

[Chen Yun, Li Zhenghua,

Zhao Jingbo et al. Climatic in Stability Records of Megathermal Period in Holocene

. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 1999,19(3):97-103.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

对黄土高原黄土剖面中的黑垆土进行了植物孢粉、植物硅酸体、碳同 位素和化学分析测试,结果表明,黑垆土良好地记录了全新世高温期气候不稳定性,在大致9~6kaB.P.期间,曾发生数次强度不等的快速变化.这为当今及 未来气候变化趋势预测提供了参照,同时表明,气候系统很复杂,过去关于气候演化过程的认识将面临新的挑战,气候系统内部某因子的变动都可能牵动整个系统从 而发生不规则的快速变化事件.
[1] Bond G,Showers W,

Elliot M et al. The North Atlantic's 1-2 Kyr Climate Rhythm: Relation to Heinrich Events, Dansgaard/Oeschger Cycles and the Little Ice Age

[M]// P U Clark et al. Mechanisms of Global Climate Change at Millennial Time Scales. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union,1999.

[本文引用: 1]     

[2] Moros M,Emeis K C,

Risebrobakken B et al.Sea surface temperatures and ice rafting in the Holocene North Atlantic: climate influences on northern Europe and Greenland

[J].Quat. Sci. Rev.,2004,23(3):2113-2126      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The oceanographic conditions in the high-latitude North Atlantic ocean during the Holocene were reconstructed through analyses of sea surface temperature (SST; alkenone unsaturation ratios) and ice rafting (mineralogy and grain size) from two sediment sequences, one recovered from the Reykjanes Ridge at 59掳N and the other from the Norwegian Sea at 68掳N. Comparison of our records to published ice core and terrestrial proxy-climate data sets suggests that atmospheric temperature changes over Northern Europe and Greenland were coupled to SST variability and ice rafting. The records outline four major climatic phases: (i) an early-Holocene Thermal Maximum that lasted until approximately 6.7 kyr BP, (ii) a distinctly cooler phase associated with increased ice rafting between 6.5 and 3.7 kyr BP, (iii) a transition to generally warmer, but relatively unstable climate conditions between 3.7 and 2 kyr BP and (iv) a second distinct SST decline that took place between 2 and 0.5 kyr BP. In contrast to the dominant control of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation on early-Holocene climate development (via strong seasonality), the trigger for the onset of relatively unstable climatic conditions in the North Atlantic at 3.7 kyr BP is not straightforward. However, it is possible that this change was triggered by late-Holocene winter insolation increase at high northern latitude and/or by inter-hemispheric changes in orbital forcing. The late-Holocene Neoglaciation trend, which is characteristic of numerous terrestrial archives in northern Europe, may not only be attributed to a gradual decrease in orbitally forced summer temperature, but also to increase snow precipitation at high northern latitudes during generally milder winters.
[3] Bond G,Showers W,

Cheseby M et al.A Pervasive millennial scale cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and Glacial climates


[本文引用: 2]     

[4] Dykoski C, Edwards R,

Cheng H et al.A high-resolution,absolute-dated Holocene and deglacial Asian monsoon record from Dongge Cave,China

[J].Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2005,233(1):71-86.

[本文引用: 1]     

[5] Chen F H,Cheng B,

Zhao Y et al.Holocene environmental change inferred from a high-resolution pollen record,Lake Zhuyeze,arid China


URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[6] Zhou W J, Lu X F,

Wu Z K et al. Peat record reflecting Holocene climatic change in the Zoigê Plateau and AMS radiocarbon dating

.Chinese Science Bulletin,2002,47(1):66-70.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[7] 闵隆瑞,迟振卿.


[J].第四纪研究,2000,20(02):101-107.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Quaternary was divided into Pleistocene and Holocene according to standard in China. The former was divided into three stages. Most geologists treaded them as three series. Quaternary is four-division. We present following advice. (l) Quaternary is generally divided into two series-Pleistocene and Holocene in the world. Quaternary researchers of China are used to divide Pleistocene into Lower-Pleistocene, Middle-Pleistocene, Upper-Pleistocene. Considering of the status quo of Quaternary research, national economic construction and study on global changes, we suggest that it is more suitable to consider rather 'Lower-Pleistocene', 'Middle-Pleistocene', 'Upper-Pleistocene' as series than stages. However, the division of series and the stages is global tendency, and the division of Quaternary still needs to be discussed further. (2) According to chronostratigraphy, the boundary between Lower-Pleistocene and Middle-Pleistocene is located at B/M boundary (0.78MaB.P.); on the basis of petrostra- tigraphy and biostratigraphy of Nihewan Formation and Wucheng Formation, the Q2/Q1 boundary is dated at l.00-l.20MaB. P. (3) According to chronostratigraphy, the boundary between Middle-Pleistocene and Upper-Pleistocene is located at 0.128MaB.P., which stands for the beginning of last interglacial, according to petfostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of paleosol S1 at Loess Plateau, Salawusu Formation and Xiaodukou Formation, the Q3 / Q2 boundary may be alternative in 0.128MaB.P. or 0.14MaB.P. or 0.20MaB.P. (4) The boundary between Upper-Pleistocene and Holocene is mainly about 0.010-0.011MaB. P., which represents the end of glacial and the beginning of thermomer.

[ Min Longrui, Chi Zhenqing.

Discussion on Plans of Dividing Quaternary to Series in China

. Quaternary Sciences, 2000,20(2):101-107.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Quaternary was divided into Pleistocene and Holocene according to standard in China. The former was divided into three stages. Most geologists treaded them as three series. Quaternary is four-division. We present following advice. (l) Quaternary is generally divided into two series-Pleistocene and Holocene in the world. Quaternary researchers of China are used to divide Pleistocene into Lower-Pleistocene, Middle-Pleistocene, Upper-Pleistocene. Considering of the status quo of Quaternary research, national economic construction and study on global changes, we suggest that it is more suitable to consider rather 'Lower-Pleistocene', 'Middle-Pleistocene', 'Upper-Pleistocene' as series than stages. However, the division of series and the stages is global tendency, and the division of Quaternary still needs to be discussed further. (2) According to chronostratigraphy, the boundary between Lower-Pleistocene and Middle-Pleistocene is located at B/M boundary (0.78MaB.P.); on the basis of petrostra- tigraphy and biostratigraphy of Nihewan Formation and Wucheng Formation, the Q2/Q1 boundary is dated at l.00-l.20MaB. P. (3) According to chronostratigraphy, the boundary between Middle-Pleistocene and Upper-Pleistocene is located at 0.128MaB.P., which stands for the beginning of last interglacial, according to petfostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of paleosol S1 at Loess Plateau, Salawusu Formation and Xiaodukou Formation, the Q3 / Q2 boundary may be alternative in 0.128MaB.P. or 0.14MaB.P. or 0.20MaB.P. (4) The boundary between Upper-Pleistocene and Holocene is mainly about 0.010-0.011MaB. P., which represents the end of glacial and the beginning of thermomer.
[8] Li B S,Zhang D D,

Jin H L et al. Paleo-monsoon activities of Mu Us Desert,China since 150 ka B.P.—A study of the stratigraphic sequences of the Milanggouwan Section, Salawusu River area

[J].Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2000,162(1-2):1-16.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[9] Wen X H, Li B S,

Zheng Y et al.Climate variability in the Salawusu River valley of the Ordos Plateau (Inner Mongolia,China)during Marine Isotope Stage 3

[J].Journal of Quaternary Science,2009,24(1):61-74.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[10] Du S H, Li B S,

Chen M H et al.Kiloyear-scale climate events and evolution during the Last Interglacial,Mu Us Desert,China

[J].Quaternary International,2012,263(5):63-70.


[11] Lu Y X,Li B S,

Wen X H et al.Millennial-centennial scales climate changes of Holocene indicated by magnetic susceptibility of high-resolution section in Salawusu River valley,China

[J].Chinese Geographical Science,2010,20(3):243-251.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>The upmost segment (Holocene series) of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section (MGS1) in the Salawusu River valley shows 11 sedimentary cycles of dune sands and fluvio-lacustrine facies, or dune sands and paleosols. The analysis of the magnetic susceptibility of this segment suggests that there are 11 magnetic susceptibility cycles with the value alternating from low to high, in which the layers of the dune sands correspond to the lower value of the magnetic susceptibility and the layers of fluvio-lacustrine facies and paleosols correspond to the higher peaks. The study reveals that the low and high magnetic susceptibility values indicate the climate dominated by cold-arid winter monsoon and warm-humid summer monsoon of East Asia, respectively, and the study area has experienced at least 22 times of millennial-centennial scales climate alternation from the cold-arid to the warm-humid during the Holocene. In terms of the time and the climate nature, the variations basically correspond to those of the North Atlantic and some records of cold-warm changes in China as well. They might be caused by the alternation of winter and summer monsoons in the Mu Us Desert induced by global climate fluctuations in the Holocene.</p>
[12] 王丰年,李保生,王江龙,.


[J]. 地理科学,2012, 32(5):596-602.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>测定、分析毛乌素沙漠东南缘萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面MGS2 层段的粒度与CaCO<sub>3</sub>,发现该层段不同沉积相粒度<em>Mz</em> 和<em>&sigma;</em>呈现峰谷变化,CaCO<sub>3</sub>含量在沙丘砂及其上覆的河流相和湖沼相中依次变化于0~2.94%(平均值0.39%)、0.14%~2.68%(1.43%)和0.39%~15.57%(8.82%),并与<em>Mz</em> 呈显著相关,构成与沉积旋回波动韵律相同的5.5 个峰谷交替的粒度与CaCO<sub>3</sub>旋回。研究表明,毛乌素沙漠冬季风盛行时期沙丘砂强烈堆积,CaCO<sub>3</sub>发生迁移;夏季风盛行时期河流相和湖沼相发育,粉砂和粘土含量增加,CaCO<sub>3</sub>相对聚集。这些旋回代表东亚冬夏季风千年尺度交替变化的气候旋回。</p>

[Wang Fengnian, Li Baosheng,

Wang Jianglong et al. Millennium-scale Climate Variations from the Record of Grain-size and CaCO3 During the Pleniglacial in the Salawusu River Valley, China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(5):596-602.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>测定、分析毛乌素沙漠东南缘萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面MGS2 层段的粒度与CaCO<sub>3</sub>,发现该层段不同沉积相粒度<em>Mz</em> 和<em>&sigma;</em>呈现峰谷变化,CaCO<sub>3</sub>含量在沙丘砂及其上覆的河流相和湖沼相中依次变化于0~2.94%(平均值0.39%)、0.14%~2.68%(1.43%)和0.39%~15.57%(8.82%),并与<em>Mz</em> 呈显著相关,构成与沉积旋回波动韵律相同的5.5 个峰谷交替的粒度与CaCO<sub>3</sub>旋回。研究表明,毛乌素沙漠冬季风盛行时期沙丘砂强烈堆积,CaCO<sub>3</sub>发生迁移;夏季风盛行时期河流相和湖沼相发育,粉砂和粘土含量增加,CaCO<sub>3</sub>相对聚集。这些旋回代表东亚冬夏季风千年尺度交替变化的气候旋回。</p>
[15] Niu D F,Li B S,

Wang F N et al.Cold events of Holocene indicated by primary elements distribution of the high-resolution sand dunes in the Salawusu River Valley

[J].Journal of Geographical Sciences,2008,18(1):26-36.      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>The components of the primary elements in the dune sands for the MGS1 subsection of the Milanggouwan section in the Salawusu River valley, compared with those of modern dune sands, show that they were caused by East Asian winter monsoon in the Mu Us desert during Holocene. The examined ages for the 11 layers of dune sands, based on the average sedimentary rate, are: 0 to 960, 1350&#8211;2240, 2470 to 3530, 4000 to 4180, 4290 to 4350, 4380 to 4760, 5040 to 5920, 6570 to 8270, 9020 to 9700, 9880 to 10160 and 10580 to 11080 a BP, respectively. The climatic events indicated by these dune sands are consistent with those records in the Huguangyan volcanic lake, Zoige peat bog, Hulu cave and Dunde ice core, particularly with the climatic fluctuations of the North Atlantic since 11 000 a BP. Among them, patterns from B0 to B8 correspond to the peak values of 0MD, 2D, 4D, 6D+8D+10D, 12D, 14D, 16D, 18D and 20D respectively. It might be caused by the North Atlantic ice age induced by the heat circulation, which strengthened the polar high pressure and Siberian-Mongolian high pressure and further led to the dominance of the winter monsoon over China&#8217;s desert area.
[14] 苏志珠,董光荣,靳鹤龄.



URL      摘要


[Su Zhizhu,Dong Guangrong, Jin Heling.

A Geochronological Study of the Salawusu Strata in Norrth China

. Journal of Geomechanics, 1997,3(4):92-98.]

URL      摘要

[15] 董光荣,李保生,高尚玉.



[本文引用: 2]     

[Dong Guangrong, Li Baosheng, Gao Shangyu.

The Case Study of the Vicissitude of Mu Us Sandy Land Since the Late Pleistocene According to the Salawusu River Strata

. Journal of Desert Research, 1983,3(2):9-14.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[16] Reimer P J,Edouard B,

Bayliss A et al.IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0-50 000 Years cal B.P


Magsci      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

The IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon calibration curves have been revised utilizing newly available and updated data sets from C-14 measurements on tree rings, plant macrofossils, speleothems, corals, and foraminifera. The calibration curves were derived from the data using the random walk model (RWM) used to generate IntCal09 and Marine09, which has been revised to account for additional uncertainties and error structures. The new curves were ratified at the 21st International Radiocarbon conference in July 2012 and are available as Supplemental Material at The database can be accessed at
[17] 靳鹤龄,李明启,苏志珠,.



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Jin Heling, Li Mingqi,

Su Zhizhu et al. Sedimentary Age of Strata in the Salawusu River Basin and Climatic Changing

.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(3):307-315.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] Liu K,

Z P Lai.Chronology of Holocene sediments from the archaeological Salawusu site in the Mu Us Desert in China and its palaeoenvironmental implications

[J].Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2012,45:247-255.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The archaeological Salawusu site is located at the southeast margin of the Mu Us Desert, and in the northern marginal area of the East Asian Monsoon. Therefore, its environment is sensitive to the changes of the East Asian Monsoon. At the palaeolithic Salawusu site, most of the previous studies are concerned with the age of the palaeoanthropic fossils (ages ranging from 30 to 120 ka) and the climate change in the last glaciation period, while studies on the chronology and climate change since the Late Glacial are very limited. In the current study, eight luminescence samples were collected from Dishaogouwan (DSG) section and dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Radiocarbon samples were also collected, and the past environmental changes since the Late Glacial have been reconstructed based on stratigraphical and chronological data. The results show that: (1) the AMS age of modern weed living under water is about 1550 35 a, which is the current reservoir effect age, and after reservoir effect subtraction the radiocarbon age of the shells is in agreement with the OSL age, while the radiocarbon age of the bulk sample is younger; (2) aeolian sand mobilization occurred in the studied region before similar to 12 ka; (3) within the Holocene, the wettest climate occurred during the onset of the Holocene when an extensive palaolake existed in the study area, marked by the development of lacustrine sediments at around similar to 12 ka; (4) after similar to 12 ka, the climate showed a trend of increasing aridity, which led to a continuous shrinkage of the palaolake, and its ultimate desiccation between 1.8 and 1.0 ka evidenced by the shift from lacustrine sediments to peat, and finally to palaeosol; (5) the dating results also show an enormous incision of about 60 m in about 1.75 ka by the Salawusu River. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The archaeological Salawusu site is located at the southeast margin of the Mu Us Desert, and in the northern marginal area of the East Asian Monsoon. Therefore, its environment is sensitive to the changes of the East Asian Monsoon. At the palaeolithic Salawusu site, most of the previous studies are concerned with the age of the palaeoanthropic fossils (ages ranging from 30 to 120 ka) and the climate change in the last glaciation period, while studies on the chronology and climate change since the Late Glacial are very limited. In the current study, eight luminescence samples were collected from Dishaogouwan (DSG) section and dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Radiocarbon samples were also collected, and the past environmental changes since the Late Glacial have been reconstructed based on stratigraphical and chronological data. The results show that: (1) the AMS age of modern weed living under water is about 1550 35 a, which is the current reservoir effect age, and after reservoir effect subtraction the radiocarbon age of the shells is in agreement with the OSL age, while the radiocarbon age of the bulk sample is younger; (2) aeolian sand mobilization occurred in the studied region before similar to 12 ka; (3) within the Holocene, the wettest climate occurred during the onset of the Holocene when an extensive palaolake existed in the study area, marked by the development of lacustrine sediments at around similar to 12 ka; (4) after similar to 12 ka, the climate showed a trend of increasing aridity, which led to a continuous shrinkage of the palaolake, and its ultimate desiccation between 1.8 and 1.0 ka evidenced by the shift from lacustrine sediments to peat, and finally to palaeosol; (5) the dating results also show an enormous incision of about 60 m in about 1.75 ka by the Salawusu River. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[19] Folk P L,Ward W D.

Brazos Reviver bar:A study in the significance of grain size parameters

[J].Journal of Sedimentary Petrology,1957,27(3):3-26.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Krumbein W C,

E Aberdeen.The Sediments of Barataria Bay

[J].Journal of Sedimentary Petrology,1937,7(1):3-17.

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] 杜恕环,李保生, David Dian Zhang,.


[J].自然科学进展,2009,19(11) :1187-1193.


[Du Shuhuan, Li Baosheng,

David Dian Zhang et al. The Last Interglacial East Asian monsoon and Desert environment evolution by Trace CaCO3 record of the MGS5 Segment in the Salawusu River Valley, China

. Progress in Natural Science,2009,19(11) :1187-1193.]


[22] 牛东风,李保生,温小浩,.



Magsci      摘要


[Niu Dongfeng, Li Baosheng,

Wen Xiaohao et al. The Holocene ka- Scale Climate Variation Indicated by Trace Elements of the MGS1 Segment in the Salawusu River Valley, China

. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2011,85(2):300-308.]

Magsci      摘要

[23] Porte S C, Zhou W.

Synchronism of Holocene East Asian monsoon variations and North Atlantic drift-ice tracers

[J].Quaternary Research,2006,65(3):443-449.      URL      摘要

China; Monsoon climate; Eolian sediments; Paleosols; North Atlantic drift ice
[24] 苏志珠,董光荣,李小强,.


[J].中国沙漠,1999,19(2):9-14.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

毛乌素沙漠南缘靖边海则滩湖沼 相沉积剖面,真实地记录了晚冰期以来东亚季风气候和沙漠演化历史。在地层沉积相划分和测年基础上,据地球化学元素和孢粉等气候指标分析表明,该区古气候变 迁序列为:12kaBP前干燥寒冷;12~10kaBP气候转暖湿;10~8.5kaBP以温湿为主,在10~9.5kaBP出现 YoungerDryas冷干事件;8.5~3.0kaBP温暖湿润;3.0kaBP后气候趋于半干旱与现代气候较接近。这种气候演化规律是受地球轨道因 素影响,通过东亚冬夏季风的强弱变化来实现的

[Su Zhizhu, Dong Guangrong,

Li Xiaoqiang et al. The Lake-Swamp Sediment Records on the Environmental Characteristics of Mu Us Desert since the Late Glacial Epoch

. Journal of Desert Research, 1999,19(2):9-14.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

毛乌素沙漠南缘靖边海则滩湖沼 相沉积剖面,真实地记录了晚冰期以来东亚季风气候和沙漠演化历史。在地层沉积相划分和测年基础上,据地球化学元素和孢粉等气候指标分析表明,该区古气候变 迁序列为:12kaBP前干燥寒冷;12~10kaBP气候转暖湿;10~8.5kaBP以温湿为主,在10~9.5kaBP出现 YoungerDryas冷干事件;8.5~3.0kaBP温暖湿润;3.0kaBP后气候趋于半干旱与现代气候较接近。这种气候演化规律是受地球轨道因 素影响,通过东亚冬夏季风的强弱变化来实现的
[25] Wang Y J, Cheng H.

The Holocene Asian monsoon: Links to solar changes and North Atlantic climate


URL      PMID: 328303595889520224284972922232222158792168558233884069261937      [本文引用: 1]     

[26] An Z S.

The history and variability of the East Asian paleomonsoon climate

[J].Quaternary Science Reviews,2000, 19(5):171-187.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Changes in the East Asian paleomonsoon reflect interactions between the global atmosphere, ocean, land and ice systems, and are also an expression of their combined effect within the boundary conditions imposed by the East Asian continent and solar radiation. The history of the East Asian monsoon is an alternation between dominance by the dry-cold winter and warm-humid summer monsoons. High-resolution eolian sequences preserved in the Chinese Loess Plateau reveal that the East Asian monsoon may have commenced at least 7.2 Ma ago. They also provide evidence indicating that the pulsed uplift of the Tibetan Plateau at about 3.4 and 7.2 Ma may have played an important role in inducing climate change. The palaeoclimatic records of the last glacial cycle show high-frequency variability on time scales of 1000-year or even shorter, and instability of the East Asian paleomonsoon system. The high-frequency variability could be due to a non-linear response to orbital forcing, or a result of the coupling processes between different components of the global system. Cold air activity in northern high latitudes, the trans-equatorial air streams from the Southern Hemisphere and, possibly, ENSO may have played an important role in East Asian monsoon variability. The synchroneity of all the palaeoclimatic events along the polar-equator-polar (PEP) transect is still an open question. Correlation of limited palaeoclimatic records for the last 30 kyr obtained from East Asia and Australia suggests that the trans-equatorial air streams driven by the monsoon and trade winds may have had an influence on opposite hemispheres.
[27] Li S H,

J M. Sun,B Li.Holocene environmental changes in central Inner Mongolia revealed by luminescence dating of sediments from the Sala Us River valley

[J].Holocene,2012,22(4):397-404.      URL      PMID: 2494196      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Luminescence dating of the fluvial and lacustrine sediments from the Sala Us River valley at the south edge of the Mu Us Desert, central Inner Mongolia, is reported. The study region lies in the northwestern marginal zone of the east Asian summer monsoon and is sensitive to climate change. The dating results combined with environmental proxies indicate that the Holocene Climate Optimum period, took place from 8.5 to 5 ka ago and was marked by lake development. After ~5 ka ago, the region became arid, as inferred from lake regression and fluvial activity. Deposition of fluvial sediments lasted from ~5 ka to ~2 ka ago. At about 2 ka ago, incision of the Sala Us River was initiated into the underlying sediments, with a down-cutting rate of ~309恪4 cm/yr. Since 2 ka ago, human activities also played an important role in causing environmental change in the region.
[28] 裘善文,李取生,夏玉梅.



URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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Paleosols of Sandy Lands and Environmental Changes in the Western Plain of Northeast China during the Holocene

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[Gao Shangyu, Zhang Yutian, Cao Jixiu et al.The Paleomagnetic dating and significance of Yulin Aeolian Sand-Loes-Paleosols of Sandy//The geophysical society of China. 1994 the Chinese geophysical society the 10th academic conference proceedings.Beijing: Geological publishing,1994:1.]

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[Jin Zhangdong,Wang Sumin,

Shen Ji et al.Dust-storm Events in Daihai Lake Area, Inner Mongol ia During the Past 400 Years: Evidence from Grain-size Analysis of Lake Sediments

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[Li Zhizhong,Ling Zhiyong,

Chen Xiuling et al. Late Holocene Climate Changes Revealed by Grain-size Cycles in Takemukul Desert in Yili of Xinjiang

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[Zhao Qi, Fan Rong,

Li Baosheng et al. Geochemical Responses to Palaeoclimate: Evidence from the Early-mid Holocene Lake Deposits at Dishaogouwan Section in the Salawusu Catchment of Inner Monggolia

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[39] 方修琦,侯光良.



URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

从文献中搜集整理1 397条古气温记录,建立全新世古气温记录数据集,该数据集多数时间段每百年的记录在10个以上。利用经剔除奇异值后的1 140条有效记录,采用单样本区域订正-多样本平均集成法,定量重建中国全新世百年分辨率气温集成序列。集成重建序列表明:全新世中国气温可以明显划分为三个阶段,早全新世(11.5~8.9 ka B.P.)为波动升温期;中全新世(8.9~4.0 ka B.P.)暖期的气温高出现代1℃上下,8~6.4ka B.P.的暖期鼎盛期高出现代1.5℃左右;晚全新世(4.0 ka B.P.以来)为变冷期。
[41] Grootes P M,Stuiver M,

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[39] [Fang Xiuqi,Hou Guangliang.

Synthetically Reconstructed Holocene Temperature Change in China

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011,31(4):385-393.]

URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

从文献中搜集整理1 397条古气温记录,建立全新世古气温记录数据集,该数据集多数时间段每百年的记录在10个以上。利用经剔除奇异值后的1 140条有效记录,采用单样本区域订正-多样本平均集成法,定量重建中国全新世百年分辨率气温集成序列。集成重建序列表明:全新世中国气温可以明显划分为三个阶段,早全新世(11.5~8.9 ka B.P.)为波动升温期;中全新世(8.9~4.0 ka B.P.)暖期的气温高出现代1℃上下,8~6.4ka B.P.的暖期鼎盛期高出现代1.5℃左右;晚全新世(4.0 ka B.P.以来)为变冷期。
