Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (4): 588-596

Orginal Article


李静1, 盛煜1, 吴吉春1, 冯子亮1, 宁作君12, 胡晓莹1, 张秀敏3

1.中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
2.甘肃土木工程科学研究院,甘肃 兰州730000
3.陕西省地方电力(集团)有限公司,陕西 西安710000

Mapping Frozen Soil Distribution and Modeling Permafrost Stability in the Source Area of the Yellow River

Li Jing1, Sheng Yu1, Wu Jichun1, Feng Ziliang1, Ning Zuojun12, Hu Xiaoying1, Zhang Xiumin3

1. State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
2. Gansu Institute of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu , China
3.Shaanxi Regional Electric PowerGroup Company Limited, Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China

中图分类号:  P461.4

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)04-0588-09

通讯作者:  盛煜,研究员。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-03-18

修回日期:  2015-07-28

网络出版日期:  2016-07-21

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.


作者简介:李静(1979-),女,山西长治人,副研究员,主要从事多年冻土环境与分布研究。E-mail: li_jing9797@lzb. ac. cn



以黄河源区多年冻土分布现状和热力特征为研究目标,通过野外调查及实测数据,分析了黄河源区不同地形地貌、不同地表覆盖条件下的冻土形成、分布特征和以地温为基础的热学特征,探讨了不同尺度因素对多年冻土分布的影响。结果表明,在高程低于4 300 m的平原区,多年冻土多不发育;在高于4 350 m的山区,局地地形对多年冻土的形成与分布作用显著。除阳坡地形外,多年冻土均比较发育;介于4 300~4 350 m的低山丘陵和平原区,局地地形、地表植被、土壤湿度等因素共同决定着多年冻土的形成和分布格局。以年均地温指标为基础,构建了以纬度、经度和高程为自变量的回归模型,并对阳坡地形进行微调和校正。结果表明,以0ºC作为划分季节冻土和多年冻土的标准和界限,多年冻土面积2.5×104km2,约占整个源区面积的85.1%;季节冻土面积0.3×104km2,约占整个源区面积的9.7%。进一步以0.5ºC或1.0ºC为分类间隔绘制了黄河源区多年冻土热稳定性空间分布图。

关键词: 冻土分布 ; 多年冻土热稳定性 ; 年均地温 ; 黄河源


The source area of the Yellow River (SAYR) is located in the eastern-to-medium part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Permafrost in the SAYR experienced remarkable degradation in the past. Taking distribution patterns of frozen soil and permafrost stability as research object, the characteristics of permafrost development and distribution patterns at various terrains and land covers were analyzed based on a large amount of field investigations and the measurements. In addition, thermal features of permafrost were analyzed based on the measured ground temperatures at various depths. The effects of the geological and geographic factors on permafrost distribution and thermal stability were discussed. It was indicated that: 1) Permafrost was occasionally developed in the various fluvial and proluvial plains with elevation generally lower than 4 300 m; 2) Permafrost was widely distributed in the mountains higher than 4 350 m except for the sunny slope terrain, where local terrain played an important role in permafrost development and distribution; 3) The combinations of local terrain, surficial vegetation, soil wetness and moisture conditions all contributed to the formation and distribution of permafrost in the low hills and mountains where elevation ranged in 4 300-4 350 m.Taking the annual mean ground temperature (MAGT) as the basis, an experiential-statistical MAGT-based model was constructed, of which latitude, longitude and elevation were set up as independent variables. Together with DEM data, permafrost MAGTs were primarily modeled using the statistically regression model. And then, the modeled results in the south-facing areas were slightly adjusted, and a secondly model was constructed to model permafrost distribution in the shady areas. Thirdly, the combined modeling results were locally adjusted using the measurements. The frozen soil map in the SAYR was thus compiled. Taking 0ºC as the boundary between permafrost and seasonally frozen soil, it was indicated that permafrost was distributed in an area of 2.5×104km2, which occupied approximately 85.1% in the SAYR, and that seasonally frozen soil was distributed in an area of 0.3×104km2 with an areal percentage of 9.7%. Permafrost was further divided into seven stability taking 0.5ºC or 1.0ºC of MAGTs as intervals.They were the first zone with permafrost MAGT smaller than -4.0ºC, the second zone with permafrost MAGT varying between -4.0ºC and -3.0ºC, the third zone with permafrost MAGT varying between -3.0ºC and -2.0ºC, the fourth zone with permafrost MAGT varying between -2.0ºC and -1.0ºC, the fifth zone with permafrost MAGT varying between -1.0ºC and -0.5ºC, the sixth zone with permafrost MAGT varying between -0.5ºC and 0ºC, and the seventh zone with permafrost MAGT higher than 0ºC.

Keywords: permafrost distribution ; permafrost thermal stability ; mean annual ground temperature ; the source area of the Yellow River


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李静, 盛煜, 吴吉春, 冯子亮, 宁作君, 胡晓莹, 张秀敏. 黄河源区冻土分布制图及其热稳定性特征模拟[J]. , 2016, 36(4): 588-596

Li Jing, Sheng Yu, Wu Jichun, Feng Ziliang, Ning Zuojun, Hu Xiaoying, Zhang Xiumin. Mapping Frozen Soil Distribution and Modeling Permafrost Stability in the Source Area of the Yellow River[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(4): 588-596

由于全球气候变化和人类活动的增强,多年冻土退化所引起的环境问题、水文效应等问题逐渐引起人们的关注[1~4]。但由于其地下埋藏性,多年冻土的空间分布具有较大的模糊性和不确定性。青藏高原是中国多年冻土的主要分布区,主要发育了高山和高平原2种高海拔多年冻土类型[5]。在青藏高原,经度、纬度和高程作用的多年冻土分布的“三向地带性”规律明显[6,7]。随着空间尺度的下降,在区域尺度上,纬度和高程成为制约多年冻土空间分布格局的主要宏观因素[8]。而在流域尺度上,局地因素如局地地形、植被、土壤水分等因素对多年冻土空间分布格局的形成发挥主要作用[9, 10]。不同空间尺度的经验-统计模型成为模拟多年冻土分布的常用方法,在高纬度和高海拔多年冻土区都得到了不同程度的应用[11~13]。经验-统计模型具有输入变量少、变量相对容易获取等优势,但其最大的缺陷在于空间上的不可推广性。近年来,也有研究分析探讨了将经验-统计模型实现不同区域空间上的拓展,但效果不甚明显。


1 区域概况

本文所指黄河源是多石峡(34°46′26″N,98°20′59″E,4 197 m)以上的源头区集水范围,地理坐标介于95°55'E~98°41'E、33°56'N~35°31'N之间(图1),两湖(鄂陵湖和扎陵湖)形成区域的汇水中心。北以昆仑山中列支脉布青山与柴达木盆地相隔,南抵巴颜喀拉山与长江上游通天河水系相邻,西至各式各雅山高原丘陵与格尔木河流域相邻[19]。地表水体丰富,除鄂陵湖、扎陵湖以外,尚有隆热错、茶木错、尕拉拉错、星星海等诸多湖泊,多曲、热曲、勒那曲、贝敏曲等河流构成黄河的一级支流。流域面积2.97×104km2,其中湖泊面积0.15×104km2,约占整个流域面积的5%左右。由河流、湖泊等流水作用形成的冲洪积平原和台地等在整个源区中面积比例较大,沼泽湿地非常发育。区内海拔整体高峻,气候高寒。玛多气象站年平均气温为-3.7℃,年降水量为318 mm。源区年降水量为300~600 mm,年蒸发量为1 000~1 500 mm[20],为典型的高原大陆性气候。植被类型较为简单,高寒沼泽草甸、高寒草甸、高原草原和荒漠是主要的植被类型,局部高山部位分布着垫状植被和流石滩稀疏植被。

图1   黄河源区地形及钻孔位置示意图

Fig.1   Sketch map of the general topography and the locations of present boreholes in the source area of the Yellow River

2 数据与方法

本文所采用数据为不同时期的地温和钻孔实测数据。数据的来源包括214沿线工程研究监测资料理调查和“黄河源区冻土退化的水文效应”项目等的长期积累。其中,214沿线工程监测资料提供钻孔及测温数据14个,主要分布于214国道沿线多钦安科郎至巴颜喀拉山北坡一带,各钻孔点特征分析见文献[14]。此外,2013年、2014年间2次野外分别在黄河源区中、西部地带开展钻探和地温测量工作,共获取钻孔及测温数据35个。钻孔深度均为15~20 m,地温测量不定期进行,测温深度为地表至地下15~20 m以0.5 m或1 m间隔。地温的测量采用冻土工程国家重点实验室研制开发的高精度热敏探头,传感器测温精度优于0.05℃[21]。在钻探过程中,用手持式GPS记录各钻孔点的地理位置信息,与此同时,调查并记录各钻孔点周围地形地貌特征、植被、岩性特征。

多年冻土年均地温是表征多年冻土热状况的常用指标[22]。在青藏高原,10~15 m深度处地温基本不随外界温度变化而发生变化,因此,常被视作多年冻土的年均地温值[8]。在本文的研究中,统一采用15 m深度处的实测地温值作为多年冻土的年均地温。以钻探过程中岩芯冻结特征(地下冰的存在是野外判断多年冻土存在的重要标准)、0℃附近的实测地温数据和地温-深度廓线等指标相结合判断各钻孔点的冻土发育特征,将其划分为多年冻土和季节冻土,用以进行建模数据的初步筛选和对模型模拟结果的精度校验。

以SRTM DEM数据(空间分辨率90 m)为基础,提取出各钻孔点坡度坡向等地形特征。结合数字地貌数据(1:100万)分析各钻孔所在地的地貌类型特征[23]。在对地温数据进行详细分析的基础上,通过相关分析、回归分析等数学统计方法对多年冻土地温数据进行分析,构建模拟黄河源区多年冻土年均地温分布的主体模型。在此基础上,考虑局地地形特征(坡度坡向等),对局地地形引起的地温差异进行调整。首先通过现在普遍通用的青藏高原冻土图(1:300万)[24]对模拟结果进行验证,其次通过“青藏高原冻土本底调查项目”绘制的高原冻土图对模拟结果进行验证,以及对比分析本结果与其他相关研究成果之间的异同性等讨论本研究结果存在的问题。

3 结果分析

3.1 黄河源区及钻孔点地形地貌特征分析

以DEM数据和数字地貌数据(1:100万)为基础对黄河源区整体地形地貌特征进行分析。结果表明,源区海拔变化于4 200~5 245 m之间,以坡度5º作为划分平地和山区的界限,则坡度小于等于5º(即平地)的区域占整个研究区域面积的68.5%,坡度大于5º的山区占整个区域面积的31.5%。因此,平地是整个源区地形的主体地貌特征。


表1   黄河源中西部地区钻孔点信息汇总

Table 1   Information of boreholes located in the medium and western sections of the source area of the Yellow River




3.2 黄河源区多年冻土年均地温模型的建立


GT=76.59-0.20LONG-1.16LAT-0.0039H R2=76.59 (1)



GTS=GT+0.3 (2)



图2   黄河源区多年冻土钻孔点实测地温值与模拟地温值对比分析

Fig.2   The comparison between measured and modeled values of mean annual ground temperatures at permafrost boreholes in the source area of the Yellow River

3.3 黄河源区冻土分布图及其稳定性特征模拟分析


图3   黄河源区冻土分布图及多年冻土热力稳定性空间分布

Fig.3   The frozen soil distribution and the permafrost stability in the source area of the Yellow River


4 结论与讨论

4.1 讨论

4.1.1 模拟结果的精度分析

目前,可利用的黄河源区冻土分布图有青藏高原冻土图(1:300万)和青藏高原多年冻土本底调查项目完成的青藏高原冻土分布图(1:100万)。多年冻土本底调查项目是以中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)MODIS地表温度(Land Surface Temperature)LST产品和自动气象站(Automatic Weather Station)AWS地表温度观测数据为基础,采用地表冻结数模型(公式3)对青藏高原冻土分布进行制图,空间分辨率为1 km。在此模型中,多年冻土定义为F≥0.5,季节冻土定义为F<0.5。从这两张图上分别截取出黄河源区部分,以全部49个钻孔及实测地温数据为基础、以0ºC地温作为划分季节冻土和多年冻土的标准,对3个图件的制图精度进行对比分析。





图4   黄河源区已有冻土分布

Fig.4   The existed frozen soil distribution in the source area of the Yellow River

4.1.2 黄河源区多年冻土分布的影响因素分析


在黄河源区,经向上跨越大约3°,纬向上跨越大约2.5°,整个区域高程变化在4 200~5 245 m间,为研究多年冻土空间分布特征的“三向地带性”规律提供了良好的区域基础。更重要的是,我们所获取的实测采样点分别位于源区的东、中、西部的南部和北部地区,因此,为揭示多年冻土分布的“三向地带性”特征奠定了良好的区域和数据基础。统计分析结果也证明,影响黄河源区多年冻土年均地温空间变化的因素为纬度、经度和高程,且纬度的作用要大于经度的作用。由此看出,纬度变化所引起的热量变化相对于经度变化所引起的干湿条件变化起作用要大很多。

4.2 结论


1) 基于钻孔点的实测数据分析结果表明,源区中部多年冻土地温变化可以归结为:低于4 300 m的平原区,多年冻土多不发育;高于4 350 m的山区,局地地形对多年冻土的形成与分布作用显著。除阳坡地形外,多年冻土均比较发育;介于4 300~

4 350 m的低山丘陵和平原区,局地地形、地表植被、土壤湿度和水分条件等因素共同决定着多年冻土的形成和分布格局。

2) 黄河源区多年冻土年均地温宏观分布格局是经度、纬度和高程宏观因素作用的结果,这3个要素可以解释实测地温数据76.59%的变化,由此建立黄河源区多年冻土分布的主体模型(公式1);另外,局地阳坡地形也对多年冻土发育及其地温特征影响显著,高于同等海拔高度阴坡和平地地形钻孔约0.3ºC。由此,建立阳坡地形条件下的微调模型(公式2)。

3) 主体模型和微调模型的模拟结果表明,黄河源区多年冻土年均地温最小值为-4.47ºC,最大值为0.46ºC。以0ºC作为划分季节冻土和多年冻土的标准和界限,则多年冻土面积2.5×104km2,约占整个源区面积的85.1%;季节冻土面积0.3×104km2,约占整个源区面积的9.7%,且季节冻土主要分布于两湖南部冲洪积平原区、源区东部黄河沿滩地和东南部热曲河谷及周边地区。进一步以0.5ºC或1.0ºC为分类间隔对多年冻土的热力稳定性进行分类,分为Ⅰ带(GT-4.0ºC)Ⅱ带(-4.0<GT-3.0ºC)、Ⅲ带(-3.0<GT-2.0ºC)、Ⅳ带(-2.0<GT-1.0ºC)、Ⅴ带(-1.0<GT-0.5ºC)、Ⅵ带(-0.5<GT≤0ºC)和Ⅶ带(GT>0ºC)7个地温带和稳定性类型,各类型所占面积比例依次为0.001%、0.1%、2.0%、24.4%、31.8%、31.2%和10.4%;

4) 由于多年冻土的地下埋藏特征使得冻土分布制图成为一项复杂的工作,而实测数据相对较少、钻孔点不能覆盖所有典型区域等因素导致冻土图的精度验证工作存在较大难度。本文研究结果与已有冻土图的对比分析结果表明,在源区的东南部热曲河谷及周边地区、鄂陵湖东部等区域由于缺乏实测钻孔信息,对这些区域的多年冻土分布制图精度仍有待进一步考证。

致谢: 本文所使用的青藏高原冻土分布图(1:300万)矢量数据和数字地貌数据(1:100万)来源于“黑河计划数据管理中心”(;所使用冻结数模型模拟结果来源于青藏高原多年冻土本底调查项目(编号:2008FY110200)。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Etzelmuller B.

Recent advances in mountain permafrost research

[J]. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2013, 24(2): 99-107.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>Knowledge of the thermal state of mountain permafrost has greatly increased since 2007 with the establishment of numerous new monitoring stations around the world. Data collected at these sites have pointed to longer-term changes in ground temperatures, which seem to have increased during the last two to three decades in cold permafrost, while in ground close to 0&deg;C the near-surface ice content has restricted warming and similar trends are not apparent. Modelling of mountain permafrost has developed greatly, driven by general circulation models or gridded temperature maps, through both predictive methods and spatial equilibrium and transient approaches. The spatial resolution of climate parameters, which is normally much coarser than the spatial heterogeneity of alpine environments, presents a major problem for modelling studies. This is a fundamental challenge for future research. Copyright &copy; 2013 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd.</p>
[2] Quinton W L, Hayashi M, Chasmer L E.

Permafrost-thaw-induced land-cover change in the Canadian subarctic: implications for water resources

[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2011, 25(1): 152-158.      URL      摘要

Not Available
[3] Woo M K, Kane D L, Carey S K, et al.

Progress in permafrost hydrology in the new millennium

[J]. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2008, 19(2): 237-254.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Increased attention directed at the permafrost region has been prompted by resource development and climate change. This review surveys advances in permafrost hydrology since 2000. Data shortage and data quality remain serious concerns. Yet, there has been much progress in understanding fundamental hydrologic processes operating in a wide range of environments, from steep mountainous catchments, to the Precambrian Shield with moderate relief, to the low-gradient terrain of plains, plateaus and wetlands. Much of the recent research has focused on surface water, although springs and groundwater contribution to streamflow have also been studied. A compendium of water-balance research from 39 high-latitude catchments reveals the strengths and limitations of the available results, most of which are restricted to only a few years of study at the small watershed scale. The response of streamflow to climate receives continued if not increasing attention, from the occurrence of extreme hydrologic events to the changing regimes of river flow at a regional scale. The effect of climate change and the role of permafrost on the changing discharge of large boreal rivers are major topics for further investigation. Extended field and modelling research on physical processes will improve knowledge of permafrost hydrology and enhance its relevance to societal needs. Copyright 漏 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[4] Yang Meixue, Nelson F E, Shiklomanov N I, et al.

Permafrost degradation and its environmental effects on the Tibetan Plateau: A review of recent research

[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2010, 103(1/2): 31-44.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A significant portion of the Tibetan Plateau is underlain by permafrost, and is highly sensitive to climate change. Observational data from recent Chinese investigations on permafrost degradation and its environmental effects in the Tibetan region indicate that a large portion of the Tibetan Plateau has experienced significant warming since the mid-1950s. The air temperature increase is most significant in the central, eastern, and northwestern parts of the Plateau. The warming trend in the cold season was greater than that in the warm season. The duration of seasonal ground freezing has shortened due to the air temperature increase in winter. Numerical simulations indicate that air temperature on the Plateau will continue to increase in the 21st century. Significant warming has resulted in extensive degradation of permafrost. Over the last 3002years, a 2502m increase in the lower altitudinal occurrences of permafrost has taken place in the north. In the south the increase is 50–8002m over the past 2002years. Active-layer thickness and mean annual ground temperature have increased by 0.15–0.5002m during 1996–2001 and by 0.1–0.502°C during the last 3002years on the Tibetan Plateau, respectively. Widespread permafrost degradation has already caused environmental deterioration. Extensive desertification processes are apparent in the eastern and western portions of the Tibetan Plateau, with the area occupied by desert increasing annually by about 1.8%. With rapid retreat and thinning of permafrost, large carbon pools sequestered in permafrost could be released to increase net sources of atmospheric carbon, creating a positive feedback and accelerated warming. Damage to human infrastructure is also caused by frost heave, thaw settlement, and thaw slumping in the permafrost-affected region. The impact of permafrost degradation on energy and water exchange processes between the ground and atmosphere require further examination. Large-scale intensive monitoring networks, remote sensing investigations, and models for frozen soil are needed to clarify regional details of climate change, permafrost degradation, and their environmental effects.
[5] 金会军, 李述训, 王绍令, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2000, 55(2): 161-173.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Jin Huijun, Li Shuxun, Wang Shaoling, et al.

Impacts of climnatic change on permafrost and cold regions environments in China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000, 55(2): 161-173.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[6] 程国栋.


[J]. 冰川冻土, 1988, 10(3): 296-299.

Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Cheng Guodong.

Review and prospect of regional geocryology in China.

Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 1988, 10(3): 296-299.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[7] 南卓铜, 李述训, 刘永智.


[J]. 冰川冻土, 2002, 24(2): 142-148.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Nan Zhuotong, Li Shuxun, Liu Yongzhi.

Mean annual ground temperature distribution on the Tibetan Plateau:permafrost distribution mapping and further application.

Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2002, 24(2): 142-148.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[8] Wu Qingbai, Zhang Tingjun, Liu Yongzhi.

Permafrost temperatures and thickness on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

[J]. Global and Planetary Change, 2010, 72(1/2): 32-38.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Based on permafrost temperature measurements from 190 boreholes along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway/Railway since the early 1960s, we present spatial variations of permafrost temperatures, thermal gradients, and thickness on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Overall, permafrost temperatures at 15 m depth are higher than -4.0°C and about half of the permafrost has its temperature higher than -1.0°C. The lo...
[9] 李静, 盛煜, 陈继, .


[J]. 中国矿业大学学报, 2012, 41(1): 145-152.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Jing, Sheng Yu, Chen Ji, et al.

Modeling permafrost temperature distribution and analysing zoning characteristics of permafrost in the source regiona of the Datong River.

Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2012, 41(1): 145-152.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] Langer M, Westermann S, Heikenfeld M, et al.

Satellite-based modeling of permafrost temperatures in a tundra lowland landscape

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 135: 12-24.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Remote sensing offers great potential for detecting changes of the thermal state of permafrost and active layer dynamics in the context of Arctic warming. This study presents a comprehensive feasibility analysis of satellite-based permafrost modeling for a typical lowland tundra landscape in the Lena River Delta, Siberia. We assessed the performance of a transient permafrost model which is forced by time series of land surface temperatures (LSTs) and snow water equivalents (SWEs) obtained from MODIS and GlobSnow products. Both the satellite products and the model output were evaluated on the basis of long-term field measurements from the Samoylov permafrost observatory. The model was found to successfully reproduce the evolution of the permafrost temperature and freeze-thaw dynamics when calibrated with ground measurements. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed in order to evaluate the impact of inaccuracies in the model forcing and uncertainties in the parameterization. The sensitivity analysis showed that a correct SWE forcing and parameterization of the snow's thermal properties are essential for reliable permafrost modeling. In the worst case, the bias in the modeled permafrost temperatures can amount to 5 degrees C. For the thaw depth, a maximum uncertainty of about +/- 15 cm is found due to possible uncertainties in the soil composition. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[11] Riseborough D, Shiklomanov N, Etzelmuller B A, et al.

Recent advances in permafrost modelling

[J]. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2008, 19(2): 137-156.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This paper provides a review of permafrost modelling advances, primarily since the 2003 permafrost conference in Z&uuml;rich, Switzerland, with an emphasis on spatial permafrost models, in both arctic and high mountain environments. Models are categorised according to temporal, thermal and spatial criteria, and their approach to defining the relationship between climate, site surface conditions and permafrost status. The most significant recent advances include the expanding application of permafrost thermal models within spatial models, application of transient numerical thermal models within spatial models and incorporation of permafrost directly within global circulation model (GCM) land surface schemes. Future challenges for permafrost modelling will include establishing the appropriate level of integration required for accurate simulation of permafrost-climate interaction within GCMs, the integration of environmental change such as treeline migration into permafrost response to climate change projections, and parameterising the effects of sub-grid scale variability in surface processes and properties on small-scale (large area) spatial models. Copyright 漏 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[12] Bonnaventure P P, Lewkowicz A G. Permafrost probability modeling above and below treeline, Yukon, Canada[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2012,


80: 92-106.

[13] Li Jing, Sheng Yu, Wu Jichun, et al.

Modeling regional and local-scale permafrost distribution in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using equivalent-elevation method

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2012, 22(3): 278-287.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract<br/><p class="a-plus-plus">This study proposes an equivalent-elevation method to evaluate the integrated effects of latitude and elevation on regional and local-scale permafrost distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and to model the general permafrost-distribution patterns in regional and local-scale area. It is found that the Gaussian curve—an empirical model describing the relation between variations of altitudinal permafrost lower limit (PLL) and latitude in the Northern Hemisphere—could be applied in regional- and local-scale areas in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in a latitude-sensitive interval of 30°-50°N. The curve was then used to evaluate the latitudinal effect on permafrost distribution through transforming the latitudinal effect into a kind of altitudinal difference of PLL. This study then calculated the local equivalent-elevation value by overlaying the altitudinal difference of PLL onto real elevation at a certain location. The equivalent-elevation method was verified in an experimental subwatershed of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, feasibility of the method should be further tested in order to extend for future studies. The use of equivalent-elevation values can build a platform for comparing the regional general permafrost distribution in the plateau, and for basing further evaluations of local factors’ effects on regional permafrost distribution.</p><br/>
[14] Sheng Yu, Cao Yuanbing, Li Jing, et al.

Characteristics of permafrost along Highway G214 in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2015, 12(5): 1135-1144.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The characteristics of the permafrost along National Highway No. 214 (G214) in Qinghai province (between kilometer markers K310 and K670), including the distribution patterns of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground (SFG), ground ice content and mean annual ground temperature (MAGT), were analyzed using a large quantity of drilling and measured ground temperature data. Three topographic units can be distinguished along the highway: the northern mountains, including Ela Mountain and Longstone Mountain; the medial alluvial plain and the southern Bayan Har Mountains. The horizontal distribution patterns of permafrost can be divided into four sections, from north to south: the northern continuous permafrost zone (K310-K460), the island permafrost zone (K460-K560), the southern continuous permafrost zone (K560-K630), and the discontinuous permafrost zone (K630-K670). Vertically, the permafrost lower limits (PLLs) of the discontinuous zone were 4200/4325 m, 4230/4350 m, and 4350/4450 m on the north-facing/south-facing slopes of Ela Mountain, Longstone Mountain and Bayan Har Mountains, respectively. The permafrost was generally warm, with MAGTs between -1.000°C and 000°C in the northern continuous permafrost zone, approximately -0.500°C in the island permafrost zone, between -1.500°C and 000°C in the southern continuous permafrost zone, and higher than -0.500°C in the discontinuous permafrost zone. In contrast, the spatial variations in ground ice content were mainly controlled by the local soil water content and lithology. The relationships between the mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and the PLLs indicated that the PLLs varied between -3.300°C and -4.100°C for the northern Ela and Longstone Mountains and between -4.100°C and -4.600°C in the southern Bayan Har Mountains.
[15] 张秀敏, 盛煜, 赵林, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2012, 32(12): 1513-1520.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>以野外勘探、室内理论分析与建模为主要研究方法, 以数字高程模型(GDEM)和实测数据为基础进行统计分析, 发现坡向对多年冻土分布具有重要影响。针对青藏高原温泉区域地形的复杂性, 基于分区的方法将研究区分为平原区和山区两个地形区。对于平原区来说, 考虑到苦海湖泊对多年冻土的影响, 将苦海滩地单独划出并采用专家知识完成冻土制图, 其余平原区采用建立的地温模型进行冻土制图;对于山区来说, 通过定量化研究坡向对冻土地温的影响建立了基于坡向调整作用下的地温模型, 应用此模型完成了山区的冻土分布图。以地温作为冻土类型划分的依据, 分析了研究区域冻土的空间分布与特征, 结果表明:多年冻土的分布面积为1 681.4km2, 占整个区域的66.7%, 其中, 过渡型和亚稳定型多年冻土为主要多年冻土类型, 两者占整个研究区域的50.8%, 其次为不稳定型多年冻土(11.4%), 稳定型和极稳定型多年冻土的面积比例相对较小(4.4%和0.2%)。从空间分布格局来看, 冻土分布具有明显的垂直分带特征, 随着海拔高度的升高, 冻土地温逐渐降低, 冻土类型依次经历季节冻土-不稳定型多年冻土-过渡型多年冻土-亚稳定型多年冻土-稳定型多年冻土-极稳定型多年冻土的变化。</p>

[Zhang Xiumin, Sheng Yu, Zhao Lin, et al.

Permafrost distribution using sub-region classification and multivariate data in the Wenquan area over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(12): 1513-1520.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>以野外勘探、室内理论分析与建模为主要研究方法, 以数字高程模型(GDEM)和实测数据为基础进行统计分析, 发现坡向对多年冻土分布具有重要影响。针对青藏高原温泉区域地形的复杂性, 基于分区的方法将研究区分为平原区和山区两个地形区。对于平原区来说, 考虑到苦海湖泊对多年冻土的影响, 将苦海滩地单独划出并采用专家知识完成冻土制图, 其余平原区采用建立的地温模型进行冻土制图;对于山区来说, 通过定量化研究坡向对冻土地温的影响建立了基于坡向调整作用下的地温模型, 应用此模型完成了山区的冻土分布图。以地温作为冻土类型划分的依据, 分析了研究区域冻土的空间分布与特征, 结果表明:多年冻土的分布面积为1 681.4km2, 占整个区域的66.7%, 其中, 过渡型和亚稳定型多年冻土为主要多年冻土类型, 两者占整个研究区域的50.8%, 其次为不稳定型多年冻土(11.4%), 稳定型和极稳定型多年冻土的面积比例相对较小(4.4%和0.2%)。从空间分布格局来看, 冻土分布具有明显的垂直分带特征, 随着海拔高度的升高, 冻土地温逐渐降低, 冻土类型依次经历季节冻土-不稳定型多年冻土-过渡型多年冻土-亚稳定型多年冻土-稳定型多年冻土-极稳定型多年冻土的变化。</p>
[16] 罗栋梁, 金会军, 林琳, .


[J]. 地理科学, 2012, 32(7): 898-904.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Luo Dongliang, Jin Huijun, Lin Lin, et al.

New progress on permafrost temperature and thicknessin the source area of the Huanghe River.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(7): 898-904.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] 金会军, 王绍令, 吕兰芝, .


[J]. 冰川冻土, 2010, 32(1): 10-17.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>黄河源区位于青藏高原多年冻土区东北部边缘地带, 是季节冻土、岛状多年冻土和在大片连续多年冻土并存地带. 多年冻土层在垂向分布上有衔接状和不衔接状两大类. 不衔接状又可分为浅埋藏(&lt;8m)、深埋藏(&gt;8m)和双层多年冻土等形式. 从20世纪80年代以来, 源区气温以0.02 ℃<I>.</I>a<SUP>-1</SUP>增温率持续上升, 人类经济活动日益增强, 导致冻土呈区域性退化. 多年冻土下界普遍升高50~80 m, 最大季节冻深平均减少了0.12 m, 浅层地下水温度上升0.5~0.7 ℃. 冻土退化总体趋势是由大片状分布逐渐变为岛状、斑状分布, 多年冻土层变薄, 冻土面积缩小, 融区范围扩大. 部分多年冻土岛完全消失变为季节冻土.</FONT>

[Jin Huijun, Wang Shaoling, Lv Lanzhi, et al.

Features and degradation of frizen ground in the source area of the Yellow River,China.

Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2010, 32(1): 10-17.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>黄河源区位于青藏高原多年冻土区东北部边缘地带, 是季节冻土、岛状多年冻土和在大片连续多年冻土并存地带. 多年冻土层在垂向分布上有衔接状和不衔接状两大类. 不衔接状又可分为浅埋藏(&lt;8m)、深埋藏(&gt;8m)和双层多年冻土等形式. 从20世纪80年代以来, 源区气温以0.02 ℃<I>.</I>a<SUP>-1</SUP>增温率持续上升, 人类经济活动日益增强, 导致冻土呈区域性退化. 多年冻土下界普遍升高50~80 m, 最大季节冻深平均减少了0.12 m, 浅层地下水温度上升0.5~0.7 ℃. 冻土退化总体趋势是由大片状分布逐渐变为岛状、斑状分布, 多年冻土层变薄, 冻土面积缩小, 融区范围扩大. 部分多年冻土岛完全消失变为季节冻土.</FONT>
[18] 张森琦, 王永贵, 赵永真, .


[J]. 冰川冻土, 2004, 26(1): 1-6.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Senqi, Wang Yonggui, Zhao Yongzhen, et al.

Permafrost drgradation and its environmental sequent in the souece regions of the Yellow River.

Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2004, 26(1): 1-6.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[20] Jin Huijun, He Ruixia, Cheng Guodong, et al.

Changes in frozen ground in the Source Area of the Yellow River on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, and their eco-environmental impacts

[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2009, 4(4): 1-11.

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[J]. 冰川冻土, 2011, 33(4): 765-771.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>详细介绍高精度热敏电阻温度传感器的制作和标定技术改进及使用特点. 该温度传感器使用热敏电阻作为主要元件,利用其电阻值随温度变化而显著变化的特点,直接将温度的变化转为电量的变化. 改进后的热敏电阻温度传感器具有体积小、使用方便、对引线及二次仪表的要求低、标定时间短、测温精度高、稳定可靠、使用范围广、重复性好、能够实现远距离测量等特点,测温精度优于0.05℃.</FONT>

[Liu Jimin, Shen Ying, Zhao Shuping.

High-precision thermistor temperature sensor:Technological improvement and application.

Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2011, 33(4): 765-771.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<FONT face=Verdana>详细介绍高精度热敏电阻温度传感器的制作和标定技术改进及使用特点. 该温度传感器使用热敏电阻作为主要元件,利用其电阻值随温度变化而显著变化的特点,直接将温度的变化转为电量的变化. 改进后的热敏电阻温度传感器具有体积小、使用方便、对引线及二次仪表的要求低、标定时间短、测温精度高、稳定可靠、使用范围广、重复性好、能够实现远距离测量等特点,测温精度优于0.05℃.</FONT>
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