Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (6): 803-812

Orginal Article


王成金1, 程佳佳12

2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Spatial Pattern of Expressway Network Accessibility and Evolution in China

Wang Chengjin1, Cheng Jiajia12

1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

中图分类号:  K902

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)06-0803-10

收稿日期: 2015-05-28

修回日期:  2015-10-23

网络出版日期:  2016-10-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41571113)资助






关键词: 高速公路 ; 最短距离模型 ; 可达性


This article aims to examine how the size, connectivity and accessibility of the expressway network have evolved over time on a national scale and further influence the developing potential for a region during the past 25 years and future 15 years. Travel time and the shortest time path model were applied for this purpose. We describe the growth of the expressway network in China and analyze the development features, and evaluate the evolution of expressway network accessibility in each period including connectivity, travel time and location coefficient, and comparatively analyze their differences over time and space. In particular, we analyze the effect of expressways on spatial accessibility and location conditions, and identify which developments are likely to improve or detract from accessibility and location conditions. Furthermore, the composite developing potential for cities is evaluated by considering the population and regional gross domestic product to investigate the influence of expressways on regional development, and their changes before and after expressway construction is analyzed. The results show that the expressway construction has produced the obvious spatio-temporal convergence by reducing the travel time among the cities and brought the peripheral regions closer to the central regions and greatly improved the transport conditions in the western China which produce a continuously shrinking China. The accessibility of cities shows a spatial pattern of core-peripheral concentric circle configuration, and the Huanghe-Huaihe River Plain, the Guanzhong Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River have been the regions with the best accessibility but the worst conditions of accessibility are recorded in the northwestern and northeastern margins in China. The expressway has produced interference on the original accessibility with a certainly steady status established by traditional highways. In the early period, with the initially continuous construction of expressway, this interference was likely to be more obvious. But with the fully interconnected networking of expressway, it setbacks rapidly and the accessibility difference among the nodes also returns to original level, because expressway network becomes a new transport infrastructure increasingly to replace the existing highway. However, the expressways not only could not change the superior/poor level of locational condition for a city in the whole China but also increased the imbalances in development opportunities among cities.

Keywords: expressway network ; shortest travel time ; accessibility


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王成金, 程佳佳. 中国高速公路网的可达性格局及演化[J]. , 2016, 36(6): 803-812

Wang Chengjin, Cheng Jiajia. Spatial Pattern of Expressway Network Accessibility and Evolution in China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(6): 803-812

交通设施是决定区域发展优势的重要手段,是改变区域空间结构的显著力量[1]。中国一直将高速公路作为刺激经济增长的重要途径而大规模建设,现已形成覆盖全国的空间网络且持续建设新线。高速公路网成为大中城市实现高效社会经济联系的重要途径[2],直接影响了传统公路建立起来的空间网络与通达性,促使区域之间的时空距离“塌陷”甚至形成了“不断缩小的国家”[3]。交通网络引发的空间效应成为交通地理的长期研究主题[4],研究表明交通设施导致时空收敛,而可达性变化可反映这点[3]。许多指标可用来测算可达性,其中平均旅行时间、经济潜力、日常可达性,不同指标提供了互补性的信息[2,5~8],但可达性的效应仍存在争议。高速公路网的长期时空效应显著改变了一个地区、国家的经济地理,但这种效应仍未能得到充分关注[9]。但高速铁路的发展却引起了许多学者的关注[10]。此外,交通能力与交通改善如何影响落后地区的经济社会一直存在争议[11,12]。总体来看,多数研究拒绝交通改善与经济发展间因果关系的简单分析,而追求更细节的研究。21世纪之前,中国关于高速公路的研究很少,但Loo对珠江三角洲可达性的研究中简单涉及了高速公路[13]。随着高速公路的持续建设,许多学者开始关注其发展并形成了部分研究。部分学者关注高速公路网的发展过程,凝练网络布局模式 [14~19],但研究对象[12,14]和研究范围都很有限 [3,14,20,21],基本限定在高速公路网大规模扩张之前。近年来,地方政府为了GDP而大规模建设高速公路,这促使中国高速公路呈现积极甚至失控的建设态势,而且2013年修编的国家高速公路网规划将最终目标增长到13.6万km2,对该完整网络的评价是必要的,尤其是分析过去、当前与未来高速公路网可达性的差异。鉴于此,本文在刻画高速公路网拓展与连通性的基础上,分析中国高速公路网可达性的空间格局及演化,探讨其时空收敛效应,考察其区位优势变化,揭示高速公路建设对区域发展的影响。

1 数据与方法

1.1 数据

交通网络、空间节点与时间尺度是可达性评价的基本要素,在评价对象已定的背景下后两者的选择更关键。 在全国尺度上评价交通网的可达性,地级节点是理想的评价单元,本文选择334个节点为评价单元,包括地级行政节点(包括副省级城市)和直辖市。 公路网数据分为图形和里程数据。其中,高速公路里程数据源于各年份的《中国交通年鉴》[22],图形数据源于各年份的《中国高速公路及城乡公路网地图集》[23],未来高速公路数据源于国家与省级高速公路网规划。国省道图形数据源于国家基础地理信息中心网站(。人口和GDP数据源于各省统计年鉴和《中国城市统计年鉴》[24] 除港澳台地区外,中国高速公路建设大都始于20世纪80年代中期,国家和省级规划表明中国高速公路网将在2030年彻底完成,因此本研究覆盖1988~2030年40多年的时间尺度。选择1988年、1997年、2003年、2013年和2030年为时间点进行分析,分别反映过去、当前、将来的高速公路发展与可达性[12]。1988年为基准年,因为该年份中国首条高速公路通车;1998年和2008年是中国通过交通投资而刺激经济发展、高速公路建设的转折期,1997年反映亚洲金融危机前的高速公路建设,2003年反映亚洲金融危机影响下的高速公路网快速扩张,2013年反映2008年世界金融危机影响下的高速公路网快速建设;2030年主要反映高速公路网的终极目标。

1.2 模型






评价之前需要假设以下规则。 高速公路建设始于20世纪80年代中期,早期的高速公路是相互割裂且不连通的,需要借助国道和省道的路网连接。计算过程忽略城市和渡口处的时间损耗。各等级路线有不同的车辆行驶速度,依据《公路工程技术标准(JTGB01-2003)》设定各等级公路的行驶速度:高速公路为120 km/h,国道取80 km/h,省道取60 km/h。基于上述假设,采用下述公式计算节点间的最短交通时间。















2 中国高速公路网可达性及演化

2.1 路网拓展和连通性

交通设施的改善是区域发展的重要条件[31]。20世纪80年代末,中国建成了第一条高速公路,此后建设持续加快。1988~1997年,高速公路处于起步阶段,建设缓慢,规模有限,1997年里程仅为4 771 km;多数省区已有高速公路,但主要布局在华北、东北和华东及西南地区,仅有70个即21%的地级节点被连接(表1)。90年代中期后建设迅速,尤其在亚洲金融危机刺激政策的影响下,里程迅速增长,1999年突破1万km;2000年达1.6万km,2001年达1.9万km而居世界第二;这快速提高了连通性,连接地级节点增加到2003年的211个,辽鲁两省已实现省会到地市全部由高速公路连接。为了应对2008年世界金融危机,中国加大高速公路建设步伐,2013年增长到10.4万km,尤其2010~2013年间高速公路里程有惊人的增速。目前中国形成基本相互贯通而覆盖全国的网络,2013年连通城市达269个而比重为80.5%,比1997年增长17.3个百分点;部分大城市成为高速公路交汇的枢纽,包括哈尔滨、沈阳、北京、太原、郑州、武汉、广州、西安、重庆、成都;北京、天津、河北、上海、江西、海南、重庆、陕西等省已实现了省会至地级城市的高速公路连通,主要是沿海与中部省份;辽宁、山西、湖南、广西、四川的连通率超过90%,西部省区较低。随着高速公路网规划的持续实施,2030年高速公路规模将达18.5万km,连通319个节点,比重为95.5%,未来尚有15%的连接潜力。多数省份实现了省会至地级城市的连接,尚未连通的节点多分布在西北和西南及东北地区。

表1   1997~2030年中国高速公路网的地级城镇连通性

Table 1   Number of Prefecture-level region connected by expressway networks in China in 1997-2030




2.2 交通时间收敛效益

时空收敛效应最早由Janelle提出[32],指由于交通改善而带来旅行时间的缩减。高速公路对节点间的时间距离有重要影响[2]。高速公路建设以来,城市间交通时间呈现明显改善而逐年缩短,如表2所示,1988年国省道公路网下的总交通时间为2.7×106h,经过25 a的高速公路建设,2013年缩短为1.7×106h,缩减比例达36.2%,高速公路对时间成本降低的效益明显,形成了显著的时空收敛效应。不同时期,高速公路建设有不同速度,时空收敛效益也明显不同。1997年总交通时间为2.6×106h,缩减幅度达5.1%,年均为0.51%,这是由于该时期高速公路多为断头路,时间效益小。1997~2003年是收敛效益最明显的时期,交通时间缩短幅度达18.3%,年均达2.6%。因此,高速公路快速建设促使城市间产生了持续的时空“塌陷”与“压缩”[29]。须关注的是,2003~2013年高速公路建设尽管更快,但交通时间缩短幅度达12.8%,年均为1.4%,与前期相比收敛效应下降,这同Li等的结论相似[12]。这表明随着高速公路的逐步成网,时间效益逐步下降。2030年总交通时间为1.55×106h,比1988年缩减43.1%,但与2013年相比仅有6.9个百分点的改善空间。这表明如果高速公路网的骨架部分得到建设,随后的改善或新建路线的时空收敛趋于减弱[33]表2表明其他交通时间指标的变化也反映了类似的发展规律,高速公路网大大缩短了城市间的交通时间[2],促使中国不断“缩小”,成为国土空间结构重组的显著力量。

表2   中国高速公路可达性的指标变化(h)

Table 2   Major indicators on travel time in China`s trunk road network



2.3 可达性格局及演变

高速公路建设对国省道网建立的可达性体系产生了冲击,各时期时间曲线图产生了明显的空间分异,尤其是“过去”、“当前”和“将来”(本文中,“过去”指1988~2013年, “当前”指2013年,“将来”指2013~2030年)情景产生了明显分异[26]图1)。

图1   1988~2030年中国高速公路网可达性演化

Fig.1   Accessibility of China’s trunk road network during 1988~2030

1) 无论哪个时期,可达性格局均呈现空间非均衡性,由腹心地区向周边地区直到边境地区逐步衰减。在各时期,“核心-边缘”同心圈层结构明显,各城市的可达性存在差异,“核心”地区有很高的可达性而多数边缘节点有较低的可达性。其中,黄淮海平原、关中和长江中下游始终是可达性最高的区域,邻近地区有较高的可达性,并以此为中心向西北、东北和西南方向衰减。而西北和东北地区有最低的可达性,一定程度上造成这些地区的发展落后[28]。须关注的是,高速公路建设并未对国省道网的可达性格局产生颠覆性影响。

2) 时间等值线均呈现“由内向外”依次推移的模式,高速公路减少了交通时间而明显改善可达性,时空收敛效应显著。1988年腹心地区的可达性小于4×105 min,东北地区介于5.5×105~9×105 min,西北地区介于5.5×105~12×105 min而西南地区处于5.5×105~7×105 min,腹心和边缘地区的可达性差异明显。2013年可达性格局发生明显变化,腹心地区已改善为2.5×105 min,缩减了一半,东北地区也缩减至4×105~5.5×105 min,近西部改善为3×105~3.5×105 min,西南区缩减为4×105 min,尤其是乌鲁木齐-格尔木-香格里拉以东明显改善而均达1988年腹心地区的通达水平,但阿勒泰和阿里及喀什的可达性仍较低。因此,高速公路强化了可达性分异。2013~2030年,随着高速公路的持续建设的,腹心地区虽有改善但边缘地区将更容易通达,东北地区缩减至3×105~4.5×105 min,近西部改善为2.5×105~3×105 min,西南也缩减为3×105~3.5×105 min,但西北的阿里、喀什、伊利、阿勒泰及东北的三江平原仍处于5.5×105~6.5×105 min。总体上,高速公路的时空效应对改变可达性的地理模式有积极影响,促使国土不断“缩小”。图1表明,78.7%的城市集中在30×104~55×104 min等值线内。1988~1997年高速公路的快速建设对改变可达性结构影响较小,但集中的时间区段转变为30×104~50×104 min(76.1%)。此后,高速公路快速扩张显著改变了可达性结构,2003年274个城市介于25×104~45×104 min等值线内,而2013年85.6%的城市介于20×104~40×104 min等值线。须关注的是,2013~2030年间可达性结构的变化较小。

3) 持续的高速公路建设促使可达性结构明显变化。各年份的交通时间跨度不断内缩,1988~1997年高速公路对可达性的影响较小,1988年交通时间介于3.5×105~12.5×105 min,1997年仍保持该交通时间;此后交通时间明显缩减,2013年已缩至2.5×105~10.5×105 min,2030年将缩至2×105~8.5×105 min。这充分反映了高速公路建设对时空收效的促进效应。从各时间区段的覆盖面积看,低值时间线圈定的国土明显扩大,而高值时间线圈定的国土明显缩小,高速公路促使越多越多国土的交通时间缩小。覆盖国土最高的时间段从1988年的4×105~4.5×105 min转移到2003年的3.5×105~4×105 min,2013年为2.5×105~3.5×105 min,2030年将转移到2.5×105~3×105 min,越来越多的国土在更少的交通时间内完成社会经济交流。高速公路在可达性上产生了绝对的收益,为边缘地区的发展提供了更多的机遇[26]

4) 各节点在时空收敛过程中有明显不同的获益水平。1988~2030年期间,腹心地区包括河南、山东、湖北、安徽、黄河中下游和长江中游成为可达性改善最低的地区,从时间收敛效应中获益最小;而位居东北、西北和西南及东南沿海国土边缘的城市却有最高的时间节约,成为时空收敛效应的最大受益者。须关注的是,这种模式同交通时间与区位系数的格局相反,边缘地区的交通时间改善最大但可达性最高的区域仍集中在腹心地区[12]。Gutierrez等在欧洲道路网的研究中也发现了类似的结论[34]。但高速公路在各时间段有不同的建设速度和规模,这对时间缩减幅度的分异产生影响。在1988~1997年高速公路起步阶段,时间收效显著的城市集中在“漠河-腾冲”界线以东,尤其是东北、环渤海、西南和东南沿海地区及京广高速沿线,而以西地区的时间改善较弱,该时期高速公路集中在沿海省份[12]。1997~2003年,东北、西南和东部沿海地区仍是时间收敛的显著区域;具体而言,北部湾、珠江三角洲、湖南、苏北、浙南-闽北、鲁西南的收益明显,河西走廊、湟水谷地和新疆开始受益。2003~2013年期间,时间缩减幅度大的城镇明显向西部转移;甘肃、四川、云南、新疆、宁夏、陕西及贵州为时间收敛最显著的地区,两广和福建也有明显受益。2014~2030年,主要受益者向东部(山东、安徽、河南、冀南、长三角)、中西南(粤西、广西、湖南和贵州)及新疆、青海转移。分析说明,前两个阶段扩大了沿海地区与内陆的差距,后两个阶段产生了相反的趋势[12]

2.4 可达性系数及演变


1) 尽管各图有所不同,但比较发现城市间的时间区位形成基本的空间模式。无论哪个时期,节点的时间区位呈现明显的非均衡性,形成核心-边缘的同心圈层结构。腹心地区始终是区位系数最低的地区,包括河南、安徽、湖北、湖南及部分山东、河北、江西、四川、重庆,具有最优的区位条件;由腹心向外,区位系数断变大,区位优势逐步降低。空间上,边缘区主要分布在西北、西南和东北,但随着高速公路的建设,其范围不断缩小,而核心区不断扩大,尤其云南的区位不断改善并摆脱“边缘”特征。远西部及东北地区始终是区位结构的边缘。因此,尽管交通时间节约的绝对受益,但相对区位仍弱化。

2) 理论上,ACi最小的节点为区位中心,其他节点与该中心的时间距离越大其区位越差。1988年南阳具有最小的ACi而成为区位中心。随着东部和北方高速公路的建设,区位中心逐步东移、北移,1997年东移到信阳,随后北方高速公路的建设促使2003年区位中心北移到郑州。但随着全国高速公路网的完善,国道网建立的区位格局有所恢复,区位中心又转移到南阳,即使随着高速公路的继续完善,2030年区位中心仍为南阳。这表明网络演变保持了公路网建立起来的区位格局。

3) ACi=1等值线反映了全国平均水平的时间区位线。如图2所示,从各时间段看,该曲线的分布及圈定的范围变化较小,保持相对的稳定。1988年该曲线基本环绕在河北、内蒙、近西部及西江和东南沿海地区,该范围内的区位均优于全国平均水平,其他地区均劣于全国平均水平,尤其阿里和喀什等地区的区位最差,其系数高于2.3,东北地区的系数略高于西北地区。这表明高速公路建设虽改善各节点的交通条件,改变了其最短交通时间,但对相对区位的改善未产生明显影响,边缘地区仍保持“边缘”身份。

图2   中国地级城镇的时间区位系数格局及演化

Fig.2   Location coefficient of China`s prefecture-level city and evolution

4) 各节点的区位形成明显的分异结构,但各时期的变化较小。无论哪个时期,区位较差的城市为少数,大体保持在1/3的比例,1988年比重为36.8%,2013年为32.9%,2030年将达到35.9%。多数城市的区位条件高于全国平均水平,约占2/3。从系数区段看,城市主要集中在“0.6~1.4”区段内,其中0.7~1.1区段的节点最多,约占3/4。从区位系数的区段拉伸长度看,1988年较短,介于0.6~2.4间,1997年拓展到2.5,2003年进一步拓展到2.8,2013年拉伸到3.1,但2030年回归到2.4。这同前文分析相吻合。

5) 高速公路虽通过缩减各城市的交通时间而改变了其可达性,但是否改善其区位,需要进一步识别[2]。1988~2013年,高速公路改变了各节点的区位优劣程度,但变化不均衡。沿海地区、中部成为区位改变的受益者,云南、成渝地区、陕西及部分东部城市也是受益者,区位明显改善。区位相对劣化的城市多分布在中西部,尤其西藏、青海的区位不断劣化,甘肃、新疆、宁夏的城镇也呈类似特征,同时黑龙江、蒙东、吉林、雷州半岛及海南、广西、云南、贵州、湖南的部分城市也呈现区位弱化,这些城市是高速公路建设的受损者。这说明交通条件改善不一定能促使边缘地区减少边缘性。2013~2030年,区位恶化的城市将有所改善,尤其西藏和四川西部、青海处于明显改善过程,内蒙东部、云南、贵州和湖南也有明显改善,而中部和东部的区位有所劣化,广东以北、京广高速以东的中东部及东北的腹心区位下降明显。总体上,高速公路改善了西部、边境地区及山区的区位条件,东南沿海地区也得到改善,但中国腹心的区位不断下降,此外东北腹心的区位明显下降。因此,高速公路改善了国土边缘的区位,对这些地区的对外联系产生明显的时空收敛效益,但腹心地区的区位有所弱化,核心与边缘区的差距因高速公路而持续缩小。

3 可达性差异与区域潜能

3.1 可达性差异



3.2 城市发展潜能


图3   人口-经济-可达性区位系数格局与变化

Fig.3   Population-economic-road location coefficient and its changes



4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Jin F J, Wang C J,

Li X W et al. China’s regional transport dominance: Density, proximity, and accessibility

[J]. Journal Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(2): 295-309.

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[2] Gutierrez J.

Location, economic potential and daily accessibility: an analysis of the accessibility impact of the high-speed line Madrid-Barcelona-French border

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2001, 9(4): 229-242.      URL      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

This paper evaluates the accessibility impact of the future Madrid–Barcelona–French border high-speed line. Accessibility impact of the new infrastructure is measured by means of three indicators: weighted average travel times, economic potential and daily accessibility. These indicators respond to different conceptualizations and offer complementary information about the issue accessibility. The results are quite different: very concentrated effects in the daily accessibility indicator, less concentrated in the economic potential one and more dispersal in the location indicator. The sign (polarizing/balancing) of these effects depend on the geographic scale: polarizing effects at the national level and balancing effects at both corridor and European levels are identified. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to carry out this study.
[3] Hou Q, Li S L.

Transport infrastructure development and changing spatial accessibility in the Greater Pearl River Delta, 1990-2020

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011, 9(6): 1350-1360.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This paper analyses the accessibility implications of the development of expressways and inter-city railways in the Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD) over the period 1990-2020. Average travel time was firstly reduced by expressway development; and it will be reduced further by the introduction of the inter-city rail system in 2011. The unevenness in regional accessibility remained relatively high during the initial stage of expressway development, but later expansion brought more balanced accessibility landscapes. The first stage (2010-2020) of inter-city railway development will raise the accessibility inequality. Its later effects, however, remain to be seen. Convenience in transport connections is associated with the spatial pattern of industrialization. In addition, accessibility improvement is tied to the direction of city-region development, as exemplified by Guangzhou's choice of Nansha, the city's outer port, as development focus.
[4] Wang J E, Jin F J,

Mo H H et al. Spatiotemporal evolution of China’s railway network in the 20th century: An accessibility approach

[J]. Transportation Research Part A, 2009, 43(8): 765-778.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The interrelatedness of transportation development and economic growth has been a constant theme of geographic inquiries, particularly in economic and transportation geography. This paper analyzes the expansion of China’s railway network, the evolution of its spatial accessibility, and the impacts on economic growth and urban systems over a time span of about one century (1906–2000). First, major historical events and policies and their effects on railway development in China are reviewed and grouped into four major eras: preliminary construction, network skeleton, corridor building, and deep intensification. All four eras followed a path of “inland expansion.” Second, spatial distribution of accessibility and its evolution are analyzed. The spatial structure of China’s railway network is characterized by “concentric rings” with its major axis in North China and the most accessible city gradually migrating from Tianjin to Zhengzhou. Finally, the study indicates that railway network expansion has significantly improved economic development and heavily influenced the formation of urban systems in China.
[5] Vickerman R W.

Accessibility, attraction, and potential: A review of some concepts and their use in determining ability

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 1974, 6(6): 675-691.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Some confusion seems to have developed over the relationship between accessibility and travel patterns. Various concepts of attraction, accessibility, and potential are examined with the object of reaching a more satisfactory definition. Multivariate analysis of data relating to an urban area suggests that the influences of conventional accessibility indices are concealed by collinear socioeconomic variations; when these are separated there is a more pronounced relationship. It is shown that such a relationship has important consequences for urban planning. /Author/TRRL/
[6] Linneker B J, Spence N A.

Road transport infrastructure and regional economic development: The regional development effects of the M25 London orbital motorway

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1996, 4(2): 77-92.      URL      摘要

The M25 London Orbital Motorway has affected levels of accessibility in Britain and this has been discussed in an earlier paper. Changes so caused are thought likely to affect regional development and the objective of this research is to evaluate the nature of this relationship. The methodology involves the construction of a series of measures of both regional development, as the impact or dependent variable, and accessibility, as the policy or control variable. The regressions also include a number of other potential explanatory factors. Accessibility is measured using time, distance and cost impedance functions for heavy goods vehicle movements. The results are somewhat different from those found in previous research involving different spatial and temporal circumstances. During the 1980s places with the highest general levels of accessibility (including that arising from the construction of the M25) score poorest on the changing development indicators. However, when the component of accessibility change which is caused by the actual construction of the M25 motorway is isolated, then it can be demonstrated that such changes are positively related to changing levels of economic development, at least for some impedance functions.
[7] Geertman S C M, Ritsema V E.

GIS and model of accessibility: An application in planning

[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 1995, 9: 67-80.      URL      摘要

This paper focuses on the integration of models, especially potential models, in a geographical information system (GIS). This exercise was prompted by the inability of common geographical information systems to deal adequately with the problem of accessibility. Attention is devoted to the technical aspects of integration as well as to the use of GTS—based potential modelling in Dutch physical planning practice.
[8] Linneker B J, Spence N A.

An accessibility analysis of the impact of the M25 London orbital motorway on Britain

[J]. Regional Studies, 1992, 26(1): 31-47.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

, 31–47. Es scheint sicher, dass die Londoner Autoumge-hungsstrasse M25 den allgemeinen Grad der Zug01nglich-keit in Grossbritannien beeintr01chtigt hat. Umfang und Natur dieses Wandels der Zug01nglichkeit jedoch sind weniger genau erforscht, und dieser Aufsatz hat sich den Versuch zum Ziel gesetzt, sie genau zu bestimmen. Die Methodik erfordert die Festsetzung der Gr02ssenordnung des Marktpotentials im Falle der Strassenbenutzung und ohne, wobei eine von aussen auferlegte Minimalisierung des Weges von einer Regionalzone zur anderen zu Grunde gelegt wird. Die Funktionen der scheinbaren Behinderungen Zeit, Entfernung und Kosten werden sowohl für Wagen als auch für schwere Gütertransporte berechnet. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf bedeutende, jedoch nicht immer in der zu erwartenden Richtung auftretende Ver01nderungen der Zug01nglichkeit hin. Sie h01ngen stark von der Art der St02rungsfunktion, der Verkehrsweise und dem Standort der Auswirkung ab.
[9] Spence N, Linneker B J.

Evolution of the motorway network and changing levels of accessibility in Great Britain

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1994, 2(4): 247-264.

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] Koopmans C, Rietveld P, Huijg A.

An accessibility approach to railways and municipal population growth, 1840-1930

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 26(1): 98-104.

[本文引用: 2]     

[11] Owen W.

Special problems facing underdeveloped countries. Transportation and economic development

[J]. The American Economic Review, 1959, 49(2): 179-187.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Li S M, Shum Y M.

Impacts of the national truck highway system on accessibility in China

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2001, 9(1): 39-48.      URL      [本文引用: 11]      摘要

Recently, China has launched a major programme of motorway construction 鈥 the National Trunk Highway System (NTHS). The present study analyses the impacts of this highway development programme on the pattern of accessibility gradients, trying to draw implications for regional growth. Obviously, this programme will bring about substantial improvements in accessibility across the nation. There is evidence, however, that highway investment exhibits diminishing returns over time. Greater improvements in the nodal accessibility of the major coastal cities, as compared with cities in interior and periphery provinces, in the initial stage of the highway development programme are found. But as time progresses, the NTHS will bring about more balanced development in the spatial sense.
[13] Loo B P Y.

Development of a regional transport infrastructure: Some lessons from the Zhujiang Delta, Guangdong, China

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1999, 7(1): 43-63.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract provided.
[14] 曹小曙,阎小培.


[J]. 地理研究,2003,22(3): 305-312.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Cao Xiaoshu, Yan Xiaopei.

The impact of the evolution of land network on spatial structure of accessibility in the developed areas: the case of Dongguan city in Guangdong province.

Geographical Research, 2003, 22(3): 305-312.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[15] 王成金.


[J]. 地理科学进展,2006,25(6): 126-137.      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>基于国内研究进展的评述, 本文分析了我国高速公路网络的空间演化过程, 认为以1997 年为界存在缓慢发展和快速发展两个阶段, 并探讨了高速公路网络的组织模式; 作者深入考察了 高速公路发展的区域效应, 分析了高速公路对全国公路交通流格局的演化影响和高速公路建设 对城镇密集区的公路交通流格局和地域系统的影响, 并以省会城市为中心, 探讨了高速公路对 30 分钟和1 小时交通圈的空间效应。</p>

[Wang Chengjin.

Regional impaction and evolution of express way networks in China.

Progress in Geography, 2006, 25(6): 126-137.]      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>基于国内研究进展的评述, 本文分析了我国高速公路网络的空间演化过程, 认为以1997 年为界存在缓慢发展和快速发展两个阶段, 并探讨了高速公路网络的组织模式; 作者深入考察了 高速公路发展的区域效应, 分析了高速公路对全国公路交通流格局的演化影响和高速公路建设 对城镇密集区的公路交通流格局和地域系统的影响, 并以省会城市为中心, 探讨了高速公路对 30 分钟和1 小时交通圈的空间效应。</p>
[16] 牛树海.


[J]. 人文地理,2005,86(6): 106-110.

[Niu Shuhai.

The study on effect of time-space astringency of expressway network: a case of Henan province.

Human Geography, 2005, 86(6): 106-110.]

[17] 顾政华,李旭宏,于世军.


[J]. 公路交通科技,2005,22(2): 86-89.

Magsci      摘要


[Gu Zhenghua, Li Xuhong, Yu Shijun.

Research on connectivity of layout structure for regional expressway network.

Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2005, 22(2): 86-89.]

Magsci      摘要

[18] 吴威,曹有挥,曹卫东,.


[J]. 长江流域资源与环境,2007,16(6): 726-731.      URL      Magsci      摘要


[Wu Wei, Cao Youhui,

Cao Weidong et al. Impact of regional expressway network on the accessibility pattern: the case of the belt along the Yangtze river in Anhui province.

Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2007, 16(6): 726-731.]      URL      Magsci      摘要

[19] 徐旳,陆玉麒.


[J]. 经济地理,2004,24(6): 830-833.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Xu Di, Lu Yuqi.

Impacts of the trunk highway system on accessibility of the municipalities in Jiangsu.

Economic Geography, 2004, 24(6): 830-833.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[20] 张莉,陆玉麒.


[J]. 地理学报,2006,61(12): 1235-1246.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>对于给定的区域而言,区内任意一点可达性的评价应当是区内可达性和区外可达性的综合评价。利用MapX控件和Delphi编程工具,开发了基于时间最短的区域可达性计算与分析信息系统,生成了可达性的分值扩散图。基于长江三角洲的陆路交通网,从时间距离的角度对长江三角洲内16个地级市目前和未来的区内可达性和区外可达性进行了评价。结果表明,长江三角洲区域可达性呈现出以上海为中心的扇状辐射,可达性最好的是上海和嘉兴,可达性最差的是台州和南通。随着苏通大桥、杭州湾跨海大桥和舟山大陆连岛工程的建成,长江三角洲地区内所有城市的区内可达性都有了提高,尤其是绍兴、宁波和泰州,区内可达性减少了1h,其余城市区内可达性平均减少了25 min。随着南通洋口港的建成,长江三角洲境内江苏城市以海港为节点的区外可达性都有不同程度的提高,到达海港的平均时间减少了近1h。</p>

[Zhang Li, Lu Yuqi.

Assessment on regional accessibility based on land transportation network: a case study of the Yangtze River Delta.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(12): 1235-1246.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>对于给定的区域而言,区内任意一点可达性的评价应当是区内可达性和区外可达性的综合评价。利用MapX控件和Delphi编程工具,开发了基于时间最短的区域可达性计算与分析信息系统,生成了可达性的分值扩散图。基于长江三角洲的陆路交通网,从时间距离的角度对长江三角洲内16个地级市目前和未来的区内可达性和区外可达性进行了评价。结果表明,长江三角洲区域可达性呈现出以上海为中心的扇状辐射,可达性最好的是上海和嘉兴,可达性最差的是台州和南通。随着苏通大桥、杭州湾跨海大桥和舟山大陆连岛工程的建成,长江三角洲地区内所有城市的区内可达性都有了提高,尤其是绍兴、宁波和泰州,区内可达性减少了1h,其余城市区内可达性平均减少了25 min。随着南通洋口港的建成,长江三角洲境内江苏城市以海港为节点的区外可达性都有不同程度的提高,到达海港的平均时间减少了近1h。</p>
[21] 吴威,曹有挥,梁双波.


[J]. 地理科学进展,2010,29(5): 619-626.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wu Wei, Cao Youhui, Liang Shuangbo.

Temporal and spatial evolution of integrated transport accessibility in the Yangtze River Delta: 1986-2005.

Progress in Geography, 2010, 29(5): 619-626.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] 中国交通运输协会.


[M]. 北京: 中国交通年鉴社, 1989-2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[China Communications and Transportation Association. Year Book of China Transportation and Communications. Beijing: Year Book House of China Transportation and Communications, 1989-2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] 中国北斗文化传媒有限公司. 中国高速公路及城乡公路网地图集[M]. 北京: 中国地图出版社, 2015.

[本文引用: 1]     

[China Dipper Culture Media Ltd. China Road Atlas. Beijing: SinoMaps Press, 2015.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] 国家统计局城市社会经济调查司. 中国城市统计年鉴[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 1989-2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[National Bureau of Statistics. China City Statistical Yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 1989-2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Hansen W G.

How accessibility shapes land-use

[J]. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 1959, 25(2): 73-76.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

An empirical examination of the residential development patterns illustrates that accessibility and the availability of vacant developable land can be used as the basis of a residential land use model. The author presents an operational definition and suggests a method for determining accessibility patterns within metropolitan areas. This is a process of distributing forecasted metropolitan population to small areas within the metropolitan region. Although the model presented is not yet sufficiently well refined for estimating purposes, the concept and the approach may be potentially useful tools for metropolitan planning purposes.
[26] Gutierrez J, Urbano P.

Accessibility in the European Union: The impact of the trans-European road network

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1996b, 4(1): 15-25.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the future Trans-European Road Network as far as accessibility is concerned. Accessibility analysis and presentation of results is undertaken using a vector geographic information system (GIS). In accordance with the results of the study, the new planned links appreciably modify levels of accessibility to economic activity centres, thus reducing distances and bringing the peripheral regions closer to the central ones. In accordance with the analyses carried out, the benefits of these new infrastructures will affect the whole of the territory of the European Union, albeit particularly so in the peripheral regions.
[27] Dupuy G, Stransky V.

Cities and highway network in Europe

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1996, 4(2): 107-121.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The highway system — a communications network on a national or international scale par excellence — is here examined in light of the relationships which it makes possible between cities (or poles) of European significance. The ‘rank’ of each of these cities, in terms of accessibility to the other poles, can be calculated mathematically and a hierarchy of these cities can thus be established. While the position of a given city within this hierarchy is linked to physical and human geography (natural barriers in the first case; boundary effects, extremely variable density according to country and region in the second), it is also linked to the characterics (especially topological) of the national highway systems.
[28] Keeble D, Owens P L, Thompson C.

Regional accessibility and economic potential in the European Community

[J]. Regional Study, 1982, 16(6): 419-432.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Keeble D., Owens P. L. and Thompson C. (1982) Regional accessibility and economic potential in the European community, Reg. Studies 16, 419–432. This paper investigates changes in regional accessibility to economic activity within the European Community between 1965 and 1977 as measured by the ‘economic potential' index. Potential measures proximity by road to regional economic activity as that is geographically distributed throughout the Community, allowing for tariff barriers and sea-ferry crossings, as well as successive enlargements to Nine in 1973 and, prospectively, to Twelve. While 1973 enlargement benefited accessibility levels in the ‘new' periphery quite considerably, already severe centre-periphery disparities in regional accessibility in general widened still further during the period, largely because of continuing concentration of economic activity in core EC regions.
[29] Geurs K T, Wee B V.

Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport strategies: Review and research directions

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2004, 12(2): 127-140.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">A review of accessibility measures is presented for assessing the usability of these measures in evaluations of land-use and transport strategies and developments. Accessibility measures are reviewed using a broad range of relevant criteria, including theoretical basis, interpretability and communicability, and data requirements of the measures. Accessibility impacts of land-use and transport strategies are often evaluated using accessibility measures, which researchers and policy makers can easily operationalise and interpret, such as travelling speed, but which generally do not satisfy theoretical criteria. More complex and disaggregated accessibility measures, however, increase complexity and the effort for calculations and the difficulty of interpretation. The current practice can be much improved by operationalising more advanced location-based and utility-based accessibility measures that are still relatively easy to interpret for researchers and policy makers, and can be computed with state-of-the-practice data and/or land-use and transport models. Research directions towards theoretically more advanced accessibility measures point towards the inclusion of individual's spatial&ndash;temporal constraints and feedback mechanisms between accessibility, land-use and travel behaviour. Furthermore, there is a need for theoretical and empirical research on relationships between accessibility, option values and non-user benefits, and the measurement of different components of accessibility.</p>
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Introduction The birth of Pakistan in particular and theindependence and creation of some other Asiannation states in general coincide with an internationaleffort to overcome colonialization and tostrengthen mutual exchanges of goods andknowledge. The ag
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[33] Vickerman R W, Spiekermann K, Wegener M.

Accessibility and economic development in Europe

[J]. Regional Studies, 1999, 33(1): 1-15.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. and WEGENER M. (1999) Accessibility and economic development in Europe, , 1-15. There is continuing debate on the role of transport infrastructure and changes in accessibility on regional economic development. The emphasis in recent European Union policy on the development of trans-European Networks (TENs) provides a focus for a re-evaluation. Much of the debate assumes that improvements in accessibility will lead to economic development and, by implication, to greater cohesion. This paper identifies some of the major difficulties in defining a simple measure of accessibility for use in such studies and proceeds to evaluate new measures of time-space and accessibility surfaces which allow for greater disaggregation at a spatial and sectoral level. An assessment of the implications for regional development in the EU is then made. The conclusions cast doubt on the ability of TENs to promote greater convergence in both accessibility and economic development.VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. et WEGENER M. (1999) Accessibilite07 et de07veloppement e07conomique en Europe, , 1-15. Le ro le de l'infrastructure de transport et de l'accessibilite07 dans le de07veloppement e07conomique re07gional est toujours un sujet très controverse07. Dans le cadre de l'Union europe07enne, la politique re07cente a mis l'accent sur le de07veloppement des re07seaux transeurope07ens, ce qui permet une re07e07valuation. Dans une large mesure, le de07bat laisse supposer qu'une meilleure accessibilite07 incitera au de07veloppement e07conomique et, par la suite, à plus de cohe07sion. L'article distingue quelques-unes des plus grandes difficulte07s quant à la de07finition d'une mesure simple de l'accessibilite07 qui pourrait e tre employe07e dans de telles e07tudes, et e07value de nouvelles mesures de l'espace-temps et de l'accessibilite07 qui permettraient une division plus importante sur le plan ge07ographique et du point de vue sectoriel. On fait le bilan des conse07quences pour l'ame07nagement du territoire au sein de l'Union europe07enne. La conclusion met en doute la capacite07 des re07seaux transeurope07ens à promouvoir une meilleure convergence quant à l'accessibilite07 et au de07veloppement e07conomique.VICKERMAN R., SPIEKERMANN K. und WEGENER M. (1999) Zug01nglichkeit und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa, , 1-15. Die Debatte über die Rolle von Verkehrsinfrastruktur und Wandel der Zug01nglichkeit auf regionalwirtschaftliche Entwicklung h01lt weiterhin an. Die Betonung der Entwicklung transeurop01ischer Netzwerke (TEN) in den letzten politischen Diskussionen der EU liefert einen Brennpunkt für eine erneute Einsch01tzung. In der Debatte wird oft vorausgesetzt, da08 verbesserte Zug01nglichkeit zu wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, und implizite zu st01rkerem Zusammenhalt, führen wird. Dieser Aufsatz identifiziert einige der Hauptschwierigkeiten bei der Definition eines einfachen Ma08stabs der Zug01nglichkeit zur Anwendung bei derartigen Studien, und beurteilt dann neue Ma08st01be der Zeit-Raum und Zug01nglichkeitsoberfl01che, welche gr0208ere Disaggregation auf r01umlicher wie auf Sektorenebene gestatten. Anschlie08end wird eine Einsch01tzung der Implikationen für die Regionalentwicklung in der EU vorgenommen. Sie Schlu08folgerungen lassen Zweifel an der F01higkeit transeurop01ischer Netzwerke aufkommen, gr0208ere Konvergenz von Zug01nglichkeit und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung herbeizuführen.
[34] Gutierrez J, Gmez G.

The impact of orbital motorways on intra-metropolitan accessibility: The case of Madrids M-40

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1999, 7(1): 1-15.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, we analyze the impact of orbital motorways on intra-metropolitan accessibility, using as an example the Madrid M-40 orbital motorway. The maps of changes in accessibility show that, as one might expect, the nodes situated near the M-40 are those that most benefit from the new infrastructure and that the further their distance from the M-40, the weaker the changes, although the gradient is much steeper towards the city centre than towards the exterior. All the indicators used point to the fact that the new orbital motorway has brought about relevant changes, but the intensity with which such changes are registered depends on the variable used as a mass (changes are higher in accessibility to population indicators than in accessibility to employment indicators), and on the type of operationalization adopted (the most complex ones are those which least noticeably reflect the effect of the new orbital motorway). It has been verified, in the case of the Madrid M-40, that orbital motorways do not necessarily lead to an increase in the equality of intra-metropolitan accessibility, for this will depend on their location within the metropolitan area: the further out they are, the greater equality they bring, even though they attract less traffic.
