Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (6): 959-964

Orginal Article


李国庆1, 张春华1, 张丽1, 张蒙2

1.鲁东大学资源与环境工程学院,山东 烟台264025
2.北京师范大学资源学院地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875

Effects of Wind Farms on Grassland Vegetation: A Case Study of Huitengliang Wind Farm, Inner Mongolia

Li Guoqing1, Zhang Chunhua1, Zhang Li1, Zhang Meng2

1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, College of Resources Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

中图分类号:  P951

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)06-0959-06

收稿日期: 2015-08-15

修回日期:  2015-11-4

网络出版日期:  2016-10-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  鲁东大学引进人才专项(LY2014020)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(2014CB138803)、国家自然科学基金资助项目(31570451)资助





利用2000~2014年的MOD13Q1-NDVI数据,对内蒙古灰腾梁风电场及该电厂50 km缓冲区内的植被生长情况进行了分析。结合气象数据,重点探讨了风向对植被生长的影响。与2000~2008年风电场建设完成前植被生长相比,2008年后风电场运行对植被的生长产生了明显的影响,但影响范围和强度是不均匀的,结果表明:风电场运行对风电场区域内/外植被的影响机制是不同的,风电场区域内不利于植被的生长,而上/下风区域却有利于植被的生长; 相对于风电场建成前,风电场建成后的2008 ~2014年缓冲区和风电场区域植被恢复比例分别上升了26.66%和13.14%,但上风区域却上升了51.83%,下风区域上升了41.07%。可见风电场上/下风区植被恢复比例,尤其是上风区植被的恢复比例要远高于其它区域; 距离风电场中心30~40 km的上风区很可能是受风电场影响最为明显的区域。

关键词: 风电场 ; 植被生长 ; 灰腾梁 ; 草地


With increasing environmental problems and a growing shortage of energy resources, wind as a renewable energy source is increasing in attention from various sectors. Currently, China′s energy policies are gradually turning to utilizing wind energy. Although there are many positive environmental benefits that wind energy provides, researchers around the world have recently begun to investigate environmental negative effects of wind energy development, and they are identifying the pros and cons of wind energy. Current investigations largely focus on vegetation, soil and animal disturbance due to wind farm construction, as well as focusing on possible impacts to the surrounding land surface temperature and local climate change. Existing research indicates that in wind farm areas both near-surface air humidity and surface sensible heat flux decrease. These changes can indirectly change meteorological elements, for example cloud cover and precipitation. The construction and operation of wind farms significantly reduces wind speed in the leeward direction which affects local air temperatures (both increasing and decreasing temperatures). These elements could have an impact on the growth state of local vegetation. In this article, remote sensing techniques are used to investigate the scope and impact intensity of the Huitengliang wind farm, Inner Mongolia, on local vegetation. This investigation will provide a reference for wind farm construction, conservation and restoration of vegetation and environmental improvement. Utilizing MOD13Q1-NDVI data in 2000-2014, vegetation change in a 50 km buffer area around the Huitengliang wind farm, Inner Mongolia, was analyzed. Combining meteorological data in this analysis, the impact of wind direction on vegetation growth was discussed. Compared with the construction phase (2000-2008), the operation phase (2008-2014) has a more obvious impact on the growth of vegetation. However, the results showed that vegetation impact was uneven: 1) The influencing mechanisms of a wind farm on vegetation differ within and outside of the farm area. Within the wind farm area, the wind farm is not conducive to vegetation growth, while it is helpful to vegetation growth in windward/leeward area; 2) Compared with the wind farm construction stage, the proportion of vegetation restoration in the buffer area and the farm area during the operational phase of the wind farm increased by 26.66% and 13.14%, respectively. The proportion of vegetation restoration in the windward and leeward areas, however, increased by 51.83% and 41.07%, respectively, over the same time period. This indicates that the proportion of vegetation restoration in the windward/leeward areas, especially in the windward area, is much higher than in the buffer or farm areas; 3) A zone 30-40 km from the center of the wind farm, on the windward side, is likely to be the area of greatest vegetation impact from the wind farm.

Keywords: wind farm ; vegetation change ; Huitengliang ; grassland


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李国庆, 张春华, 张丽, 张蒙. 风电场对草地植被生长影响分析——以内蒙古灰腾梁风电场为例[J]. , 2016, 36(6): 959-964

Li Guoqing, Zhang Chunhua, Zhang Li, Zhang Meng. Effects of Wind Farms on Grassland Vegetation: A Case Study of Huitengliang Wind Farm, Inner Mongolia[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(6): 959-964

随着环境问题的加剧和资源的日益短缺,风能作为一项清洁能源,越来越受到各行业的重视,目前中国的能源政策也逐步向风能方向倾斜[1]。目前国内外很多学者开始思考风电开发过程对环境的负面作用,并试图衡量风电开发的利弊[2~5]。目前的研究多关注于风电场建设本身对风电场区域内植被、土壤、动物的扰动,或关注于风电场对周边地表温度、气候变化的可能影响[3, 5~7]。现有研究表明,风电场区域内近地表的空气湿度以及表面感热通量均会减小,对云和降水等其他气象要素也能起到间接改变作用。同时,风电场的建设运行导致下风向的风速明显减小,造成了下风向处的气温发生较明显的上升或下降变化[8],上述要素均会明显的改变植被生长状态。以内蒙古灰腾梁风电场为例,以遥感技术为主要手段,从区域尺度探讨风电场对植被生长影响的范围及强度,期待为风电场的建设、植被保护与恢复、生态环境改善等方面提供借鉴。

1 研究区位置与概况

研究区位于内蒙古灰腾梁百万千瓦级风力发电基地,是亚洲最大的风电场, 2008年底形成现有规模[9]。研究区地处阴山山脉东段,位于锡林浩特市南部、锡林浩特市和阿巴嘎旗交界处(图1),北距锡林浩特市约55 km,东北部为锡林郭勒自然保护区,北部为火山喷发形成的平顶山地貌,南部为浑善达克沙地自然保护区[10],植被类型以大针茅(Stipa grandis)、克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)、羊草(Leymus chinensis )和糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)为优势种。用手持GPS-62SC实地调查风电场分布的外边界,该边界是狭长的条形区域。为便于分析,做外切矩形获得风电场分布的矩形区(以下简称“电场区”)。同时做该矩形的50 km缓冲区(以下简称“缓冲区”),选择50 km缓冲区作为研究区的理由如下:

1) 从已有研究看,风电场主要通过影响风速的形式对地表过程进行扰动,风电场影响风速衰减的距离为30~60 km[8]

2) 若选择50 km以上区域将包含锡林浩特市区及浑善达克沙地的大片区域,土地利用类型及植被类型和50 km以内区域有很大差异,导致分析结果和50 km以内的相比较不具一致的代表性。

图1   研究区位置

Fig.1   Location of the study area

2 数据来源及预处理

气象数据:2000~2014年内蒙古锡林浩特市气象站的风向、温度及降水数据来源于中国气象科学数据共享服务网(网址:; 遥感数据:2000~2014年MOD13Q1-NDVI数据来源于美国国家航空航天局(网址:土地利用图:2000年土地利用图来源于中国西部环境与生态科学数据中心(网址:,2005年、2010年的30 m土地利用图通过下载来自国际科学数据服务平台的Landsat5-TM数据由作者通过目视解译分类得到,经野外验证分类精度为88%(网址:[11]

3 研究方法

3.1 草地范围的确定


3.2 NDVI数据的重构

所使用的NDVI数据虽然采用了最大值合成方法(Maximum Value Composite,MVC)对数据进行了去噪和除云处理,但是MVC方法仍然无法保证每旬图像的所有像元在该旬内都是无云、无噪声的[12],因此需要对上述NDVI数据进行进一步处理。时间序列谐波分析法(Harmonic Analysis of Time Series,HANTS)结合了平滑和滤波2种方法,通过HANTS滤波最终实现图像的重构,进一步去除云量和噪声的影响[13]。另外,NDVI当年生长季和值相对于当年最大值来说更能代表植被当年生长状态[14],所以将HANTS滤波后,各年生长季4~9月的NDVI求和,代表当年的植被生长状况。

3.3 植被生长趋势分析

为监测植被各年的变化状况,本文通过线性趋势斜率(LTA)方法,分别计算各像元2000 ~2008年,2008 ~2014年的各指标的总体变化情况,如下式所示[15]






3.4 风向对草地植被的影响

利用2000 ~2014年风向数据中以研究区矩形中心为圆心,分别向风向频率最高的WSW和SSW所夹方向(以下简称“上风区”)、风向频率最低的NNE和ENE所夹方向(以下简称“下风区”)分别做半径为30 km,40 km,50 km的扇形(图2),因0~30 km半径的扇形在风电场矩形区域内,以0~30 km作为风电场区对植被进行统一分析,最终分析上/下风向对植被影响的范围和强度。

图2   风向频率玫瑰图

Fig.2   Wind direction data in a windrose diagram

4 结果与分析


图3   2000 ~2008年(a)和2008 ~2014年(b)植被变化趋势

Fig.3   The change tendency of vegetation in 2000-2008(a) and in 2008-2014(b)

为进一步定量分析图3中各区域内植被变化情况,计算并归纳得到表1。由表1可以看出,从退化比例上看,2000~2008年,风电场区域内植被退化比例最小,为3.27%。下风区域退化区域所占比例最大,为19.68%。上/下风区植被退化比例均高于风电场区域及风电场缓冲区,可见2000~2008年上/下风区植被相对于其它区域来说,退化是比较明显的。而2008~2014年,随着植被整体恢复,各区域内植被退化比例基本持平,均在0.97%~2.01%范围之间变化,可见2008 ~2014年上/下风区植被恢复加快。


为了进一步分析上/下风区,距离风电场中心不同范围内植被的变化情况,按照3.4的方法,得到表2。从上表可以看出,相对于2000 ~2008年,2008 ~2014年0~30 km、30~40 km、40~50 km上风区植被恢复的比例均显著高于下风区。值得注意的是: 0~30 km的扇形区在风电场区域内,风电场建设过程中对植被的干扰应是相似的。通过笔者实地调查,0~30 km之内上/下风区同时存在相似的放牧情形,可见食草动物对上述区域的干扰也是相似的,但下风区植被的恢复面积却是上风区恢复面积的近4倍,所以与下风区相比,风电场对上风区的植被产生更为显著的影响;30~40 km范围内,上风区植被恢复面积是下风区植被恢复面积的20余倍,40~50 km,50 km以上这种比例开始下降。所以距离风电场中心30~40 km的上风区很可能是本研究区受风电场影响最为明显的区域,这与目前微观尺度的生态学调查结论是有差异的[4]


表1   NDVI_SUM变化等级的划分

Table 1   Grading of NDVI_SUM change



表2   上/下风区不同距离下植被生长情况

Table 2   Vegetation changes upwind and downwind area in different distances

0~30 km2.06/36.59/61.350.24/27.40/72.37-1.82/-9.19/11.016.19/64.48/29.331.27/27.84/70.89-4.92/-36.64/41.56
30~40 km0.13/27.08/72.790.44/24.90/74.660.31/-2.18/1.875.96/64.41/29.631.63/27.66/70.71-4.33/-36.75/41.08
40~50 km3.88/48.39/47.731.37/24.68/73.95-2.51/-23.71/26.222.38/64.31/33.311.99/24.16/73.85-0.39/-40.15/40.54
50 km以上34.01/54.23/11.771.22/20.65/78.14-32.79/-33.58/66.3713.38/68.83/17.782.16/20.47/77.36-11.22/-48.36/59.58



5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论

从上述的分析可知,灰腾梁风电场运行对矩形电场区及50 km缓冲区内植被的生长产生了明显的影响,但影响范围和强度是不均匀的,主要表现在:相对于风电场建成前的2000~2008年,风电场建成后的2008~2014年缓冲区和风电场区域植被恢复比例分别上升了26.66%和13.14%,但上风区域却上升了51.83%,下风区域上升了41.07%。可见风电场上/下风区植被恢复比例,尤其是下风区的恢复比例要远高于其它区域,可见风电场运行的上/下风处更有利于植被的恢复;风电场运行对风电场区域内/外植被的影响机制是不同的,电场运行后研究区植被是以恢复趋势为主,而风电场区域内植被恢复趋势减慢,而上/下风区域植被恢复趋势加快; 距离风电场中心30~40 km的上风区很可能是受风电场影响最为明显的区域,由于与目前微观尺度的生态学调查结论存在差异,这一结论还需要进一步分析确定。

5.2 讨论

下面几个因素会使本文的研究结果产生不确定性:缓冲区范围不同会对植被生长比例产生影响;风电场规模不同,对下垫面植被的影响强度和范围是不同的; 从区域尺度对地表真实放牧强度的衡量是一个复杂的过程,但真实放牧强度在研究区内是否严格一致,还需进一步分析。另外,本文结论的推广还需慎重,这和当地的植被及气候特点可能有很大的关系。温度和降水是决定植被生长的两个重要因素,笔者研究发现2000~2014年研究区年平均温度和年降水总量均是呈上升趋势的,该区域植被生长又是和温度及降水正相关的区域[11]。风电场对区域降水量的影响是有限的[17],那么上/下风区植被的恢复很可能是温度上升加快引起的,在降水不足或下降区域,建设大规模的风力发电场,很可能形成或加快该区域气候性干旱。上述因素对植被生长过程影响是复杂的,本文没有逐个分析和实地验证各影响因素的变化情况,作者将在以后的工作中继续上述几方面的研究。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[12] Gu Juan, Li Xin,

Huang Chunlin et al. A simplified data assimilation method for reconstructing time-series MODIS NDVI data

[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2009, 44(4): 501-509.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is an important vegetation index, widely applied in research on global environmental and climatic change. However, noise induced by cloud contamination and atmospheric variability impedes the analysis and application of NDVI data. In this work, a simplified data assimilation method is proposed to reconstruct high-quality time-series MODIS NDVI data. We extracted 16-Day L3 Global 1&#xA0;km SIN Grid NDVI data sets for western China from MODIS vegetation index (VI) products (MOD13A2) for the period 2003&ndash;2006. NDVI data in the first three years (2003&ndash;2005) were used to generate the background field of NDVI based on a simple three-point smoothing technique, which captures annual features of vegetation change. NDVI data for 2006 were used to test our method. For every time step, the quality assurance (QA) flags of the MODIS VI products were adopted to empirically determine the weight between the background field and NDVI observations. Ultimately, more reliable NDVI data can be produced. The results indicate that the newly developed method is robust and effective in reconstructing high-quality MODIS NDVI time-series.</p>
[13] Zhou Jie, Jia Li, Menenti M.

Reconstruction of global MODIS NDVI time series: Performance of harmonic analysis of time series (HANTS)

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 163: 217-228.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The harmonic analysis of time series (HANTS) algorithm has been widely used to reconstruct time series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), Leaf area index (LAI), and land surface temperature (LST) as well as the polarization difference brightness temperature (PDBT) during the past 20 years to remove random noise or eliminate cloud/snow contamination. So far no systematic study on the accuracy of such reconstruction has been done. This study aims at taking the global MODIS vegetation index as an example to develop a generic method to evaluate the reconstruction performance of HANTS. The overall reconstruction error was divided into gap related error and fitting-method related error. Firstly, ten annual NDVI time series for a pixel were used to extract reference series and gap statistics. Then the gap and fitting-method related errors were quantified independently. The results suggest that the gap related error for most of the high latitude forest area (between 50 degrees N and 70 degrees N) was rather large (the mean root mean squared deviation (RMSD) reached to 0.15), which may be attributed to the fact that large gaps appear in the NDVI profiles between snow melting and vegetation regreening season. The gap related error was found negligible for the other areas of the globe except the North China Plain, the North India and several mountainous areas where the mean RMSD is around 0.1. The inadequate capability of low frequency harmonics to capture the rapid transition during snowmelt in spring at the high latitude region of the North Hemisphere makes the fitting-method related error in this region rather large (RMSD can reach 0.1). The method developed in this study was applied to map globally the spatial pattern of HANTS performance in the reconstruction of NDVI time series and it can also be applied to evaluate the reconstruction performance of time series of other land surface variables or the performance of other time series reconstruction algorithms. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[14] Pettorelli N, Vik J O,

Mysterud A et al. Using the satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change

[J]. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2005, 20(9): 503-510.      URL      PMID: 16701427      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Assessing how environmental changes affect the distribution and dynamics of vegetation and animal populations is becoming increasingly important for terrestrial ecologists to enable better predictions of the effects of global warming, biodiversity reduction or habitat degradation. The ability to predict ecological responses has often been hampered by our rather limited understanding of trophic interactions. Indeed, it has proven difficult to discern direct and indirect effects of environmental change on animal populations owing to limited information about vegetation at large temporal and spatial scales. The rapidly increasing use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in ecological studies has recently changed this situation. Here, we review the use of the NDVI in recent ecological studies and outline its possible key role in future research of environmental change in an ecosystem context.
[15] Li Xiaobing, Li Guoqing,

Wang Hong et al. Influence of meadow changes on net primary productivity: a case study in a typical steppe area of XilinGol of Inner Mongolia in China

[J]. Geosciences Journal, 2015, 19(3): 561-573.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this research, we monitored the change (degeneration or improvement) in meadow vegetation over an approximately 12-year timespan in the typical steppe area of Inner Mongolia in China. Linear trend analysis (LTA) and the MOD13Q1-NDVI time series data were used to evaluate the changes in the net primary productivity (NPP) during the vegetation growing seasons between 2000 and 2011. The Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach (CASA) model was used, and the relationship between the vegetation change and meadow NPP was analyzed and validated with field data collected in 2011. The results indicate the following: (1) the growth status and NPP of the meadow vegetation in the typical steppe area of Inner Mongolia varied greatly for each year without an obvious linear trend between the change of meadow vegetation and NPP; (2) additional analysis with field measured data, collected in 2011, revealed that the average dry weight of the above-ground biomass in the area where the NPP had increased was less than that in the area where it had decreased; the dry weight of the above-ground biomass of the meadow vegetation that showed degeneration was greater than that of the meadow vegetation that showed improvement; (3) a possible reason for the phenomenon mentioned in (2) was that the government protected the degenerated meadows with less biomass, which led to vegetation growth and increased NPP, whereas the meadows that had not been degenerated or showed only minor degeneration and still received rich biomass were over-grazed, causing the NPP to decline.
[16] 中华人民共和国农业部.


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[17] Leung D Y, Yang Yuan.

Wind energy development and its environmental impact: A review

[J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16(1): 1031-1039.

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