Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (7): 1057-1065

Orginal Article


张机1, 徐红罡2

1.华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院,广东 广州 510642
2.中山大学旅游学院,广东 广州 510275

The Role Conflicts Between Hosts and Guests in Home Space in Ethnic Areas, Lijiang, China

Zhang Ji1, Xu Honggang2

1.School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China
2.College of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China

中图分类号:  F590

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)07-1057-09

收稿日期: 2015-05-28

修回日期:  2015-10-23

网络出版日期:  2016-07-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41401136、41401135)、广东省教育厅育苗工程项目(2013WYM_0003)资助






关键词: 民族旅游 ; 角色 ; 角色冲突 ; 主客互动 ; 家空间


As the core of ethnic tourism, the cultural interaction between local residents and tourists in ethnic tourism has been paid little attention in Chinese academic research. And the previous studies on China's ethnic communication did not involve the new ethnic exchanges promoted by ethnic tourism under the background of mass tourism. Therefore, to study the role conflicts presented in the process of cultural interaction between locals and tourists not only can help to deepen ethnic tourism research, but also can extend the field of ethnic communication studies. This article, by referring to the theory of role and role conflict from the symbolic interactionism, takes three locals’ households in Baisha Village, Lijiang, China as the micro research sites to conduct a qualitative research on role conflicts between local minority residents and Han tourists at individual level. Its findings show that multiple role conflict phenomena often take place in the interactive processes between the locals and Han tourists. While interacting with tourists, the local residents, on the one hand, intend to get economic interests from tourists by their role playing of “businessman”, and on the other hand, they have to emphasize their other two roles which are the “host” and “minority”. Specifically, the locals try to treat the tourists warmly with their role of “host” in their home space, while to protect their heritage and culture with the role of “minority”. As a result, they can maintain the advantages in the competitive market through performing their own authentic culture. Tourists also involve the intrarole conflicts between the role of “guest” and “customer”. Meanwhile, there are two interrole conflicts between the local residents and tourists, which are the interrole conflict between the tourist’s “customer” role and the local resident’s “host” role, as well as the interrole conflict between the local resident’s “businessman” role and tourist’s “guest” role. These phenomena reflect not only the locals’ pursuit of economic interests, but also the status and power relationships between locals and tourists while interacting with each other. Besides, in terms of theoretical contribution, this study not only enriches the host-guest interaction theory in tourism anthropology by examining the influence of micro space on role interactive process, but also make up for the deficiency of human geography in micro space research and tourism sociology in the aspect of space-power research.

Keywords: ethnic tourism ; role ; role conflict ; host-guest interaction ; home space


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张机, 徐红罡. 民族旅游地区家空间的主客角色冲突研究——以丽江白沙村为例[J]. , 2016, 36(7): 1057-1065

Zhang Ji, Xu Honggang. The Role Conflicts Between Hosts and Guests in Home Space in Ethnic Areas, Lijiang, China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(7): 1057-1065


在民族旅游地区,当地居民逐渐意识到可以通过挖掘和利用民族文化来开展商业活动。在与外地游客的接触与交往中,当地居民的角色问题开始凸显出来[15]。他们在游客面前展示和宣扬自己作为原著居民的奇异民族文化的过程中,往往集多种角色于一身,从而容易使当地居民与游客在互动时产生角色冲突。关于旅游中游客角色的分析,最早可追溯到一项心理学方面的研究[16]。之后,不断有学者对当地居民和游客的角色关系予以关注[15,17~19]。总体来说,随着旅游的发展,当地居民与游客之间由原来的社会文化和心理上的互动逐渐演变为经济利益上的互动[20]。这就是Cohen所提到的当地居民的“商业化好客”[21](commercialized hospitality)。可见,学界对民族旅游中主客角色的研究更侧重的是东道主在接待游客前后自身角色的变化,很显然这是一种单向度的研究视角。而角色本身隐含着一种双向的人际互动关系,更应该从东道主与游客互动的视角考察双方角色协商与权力互动的微观过程。已有研究认为[15,21],随着旅游目的地商业化程度的加剧,东道主的角色会逐渐由主人的角色演变到商家的角色。这是从旅游目的地宏观演变的视角所得出的一般性结论,而忽视了旅游目的地商业化过程的不同时期当地居民所扮演的多重角色以及多重角色之间的冲突与自由转化,同时也忽视了掩藏其中的各种角色冲突现象。

随着民族旅游的迅猛发展,许多当地居民在旅游所带来的经济利益的驱使下,逐渐放弃原有的生产方式和生产资料,专门从事旅游接待[22,23]。尤其是那些游客经常光顾的民族旅游村镇或景区,当地居民开始意识到自己居住地优越的地理位置和自己所居住和掌控的私人空间——家在接待游客方面的独特作用。尽管有一部分当地居民直接将自己家的房屋全部转租给外地生意人经商,但仍然有很多的当地居民选择将家空间进行改造以接待游客[24~26]。也就是说,很多旅游地区的当地居民的“家”变成了一个商业空间,一个可以满足游客好奇心并且让游客消费和炫耀的场所[27]。这种兼具商业目的的家空间就是学界所探讨的商业性家庭(commercial home)[28]。与传统的私人家庭不同的是,商业性家庭的空间属性已经悄然发生变化[29,30]


在人际互动中,个体根据互动双方所扮演的角色来选择合适的行为模式与之互动。在理解人类的休闲、娱乐和旅游行为方面,文化、角色和角色扮演及其他社会学概念都极具价值[41,42]。由于个体的每一种角色都与其社会职业或地位密切相关[43,44],因而个体的角色是多重的。个体在不同的情境下与不同的人进行互动时会有不同的行为模式[45],从而容易出现角色冲突(role conflict)。角色冲突是指某一种角色的要求与另外一种角色的要求发生了不协调或不一致的现象[46],其往往有两种表现形式,即角色内冲突(intrarole conflict)和角色间冲突(interrole conflict)[47]。角色内冲突是指由于多种社会角色集于一人身上,而在其自身内部产生的冲突现象。角色间冲突是指不同角色承担者之间的冲突,它常常是由于角色利益上的对立、角色期望的差别以及人们没有按角色规范行事等原因引起的。当角色间冲突产生后,就有可能导致互动主体陷入某种尴尬的境地,甚至导致互动进程提前终止。因此,互动主体为了规避角色间冲突,通常会通过采取认同管理策略( ① 关于个体的认同管理策略,Goffman将个体为了维护自我形象的行为称之为“印象管理”(impression management),即演员在表演中不仅表演角色,解释脚本,而且还使用各种策略行为来管理自我呈现。(identity management)来实现。并且,积极采取策略的一方往往居于主导地位,他们控制着互动的进程。


1 案例地与研究方法

为了能聚焦民族旅游中的主客角色冲突现象,本研究选择了云南丽江白沙村作为研究的微观场所。白沙村是丽江玉龙县白沙古镇的一个行政村,离丽江古城不到5 km。白沙村还处于旅游开发早期,商业化程度不高,在村里还可以找到由当地纳西族人经营的家庭旅馆或餐馆,这一点对于本研究在案例地的选取依据方面十分重要,所以本文选择白沙村而没有选择丽江旅游更旺的大研古镇或束河古镇。白沙村一共有当地农户401户,位于古街两旁的大概有60户,只占15%。村里的旅游接待设施(餐馆和家庭旅馆)和纪念品商店基本位于古街两旁。


图1   3家商业性家庭在白沙村的位置示意图

Fig. 1   The three commercial households in Baisha Village

表1   3户当地居民家的基本情况

Table 1   Introduction of three local’s households



笔者前后在白沙村进行了45 d的田野调查,分别是2011年8月22日到9月5日,2012年1月12日到2月11日。调研期间,笔者就住在H家。H家离最远的L家也不到300 m,笔者经常在这3家之间来回走访,有足够的时间进行深度访谈和参与式观察。为了确保数据的真实性,笔者努力在“游客”、“服务员”和“研究者”3种角色之间进行转换。深度访谈法是本文用来收集第一手资料的最主要的方法。由于笔者在白沙村住的时间比较长,成为了这几家的一个很好的朋友,使得笔者能在一种轻松自由的环境下对他们进行访谈或非正式交谈。白沙古镇的环境和空气很好,游客不多,但都比较休闲。进入这3家的游客往往呆的时间比较长,尤其是那些在H家住宿的游客。这就使得笔者有足够的时间与他们接触,并对他们进行访谈。在征得他们同意的前提下,笔者对访谈进行了录音。本文收集资料的第二种方法是现场观察法。在当地居民家,笔者有时会以一名游客的身份坐在一个角落,对主客互动过程进行长时间的非参与式观察,并认真做好观察记录;有时会以某一家“服务员”的角色出现在主客互动的现场,对主客互动过程进行参与式观察,利用手机的拍照功能拍摄重要互动画面,并认真做好田野观察笔记。此外,笔者还采用了二手资料收集法和实物收集法收集一些资料,如游客给当地居民家的留言和涂鸦、游客寄回给当地居民的照片,还有游客给当地居民写的信件等。

在实地调研中,共访谈44人次,其中有录音的共38人次。在录音的访谈中,访谈游客22人次,当地居民16人次,平均访谈时间1 h以上。在观察提纲的指引下在3家进行了系统观察,撰写观察记录约2万字。在实物收集方面,共收集游客给主人的留言或信件80条(封),收集主客互动照片150张左右。当资料收集完之后,笔者运用质性分析软件Nvivo 8对资料进行了归类和初步整理。再对每一个录音文本进行了认真阅读,并根据本文的研究问题对材料中涉及主客双方角色、角色扮演与角色冲突的部分进行了开放式编码,然后在反复阅读材料的基础上,围绕关键词撰写了大量的分析备忘录。在对材料进行类别分析的同时,笔者运用了情境分析法,将材料放置于主客互动的具体情境中,尽可能真实地对事件过程进行描述和分析。

2 研究发现

2.1 东道主与游客的角色内冲突

2.1.1 东道主的角色内冲突

1) “主人”与“商家”




2) “少数民族”与“商家”



2.1.2 游客的角色内冲突





2.2 东道主与游客之间的角色间冲突

2.2.1 “商家”角色与“客人”角色





在上面主客互动的具体情境中,东道主与游客之间的角色间冲突显得异常突出。在最开始互动时,东道主在前台的表演让游客认为这是一位好客的“主人”,并且东道主的表演毫无破绽。正如Goffman所说,如果想要使表演成功,表演者就必须让大多数观众能够相信他是真诚的[49]。当游客以一种“客人”的角色进到主人家后,主人的热情更加高涨,拿出各种食物来款待游客。对于主人的这种表演,Goffman早已有过论断,表演者还会促使观众相信,他是以一种非常理想的方式与他们互动,而实际上并非如此[49]。果真,当游客辞别L家时,女主人L突然向游客提出要一点经济回报,也就是说,东道主即刻由“主人”的角色突然转换为“商家”的角色。这个时候,对于游客而言,他们一下子难以适应,觉得自己当时很“尴尬”,甚至有一种“被欺骗”的感觉。因为站在他们面前的这位刚开始还热情大方的“主人”忽然间变成了一位推销商品的“商家”。在这样的情境中,甚至连最有同情心的观众,也会因发现呈现给他们的印象中的微小瑕疵而暂时感到不安、震惊和信心减弱[49]。对于在人际交往中的这种表演,Hochschild曾用“面具”(masking)与“深度表演”(deep acting)进行过论述[51]。其实个体在与他人互动时,都会带上某种合适的面具来进行深度表演,期待对方也带着合适的面具出现。但如果其中一方突然违反游戏规则,摘掉面具,也就是说转换成另一种角色,那么角色间的冲突就不可避免。

2.2.2 “主人”角色与“顾客”角色


很多游客利用春节长假来丽江过年,因此每年的春节也是丽江旅游的旺季。对于专门接待游客的外来商家们,自然是好事,因为他们可以从早到晚营业。但对于像M家这样的当地居民来说,由于春节期间探亲访友的任务很多,因此有时候不得不关门停业。笔者在M家就亲眼目睹了这些情况的发生。比如大年初一那一天,M家的大门一直没有打开过。比较有意思的一幕发生在2012年的大年初四。那一天蓝天白云,阳光明媚,来白沙旅游的散客非常多。从中午到下午,不断有游客进M家参观或吃饭。到了下午四点多,对于M家来说,他们都感觉比较紧张,因为晚上要去M的弟弟家吃团年饭。最后,M没有办法,只能关门谢客。笔者当时记下了那一幕:“1月26日下午四点多的时候,又连续来了三批客人,一批是三个人(父母带一小孩),一批是四个人(父母带着两个小孩),还有一批是全家总动员,一共有八个人。主人对最后那批客人说:‘我们没有时间啰,要去亲戚家吃饭了,做不了饭啦,要关门了。’客人恳求道:‘哎呀,老板,我们还没吃午饭呢,给我们随便做点吧,要不我们自己来炒几个菜吧!’主人:‘那不太好吧,很抱歉啦,我们真的要走亲戚了,他们都等着我们的。’……后来,那一批客人没有办法,只能离开另寻他处。 ”(摘录自2012年1月26日田野笔记。)


3 结论与讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The “host” as uninvited “guest”: hospitality, violence and tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,2006,33(3):645-665.      Magsci      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The article explores the outsider status of handicraft traders in a tourism center in India. It demonstrates that they are seen as hosts by international tourists, and may even enact this role. But they are subjected to various forms of violence and exploitation by local landlords who, like many local residents, see them as uninvited outsiders rather than as guests. It is argued that the host-guest framework is inadequate for developing a more nuanced understanding of such interactions on the front line of international tourism. For the sense of welcome and hospitality that underwrites these interactions serves to depoliticize what are often highly exploitative relations.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">&laquo;L&rsquo;h&ocirc;te&raquo; comme &laquo;visiteur&raquo; sans invitation: hospitalit&eacute;, violence et tourisme. L&rsquo;article examine la situation d&rsquo;exclusion des vendeurs d&rsquo;artisanat dans un centre touristique en Inde. On montre qu&rsquo;ils sont consid&eacute;r&eacute;s comme partie de l&rsquo;accueil par les touristes internationaux, et ils peuvent m&ecirc;me jouer ce r&ocirc;le. Mais ils sont sujets &agrave; diff&eacute;rents formes de violence et d&rsquo;exploitation par des propri&eacute;taires locaux qui, comme beaucoup d&rsquo;habitants locaux, les voient comme des exclus importuns plut&ocirc;t que comme des visiteurs. On soutien que le cadre h&ocirc;te-visiteur est insuffisant pour d&eacute;velopper une compr&eacute;hension plus nuanc&eacute;e de telles interactions limitrophes du tourisme international. Car le sens de bienvenue et d&rsquo;hospitalit&eacute; qui soutient ces interactions sert &agrave; d&eacute;politiser ce qui sont souvent des relations hautement exploiteuses.</p>
[12] 张机,徐红罡.


[J].思想战线,2012, 38(3):116-119.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Ji, Xu Honggang.

Evaluating the research on host-guest interaction in ethnic tourism: Based on symbolic interactionism.

Thingking, 2012, 38(3): 116-119.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[13] Sutton W A.

Travel and understanding: notes on the social structure of touring

[J]. International Journal of Comparative Sociology,1967,8(2):218-223.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As of 31 December 2009 the back issues of the International Journal of Comparative Sociology (ISSN: 0020-7152) and the Journal of Asian and African Studies (ISSN: 0021-9096) from volume 1 issue 1 to the last issue of 2001 are no longer available on SAGE Journals Online.
[14] Stringer P F.

Hosts and guests: the bed-and-breakfast phenomenon

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1981, 8(3): 357-376.

[本文引用: 1]     

[15] Vogt C A,Fesenmaier D R.

Tourists and retailers’ perceptions of services

[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1995,22(4):763-780.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper describes a study which measures tourist and retailers' perceptions of service levels in a tourism destination. A service quality model was used to develop survey items and interpret the results. The service dimensions used to evaluate a tourism experience included reliability, responsive, assurance, and access. The results indicate tourists evaluate tourism services based on &ldquo;who&rdquo; delivers as opposed to the nature of the services (as outlined in the Service Quality model). This has implications for those who create and service tourism destinations, such as city planners and leaders, tourism convention and visitor bureaus, and retailers.R&eacute;sum&eacute;Perceptions des services entre touristes et commer&ccedil;ants. Cet article d&eacute;crit une &eacute;tude qui a eu comme but de mesurer les perceptions des niveaux de qualit&eacute; de service entre touristes et commer&ccedil;ants &agrave; une destination touristique. Un mod&egrave;le de qualit&eacute; de service a &eacute;t&eacute; utilis&eacute; pour construire le questionnaire et interpr&eacute;ter les r&eacute;sultats. Fiabilit&eacute;, temps de r&eacute;action, assurance et acc&egrave;s repr&eacute;sentent les quatre dimensions utilis&eacute;es pour d&eacute;finir le concept de service. Les resultats indiquent que les touristes &eacute;valuent la qualit&eacute; des services selon &ldquo;qui&rdquo; rend le service plut&ocirc;t que sur la nature du service demand&eacute; (comme pour le mod&egrave;le de qualit&eacute; de service). Cela a des implications pour tous ceux qui cr&eacute;ent des services &agrave; des destinations touristiques: planneurs urbains, officiels des villes, bureaux de congr&egrave;s et commer&ccedil;ants.
[16] Craik K.

Environmental psychology

[M]//Newcombe T M. New Directions in Psychology. New York: Holt. Rinehart and Winsto, 1970: 95-100.

[本文引用: 1]     

[17] Jamison D.

Tourism and ethnicity: the brotherhood of coconuts

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1999, 26(4):944-967.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Evans N.

Tourism and cross cultural communication

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1976, 3(4):189-198.

[19] Berno T.

When a guest is a guest: cook Islanders view tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1999,26(3):656-675.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There has been much debate and discussion in the academic literature about the definition of tourism, and the different types of tourists and tourism. Researchers, however, have been less comprehensive in their consideration of how their informants conceptualize tourism. This article reports the findings of cross-cultural psychological research undertaken in the Cook Islands. It is argued that differences in the ways that hosts and guests conceptualize tourism in the Cook Islands are related to the sociocultural and psychological impacts of this industry in that country. This is discussed with particular reference to its effects on two important aspects of Cook Islands culture, aroa and mana.Quand un invite est un hote payant: les habitants des les Cook considerent le tourisme. Il y a eu beaucoup de discussion dans la litterature academique sur la definition du tourisme et les differents types de tourisme et de touristes. Les chercheurs ont pourtant ete moins comprehensifs dans leur consideration de comment leurs informateurs conceptualisent le tourisme. Cet article rapporte les resultats des recherches psychologiques interculturelles qu'on a entrepris aux les Cook. On soutient que les differences entre les facons dont les habitants et les visiteurs conceptualisent le tourisme aux les Cook ont une relation aux impacts socioculturels et psychologiques de cette industrie dans ce pays. Ceci est discute surtout en ce qui concerne ses effets sur deux aspects importants de la culture des les Cook: l'aroa et le mana.
[20] Dann G, Cohen E.

Sociology and tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1991,18(1):155-169.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This chapter examines sociological theories and their application to tourism research, including: developmental (evolutionary and cyclical) perspectives; neo-Durkheimian perspectives; conflict and critical perspectives; functionalist perspectives; Weberian perspectives; formalism, phenomenology, and ethnomethodology; and symbolic interactionism.
[21] Cohen E.

Authenticity and commoditization in tourism

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1988,15(3): 371-386.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Three basic assumptions, common in the literature on tourism, regarding 'commoditization', 'staged authenticity', and the inability of tourists to have authentic experiences are re-examined. Authenticity is conceived as a negotiable rather than primitive concept, the rigour of its definition by subjects depending on the mode of their aspired touristic experience. New cultural developments may a...
[22] Oakes T.

Tourism and Modernity in China

[M]. London: Routledge,1998:125-136.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Shih C.

Negotiating Ethnicity in China: Citizenship as a Response to the State

[M]. London: Routledge, 2002:76-85.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] 马晓京.


[J].贵州民族研究,2002,22(2):23-28.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ma Xiaojing.

A New Train of Thought on Protective Development of Ethnic Tourism.

Guizhou Ethnic Studies, 2002,22(2):23-28.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] Notzke C.

Indigenous tourism development in the arctic

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1999, 26(1):55-76.      URL      摘要

This paper explores current trends in indigenous (aboriginal) tourism development in Canadas western Arctic region. Its operational environment is characterized by the presence of mixed local community economies and a co-management framework for lands and resources. In the North, aboriginal tourism is a resource-based industry, traditionally in the form of big game hunting, and in a more modern context, evolving into ecotourism and cultural or ethnic tourism. Some indigenous people are exploring innovative ways to harness tourism to support the traditional elements of their land-based economy, rather than being consumed by the industry. The authenticity of this tourism experience represents a major asset as well as a significant management challenge.ResumeLe developpement indigene du tourisme. Cet article examine les tendances actuelles dans le developpement indigene du tourisme dans la region arctique occidentale du Canada. Lenvironnement operationnel est caracterise par des economies mixtes des communautes locales et un cadre de gestion partagee pour la terre et les ressources. Au nord, le tourisme aborigene est base sur les ressources, traditionnellement sous forme de chasse au gros gibier, et dans un contexte plus moderne, une tendance vers lecotourisme ou le tourisme culturel ou ethnique. Plusieurs groupes indigenes etudient la question de comment exploiter le tourisme afin de maintenir les elements traditionnels de leur economie terrienne plutot que detre engloutis par lindustrie. Lauthenticite de ce tourisme represente un capital important et un defi considerable pour la gestion.
[26] Yang L.

Ethnic tourism and minority identity: Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China

[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,2013,18(7):712-730.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ethnic tourism has been employed as a development strategy in many minority communities where options for development are often limited. This research explores the impacts of ethnic tourism development on minority people and their identities in an ethnic community in Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China. Findings reveal that active involvement in tourism and commercialization of Mosuo cultural traditions have resulted in the consolidation of a collective Mosuo identity for economic, social and cultural purposes. Local villagers actively express their identity and re-create their dress, dances and religion to satisfy tourists' desires for authenticity. Tourism has reinforced elements of Mosuo culture, giving it new prestige in the Han-dominated society, but it has also brought numerous changes to Mosuo communities. It is argued that the preservation of minority culture and identity should be enhanced if long-term sustainable development of tourism is to occur and the evolving nature of ethnic identity is to be recognized.
[27] Osborne P.Traveling Light: Photography, Travel and Visual Culture[M]. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000:53.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Sweeney M, Lynch P A.

Classifying commercial home hosts based on their relationships to the home

[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development,2009,6(2):159-170.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper reports on a study which investigates the host-home relationship within the commercial home, and proposes a typology of commercial home hosts. Previous studies have identified types of small business owners and home owners and here more specifically to the hospitality context, a host categorisation is explored. The relationship of the host to their commercial home is explored using interviews, observations and discussions of the relationship facilitated by photographs of the property. Findings identify five types of commercial home hosts: the economic host, the eco-socio host, the socio-eco host, the social host and the ego host. The typology is explained and discussed.
[29] Baines S, Wheelock J.

Reinventing traditional solutions: job creation, gender and the micro-business household

[J].Work, Employment and Society,1998,12(4):579-601.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There has been overwhelming interest in the numbers of jobs attributable to the formation and growth of new small firms but comparative silence about their working practices. We offer two novel, inter-linked approaches to thinking about work and employment in small firms. Firstly, we use a methodological approach which takes a household level analysis as a starting point, making gender a foundation stone. Secondly, we use an institutional perspective which focuses on power and power relations. From quantitative and qualitative empirical work with micro-businesses in business services we show that family work can be a vital resource. Yet there can also be severe costs, particularly for the many women who participate in business alongside their husbands as co-owners, employees and unpaid helpers. Gender divisions of labour are, typically, reproduced in traditional fashion. Even when business owners bring in employees from outside the family, relations within the micro-business are not fully market relations. Conflicts arise as business/owners and their employees struggle to manage these partially decommodified relations. The micro-business service sector actually represents a return to traditional ways of organising business by integrating business and household so that the traditional embedding of business and family of in-between pre-modern institutions is reinvented.
[30] MacCannell D.

Tourist and the new community

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1977, 4(4):208-215.      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[31] 陶伟,丁传标


[J]. 地理科学, 2015,35(11):1364-1371.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>家是地理学透视社会现象的窗口,家空间是地理学关注人地关系的微观尺度。作为住宅建筑与其居住主体发生联系的空间系统,家空间内部的组构差异可以反映不同的社会文化逻辑。空间句法作为一种定量分析城市形态的理论方法,在研究家空间形态与其社会文化逻辑关系时兼具定量和定性分析的优势。国外运用空间句法对家(family、home、house)空间的研究已日益成熟,而国内的相关工作却尚未涉及。首先阐述空间句法对家研究的基本过程与思路;其次,基于对国外相关研究的梳理、分析后,从家的&ldquo;基因型&rdquo;、家的&ldquo;恒定&rdquo;与&ldquo;转换&rdquo;、家的&ldquo;二元性&rdquo;3 个方面进行了归纳和总结,发现空间句法中的&ldquo;空间&rdquo;与传统地理学中的&ldquo;空间&rdquo;既不同又互补;不同民族文化、生活方式与其家空间之间存在组构关系;相同文化背景下家空间的组构具有时代性。地理学对家空间的关注一直比较薄弱,空间句法对家空间的研究为探究人与其居住空间之关系提供了新的视角。</p>

[Tao Wei, Ding Chuanbiao.

Decoding Homes: Application of Space Syntax to Content and Methods of Home Space

.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(11): 1364-1371.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>家是地理学透视社会现象的窗口,家空间是地理学关注人地关系的微观尺度。作为住宅建筑与其居住主体发生联系的空间系统,家空间内部的组构差异可以反映不同的社会文化逻辑。空间句法作为一种定量分析城市形态的理论方法,在研究家空间形态与其社会文化逻辑关系时兼具定量和定性分析的优势。国外运用空间句法对家(family、home、house)空间的研究已日益成熟,而国内的相关工作却尚未涉及。首先阐述空间句法对家研究的基本过程与思路;其次,基于对国外相关研究的梳理、分析后,从家的&ldquo;基因型&rdquo;、家的&ldquo;恒定&rdquo;与&ldquo;转换&rdquo;、家的&ldquo;二元性&rdquo;3 个方面进行了归纳和总结,发现空间句法中的&ldquo;空间&rdquo;与传统地理学中的&ldquo;空间&rdquo;既不同又互补;不同民族文化、生活方式与其家空间之间存在组构关系;相同文化背景下家空间的组构具有时代性。地理学对家空间的关注一直比较薄弱,空间句法对家空间的研究为探究人与其居住空间之关系提供了新的视角。</p>
[32] Despres C.

The meaning of home: literature review and directions for future research and theoretical development

[J]. The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research,1991, 8(2):96-115.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Reviews the literature on the meaning of "home" published between 1974 and 1989 in disciplines investigating person鈥揺nvironment relationships. The meaning of home has been defined mostly for traditional households living in single-family detached houses, although there is growing concern among recent studies about nontraditional populations and settings. The role of material aspects of housing and of societal forces in the production and reproduction of the meaning of home has been neglected in the literature. Exemplary studies from other areas of housing research that emphasize these macrosocietal forces are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
[33] Lynch P A.

The commercial home enterprise and host: a United Kingdom perspective

[J]. Hospitality Management, 2005,24(4):533-553.

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] Domenico M D, Lynch P A.

Host-guest encounters in the commercial home

[J]. Leisure Studies, 2007, 26(3):321-338.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Commercial homes, which provide hospitality where the private home dimension is significant, blur traditional boundaries between home and work and social constructions of hospitableness versus hospitality. Drawing on interviews with owner-managers of these micro businesses and a guest-researcher's experiences and observations, this paper explores the home space as a dual-purpose site of both commercial work and domestic retreat. First, use and meanings of domestic symbols in performances on the home as stage are examined. Second, there is an exploration of social control and spatial management strategies employed by hosts and guests. The findings reveal that domestic symbols add to the construction and interpretation of negotiated normative practices within these home-based enterprises. They may adopt the role of identity markers and communication tools. Hosts employ an array of mechanisms to achieve physical or emotional distance between the domains of home and work. Social constructs may be subtle as well as explicit, including spatial as well as temporal mechanisms of social control and boundary setting, framed by unspoken protocols.
[35] 阎云翔. 私人生活的变革: 一个中国村庄里的爱情、家庭与亲密关系(1949-1999)[M].龚小夏译.上海:上海书店出版社,2009:139.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Yan Yunxiang.Private Life under Socialism: Love, Intimacy, and Family Change in a Chinese Village, 1949-1999.Translated by Gong Xiaoxia. Shanghai:Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House,2009:139.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] 彭大鹏.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Peng Dapeng.

Power: A Study from the Perspective of Social Space

. Wuhan: Central China Normal University,2008:42.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] 彭青,曾国军.



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Peng Qing, Zeng Guojun.

Growth paths of Family Inns in China:A Case Study on World Cultural Heritage,Lijiang Ancient Town.

Tourism Tribune,2010,25(9):58-64.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[38] Wang Y.

Customized authenticity begins at home

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2007,34(3):789-804.      Magsci      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Over the past 20 years, ethnic and heritage tourism have thrived throughout China, encouraged by a diverse set of local and global forces. This paper focuses on a cultural-enterprise practice, namely &ldquo;Naxi homestays,&rdquo; amid unprecedented growth of tourism in Lijiang after its inscription into UNESCO&rsquo;s prestigious World Heritage Sites List in 1997. By examining three interrelated dimensions central to understanding authenticity&mdash;object, self, and home&mdash;this study reveals that customized authenticity is produced in Lijiang&rsquo;s guesthouses. Contrary to its enduring modernist and existentialist conceptions, the paper argues that customized authenticity, even in an overtly staged or constructed context, can be highly pursued and embraced by tourists.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">L&rsquo;authenticit&eacute; sur mesure commence au foyer. Depuis 20 ans, le tourisme ethnique et patrimonial prosp&egrave;re partout en Chine, encourag&eacute; par un ensemble de forces locales et mondiales. Cet article porte sur une pratique d&rsquo;entreprise culturelle, les &laquo;s&eacute;jours chez l&rsquo;habitant Naxi&raquo;, dans le contexte de la croissance sans pr&eacute;c&eacute;dent du tourisme &agrave; Lijiang d&egrave;s son inscription en 1997 sur la liste des sites du patrimoine mondial de l&rsquo;UNESCO. En examinant trois dimensions essentielles &agrave; la compr&eacute;hension de l&rsquo;authenticit&eacute; &ndash; objet, soi et foyer &ndash; cette &eacute;tude r&eacute;v&egrave;le que l&rsquo;authenticit&eacute; sur mesure se produit dans les maisons d&rsquo;h&ocirc;tes de Lijiang. Contrairement aux conceptions modernistes et existentialistes, l&rsquo;article soutien que l&rsquo;authenticit&eacute; sur mesure, m&ecirc;me dans un contexte ouvertement mont&eacute;, peut &ecirc;tre recherch&eacute;e et embrass&eacute;e des touristes.</p>
[39] 刘韫.


[J]. 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版),2014,(2): 155-158.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Yun.

Traditional Dwellings Protection in Minority Villages under Background of Tourism Development: A Case Study of Tibetan Dwellings.

Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Humanities and Social Science),2014,(2): 155-158.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[40] 黄剑锋,陆林.


[J]. 地理科学, 2015, 35(1):47-55.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>面对中国经济、社会转型的实践背景和地理学&ldquo;文化转向&rdquo;、社会学&ldquo;空间转向&rdquo;的理论背景,空间生产为旅游地空间研究提供了新的重要视角,推动着旅游地空间研究范式的转型。在认识旅游地空间系统性的基础上,界定了空间涌现性的概念,提出了空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究新范式。这一新范式主要表现在:① 新的空间研究视角,厘清旅游地空间生产研究的理论逻辑和学科理路;② 新的空间观,树立以内涵复杂性、尺度嵌套性、过程非守恒性为核心特征的新的旅游地涌现空间观,实现空间认识从要素到系统、从简单环境系统到过程系统再到复杂耦合系统的转变;③ 新的空间研究路径,更加注重社会空间、微观解构、尺度转换;④ 新的空间研究框架,遵循&ldquo;过程-格局-机制&rdquo;的研究路线,建立复杂系统涌现空间研究框架,开展多尺度、多类型旅游地空间生产的系统研究。空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究范式转型,将有助于拓展旅游地理学研究视角和范式,增强旅游地理学对中国旅游发展实践的响应和指导。</p>

[Huang Jianfeng,Lu Lin.

The Paradigm Transformation of Space in Tourism Destination From Perspective of Production of Space: A New Paradigm of Space Based on Emergence of Space.

Scientia Geographica Sinica,2015, 35(1):47-55. ]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>面对中国经济、社会转型的实践背景和地理学&ldquo;文化转向&rdquo;、社会学&ldquo;空间转向&rdquo;的理论背景,空间生产为旅游地空间研究提供了新的重要视角,推动着旅游地空间研究范式的转型。在认识旅游地空间系统性的基础上,界定了空间涌现性的概念,提出了空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究新范式。这一新范式主要表现在:① 新的空间研究视角,厘清旅游地空间生产研究的理论逻辑和学科理路;② 新的空间观,树立以内涵复杂性、尺度嵌套性、过程非守恒性为核心特征的新的旅游地涌现空间观,实现空间认识从要素到系统、从简单环境系统到过程系统再到复杂耦合系统的转变;③ 新的空间研究路径,更加注重社会空间、微观解构、尺度转换;④ 新的空间研究框架,遵循&ldquo;过程-格局-机制&rdquo;的研究路线,建立复杂系统涌现空间研究框架,开展多尺度、多类型旅游地空间生产的系统研究。空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究范式转型,将有助于拓展旅游地理学研究视角和范式,增强旅游地理学对中国旅游发展实践的响应和指导。</p>
[41] Vernon G M.Human Interactionism: An Introduction to Sociology[M].New York: Ronald Press,1965:5.

[本文引用: 1]     

[42] Colton C W.

Leisure, recreation, tourism: a symbolic interactionism view

[J].Annals of Tourism Research, 1987,14(3):345-360.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

After a brief description of the basic tenets of symbolic interactionism, research on leisure, recreation and tourism (LRT) is examined using this perspective. Attention is given to demonstrating the utility of Symbolic Interactionism in understanding LRT as forms of learned and symbolically transmitted social action. Symbolic interactionism is based on the premise that human society is charact...
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