地理科学  2017 , 37 (12): 1815-1822 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.12.004

Orginal Article


赵多平1, 孙根年2

1.宁夏大学资源环境学院,宁夏 银川 750021
2. 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院,陕西 西安 710062

The Interaction Mechanism and the Path of Tourism and Trade Relations Between Ningxia and the Arab Countries

Zhao Duoping1, Sun Gennian2

1. College of Resources and Environment, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China
2. College of Tourism & Environment Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, Shaanxi, China;

中图分类号:  F592

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)12-1815-08

收稿日期: 2017-05-4

修回日期:  2017-10-19

网络出版日期:  2017-12-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41261028)资助






关键词: 文化关联 ; 旅游 ; 贸易 ; 宁夏 ; 阿拉伯国家


Through reviewing the literature and theory of tourism and trade relations at home and abroad, this article constructs an analytical framework and interactive mechanism model of tourism-trade interaction based on cultural association, explores the interaction mechanism and inducing pathway of trade and inbound tourism between the Ningxia and Arab countries. The results found that: 1) the tourism and trade interaction path hypothesis are verified at 5% confidence level, which has a positive impact on the relationship between the link path of knowledge association; trade association has a positive effect on the path of knowledge association and advertising; dissemination of information has a positive impact on the path of advertising effect. Business relevance, advertising effect and knowledge association have positive influences on trade behavior. 2) The direct path exists mainly between trade behavior and trade association,two indirect paths exist between relation linkage and trade behavior via Knowledge linkage, also between information dissemination and trade behavior via advertising effect; 3) The Interaction mechanism between tourism and trade of Ningxia and Arab countries has been found and verified. Also, the study found and validated the main path of tourism and trade interaction between Ningxia and the Arab countries: cultural and ethnic demand, business information transmission, the path of reducing transaction costs, the buying and selling market expansion, the construction of interpersonal relationship. Conversely path involves in improving the degree of convenience, being closer in perceived distance, eliminating transaction costs, building intermediary associations, and increasing tourism needs. The growth of trade has improved the convenience of tourism, further narrowed the perceived distance, eliminated transaction costs, constructed an intermediary relationship, and increased the demand for more tourism.

Keywords: cultural relevance ; tourism ; trade ; Ningxia ; Arab Countries


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赵多平, 孙根年. 基于文化关联的旅游与贸易互动路径及机理研究——以宁夏与阿拉伯国家为例[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(12): 1815-1822 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.12.004

Zhao Duoping, Sun Gennian. The Interaction Mechanism and the Path of Tourism and Trade Relations Between Ningxia and the Arab Countries[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(12): 1815-1822 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.12.004

旅游与贸易互动关系是近10 a来国内外经济地理与旅游地理研究的新交叉性课题,引起了国内外学者的持续关注[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]。对国际商务旅游是国际贸易的必备构成这一创新思路的探究可以追溯到20世纪70年代,Keintz的研究结果表明了国际旅行与贸易之间存在一定的关联[8]。2000年Wilson等系统地提出“国际旅游与国际贸易是否存在关系”这一命题,并对澳大利亚与贸易伙伴国的旅游与贸易的协整和因果关系进行了验证,呼吁学术界应该对全球开放系统下的双边或多边旅游与贸易关系的研究内容和方法给予更多的关注和研究[9]。此后学者们通过对不同空间尺度和发展水平案例国家的实证研究验证了国际贸易和国际旅游之间存在的协整关系或者因果关系,即贸易促进旅游,旅游有助于激发国家间更紧密的贸易关系,进而引发更大规模的贸易[10,11]。还有研究估算出了旅游与贸易之间长期和短期的差异和相互影响程度[12],确认了两者关系相互影响所存在的时间滞后性[13]。少数学者通过构建引力模型,初步探讨了不同国家和区域由于经济发展水平、所处区位、和旅游资源类型的差异而导致了旅游与不同类型贸易之间相互作用关系的差异性[3,14],对部分特定案例国家中的旅游与贸易关系不明显或者不成立的动因进行了解释[16] 。国内学者也进行了相应的跟进研究[17,18,19],对进一步揭示旅游与贸易互动关系具有重要推动作用。从文献的梳理可以看出,目前从宏观对接关系视角上采取回归方程对两者关系进行的研究,有可能存在“伪回归”现象[20],其他对旅游与贸易互动关系的研究多数采用格兰杰因果检验和协整方法,从计量经济学角度进行辨识和验证,具有明显的经济学或统计学意义,但无法深入揭示旅游与贸易互动关系的微观行为特征和互动机理,未能从引发旅游与贸易的微观层面上来剖析旅游与贸易的互动过程,揭示旅游与贸易互动关系的形成机理和关联路径,而这是挖掘旅游与贸易互动关系对区域创新发展模式启示的关键。尽管部分研究中已经确认了商务旅游是启动和维持国际货物贸易和服务贸易的必须条件[1],对构建双边国际贸易关系具有启动作用,并且质性地提出了旅游与贸易相互引发的可能路径[1,3,9],但鲜有文献对这种引发路径和互动机理进行深入系统研究,更未对具有文化关联的亚类型互动关系进行研究,而不同类型旅游与贸易在互动程度、时间和机理上均存在较大差异,其演化过程和路径特征依然不明。因此,有必要通过构建旅游与贸易互动机理结构方程,选取正处于旅游与贸易互动初期的典型案例,深入探究旅游与贸易之间互动机理与路径的内在本质和规律。


1 研究假设与模型构建

1.1 研究假设


1.1.1 商贸关联


1.1.2 信息传播

旅游作为一种与信息传播密切相关的产业和活动,对信息有天然的依赖性[24]。旅游者通过各种媒介获取旅游目的地相关信息,游后经过验证加工后传递给亲朋及周边熟人。国际旅游者的信息传播弥补了跨境商机中的信息缺失,有助于降低由于双方信息不对称而产生的额外成本,并且成为旅游者与当地居民双向传播信息的重要渠道 [25]。旅游者作为信息的携带者或者传播者,将本国的商品需求、景区景点信息、商务信息和商品价格等信息传递给合作方或者目的地居民,形成了双方对彼此有用需求信息的沟通[26]。因此,信息传播对商贸行为产生重要关联支撑。

1.1.3 关系链接


1.1.4 广告效应


1.1.5 知识关联

知识关联(溢出)是指旅游者在文化体验和观光休闲娱乐过程中有意无意地向企业经营者或商务人员传递的偏好以及技术信息,后者以此进行产品改进、贸易投资和产品购销等行为而获得了收益。有研究认为旅游流是公司获取外部需求偏好信息的免费新渠道,即通过利用当期企业直接与旅游者的接触而获取消费者的偏好[33]。旅游者因其属于直接进入市场的外部顾客,这是本地企业的巨大机遇和优势,利用这样的方式,既是无法支付进入外部市场成本的小公司,依然可以分享到由旅游直接产生的信息溢出。这样可以提高他们的生产效率水平,并以此向整个地区扩展。Fallah等恰当地区分了知识关联和知识转移的含义,认为知识关联是知识无意识的传播, 而知识在人或组织之间有意识地交流则是知识转移[34]。旅游者传递了外部消费者的偏好信息,当地公司无需任何额外费用支出。因此,旅游者可以被视为一个重要的研发新产品和优化原产品,以提高公司效率水平和竞争力的重要信息来源。

1.2 模型构建


图1   结构路径和基本路径假设

   Fig .1 The structure and basic path hypothesis

2 问卷调查与数据分析

2.1 问卷发放与样本特征


阿拉伯游客的样本统计发现: 阿拉伯游客性别比例严重失调,男性明显多于女性。男性占到91.29%,而女性只有8.71%,是阿拉伯国家入境宁夏旅游者的重要统计特征之一。主要是因为初期以商务旅游者为主,只有部分开放度较高的阿拉伯国家允许女性参与涉外商务活动。 年龄构成“纺锤形”结构特征明显。以26~45岁为主体,占到总样本的60.97%,18~25岁和46~65岁的比例基本持平,分别为18.71%和18.39%。 收入方面,15 001~35 000美元的占比超过一半,达到52.90%,向两端均呈现递减状态,35 001~55 000美元占26.13%,略大于年收入少于15 000美元的占比(16.77%),表明阿拉伯国家游客收入分化较为严重。 教育水平较高,具有大学水平和硕士研究生学历的样本为53.87%和22.90%,占比超过70%以上。 商务游客所属行业排在前3位的是文化艺术、民族食品、穆斯林用品,分别占比为46%、13%和13%,显示了宁夏与阿拉伯国家商务往来目前依然集中在与文化密切相关的领域。 首次到访比例高达65.16%,到访2次的为30.97%,3次到访的仅为3.87%,这与普遍意义上的商务重复到访并不一致,表明旅游者到访宁夏依然处在初期阶段。到访目的方面,主要以商务洽谈、会议博览和文化交流为主,占样本总数的71.92%,其余为一般公务、技术交流合作、休闲观光和探亲访友。 获取信息的主要渠道为互联网、亲朋好友介绍和展销邀请,分别占比为39.03%、26.77%和23.87%。

2.2 信度、效度与探索性因子分析

采用SPSS17对关系链接、商贸关联、信息传播、知识关联、广告效应和商贸行为6个潜在变量的33个观测变量分别进行了信度检验,结果显示:各维度的Cronbach's Alpha值均大于0.8,表明各个测量指标的内部一致性较好,所采用数据的可信度较高。各个测度指标的剔除均不会引起总体克朗巴哈值明显增大,表明测度指标的结构效度较好。按照主成分分析法对数据的要求,对旅游动机测度指标进行KMO和巴特利球形检验(Bartlett检验),检验结果显示:旅游者测量KMO值分别为0.937和0.914,巴特利球形检验均达到显著性要求(Sig.=0.000),表明旅游动机测度指标均适合做主成分分析,采取“四等分极限法”对数据进行旋转处理后提取主成分,特征根大于1的主要成分为6个,表明提取的6个潜在变量是合适的。

2.3 模型修正与数据分析


表1   模型拟合度指数

Table 1   The model fitting degree index



3 互动路径与互动机理分析

3.1 互动路径分析


表2   理论模型的路径系数与假设结果

Table 2   The path coefficient and results of the model

MA(广告效应)← MI(信息传播)0.146支持**
MK(知识关联)← MR(关系链接)0.593支持***
MK(知识关联)← MB(商贸关联)0.286支持***
AI(商贸行为)← MB(商贸关联)0.194支持**
AI(商贸行为)← MA(广告效应)0.436支持***
AI(商贸行为)← MK(知识关联)0.196支持***



3.1.1 直接路径关系


3.1.2 间接路径关系


1) 关系链接→知识关联→商贸行为。人际关系阿拉伯构建商务关系的开始,入境旅游者在参加博览会和各类会议期间,通过与相关行业和公司的观点交流、结交朋友、维持顾客、寻找商业伙伴和访问高端名人或专家等关系链接行为,构建了个人关系和维持顾客,将与旅游目的地和商品产销地的信息传播至宁夏,同时将宁夏穆斯林偏好信息传递出去,同时也发现了商业机会,了解了产品偏好信息,收集了商业信息或知识信息,消除了中阿不对称商贸信息,以此产生更多商贸行为。这个间接路径也验证了阿拉伯国家重视人际关系的商贸运行规则。

2) 信息传播→广告效应→商贸行为。阿拉伯游客在旅游目的地旅游过程中通过学习新趋势,体验不同文化,探索未知事物,获得新产品信息和收集购买或销售信息的信息传播有意或无意产生了对宁夏主要旅游目的地和城市的广告效应,可以激发旅游者对宁夏乃至中国的良好感知,帮助其更好地了解当地的风土人情及经商环境,激起旅游者及其家属对宁夏的更多关注,或因此激发了在宁夏做生意或者进行经贸活动的兴趣,同时将其看到的一切景点景区或景物及体验过的特色产品与服务告诉自己的亲朋好友,这些都会激发自己或亲朋好友前往宁夏及其他周边省份重游或进行商贸活动。

图2   阿拉伯游客行为动机与商贸行为路径关系

Fig.2   The path relationship of the motivation and tourists’ trading behavior

3.2 互动机理分析



4 结果与讨论


1) 阿拉伯旅游者通过商贸关联直接路径和间接路径共同引发贸易,其中商贸关联中的产品订购、商品销售等与商贸有直接关系的行为是商务旅游与贸易互动关系的起始点,这些行为动机直接构建了双边贸易关系,形成了一定数量的进口贸易和出口贸易,持续地商务旅游进一步引发了因果积累循环效应,产生了观光、文化体验、休闲度假和探亲访友等其他旅游类型,引发了循环往复的互动影响过程。

2) 间接路径中通过旅游渠道构建了关系链接和信息传播,进而产生了技术、商务、资金、就业和投资等相关信息在相关区域之间的溢出流动,阿拉伯旅游者利用博览会和各类经贸会议构建的个人关系和企业关系将会成为进一步构建商贸关系的基础和渠道,在此过程中通过当地居民和参展商获取了偏好信息,收集了商业信息或知识信息,消除了中阿不对称商贸信息,以此产生更多商贸行为或意愿;旅游者作为信息主体和介体会直接或者间接将与旅游目的地和商品产销地的信息传播至宁夏,同时将宁夏的相关信息传递出去,引起了两地居民对双方的广告效应,引起了双方对彼此的关注和兴趣,增加了各自的知名度,因此激发了在宁夏做生意或者进行经贸活动的兴趣,引发更多旅游与贸易。

3) 宁夏与阿拉伯国家旅游与贸易的互动机理:宁夏与阿拉伯国家之间的文化关联,拉近了心理感知距离,通过旅游构建了良好的人际关系和商贸关系,增加了贸易便利性、削减交易成本、消除商务距离、培育合作商机、构建商业纽带,开启了宁夏与阿拉伯国家之间的贸易规模的提升,尤其是出口贸易的迅猛增长。贸易的增长提高了旅游的便利化程度,进一步拉近了感知距离,消除了交易成本,构建了中介关联,增加了更多旅游需求。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2005,44:171-176.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287505276607      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This study uses Singapore data to examine cointegration and causal relationships between trade and tourist arrivals. This was done with respect to ASEAN, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Australia. We discovered that, contrary to the findings of others done with data from Australia, cointegration between tourism and trade exists but is not common. Granger causality is even rarer. Nevertheless, we found a strong link between business visits and imports, because businesspeople who intend to export must visit the host country. Conversely, imports encourage the exporters to visit their markets to strengthen trade ties. Business travelers appear to be selling rather than buying, because business arrivals Granger-cause imports but not exports. We also found no correlation or Granger causality within integrated trading blocks, because their integrated economies do not allow them to be treated as trading partners in the traditional sense.

Santana-gallego María, Ledesma-rodríguez Francisco, Pérezrodríguez Jorge V.Tourism and trade in OECD countries. A dynamic heterogeneous panel data analysis

[J]. Empirical Economics,2011,41(2): 533-554.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-011-0477-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article studies the empirical link between international tourism and trade. We apply dynamic heterogeneous panel data techniques to analyse both long and short-run relationship for the case study of OECD countries. This link is studied by estimating the cointegration vector and analysing the short causality between variables. The analysis recognises that inbound tourism can promote international trade and also that international flow of goods requires and may encourage tourist arrivals and departures. The statistical significance of this link supports the presence of business opportunities due to the potential complementary relationship between tourism and trade. The results suggest a short-run nexus between tourism and trade, and that these variables are cointegrated.
[12] Carla Massidda, Paolo Mattana.

A SVECM analysis of the relationship between international tourism arrivals, GDP and trade in Italy

[J]. Journal of Travel Research,2013 ,52(1):93-105.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287512457262      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article provides an SVECM investigation of long-run, short-run and contemporaneous relationships across per capita international tourism arrivals (ar), real GDP (y), and total international commercial transactions (tr) for the Italian economy. We find that variables span a bidimensional cointegrating space, which we normalize as long-run relationships between y and ar and between ar and tr...
[13] Toh R S, H Khan, L Lim.

Two-Stage shift share analyses of tourism arrivals and arrivals by purpose of visit: The Singapore Experience

[J].Journal of Travel Research, 2004,43: 57-66.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287504265513      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article first uses the Esteban-Marquillas extension of the shift-share approach to analyze the growth of visitors to Singapore, measured against the benchmark countries of Thailand, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Second, it modifies the extended model to analyze the growth of four of Singapore’s tourism sectors (holiday travel, business visits, business and pleasure visits, and transit stops). This two-stage shift-share approach allows the authors to determine how it is performing relative to its benchmark competitors, where Singapore’s tourism industry is specializing, and where it is competitive. The authors found that Singapore is very much like Hong Kong and is becoming less competitive relative to Thailand and Malaysia. Also, growth appears to be slower in the holiday and business and pleasure markets and faster for business visits and transit stops.
[14] María Santana-Gallegoa, Francisco J. Ledesma-Rodríguezb,Jorge V. Pérez-Rodríguez.

International trade and tourism flows: An extension of the gravity model

[J]. Economic Modelling, 2016, 52:1026-1033.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2015.10.043      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The empirical relationship between trade and tourism has been explored during recent years finding that international tourism promotes international trade between countries. However, the impact of tourism on trade flows has been neglected within standard international trade models such as the gravity equation. The main aim of this paper is to provide empirical and theoretical evidence that tourism matters for international trade. To that end, the framework proposed by Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2008) is used by recognising that tourism flows could reduce fixed and variable costs of exporting. Moreover, once the model is estimated, the empirical evidence suggests that tourism increases both the probability of two countries trading with each other and the volume of international trade between them.
[15] Santana-GallegoMaría, Guez Francisco, Pérez-Rodríguez Jorge V.

Tourism and trade in small island regions: The case of the canary islands

[J].Tourism Economics,2011,17(1):107-125.

https://doi.org/10.5367/te.2011.0029      URL      摘要

The main objective of this paper is to study the relationship between international trade and tourism in small island regions (that is, territories that are dependent to a significant degree on the rest of the world). To that end, the authors explore the different forms this relationship can take and apply cointegration and the Granger causality test to the case of the Canary Islands. The results suggest a long-term bidirectional relationship between tourism and trade, while the short-run link lies mainly in the trade generated by tourist arrivals.
[16] Keum Kiyong.

International tourism and trade flows: A causality analysis using panel data

[J]. Tourism Economics, 17(5):949-962.

https://doi.org/10.5367/te.2011.0054      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Since the 1990s, the vogue of globalization and liberalization worldwide has fostered more international transactions. This paper assesses whether there is a causal link between transnational goods and people flows. Using a dynamic econometric model for the causal analysis of panel data, the study examines bilateral tourism and trade flows between Korea and its 21 trading partners worldwide ove...
[17] 刘珍珍,章锦河.


[J].资源开发与市场,2010,26(7): 593-597.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-8141.2010.07.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Zhenzhen,Zhang Jinhe.

Cointegration and granger causality analysis of relationship between international tourism and international trade in China

.Resource Development & Market, 2010, 26(7):593-597. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-8141.2010.07.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] 王洁洁,孙根年,马丽君.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Jiejie, Sun Gennian,Ma Lijun.

Analysis of the positive effect of Sino-Korea tourism on trade

.Soft Science, 2010,(8):56-67.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] 马丽君,孙根年,王洁洁,.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Ma Lijun,Sun Gennian,Wang Jiejie et al.

An analysis of the positive effect of sino-Japan tourism on bilateral trade over the Past 15 Years

.Economic Geography, 2010,30(4):672-677.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 赵多平,孙根年.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhao Duoping, Sun Gennian.

An empirical study on tourism and trade interaction between seven european countries and China: Based on cointegration and granger causality test analysis since 1985

.World Regional Studies, 2011, 20(4):121-133.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Roy A Cook,Laura J Yale,Joseph J Marqua.

Tourism: the Business of Travel

[M]. London: Prentice Hall, 2002: 339.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Maksim Belenkiy1, David Riker.

Face-to-Face Exports: The role of business travel in trade promotion

[J].Journal of Travel Research , 2012,51: 632-639.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287512437857      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] Jon Martin Denstadli.

Impacts of Video conferencing on Business travel : the Norwegian experience

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2004,(10):371-376.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2004.06.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper assesses the impact of videoconferencing on business air travel. Results suggest that videoconferencing has only a limited effect on business air travel, with substitution rates of 2.5–3.5%. Thus, within the Norwegian market, videoconferencing is not considered a serious threat to the airline industry. The enterprises considered in this survey indicate low sensitivity to the threat of terror and the instability that has followed September 11 in the US. In Norway, air travel recovered after 4–5 months. Videoconferencing is expected to grow but remain supplementary to personal contact.
[24] 庞闻,马耀峰,郑鹏.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2012.05.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Pang Wen,Ma Yaofeng, Zheng Peng.

Comparison and integration of five tourism information dissemination models

.Tourism Tribune, 2012,27(5):74-79.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2012.05.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] R Brau, A M Pinna.

Movements of people for movements of goods?

[J].World Econ., 2013,36(10):1318-1332.

https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12104      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Whilst it is well established to think of international tourism as a type of exports, namely -榟ome- exports, the potential of tourism flows as an engine for fostering trade among countries is a poorly studied topic. In this paper, we show that this relationship can be studied at a very detailed level by exploiting the disaggregation of existing information on international trade and inbound tourism. We consider a sample of 25 countries belonging to the European Union, a region that has been interested by common shocks such as the establishment of the euro as the new currency for many countries and the liberalisation in the air transport market. We carry out a panel data analysis by means of which we assess whether international tourist arrivals by a given country activate additional exports towards the same country. We find not only that tourism can promote exports, but also that this effect displays important differences depending on whether or not consumption goods are considered. This finding is consistent with the idea that the experience of tourists in a given destination reduces the fixed costs of trade, thus facilitating access to the advantages of international trade for more peripheral economies.
[26] S Aradhyula, R Tronstad.

Does tourism promote cross-border trade?



. J. Agric. Econ, 2003, 85(3) :569-579.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8276.00456      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We estimate a simultaneous bivariate qualitative choice model of Arizona agribusiness firms' propensity to trade and visit as a tourist the cross-border state of Sonora, Mexico. Venture business visits, quantified through the tourism equation, were found to have the largest impact on a firm's propensity to trade. Tourist visits have a greater impact on trade when combined with other firm attributes such as age, perceived need for geographic diversity, foreign language fluency, and firm size, than if considered alone. Our results suggest that there is a role for government agencies to play in overcoming imperfect information related to trade opportunities through facilitating exploratory business venture and tourist visits.
[27] Barbara B.

Jackson. Winning and keeping industrial customers: the dynamics of customer relationships

[M]. mA: Lexington Books,1985:199-215.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Turnbull P W, Wilson D T.

Developing and Protecting Profitable customer relationships

[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 1989, (18) :223-238.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0019-8501(89)90040-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using the case of a pseudonymous UK subsidiary of a US company in the health care industry to illustrate, compares the value of structural and social 'bonding' in maintaining profitable customer relationships in the face of price competition from new entrants. Defines structural bonds as what happens when two parties make investments which cannot be retrieved when the relationship ends due to complexity or cost; social bonds (interpersonal relationships) are easier to break as inferior decisions based on friendship are hard to justify.
[29] Gronroos C.

From marketing mix to relationship marketing

[J].Management Decision,1994,32(2):4-19.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Joseph Y S Cheng.

China’s relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council State:Multilevel Diplomacy in a Divided Arab World

[J].The China Review,2016,16(1):35-64.

https://doi.org/10.1353/jda.2015.0123      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article examines China's relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council states. China's interests in the Gulf region have been evolving; and in the 21st century they cover geopolitical interests, economic and trade interests, energy security interests, and nontraditional security interests. China's approach is multilevel: it maintains diplomatic relations with individual GCC states; it has initiated formal mechanisms of regular regional forums; it engages in people-to-people diplomacy through student exchanges and the setting up of Confucius Institutes in various GCC states; it maintains dialogues with other major powers; and it participates in important multilateral conferences on regional affairs. This article assesses China's performance in this multilevel diplomacy that demands close coordination between the various levels of foreign policy making and policy implementation, and the maintenance of a delicate balance in the complex major power competition and regional rivalries in a divided Arab world. In line with China's Arab-world experts who often examine the strategic configuration in the Gulf region within a framework of five periods, China's Gulf policy is analyzed in the following stages: (1) 1958-1967, (2) 1967-1971, (3) 1971-1979, (4) 1979-1990, (5) 1990-2001, and (6) 2001-present. Major emphasis is placed on developments in recent years.
[31] 王屏.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6539.2010.03.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Ping.

Study on tourism advertising at home and abroad

.Journal of Beijing International Studies University, 2010,(3):30-36.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6539.2010.03.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] Feyyaz Zeren,Mustafa Koc.

Interaction between finance, tourism and advertising: Evidence from Turkey

[J].Tourism and Hospitality Management,2014,20(2):185-193.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose – It is important to emphasize that a research on relationship between tourism, finance and advertisement is very rare. The aim of this study is investigation of causal relationship between these variables. Design – In this paper, the relationship between tourism revenues and variables like tourism index of Istanbul Stock Market (BIST) & tourism advertising durations which have not been used previously in the literature was investigated for Turkey. Methodology – To attain more useful and accurate findings, bootstrap granger causality test of Hacker Hatemi-J (2010) was used which can determine critical values by bootstrap simulation method in order to reduce the possibility of potential non-normal dispersion of errors. Approach – In purpose of contribution to literature, monthly data in the period spanning from Aug 2004 till Dec 2012 and bootstrap causality method were used, thus new findings were tried to be found Findings – While traditional Toda-Yamamoto (1996) causality test has been determined no causality between these three variables, there was observed one-way causality from tourism index to tourism advertisements by the aid of more advanced Hacker Hatemi-J (2010) causality test. As a result of study, one-way causality from tourism indices, which is an important indicator representing all positive and negative performances of businesses in tourism sector, to advertising durations was detected. The originality of this research – In this study, unlike others, variables like tourism index which represents businesses in tourism sector and tourism advertising durations were used. The relationship between tourism index, tourism advertisings and tourism revenue was examined with Hacker Hatemi-J (2010) bootstrap causality test which obtains critical values by bootstrap monte-carlo simulation. By this new test, more reliable and advanced results have been obtained. As a result, tourism index which can be considered as a fundamental performance scale of tourism sector has a vital effect on tourism advertisement.
[33] Emanuela Marrocu, Raffaele Paci.

They arrive with new information. Tourism flows and production efficiency in the European regions

[J].Tourism Management,2011,32:750-758.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2010.06.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Firms productivity is crucially influenced by knowledge spillovers generated either by other firms located nearby or by direct contacts with consumers or by foreign demand in the case of traded products. In this paper we propose a new channel of efficiency-enhancing knowledge diffusion, which can be exploited by local firms to extract relevant information on consumer preferences: direct contacts with tourism flows. Tourists have the peculiar feature of being external consumers, who directly arrive to the destination region and this represents a remarkable advantage for the local enterprises, as the latter can exploit the new information and increase the overall efficiency level of the local economy. More specifically, we examine, within a spatial estimation framework, tourism flows as determinants of regional total factor productivity, controlling also for other intangible factors (such as human, social and technological capital) and for the degree of accessibility. We apply the analysis to a sample of 199 European regions belonging to the EU15 member countries, plus Switzerland and Norway. The empirical results show that tourism flows enhance regional efficiency and that a positive role is also played by intangible assets, infrastructures and spatial spillovers.
[34] Fallah,H.Ibrahim.

Knowledge spillover and innovation in technological clusters. Proceedings[R]. Washington, D

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[35] Bentler P M,Chou C P.

Practical issues in structural modeling

[J].Sociological Methods and Research,1987,16(1):78-117.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0049124187016001004      URL      [本文引用: 1]     
