Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (2): 200-208

Orginal Article



1.南京大学国土资源与旅游学系,江苏 南京 210046
2.国土资源部海岸带保护与开发重点实验室,江苏 南京 210046

A Review of Effects of Urban and Rural Land Market Integration on Land Use and Land Cover Change

Huang Xianjin12

1.Department of Land and Resources and Tourism Sciences, Nanjing University,Nanjing 210046, Jiangsu, China
2.Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Land for Coastal Protection and Development,Nanjing 210046, Jiangsu, China

中图分类号:  F293,F301

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)02-0200-09

收稿日期: 2016-01-29

修回日期:  2016-06-12

网络出版日期:  2017-02-25

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41571162)江苏高校人文社会科学研究重点项目(2014ZDAM001)资助






关键词: 城乡土地市场一体化 ; 土地利用/覆被变化 ; 驱动机理


In order to break through the segmentation between urban and rural land markets, and achieve the target of integrated land use of ‘mountain-water-forest-cropland-lake’, integrated urban and rural land markets need to be developed. This study explored the mechanism impacts of urban land market, informal rural collective construction land market, and rural agricultural land circulation market on land use/land cover change (LUCC). The results show that, first, the segmentation between urban and rural land markets still existed, and resulted in a great effect on LUCC. Second, the different development degree of urban state-owned construction land market has a direct impact on relationship between land supply and demand, as well as land use structure, and even on the efficiency of land use allocation. Third, the rural collective construction land market has appeared, which accelerated the speed of the transformation of land use types because of the vagueness of property rights and the lack of legal supervision and protection. Fourth, the segmentation of urban land rural land markets affected the sustainability of land use systems and the ecosystem and environmental systems. Finally, on the basis of above results, we thought that the future research will strengthen the analysis of the integration of urban land rural land markets. Moreover, the response mechanism (pattern, process and effect) of the integration of urban and rural land markets on LUCC will be revealed.

Keywords: integrated land market between urban and rural ; land use / cover change ; driving mechanism


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黄贤金. 城乡土地市场一体化对土地利用/覆被变化的影响研究综述[J]. , 2017, 37(2): 200-208

Huang Xianjin. A Review of Effects of Urban and Rural Land Market Integration on Land Use and Land Cover Change[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(2): 200-208


1 城、乡土地市场对土地利用/覆被变化的影响研究


1.1 区域城市土地市场对土地利用/覆被变化影响机理

城市土地市场在其发育的不同阶段和不同程度对土地利用/覆被变化的影响主要涉及土地利用数量变化、结构变化以及土地利用效率变化3个方面。首先,城市土地市场发育初期加剧了土地利用的总量需求。改革开放带来的制度转型促进了城市土地市场的发育和繁荣,但是城市国有土地产权的模糊性,政府土地财政的寻租行为推动了城市化迅速发展,城市扩张加剧了对城市土地的需求[31]。尤其是中国沿海地区随着城市土地市场的逐渐发育,参与全球化生产的程度加深,土地成为吸引外商投资的筹码。许多研究针对当前建设开发区现象导致的城市扩张,建设用地扩增进行了分析,例如珠三角、长三角[32]、苏州经济开发区、技术开发区引起的土地扩张[33]。另外,城市土地市场的构建加快了土地资本化的过程。有研究从政治经济学的视角分析了江苏省土地导向的城市化过程,认为土地资本化过程成为政府财政收入的重要部分[34]。政府政策引导的土地资本化成为土地利用变化的根本动力之一,为促进经济增长,扩大财政收入,对土地需求也不断增加。土耳其在过去30 a,在市场和社会经济发展政策的作用下,土地利用增长迅速[35]

其次,城市土地市场的发展改变了土地利用结构。城市土地市场的不断发展重塑了城市发展的空间结构,也改变了城市土地价格,经典的地租理论讨论的土地价格随着交通基础设施的完善而随之改变,土地利用结构对应的也发生变化[36]。有研究对北京地价变化对土地利用转化的影响进行研究认为土地市场的开放化改变了土地利用的时空格局[37]。城市土地市场推动促进经济增长,因此不断增长的城市人口对住房的需求也刺激了住房产业发展,经济社会的这一转型过程加剧了农业非农化过程[38],重新塑造了土地利用格局。如有研究从土地生态功能视角揭示了土地市场对于土地利用景观格局的影响的理论研究框架[39]。例如,日本的土地政策规定面积小于0.1 hm2的地块的开发不需要经过政府审批,这大大鼓励了城镇土地的细碎化发展[40]


1.2 区域农村土地市场对土地利用/覆被变化影响机理研究


2 区域城乡土地市场分割对土地可持续利用影响研究


2.1 城乡土地市场分割对土地可持续经济系统的影响。

城乡土地市场的分割对经济社会土地利用带来的影响主要表现在城市建设用地扩张,农村土地资源浪费等方面。从国外研究来看,城市土地市场在土地集约利用方面均发挥了积极作用,例如新加坡通过提高土地价格, 增加土地获取成本来促进集约利用[56],日本都市圈地价对于城市土地集约利用的影响[57]。同样,有研究揭示了中国城市土地市场发育对于城市土地利用、城市公共物品供应的影响[58,37]。中国城市土地市场机制的逐渐成熟对于促进城市土地集约利用也有积极意义[8,44]

但是,中国农村土地市场发育处于初级阶段,加之产权模糊加剧了城乡土地市场分割性,更是影响农村土地的配置效率。第一,农村土地流转加剧了农村大田作物用地向经济作物用地的转化,以及大田作物用地抛荒现象的出现[20]。农村土地市场发育的程度不同,对农村土地配置效率产生明显的导向性影响。例如,上海奉贤、苏州常熟等地农地流转导致了农地抛荒现象增加,但在珠三角广州市番禺区农户主动弃耕后往往将承包经营权转给他人继续保持农地耕作, 不会产生农地撂荒现象[59]。耕地撂荒在经济改革与转型阶段的越南农村区域也同样存在,农村土地交易或租赁市场的发展,加快了农村土地利用的转型[60]。第二,农村土地市场发育是否会影响农地规模化经营,提高土地利用效率有影响存在较大争议[61]。中国大多学者认为中国的耕地细碎化是由农地分配制度导致的,是耕地规模经营发展的重要限制因素[62~64]。但是,针对农村土地流转市场对农地细碎化的影响,大量实证研究发现,农地市场不会降低土地细碎化程度[65]、甚至会加剧土地细碎化[66],例如对湖南[67]、苏浙鲁地区[68]、湖北、江西等地[69]的调查研究;也有学者认为农地流转有利于促进农地集中与规模经营,能提高农地利用效率,降低土地细碎化程度[70,71]。更有学者通过对广西、湖北、江西40个村农村固定观察点的数据研究后认为,在村庄层面上农地市场发育对耕地细碎化没有影响[72]。由此可见,中国农地市场的建设在不同的区域尺度存在差异性,只有针对不同区域的土地市场发育情况建立不同的土地市场机制,才能全面提高中国的土地利用效率。

2.2 城乡土地市场分割对生态环境系统可持续发展的影响。



3 研究述评与展望

3.1 研究述评



3.2 研究展望


1) 城乡一体化背景下土地市场对区域土地利用/覆被变化的影响机理(格局、过程、效应)分析。城乡一体化发展为城乡土地利用格局调整提供了政策环境,城乡土地市场一体化则为城乡土地利用格局调整提供了区域土地资源市场配置机制。为此,着重结合对城乡土地市场一体化情形下多元土地利用主体(政府、投资者、集体、农户等)的行为地理特征及相互作用分析,揭示城乡土地市场一体化对区域土地利用/覆被变化的影响机理,以为构建理论模型及开展实证研究提供基础。

2) 城乡土地市场一体化对区域土地利用/覆被变化影响的理论模型构建。针对城乡土地市场的制度性割裂情况,城乡土地市场一体化发展对区域土地利用/覆被变化影响的驱动模型研究尚未引起更多关注,未来研究应结合城乡土地市场一体化对区域土地利用/覆被变化的影响机理分析,将城乡土地市场一体化所引起的土地利用经济区位变化、土地利用收益预期的时空变化、土地利用主体地理行为特征调整等纳入区域土地利用/覆被变化驱动模型,从而完善区域土地利用/覆被变化理论模型,丰富和深化区域土地利用/覆被变化驱动力研究内涵。

3) 基于城乡土地市场一体化的区域土地利用/覆被变化对土地可持续利用的影响研究。以具有典型的城乡土地一体化发展特征的区域作为典型研究区,分析不同土地利用类型(如林地、生态保护区、水域等)的时空变化特征,揭示基于城乡土地市场一体化对区域土地利用/覆被变化影响的土地可持续利用特征,选择3~5种不同土地利用冲突类型(如耕地被市场征收为建设用地、耕地被市场租赁后开垦为养殖用地等)的局地空间,构建基于多元决策主体的土地利用空间冲突博弈模型,分析城乡土地市场一体化对土地资源保护的影响,并提出协调不同地理空间土地利用主体(政府、投资者、集体、农户等)行为关系,引导区域土地可持续利用的对策建议。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Reconsidering the controversial landuse policy of“linking the decrease in rural construction land with the increasein urban construction land”: a local government perspective

[J]. China Review-anInterdisciplinary Journal on Greater China, 2014, 14(1):175-198.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The recent land use policy of inking the Decrease in Rural Construction Land with the Increase in Urban Construction Land is an attempt of the government to address the tensions between protecting arable land and providing land for construction by means of more intensive use of land. Nevertheless, the implementation of the policy has triggered much controversy, in particular about predominant dependence upon rural residential land use consolidation and the pursuit of rural-urban construction land quota transfer. Although local governments often take the blame for these issues, the case study of the comprehensive land consolidation project in Guli reveals the type of dilemma with which they are confronted. It is shown that the potential for land consolidation is limited, whereby local governments have to turn to rural residential land consolidation to achieve the targets set by the central government for land consolidation. Furthermore, the displacement and resettlement of rural dwellers puts tremendous financial pressure upon the local government, and it would be impossible to implement the central government mandate to build a new socialist countryside without selling land at a higher price. This article discusses the possibilities for a market-led land consolidation process and concludes that the targets of land consolidation and the implementation of the linking policy should vary from region to region to match local levels of economic development and specificities of the rural economy.

Huang X J, Li Y, Yu R et al.

Reconsidering the controversial landuse policy of“linking the decrease in rural construction land with the increasein urban construction land”: a local government perspective

[J]. China Review-anInterdisciplinary Journal on Greater China, 2014, 14(1):175-198.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The recent land use policy of inking the Decrease in Rural Construction Land with the Increase in Urban Construction Land is an attempt of the government to address the tensions between protecting arable land and providing land for construction by means of more intensive use of land. Nevertheless, the implementation of the policy has triggered much controversy, in particular about predominant dependence upon rural residential land use consolidation and the pursuit of rural-urban construction land quota transfer. Although local governments often take the blame for these issues, the case study of the comprehensive land consolidation project in Guli reveals the type of dilemma with which they are confronted. It is shown that the potential for land consolidation is limited, whereby local governments have to turn to rural residential land consolidation to achieve the targets set by the central government for land consolidation. Furthermore, the displacement and resettlement of rural dwellers puts tremendous financial pressure upon the local government, and it would be impossible to implement the central government mandate to build a new socialist countryside without selling land at a higher price. This article discusses the possibilities for a market-led land consolidation process and concludes that the targets of land consolidation and the implementation of the linking policy should vary from region to region to match local levels of economic development and specificities of the rural economy.
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针对我国当前较为广泛开展的农村集体建设用地流转市场,着重从农 村土地股份合作模式.集体土地租赁模式、资产置换模式.都市休闲农业模式以及跨区域地票模式等农村集体建设用地主要流转模式,分析了我国城市化进程中土地 流转对城乡发展的积极影响和消极影响,并提出了构建符合城乡统筹发展要求的农村集体建设用地流转制度体系.
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ABSTRACT The conversion of Earth's land surface to urban uses is one of the most irreversible human impacts on the global biosphere. It drives the loss of farmland, affects local climate, fragments habitats, and threatens biodiversity. Here we present a meta-analysis of 326 studies that have used remotely sensed images to map urban land conversion. We report a worldwide observed increase in urban land area of 58,000 km(2) from 1970 to 2000. India, China, and Africa have experienced the highest rates of urban land expansion, and the largest change in total urban extent has occurred in North America. Across all regions and for all three decades, urban land expansion rates are higher than or equal to urban population growth rates, suggesting that urban growth is becoming more expansive than compact. Annual growth in GDP per capita drives approximately half of the observed urban land expansion in China but only moderately affects urban expansion in India and Africa, where urban land expansion is driven more by urban population growth. In high income countries, rates of urban land expansion are slower and increasingly related to GDP growth. However, in North America, population growth contributes more to urban expansion than it does in Europe. Much of the observed variation in urban expansion was not captured by either population, GDP, or other variables in the model. This suggests that contemporary urban expansion is related to a variety of factors difficult to observe comprehensively at the global level, including international capital flows, the informal economy, land use policy, and generalized transport costs. Using the results from the global model, we develop forecasts for new urban land cover using SRES Scenarios. Our results show that by 2030, global urban land cover will increase between 430,000 km(2) and 12,568,000 km(2), with an estimate of 1,527,000 km(2) more likely.
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针对我国当前较为广泛开展的农村集体建设用地流转市场,着重从农 村土地股份合作模式.集体土地租赁模式、资产置换模式.都市休闲农业模式以及跨区域地票模式等农村集体建设用地主要流转模式,分析了我国城市化进程中土地 流转对城乡发展的积极影响和消极影响,并提出了构建符合城乡统筹发展要求的农村集体建设用地流转制度体系.
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为更好地实现城乡建设用地增减挂钩,使增减挂钩模式在运行过程中 达到城乡公平发展的目标,应用城市土地供需模型和帕累托最优模型推理城乡建设用地增减挂钩的合理性,分析增减挂钩模式促进城乡公平发展的困境.结果表明, 城乡建设用地增减挂钩应通过规范的土地市场交易实现,规范、高效的土地市场有助于从经济上督促城市开发者主动集约用地,从收入上引导农村经营者主动节约用 地;同时,良好运作的土地市场也极大地改善着政府的公众形象,城市投资向农村分流成为城市反哺农村的重要渠道.
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Urban Planning in office markets: A methodological approach

[J].Land Use Policy,2011,28(1):83-95.      URL      摘要

Abstract This article stresses the importance of urban planning interventions on real estate office markets in an environment increasingly characterized by globalization processes and progress of information and communication technologies, leaving behind the traditional influence of more market-related variables spread abroad vast literature. It contends that a better indirect control exerted by municipal authorities may launch the performance and characteristics of these markets. Within this scope, an innovative methodology and model are proposed, aimed at assisting municipal decisions in the definition of strategic policies concerning location or relocation of offices, and respective influences over rents. This methodology and this model have a flexible ongoing character that fits the anytime concrete features of local office markets. They are applied, as a case study, to the office market of Oporto city (Portugal). Implications for urban policy are inferred and generalized from this analysis.
[11] KongBo-sin Tang, Winky K O Ho.

Land-use planning and market adjustment underde-industrialization: Restructuring of Industrialspace in Hong Kong

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2015,(43): 28-36.      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT This study explores the relationship between land-use planning regulation, changing use of industrial space and market adjustment in a compact city of Hong Kong under deindustrialization over the past three decades. Planning regulation defines and attenuates the rights of property owners in the use of industrial premises. Property users need to secure additional rights, through planning applications, from the regulatory authority before converting the premises for higher-value non-industrial uses. This study reveals that, under a flexible planning regulatory regime of facilitating incremental land-use conversion by the users in industrial property, the development market actually produced more rather than less industrial accommodation. A Supply Adjustment Model is proposed to explain this unexpected market phenomenon. Empirical estimations by Johansen cointegration analysis and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) confirm opposite movements in the supply and property prices of new industrial and office accommodation, indicating market competition and segmentation between these two sectors.
[12] 王真,郭怀成.


[J].地理学报,2009,64(10):1215-1320.      URL      摘要

使用统计学方法从微观上研究了北京市城市居住用地价格的驱动力因 子,包括可达性、土地开发强度、文体基础设施和新型交通方式等.利用T检验以及Pearson相关分析法确定驱动力因子为与市中心、与火车站的距离、容积 率、1000 m以内的公交路线数、1000 m内是否存在轨道交通和文化设施.并用因子分析将6个因子分为四类.岭回归方法表明这6种因子贡献了自变量Y变化的73.2%.其中与市中心的距离是影响 居住用地价格的最重要因素,距离越大居住用地价格越低:容积率与居住用地旱明显的正相关,容积率越高,地价越高;与火车站的距离、1000 m以内的公交路线数等可达性因素对居住用地价格也有影响.1000 m文化设施与轨道交通对周边的土地价格存在明显的增值作用.基十此,本文提出发展轨道交通、改造低效率土地利用方式和加强小区文体设施建设等建议促进城市 地价空间分布的优化,提高城市的整体价值.

[Wang Zhen, Guo Huaicheng.

Analysis of the driving force of the Price of urban residential land in Beijing based on statistics.

Chinese Journal of geography, 2009,64(10): 1215-1320.]      URL      摘要

使用统计学方法从微观上研究了北京市城市居住用地价格的驱动力因 子,包括可达性、土地开发强度、文体基础设施和新型交通方式等.利用T检验以及Pearson相关分析法确定驱动力因子为与市中心、与火车站的距离、容积 率、1000 m以内的公交路线数、1000 m内是否存在轨道交通和文化设施.并用因子分析将6个因子分为四类.岭回归方法表明这6种因子贡献了自变量Y变化的73.2%.其中与市中心的距离是影响 居住用地价格的最重要因素,距离越大居住用地价格越低:容积率与居住用地旱明显的正相关,容积率越高,地价越高;与火车站的距离、1000 m以内的公交路线数等可达性因素对居住用地价格也有影响.1000 m文化设施与轨道交通对周边的土地价格存在明显的增值作用.基十此,本文提出发展轨道交通、改造低效率土地利用方式和加强小区文体设施建设等建议促进城市 地价空间分布的优化,提高城市的整体价值.
[13] 任荣荣,郑思齐.


[J].地理科学进展,2008,27(3):119-126.      URL      摘要


[Ren Rongrong, Zheng Siqi.

Study on the spatial structure of office and residential land development—Price gradient,

quantity and development location Porgress in Geography, 2008,27(3): 119-126.]      URL      摘要

[14] 日野正辉,刘云刚.



[Hino Masaki, Liu Yungang.

1990’s structural change in the metropolitan area of Japan.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011,31(3): 302-308.]

[15] 张晓平,封强,李媛芳.



URL      摘要


[Zhang Xiaoping, Feng Qiang, Li Yuanfang.

The spatial distribution and influence factors of bidding for office space in Beijing City.

Economic Geography, 2013,33(3): 73-92.]

URL      摘要

[21] [LongYongjun, Yang Qingyuan.

Based on the analysis of linked to changes in the plight of the urban construction in view of economics.

Guizhou Agricultural Sciences, 2011,39(10): 209-213.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

为更好地实现城乡建设用地增减挂钩,使增减挂钩模式在运行过程中 达到城乡公平发展的目标,应用城市土地供需模型和帕累托最优模型推理城乡建设用地增减挂钩的合理性,分析增减挂钩模式促进城乡公平发展的困境.结果表明, 城乡建设用地增减挂钩应通过规范的土地市场交易实现,规范、高效的土地市场有助于从经济上督促城市开发者主动集约用地,从收入上引导农村经营者主动节约用 地;同时,良好运作的土地市场也极大地改善着政府的公众形象,城市投资向农村分流成为城市反哺农村的重要渠道.
[22] 王振波,方创琳,王婧.


[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(1):96-102.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Wang Zhenbo, Fang Chuanglin, Wang Jing.

Urban and rural construction linked to changes in policy observation and thinking.China Population,

Resources and Environment, 2012,22(1): 96-102.]      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[23] 黄贤金.



URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Huang Xianjin.

Urban and rural land market: from separation to integration.

City, 1995 (1): 26-28.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[24] 张毅,张红.


[J]. 土地经济研究,2015(1):1-11.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Yi, Zhang Hong.

Management of the collective construction land transfer management: the main features, enlightenment and legal regulation: Based on the comparison between the practice and management measures of Guangdong and Chengdu.

Land Economic Research, 2015, (1): 1-11.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] 王克强,罗庆,刘红梅.


[J].中国土地科学, 2007,21(5):70-74.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Keqiang, Luo Qing, Liu Hongmei.

A summary of the domestic research on urban and rural land market integration policy in China.

China Land Science, 2007,21(5): 70-74.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] 王克强,赵露,刘红梅.


[J].中国土地科学, 2010,24(12):52-57.      URL      摘要

研究目的:探讨城乡土地市场一体化后的运行机制和利益保障制度. 研究方法:综合运用文献研究法、定性分析法、比较分析法等方法.研究结果:构建了城乡一体化的土地市场运行结构,分析了城乡土地市场一体化的运行机制特征 和利益保障制度.研究结论:城市一体化的土地市场是城市土地市场和农村土地市场有机融合的市场;城乡土地市场一体化要求集体土地与国有土地产权平等、农村 土地市场与城市土地市场直接对接、集体土地征收和流转中集体及农民获得足额的市场价格补偿、集体所有土地的流转的收益主要归各级集体经济组织和农民、农地 发展权得到充分补偿、重新定位政府在土地市场中的角色、重新定位城市土地储备制度;为确保城乡一体化土地市场的运行,要建立合理的中央和地方土地财政收入 分配机制、确保地方政府获取并维持稳定长期的土地税收收入、建立健全税收体制以调控土地利益分配、建立适应市场机制的以非市场化政策手段调控土地用途导向 和公共产品供给的政策、保障农民利益不受侵犯.

[Wang Keqiang, Zhao Lu, Liu Hongmei.

Characteristics of land market operation and security system of urban and rural integration.

China Land Science, 2010,24(12): 52-57.]      URL      摘要

研究目的:探讨城乡土地市场一体化后的运行机制和利益保障制度. 研究方法:综合运用文献研究法、定性分析法、比较分析法等方法.研究结果:构建了城乡一体化的土地市场运行结构,分析了城乡土地市场一体化的运行机制特征 和利益保障制度.研究结论:城市一体化的土地市场是城市土地市场和农村土地市场有机融合的市场;城乡土地市场一体化要求集体土地与国有土地产权平等、农村 土地市场与城市土地市场直接对接、集体土地征收和流转中集体及农民获得足额的市场价格补偿、集体所有土地的流转的收益主要归各级集体经济组织和农民、农地 发展权得到充分补偿、重新定位政府在土地市场中的角色、重新定位城市土地储备制度;为确保城乡一体化土地市场的运行,要建立合理的中央和地方土地财政收入 分配机制、确保地方政府获取并维持稳定长期的土地税收收入、建立健全税收体制以调控土地利益分配、建立适应市场机制的以非市场化政策手段调控土地用途导向 和公共产品供给的政策、保障农民利益不受侵犯.
[27] 朱珍,郑云峰.


[J].台湾农业探索,2010(1):58-60.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

随着我国工业化与城市化的快速发展,城市的区域和范围必然要扩 大,许多农村土地进入城市土地市场.农村土地进入城市土地市场的方式关系到工业化与城市化的速度和质量,关系到社会的和谐与稳定.本文分析了城乡土地市场 一体化的晕大意义,推进城乡土地市场一体化面临的主要困难,并提出相应的对策建议.

[Zhu Zhen, Zheng Yunfeng.

Discussion on the integration of urban and rural land market under the background of urbanization.

Taiwan Agricultural Search, 2010 (1): 58-60.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

随着我国工业化与城市化的快速发展,城市的区域和范围必然要扩 大,许多农村土地进入城市土地市场.农村土地进入城市土地市场的方式关系到工业化与城市化的速度和质量,关系到社会的和谐与稳定.本文分析了城乡土地市场 一体化的晕大意义,推进城乡土地市场一体化面临的主要困难,并提出相应的对策建议.
[28] 程世勇.


[J].社会科学,2010(6):45-52.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城乡建设用地结构失衡是我国目前粗放型经济增长模式的典型特征。以集体建设用地“经营性地 权”为特征的体制外流转,虽然在一定程度上提高了土地、资本和劳动的要素配置效率,但由于受土地固定区位空间的限制,难以形成要素集聚和产业协同优势。而 体制内的“地票”交易模式,在城市土地国有产权的制度框架下通过“资产性地权”交易,以稀缺性的建设用地指标为交易对象,在集体资产价值获得实现的同时实 现了城乡建设用地实物资产的空间置换和产业的集聚。

[Cheng Shiyong.

The transfer of urban and rural construction land use system inside and outside the system.

Social Science, 2010 (6): 45-52.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城乡建设用地结构失衡是我国目前粗放型经济增长模式的典型特征。以集体建设用地“经营性地 权”为特征的体制外流转,虽然在一定程度上提高了土地、资本和劳动的要素配置效率,但由于受土地固定区位空间的限制,难以形成要素集聚和产业协同优势。而 体制内的“地票”交易模式,在城市土地国有产权的制度框架下通过“资产性地权”交易,以稀缺性的建设用地指标为交易对象,在集体资产价值获得实现的同时实 现了城乡建设用地实物资产的空间置换和产业的集聚。
[29] 杨廉,袁奇峰.


[J]. 城市规划学刊,2010(2):14-20.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yang Lian, Yuan Qifeng.

Pearl River Delta "three old transformation of land integration model—with Nanhai District of Foshan City lianijiao area as an example.

Journal of Urban Planning, 2010 (2): 14-20.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[30] 邓爱珍,陈美球.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

农村集体经营性建设用地入市流 转是我国农村土地制度改革的重要方向,本文在江西赣县调研的基础上,总结归纳农村集体经营性建设用地流转面临的种种现实问题,并提出相应的对策,以期为现 阶段开展农村集体经营性建设用地流转试点提供参考。研究表明:农村集体经营性建设用地流转面临着流转对象难以界定,流转潜力并不大;现实情况复杂,新老矛 盾交织;流转涉及主体多,利益诉求多样;试点风险高,流转的决策机制难以形成等现实问题。研究提出了相应的对策,应对农村集体经营性建设用地流转现实问题 的对策有:同步严格土地征收的适用范围,为农村集体经营性建设用地提供空间;以"多规合一"为契机,明晰农村集体经营性建设用地流转对象;在公平的基础上 兼顾效率,制定科学的流转利益分配机制;同步制定农村集体经营性建设用地再次流转制度,为实现与国有土地同权创造条件;完善公众参与机制,构建公平透明的 流转决策机制。

[Deng Aizhen, Chen Meiqiu.

Practical problems and Countermeasures of rural collective management construction land market circulation—A case study of Ganxian in Jiangxi Province.

Land Economy Research, 2015 (1): 13-23.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

农村集体经营性建设用地入市流 转是我国农村土地制度改革的重要方向,本文在江西赣县调研的基础上,总结归纳农村集体经营性建设用地流转面临的种种现实问题,并提出相应的对策,以期为现 阶段开展农村集体经营性建设用地流转试点提供参考。研究表明:农村集体经营性建设用地流转面临着流转对象难以界定,流转潜力并不大;现实情况复杂,新老矛 盾交织;流转涉及主体多,利益诉求多样;试点风险高,流转的决策机制难以形成等现实问题。研究提出了相应的对策,应对农村集体经营性建设用地流转现实问题 的对策有:同步严格土地征收的适用范围,为农村集体经营性建设用地提供空间;以"多规合一"为契机,明晰农村集体经营性建设用地流转对象;在公平的基础上 兼顾效率,制定科学的流转利益分配机制;同步制定农村集体经营性建设用地再次流转制度,为实现与国有土地同权创造条件;完善公众参与机制,构建公平透明的 流转决策机制。
[31] Jingmin Zhu.

A transitional institution for the emerging land market in urban China

[J]. Urban Studies, 2005, 42(8):1369-1390.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Chinese economic reforms since 1978 have been a continuous process of fundamental institutional change. The new institution of ambiguous property rights over state-owned urban land evolves from the socialist people's landownership. This institutional change is driven by the changing economic system and by two new organisations-the local developmental state and danwei-enterprises. The new institution facilitates the formation of an emerging land market. This land market, structured by ambiguous property rights, has accounted for the dynamic urban physical growth in many of China's coastal cities in the 1980s and 1990s. Nevertheless, massive rent dissipation induced by the new institution does not provide market certainty, nor does it offer incentives for optimal development. The cost incurred by the institution is gradually overtaking its benefit. The ambiguous property rights are deemed to be a transitional institution during the development of land markets in urban China.
[32] Gao J, Dennis Wei Y, Chen W et al.

Urban land expansion and structural change in the Yangtze River Delta, China

[J]. Sustainability, 2015, 7: 10281-10307.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban development in China has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, more work is still needed to examine and understand the mechanisms of urban land expansion, especially within the context of globalization/marketization, decentralization and urbanization. This paper analyzes urban land expansion and structural changes in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). We find that cities in the YRD are experiencing urban land expansion mainly characterized by the growth of residential and industrial land. The dominant characteristics of urban land expansion in cities have also varied within different development and administrative levels. Based on our conceptual framework, we have used multi-models to investigate the driving forces of urban land expansion and structural changes in the YRD. The results reveal that six influencing factors oreign direct investment (FDI), labor, government competition, institution, population, and job-housing relations鈥攆acilitate land use change in the economic transition process. However, their impacts differ in cities in different geographical locations, as well as with different administrative levels. Finally, this paper discusses policies to promote sustainable urban land use in the YRD.
[33] Daniel You-Ren Yang, & Hung-Kai Wang.

Dilemmas of local governance under the development zone fever in china a case study of the Suzhouregion

[J]. Urban Studies, 2008,45(5-6):1037-1054.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article aims to explore the mechanisms of the development zone fever in the Suzhou region, located in the fast-growing Yangtze River Delta, and investigates, from an institutional perspective, the practice of relevant intragovernmental governance in the context of rapid industrialisation since the 1990s. A specific mode of governance09”the evaluative economic indicators scheme inherited from the earlier socialist planning system, combined with the party/state's promotion/evaluation system09”plays an essential role in this transformation of farmland property rights. However, this model of development is not necessarily helpful for local financial conditions and it results in the disclacement of peasants and the loss of land resources. Based on the resulting `dilemmas of governance', it is argued that, in addition to the `economic paradigm', which focuses on consequences of fiscal reforms and devolution, scholars should pay more attention to factors such as the party/state's promotion/evaluation system and the stress between the evaluative indicators system maintained by the central/local sectoral command and the territorial jurisdictions. This could be helpful in gaining a fuller understanding of the dynamics and tensions of local developments in China.
[34] George C S Lin, Fangxin Yi.

Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing china

[J]. Urban Geography, 2011,32(1): 50-79.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This study examines the relationship between urban land development and municipal finance in a Chinese regional economy undergoing rapid urbanization. Drawing upon insights from the perspective of political economy, this study analyzes how municipalities in coastal Jiangsu Province have engaged in the land-dominated urbanization process, and the developmental landscape that has emerged from the new approach toward local public finance. Land development has not functioned simply as a passive outcome of urbanization, but has been actively pursued by local governments as a means of revenue generation to finance local economic growth. An inverse correlation is found between the growth of land conveyance income and the level of the regional economies in China's administrative hierarchy. We call for greater attention to be directed to the interrelationship between land development, local public finance, and urbanization in the ongoing transformation of the Chinese political economy.
[35] Ayseocu.

The politics of the urban land market in Turkey: 1950-1980

[J]. International Journal of Urban Land Regional Research,1988,12(1):38-64.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

First page of article
[36] Rajesh BahadurThapa, Yuji Murayama.

Drivers of urban growth in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal: Examining the efficacy of the analytic hierarchy process

[J]. Applied Geography, 2010,30:70-83.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article explores the driving factors of urban growth in Kathmandu Valley using analytic hierarchy process. The dynamic pattern of urban growth in the valley has been greatly influenced by seven driving factors: physical conditions, public service accessibility, economic opportunities, land market, population growth, political situation, and plans and policies. These factors have played important yet different roles in the city core, fringe, and rural areas. Among these factors, economic opportunities in the core, population growth in the fringe, and the political situation in the rural areas are identified as the highest impact factors of urban growth. Due to the lesser land availability in the city core, the land market factor had a smaller role in the core compared to the fringe and rural areas. The plans and policies factor is evaluated as minimally effective in all thematic areas. The physical condition factor had a low impact in the city core and fringe areas, but played a larger role than the economic opportunities, public service accessibility, and plans and policies in the rural areas. Due to spatial disparities in the public service establishments in the valley, the public services accessibility factor had a low impact in the rural area. A representative model of driving factors is presented to explain the overall relationship between the factors in the urban growth process of the metropolitan region.
[37] Jinfeng Du,

Jean-claudeThill, Richard B.Peiser, Changchun Feng. Urban land market and land-use changes in post-reform China: A case study of Beijing

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014, 124:118-128.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

China launched an ambitious urban land-use reform to improve land-use efficiency, raise funds for infrastructure construction, and facilitate foreign investment in the late 1980s. Few studies have systematically evaluated the effects of the market mechanisms on land-use changes in Chinese cities. This paper takes the city of Beijing as a case study to quantify the magnitude of land-use changes and model it in relation to spatial and market drivers through time and across the metropolitan region. The analysis uses unique district-level land survey data from 1992, 1996, 2001, 2004 and 2008, as well as land granting records. Analysis reveals that, since the urban land market was established in 1992, the spatial pattern of land uses has changed dramatically in Beijing, land price has exerted a significantly influence on land-use conversion, and the municipal recognition of an open market for land assets has set the spatial鈥搕emporal pattern of land uses on a course that sharply differs from past trends in Beijing.
[38] George C S Lin.

Reproducing spaces of Chinese Urbanisation:New city-based and land-centred urban transformation

[J]. Urban Studies, 2007, 44(9):1827-1855.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China's spaces of urbanisation in the 1980s and early 1990s were occupied primarily by the interests of rural industrialisation and town development. Since the mid 1990s, China's urban spaces have been reproduced through a city-based and land-centred process of urbanisation in which large cities managed to reassert their leading positions in an increasingly competitive, globalising and urbanising economy. This study analyses changes in China's nonagricultural land in relation to the growth and structural changes of Chinese cities. A systematic analysis of three sets of data reveals a high intensity and great unevenness of non-agricultural land use in the country. China had 29.5 million hectares of non-agricultural land in 1996, which accounted for only 3 per cent of the national land mass. Over 80 per cent of the recent increase in non-agricultural land use was caused by the expansion of urban and rural settlements, industrialisation and numerous 'development zones'. A comparative analysis of land use data and Landsat images identifies two concurrent processes of urbanisation and non-agricultural land use change. Rapid urban sprawl of large cities, driven by the expansion of ring-roads and setting up of 'development zones', has contributed to the conversion of farmland into nonagricultural uses. At the same time, rural industrialisation and a housing boom have given rise to a dispersed pattern of non-agricultural land development all over the country. Given the pervasive influence of the forces of continuing urbanisation and globalisation, the state's attempt to protect China's dwindling farmland will not reverse the trend of increasing non-agricultural land use, but are likely to slow the pace of land conversion. Anecdotal evidence such as 'hollow villages' and idle land in numerous encircled 'development zones' suggests that there exist ways for China to use its non-agricultural land more efficiently and economically than hitherto.
[39] Robinson D T.

Effects of land markets and land management on ecosystem function: A framework for modelling exurban land-change

[J]. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2013, 45:129-140.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT a b s t r a c t This paper presents the conceptual design and application of a new land-change modelling framework that represents geographical, sociological, economic, and ecological aspects of a land system. The framework provides an overarching design that can be extended into specific model implementations to evaluate how policy, land-management preferences, and land-market dynamics affect (and are affected by) land-use and land-cover change patterns and subsequent carbon storage and flux. To demonstrate the framework, we implement a simple integration of a new agent-based model of exurban residential development and land-management decisions with the ecosystem process model BIOME-BGC. Using a stylized scenario, we evaluate the influence of different exurban residential-land-management strat-egies on carbon storage at the parcel level over a 48-year period from 1958 to 2005, simulating stocks of carbon in soil, litter, vegetation, and net primary productivity. Results show 1) residential parcels with management practices that only provided additions in the form of fertilizer and irrigation to turfgrass stored slightly more carbon than parcels that did not include management practices, 2) conducting no land-management strategy stored more carbon than implementing a strategy that included removals in the form of removing coarse woody debris from dense tree cover and litter from turfgrass, and 3) the removal practices modelled had a larger impact on total parcel carbon storage than our modelled additions. The degree of variation within the evaluated land-management practices was approximately 42,104 kg C storage on a 1.62 ha plot after 48 years, demonstrating the substantial effect that residential land-management practices can have on carbon storage.
[40] Mori H.

Land conversion at the urban fringe:a comparative study of Japan,Britain and the Netherlands

[J] . Urban Studies,1998,(35):1541-1558.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In the 1980s, the multiplier between land values for agricultural and urban uses was found to run at 50-200 (times) or even higher in the areas surrounding expanding cities in Japan and Britain, compared to 2-3 in the Netherlands (no servicing costs considered). The Japanese experience suggests that this socially inexcusably large gap may result mainly from the speculative motives of landowners rather than from alleged excessive public regulations of development. A more desirable policy orientation is proposed, whereby landowners, either sellers or buyers of greenfields, should bear more explicitly the social costs of land-use conversion rather than merely relying on the loosening of development regulations to remedy problems.
[41] 赵小风,黄贤金,陈逸,.


[J].自然资源学报, 2010,25(11):1979-1996.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市土地集约利用是城市土地利用变化研究的重要内容之一。了解城市土地集约利用的机理、过程和效应,有助于优化城市土地利用空间结构,提高城市土地利用效率,缓解资源环境约束带给城市发展的压力以及促进城市可持续发展。文章从3个方面对国内外城市土地集约利用研究进行了梳理和总结:①研究尺度,包括空间尺度和时间尺度;②研究内容,包括城市土地集约利用的内涵和相关理论、集约利用评价、集约利用驱动机制、集约利用效应、集约利用途径;③研究方法,包括统计分析和计量分析方法、基于过程的动态模型方法、G IS空间分析方法和其他研究方法。最后对其未来的发展方向提出了一些建议,认为在研究尺度上,应加强多尺度、多层次、时间序列的研究;在研究内容上,应加强基础理论、机理、过程和效应的研究;在研究方法上,应加强计量分析、空间分析和动态模型应用。

[Zhao Xiaofeng, Huang Xianjin,

Chen Yi et al. Research progress of urban land intensive use

[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2010,25(11): 1979-1996.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市土地集约利用是城市土地利用变化研究的重要内容之一。了解城市土地集约利用的机理、过程和效应,有助于优化城市土地利用空间结构,提高城市土地利用效率,缓解资源环境约束带给城市发展的压力以及促进城市可持续发展。文章从3个方面对国内外城市土地集约利用研究进行了梳理和总结:①研究尺度,包括空间尺度和时间尺度;②研究内容,包括城市土地集约利用的内涵和相关理论、集约利用评价、集约利用驱动机制、集约利用效应、集约利用途径;③研究方法,包括统计分析和计量分析方法、基于过程的动态模型方法、G IS空间分析方法和其他研究方法。最后对其未来的发展方向提出了一些建议,认为在研究尺度上,应加强多尺度、多层次、时间序列的研究;在研究内容上,应加强基础理论、机理、过程和效应的研究;在研究方法上,应加强计量分析、空间分析和动态模型应用。
[42] 谢正峰,董玉.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过文献分析法,将我国城市土地优化配置研究发展历程划分为3个 阶段:城市土地优化配置研究的萌芽阶段(1978—1993);城市土地优化配置研究框架的初步形成阶段(1994—2000);城市土地优化配置技术和 方法的发展阶段(2001年以来)。研究认为我国城市土地优化配置研究受到经济体制改革的影响,研究逐渐从优化配置的理论过度到优化配置技术和方法,城市 土地利用空间配置的综合研究欠缺,城市土地优化配置的微观研究还有待加强。今后,城市土地优化配置研究包括城市土地空间优化配置、城市土地优化配置的外部 效应、城市与区域土地利用关系等方面,应进一步加强和突破。

[Xie Zhengfeng, Dong Yu.

Research progress and Prospect of urban land optimal allocation in China.

Economic Geography, 2011,31(8): 1364-1369.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过文献分析法,将我国城市土地优化配置研究发展历程划分为3个 阶段:城市土地优化配置研究的萌芽阶段(1978—1993);城市土地优化配置研究框架的初步形成阶段(1994—2000);城市土地优化配置技术和 方法的发展阶段(2001年以来)。研究认为我国城市土地优化配置研究受到经济体制改革的影响,研究逐渐从优化配置的理论过度到优化配置技术和方法,城市 土地利用空间配置的综合研究欠缺,城市土地优化配置的微观研究还有待加强。今后,城市土地优化配置研究包括城市土地空间优化配置、城市土地优化配置的外部 效应、城市与区域土地利用关系等方面,应进一步加强和突破。
[43] Jieming Zhu.

From land use right to land development right: Institutional change in China’s urban development

[J]. Urban Sstudies, 2004,41(7): 1249-1267.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT There has been a fundamental institutional change during the transformation from the centrally controlled system to a market-oriented economy in China since the early 1980s. The socialist land use right as an institution of the out-going central planning system became an obstacle to the emerging land market for urban redevelopment, although land leasing as a new institution had created a real estate market primarily for the development of greenfield sites. From a case study of a district in Shanghai, it is discovered that rapid urban land redevelopment since 1992 has been greatly facilitated by the informal institution of a land development right. The land development right unlocks the process of land redevelopment in the central city, while the existing land users' land use right is taken care of during the gradual transition. Land use efficiency is improved to a great extent through land redevelopment to uses of higher productivity. However, the informal and insecure institution of the land development right induces hasty land redevelopment. Assisted by a capricious land use planning regime, the land development right yields sub-optimal development. Clarification of property rights is the goal for further institutional change.
[44] 李建强,曲福田.


[J].中国土地科学, 2012,26(5):70-75.      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

研究目的:分析土地市场化改革对建设用地集约利用的影响作用,为 推进土地市场化改革、提高建设用地集约利用水平提供参考。研究方法:面板数据GLS模型。研究结果:土地市场化改革的不断推进,提高了建设用地的集约利用 水平。研究结论:(1)土地一级市场、二级市场对建设用地集约利用都具有显著的促进作用,并且在纳入其他影响因素后,依然具有较强的稳健性;(2)土地一 级市场目前对建设用地集约利用的影响明显大于土地二级市场;(3)土地市场化改革提高了土地市场化总体水平,也提高了建设用地集约利用水平,两者具有显著 的正相关关系,并具有较强的稳健性。

[Li Jianqiang, Qu Fu Tian.

Study on the influence of land marketization reform on land intensive use of construction land China.

Land Science, 2012,26(5): 70-75.]      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

研究目的:分析土地市场化改革对建设用地集约利用的影响作用,为 推进土地市场化改革、提高建设用地集约利用水平提供参考。研究方法:面板数据GLS模型。研究结果:土地市场化改革的不断推进,提高了建设用地的集约利用 水平。研究结论:(1)土地一级市场、二级市场对建设用地集约利用都具有显著的促进作用,并且在纳入其他影响因素后,依然具有较强的稳健性;(2)土地一 级市场目前对建设用地集约利用的影响明显大于土地二级市场;(3)土地市场化改革提高了土地市场化总体水平,也提高了建设用地集约利用水平,两者具有显著 的正相关关系,并具有较强的稳健性。
[45] 陈志刚,黄贤金,赵成胜.


[J].现代城市研究,2012,10(1):33-36.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

推进集体建设用地使用权流转对于实现城乡土地统筹配置和经济社会 持续快速发展有着重要意义.然而,由于缺乏统一的制度和政策安排,集体建设用地使用权流转受到较多限制.江苏省宜兴市近20年来一直在探索实施的集体建设 用地使用权流转模式在产权界定、流转规范、监管措施和收益分配等多个方面提出了富有成效的政策改革方案.通过对当地开展个案调查与政策剖析,不仅揭示了宜 兴市集体建设用地使用权流转的模式与机制,探究了其制度创新的演进过程,也为其他地区的改革与实践提供了经验借鉴.

[Chen Zhigang, Huang Xianjin, Zhao Chengsheng.

Institutional innovation of collective construction land use right transfer: A case study of Yixing City.

Modern Urban Research, 2012,10(1): 33-36.]      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

推进集体建设用地使用权流转对于实现城乡土地统筹配置和经济社会 持续快速发展有着重要意义.然而,由于缺乏统一的制度和政策安排,集体建设用地使用权流转受到较多限制.江苏省宜兴市近20年来一直在探索实施的集体建设 用地使用权流转模式在产权界定、流转规范、监管措施和收益分配等多个方面提出了富有成效的政策改革方案.通过对当地开展个案调查与政策剖析,不仅揭示了宜 兴市集体建设用地使用权流转的模式与机制,探究了其制度创新的演进过程,也为其他地区的改革与实践提供了经验借鉴.
[46] Chengri Ding, Xingshuo Zhao.

Land market, land development and urban spatial structure in Beijing

[J]. Land Use Policy,2014 ,(40): 80-90.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT The paper first examines urban spatial patterns of the gradients of housing and land prices and land development intensity, and then tests the relationship between the land price gradient and housing price gradient. Urban theory predicts the former is steeper than the latter based on the notion of derived demand for land from the provision of housing services. Finally the paper examines the impact of the property of housing production function on urban spatial structure. For the property of housing production function, we are particularly interested in the elasticity of capital-land substitution. The paper concludes (1) market influences over spatial structure, (2) the derived demand for land, and (3) it is the actual (or expected) housing price increases that cause skyrocketing land prices, not the other way around.
[47] Lanchih Po.

Redefinding Rural Collectives in China: Land conversion and the emergence of rural shareholding co-operatives

[J]. Urban Studies, 2008, 45(8):1603-1623.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT of state requisition, which compensates the farmers based on their annual agricultural output value. 2 Farmers, as land users and owners, are not allowed to sell their land in the market. In addition, due to the socialist legacy of collective ownership, rural land continues to be owned and managed by vil-lage collectives; the compensation fees are accordingly directed to village collectives, not individuals. Such collective ownership has been increasingly problematic to villagers in that individuals have no demonstrable right to the management and transfer of their Abstract As land conversion has led inevitably to socioeconomic dislocations in China, a variety of bottomp reforms have been designed to mitigate and contain the resultant confl icts. This evolves the creation of a mechanism both to allow peasants to benefi t from the increase of land value in the urbanisation process and also to redistribute interests to individual rural villagers. This paper focuses on on-going shareholding reforms which aim to clarify villagers' property rights under the current structure of collective ownership. Three cases best exemplify these issues: Wusha village in Guangdong, Qunyi village in Jiangsu and Daliushu village in Beijing. The comparison reveals divergent experiences of reform among landless farmers and how the adoption of property rights reforms has restructured the concept and organisation of rural collectives.
[48] Ran Liu, Tai-Chee Wong, Shenghe Liu.

Peasants’ counterplots against the state monopoly of the rural urbanization process: urban villages and small property housing in Beijing, China

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2012, 44(12): 1219-1240.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract. Chinese economic reforms have moved Mao’s antiurban paradigm to an urban-driven paradigm. Since the late 1980s, modernist reforms have led to large scales of urbanization, particularly in the suburban rural zones. Extensive amounts of farmland in Beijing have been expropriated for conversion to urban use to bolster economic growth. Whilst market reforms have resulted in a substantial rise in land values, as the state is effectively the sole landowner, little of the ‘surplus value’ thus created has gone to the peasants who merely have user rights. In response, peasants have created an informal sales and rental housing market to make up for their loss in livelihood, and to meet the demand of Beijing residents and low-income migrant workers. Supported by site surveys, this paper examines peasants’ rights to the city, other property rights, and the ways in which they exercise their ‘illegal’ rights and the mechanism by which the ‘surplus value’ is shared between the state, the developers, and, albeit limited, the peasants in the urbanization process. More intricate policy measures have since been taken by the Chinese government in pacifying the social tension arising from inequitable housing distribution. Keywords: state monopoly, rural urbanization, land-sourced-revenues, inequitable housing distribution, informal market, illegality
[49] 张丽君,黄贤金.


[J].资源科学,2005,27(6):40-45.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

本文首先在理论上阐述了区域土地市场发育以及农户土地流转行为与 土地利用变化之间的相互关系:在市场比较收益、农产品贸易和政府决策等因素的调控作用下,农村农地流转行为很大程度上改变了农村土地利用结构、利用方式以 及利用强度.为进一步从农户层次上以及微观经济机制尺度上揭示农地市场对土地利用变化的影响程度,论文以泰州市兴化市的村庄及农户问卷调查数据为依据,建 立了农户农地流转与土地利用变化之间的计量模型.模型运行的结果表明:农户拥有农地总面积、农地流转率、农产品销售率、粮食作物产值以及农业中非粮食作物 产值等因素对农村土地利用变化有显著的影响;农地流转在很大程度上导致了土地利用类型的变化.最后,论文结合模型的分析结果提出了适度规模经营,调整农业 产业结构,推进农产品市场贸易,规范政府行为以及改进农地流转机制等五方面的政策建议.

[Zhang Lijun,

Huang Xianjin et al. The influence of Regional Farmers’land transfer on land use change.

Resource Science, 2005,27(6): 40-45.]      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

本文首先在理论上阐述了区域土地市场发育以及农户土地流转行为与 土地利用变化之间的相互关系:在市场比较收益、农产品贸易和政府决策等因素的调控作用下,农村农地流转行为很大程度上改变了农村土地利用结构、利用方式以 及利用强度.为进一步从农户层次上以及微观经济机制尺度上揭示农地市场对土地利用变化的影响程度,论文以泰州市兴化市的村庄及农户问卷调查数据为依据,建 立了农户农地流转与土地利用变化之间的计量模型.模型运行的结果表明:农户拥有农地总面积、农地流转率、农产品销售率、粮食作物产值以及农业中非粮食作物 产值等因素对农村土地利用变化有显著的影响;农地流转在很大程度上导致了土地利用类型的变化.最后,论文结合模型的分析结果提出了适度规模经营,调整农业 产业结构,推进农产品市场贸易,规范政府行为以及改进农地流转机制等五方面的政策建议.
[50] 高珊,黄贤金.



[本文引用: 2]     

[Gao Shan, Huang Xianjin.

Rural market of farmland transfer—Survey of farmers in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui Province as an example.

Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2011,21(7): 816-820.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[51] Tan S, Heerink N, Qu F.

Land fragmentation and its driving forces in China

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2006, 23(3): 272-285.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Fragmentation of landholdings is commonly regarded as a major obstacle to agricultural production growth in China. This study analyses the factors contributing to land fragmentation, and uses household- and village-level data from 11 villages in Jiangxi Province to test these factors empirically. Our analysis shows that land fragmentation in China is caused to a large extent by the egalitarian principles used in distributing and reallocating land use rights to households. Land within each village is classified into different classes, with each household receiving land from each class. Moreover, land is basically assigned on the basis of household size, with large households receiving substantially more (and slightly bigger) plots than small households. We further find that incomes from off-farm employment and land rental markets are associated with lower land fragmentation. Limited market access does not induce land fragmentation. Instead, we find that landholdings in suburban areas are more fragmented, probably because farmers cultivate a wider range of (high value-added) crops in these areas. We conclude that, although land fragmentation has slightly declined during the 1990s, it is likely to remain high in China if the current principles underlying land distribution within villages are maintained. Three policy options for reducing land fragmentation are suggested.
[52] 王兴稳.



[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Xingwen.

The farmers of land market and land fragmentation.

Nanjing: Nanjing Agricultural University, 2008]

[本文引用: 1]     

[53] Verburg P H, Eickhout B.

A multi-scale, multi-model approach for analyzing the future dynamics of European land use

[J]. The Annals of Regional Science, 2008,42(1):57-77.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Europe rural areas are expected to witness massive and rapid changes in land use due to changes in demography, global trade, technology and enlargement of the European Union. Changes in demand for agricultural products and agrarian production structure are likely to have a large impact on landscape quality and the value of natural areas. Most studies address these changes either from a macro-economic perspective focusing on changes in the agricultural sector or from a local perspective by analyzing recent changes in landscapes for small case studies. This paper describes a methodology in which a series of models has been used to link global level developments influencing land use to local level impacts. It is argued that such an approach is needed to properly address the processes at different scales that give rise to the land use dynamics in Europe. An extended version of the global economic model (GTAP) and an integrated assessment model (IMAGE) are used to calculate changes in demand for agricultural areas at the country level while a spatially explicit land use change model (CLUE-s) was used to translate these demands to land use patterns at 1km 2 resolution. The global economic model ensures an appropriate treatment of macro-economic, demographic and technology developments and changes in agricultural and trade policies influencing the demand and supply for land use related products while the integrated assessment model accounts for changes in productivity as result of climate change and global land allocation. The land use change simulations at a high spatial resolution make use of country specific driving factors that influence the spatial patterns of land use, accounting for the spatial variation in the biophysical and socio-economic environment. Results indicate the large impact abandonment of agricultural land and urbanization may have on future European landscapes. Such results have the potential to support discussions on the future of the rural area and identify hot-spots of landscape change that need specific consideration. The high spatial and thematic resolution of the results allows the assessment of impacts of these changes on different environmental indicators, such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity. The global assessment allows, at the same time, to account for the tradeoffs between impacts in Europe and effects outside Europe.
[54] 黄贤金. 农村土地市场运行机制研究[M].北京:中国大地出版社,2004:35-48.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Huang Xianjin.Study on the operation mechanism of rural land market. Beijing: China Earth Press, 2004:35-48.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[55] 李惠梅,张安录.


[J]. 土地经济研究,2014,(1):49-63.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Huimei, Zhang Anlu.

Analysis of factors influencing farmers’multidimensional welfare in the circulation of agricultural land.

Land Economy Research, 2014, (1): 49-63.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[56] Jieming Zhu.

The impact of industrial land use policy on industrial change

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2000, 17(1):21-28.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Change in the manufacturing structure is gaining momentum in many developed as well as developing countries because of the globalisation. As an advanced developing city-state, Singapore has been having the same experience. This paper explores the role of the industrial land market in the changing process of Singapore's manufacturing. In the background of land scarcity and rapid growth, it is found that changing price movements in the industrial property, formulated within the framework of industrial land use policy, have a!ected the manufacturing groupings unevenly and have thus led to structural changes in the use of industrial land and premises. Thus, the general trend of rising land costs has contributed, to some extent, to the restructuring of Singapore's manufacturing.
[57] Ando A.

Uchida, The space-time structure of land prices in Japanese metropolitan area

[J]. The Annals of Regional Science,2004,38(4):655-674      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This study aims to clarify the space-time nature of land price upheaval that Japanese metropolitan areas experienced in the late eighties. Long-term panel data of land prices for two major metropolitan areas were first compiled, based on the Public Notifications. The parameters of the cross-sectional land price functions calculated in the process suggest that the price formations in Osaka are approximately two to three years behind that in Tokyo. The space-time structure of land price changes within the Tokyo area was studied using one- and two-dimensional diffusion models, where monocentricity of fund supplies to the land market is assumed. It is concluded, regardless of dimensions, that heat conduction provides a good analogy for the space-time behavior of land market: diffusion coefficients suggest that the land price increase has propagated fastest towards north-north-east and south-south-west, and slowest along the orthogonal direction. Copyright Springer-Verlag 2004
[58] Koroso N H.

Does the Chinese market for urban land use rights meet good governance principles

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2013, (30): 417-426.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This research investigates whether the process of transfers of urban land use rights in China, particularly where the state plays a major role in the transfer of urban land, complies with basic principles of good governance. In order to assess market, an assessment framework is developed. A critical analysis of secondary data from official and non-official sources is done. Major changes since late 1980s in the institutional environment and subsequent results have been assessed. The findings reveal that the transfer of urban land use rights in China is gradually responding to an improved governance system. Institutional reforms have led to a steady improvement in indicators such as transparency, efficiency, and access to information. Nonetheless, the market has significant weaknesses in addressing equity issues, engaging stakeholders, tackling corruption and dealing with expropriations. In general, the paper finds that the efficiency and effectiveness of the urban land market largely depends not on the type of tenure regime per se, but rather on the system of governance in place. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[59] 冯艳芬,董玉祥,王芳.


[J].自然资源学报,2010,25(5):723-734.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Feng Yanfen, Dong Yuxiang, Wang Fang.

Big city suburban farmers abandoned behavior and influencing factors analysis—to household survey of Panyu District of Guangzhou as an example.

Journal of Natural Resources, 2010,25(5): 723-734.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[60] Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin.

Land Sales and Rental Markets in Transition:Evidence from Rural Vietna

[J]. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2008, 70(1): 67.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The extent to which households should be allowed to transfer their land rights in post-socialist transition economies is of considerable policy interest. The authors use data from Vietnam, a transition country that allows rental and sales of land use rights, to identify factors conducive to the development of land markets and to assess the extent to which land transfers enhance productive efficiency and transfer land to the poor. They find that activity in both rental and sales markets has increased rapidly, enhanced by the possession of long-term use rights and off-farm employment, and contributing to greater equity and efficiency of land use. While there is evidence for distress sales by households that experience a shock (death), the scope for such sales is reduced by well-functioning credit markets. Well-defined land rights and appropriate safety nets will thus help transition economies to realize the benefits from the operation of land markets.
[61] 吕晓,黄贤金,钟太洋,.


[J].自然资源学报,2011,26(3):530-540.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lv Xiao, Huang Xianjin,

Zhong Taiyang et al. Progress on the research of farmland fragmentation China.

Journal of Natural Resources, 2011,26(3): 530-540.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[62] 黄季焜,马恒运.


[J].国际贸易, 2000(4):41-44.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国是一个农业大国,加入世 界贸易组织后,国外农产品自然会进入中国农产品市场。然而,令人担心的是,我国的许多农产品在生产成本和价格上均高于国外农产品主要出口国的相应农产品成本和价格。因此,中国在竞争中处于劣势已是客观现实。为什么有着丰富的劳动力资源、低廉的土地成本和劳动力成本的广大农村,其农产品成本和价格却不敌国外呢?而另一方面又有某些农产

[Huang Jikun, Ma Heng Yun.

Difference in the scale of operation: International Comparison of the major agricultural products production cost in China.

International Trade, 2000 (4): 41-44.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国是一个农业大国,加入世 界贸易组织后,国外农产品自然会进入中国农产品市场。然而,令人担心的是,我国的许多农产品在生产成本和价格上均高于国外农产品主要出口国的相应农产品成本和价格。因此,中国在竞争中处于劣势已是客观现实。为什么有着丰富的劳动力资源、低廉的土地成本和劳动力成本的广大农村,其农产品成本和价格却不敌国外呢?而另一方面又有某些农产
[63] 宋小青,欧阳竹.

1999~2007 年中国粮食安全的关键影响因素


Magsci      摘要

选取耕地保护“新政”时期的1999-2007 年为研究时段,以耕地面积与粮食产量变化的分歧原因—耕地生产力变化为切入点,通过比较分析、空间与计量分析探寻粮食安全的关键影响因素。结果表明:农民种粮积极性变化决定着耕地集约利用是影响粮食安全的关键;2003-2007 年农民种粮积极性的持续提高主要来自市场粮价的上涨;粮食直补仅在开始实施的年份激发了农民对种粮收益的预期。此外,本文从提高农民种粮积极性、优化粮食生产投入及改进耕地保护模式3方面,提出了耕地保护发展的政策建议。

[Song Xiaoqing, Ouyang Zhu.

Key factors of Chinese grain security in China 1999-2007.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(6): 793-803.]

Magsci      摘要

选取耕地保护“新政”时期的1999-2007 年为研究时段,以耕地面积与粮食产量变化的分歧原因—耕地生产力变化为切入点,通过比较分析、空间与计量分析探寻粮食安全的关键影响因素。结果表明:农民种粮积极性变化决定着耕地集约利用是影响粮食安全的关键;2003-2007 年农民种粮积极性的持续提高主要来自市场粮价的上涨;粮食直补仅在开始实施的年份激发了农民对种粮收益的预期。此外,本文从提高农民种粮积极性、优化粮食生产投入及改进耕地保护模式3方面,提出了耕地保护发展的政策建议。
[64] 李裕瑞,刘彦随,龙花楼.


[J].地理学报, 2012,67(6):771-782.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

村域是中国农村社会经济活动的基本单元,开展村域发展综合研究具有重要的理论和实践价值。本文基于对黄淮海平原3 个典型县区内5 个代表性村域在过去30 年的发展历程及影响因素的系统考察,探讨传统农区农业型村域转型发展的过程特征与内在机理。研究发现:① 在经济基础、人力资本和社会资本等内源性影响因素以及制度安排、市场需求和专业技术等外源性影响因素的综合作用下,案例村域大致经历了缓慢发展、逐渐起步、转型发展3 个阶段。② 案例村域转型发展过程的共性特征包括:重视民众参与;以能人为关键主体,着力实现内发动力与外发动力的统筹协调;日益重视抢占产业价值链的高附加值环节;创新是村域发展的力量源泉;战略、规划及行动力是村域发展的重要支撑;村域发展是一个自组织、网络化的动态过程。③ 其内在机理可归纳为:村民是村域发展的主体,能人是村域发展的核心因素,能人基于对村域自身资源禀赋、发展意愿、市场供需、政策导向、外域经验的洞察,着力激发内部动力、整合外部动力,共同构建协作组织、开展学习创新、制定发展战略、发展社会分工、参与市场竞争,切实推进村域自然—生态结构、技术—经济结构、制度—社会结构的优化,进而促进村域转型发展。在工业化、城镇化快速推进的新时期,为加速传统农区的村域转型发展和城乡一体化,应注重村域生产体系和城镇生产体系的要素融通、信息互享、产业融合、功能互补。

[Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou.

Typical region of Huang Huai Hai Cun domain transformation characteristics and mechanism of development.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(6): 771-782.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

村域是中国农村社会经济活动的基本单元,开展村域发展综合研究具有重要的理论和实践价值。本文基于对黄淮海平原3 个典型县区内5 个代表性村域在过去30 年的发展历程及影响因素的系统考察,探讨传统农区农业型村域转型发展的过程特征与内在机理。研究发现:① 在经济基础、人力资本和社会资本等内源性影响因素以及制度安排、市场需求和专业技术等外源性影响因素的综合作用下,案例村域大致经历了缓慢发展、逐渐起步、转型发展3 个阶段。② 案例村域转型发展过程的共性特征包括:重视民众参与;以能人为关键主体,着力实现内发动力与外发动力的统筹协调;日益重视抢占产业价值链的高附加值环节;创新是村域发展的力量源泉;战略、规划及行动力是村域发展的重要支撑;村域发展是一个自组织、网络化的动态过程。③ 其内在机理可归纳为:村民是村域发展的主体,能人是村域发展的核心因素,能人基于对村域自身资源禀赋、发展意愿、市场供需、政策导向、外域经验的洞察,着力激发内部动力、整合外部动力,共同构建协作组织、开展学习创新、制定发展战略、发展社会分工、参与市场竞争,切实推进村域自然—生态结构、技术—经济结构、制度—社会结构的优化,进而促进村域转型发展。在工业化、城镇化快速推进的新时期,为加速传统农区的村域转型发展和城乡一体化,应注重村域生产体系和城镇生产体系的要素融通、信息互享、产业融合、功能互补。
[65] 钟甫宁,王兴稳.



URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

土地细碎化导致效率损失,完善土地流转市场可以减少乃至消除土地细碎化已经成为许多人共识。 本文利用江苏兴化、黑龙江宾县两地8个村庄农民的实际田块分布图,根据整群抽样调查所获得的数据,模拟了农民间农地交换以减轻农地细碎化的可能性。模拟结 果显示,由于地块不匹配、交换链条过长等原因,农民间农地交换很难成功。现阶段只有农户数量大幅度减少并实现永久性的向城市移民才能增加农民手中地块数以 及土地面积,从而增加土地匹配和相邻概率,扩大土地的可分割性,提高土地的可替代性,缩短交易链条,降低农户间土地交换的交易成本,实现通过交换土地降低 农地细碎化程度的目标。

[Zhong Puning, Wang Xingwen.

land transfer market can reduce land fragmentation?—preliminary evidence from Jiangsu Xinghua and Bin County of Heilongjiang Province. The Problem of

Agricultural Economy. 2010, (1): 23-33.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

土地细碎化导致效率损失,完善土地流转市场可以减少乃至消除土地细碎化已经成为许多人共识。 本文利用江苏兴化、黑龙江宾县两地8个村庄农民的实际田块分布图,根据整群抽样调查所获得的数据,模拟了农民间农地交换以减轻农地细碎化的可能性。模拟结 果显示,由于地块不匹配、交换链条过长等原因,农民间农地交换很难成功。现阶段只有农户数量大幅度减少并实现永久性的向城市移民才能增加农民手中地块数以 及土地面积,从而增加土地匹配和相邻概率,扩大土地的可分割性,提高土地的可替代性,缩短交易链条,降低农户间土地交换的交易成本,实现通过交换土地降低 农地细碎化程度的目标。
[66] Braimoh A K.

Agricultural land-use change during economic reforms in Ghana

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2009, (26):763-771.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Land-use change is driven by many interrelated factors including national policies formulated in response to the forces of globalization. This study integrates remote sensing data with social surveys to identify the role of demographic, technology and market-related variables in cropland expansion during economic reforms in Ghana. Macroeconomic changes increased the commercial orientation of farming as the sources of food supply changed from import to domestic production. However interest rates liberalization increased the use of labor at the expense of fertilizer and other complementary inputs. Demographic variables were more important in explaining cropland change after structural adjustment. Public agricultural support services are required for sustainable market-induced agricultural change in Ghana.</p>
[67] Qing H, Huang J, Huang Q et al.

Do roads lead to grassland degradation or restoration? A case study in Inner Mongolia, China

[J].Environment and Development Economics,2011, 16(6): 751-773.      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[68] 田传浩,陈宏辉,贾生华.



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[Tian Chuanhao, Chen Honghui, Jia Shenghua.

Farmland markets on the land piecemeal degree of influence—Theory and evidence from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong provinces.

Economics: Quarterly, 2005,4(3): 769-784.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[69] 马瑞,柳海燕,徐志刚.

农地流转滞缓:经济激励不足还是外部市场条件约束?——对4省600 户农户2005~2008 年期间农地转入行为的分析


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[Ma Rui, Liu Haiyan, Xu Zhigang.

Land transfer: slow economic incentives or insufficient external market conditions? Analysis of rural land transfer in 600 provinces from 2005 to 2008.

Chinese Rural Economy, 2011 (11): 36-48.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[70] 姚洋.



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本文讨论了中国农地制度的现状、农地制度与经济绩效之间的关系、导致现有农地制度差异的原因 ,以及下一步农地制度改革应该考虑的几个基本因素等。文章特别强调效率与公平及社会稳定之间的权衡在形成现有农地制度中的作用 ,指出了国家在设计新的农地制度时必须考虑的规范问题。

[Yao Yang.

China rural land system: an analytical framework.

Chinese Social Sciences, 2000 (2): 54-65.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文讨论了中国农地制度的现状、农地制度与经济绩效之间的关系、导致现有农地制度差异的原因 ,以及下一步农地制度改革应该考虑的几个基本因素等。文章特别强调效率与公平及社会稳定之间的权衡在形成现有农地制度中的作用 ,指出了国家在设计新的农地制度时必须考虑的规范问题。
[71] 刘彦随,李裕瑞.


[J].地理学报, 2010,65(12):1602-1612.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用1996 年、2000 年和2005 年中国县域耕地与农业劳动力数据,基于GIS 技术和模型方法,分析了县域耕地面积与农业劳动力变化态势及其时空耦合特征。研究表明:① 县域耕地面积和农业劳动力变化均呈先增后减态势。1996-2000 年,耕地总量、劳动力数量分别增长2.70%和1.40%;2000-2005 年,耕地总量、劳动力数量分别减少1.51%和8.18%。②&ldquo;胡焕庸线&rdquo;是刻画中国耕地和劳动力变化格局的重要分界线。沿此线带状区域内因退耕还林造成耕地快速减少,而农业劳动力转移滞后;其西北部区域耕地快速增加,农业劳动力也在增长;其东南部区域耕地明显减少,而农业劳动力减少速度更快,二者呈现协调态势。③ 耕地非农化进程中县域劳动力转移效率呈下降趋势。1996-2000 年和2000-2005 年,全国分别有447 个和505 个县域的耕地减少和劳动力转移呈良性变化,90%的县域劳耕弹性系数(LFEC) 的中位数分别为4.58 和2.97。④ 基于SOM自组织特征映射神经网络聚类方法,可将1996-2005 年中国县域耕地与劳动力变化的耦合特征划分为9大类型区。多情景模拟分析表明,2005-2015年的LFEC趋势值为2.55。

[Liu Yansui, Li Yurui.

Spatial and temporal coupling relationship between cultivated land and agricultural labor force in the county of China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(12): 1602-1612.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用1996 年、2000 年和2005 年中国县域耕地与农业劳动力数据,基于GIS 技术和模型方法,分析了县域耕地面积与农业劳动力变化态势及其时空耦合特征。研究表明:① 县域耕地面积和农业劳动力变化均呈先增后减态势。1996-2000 年,耕地总量、劳动力数量分别增长2.70%和1.40%;2000-2005 年,耕地总量、劳动力数量分别减少1.51%和8.18%。②&ldquo;胡焕庸线&rdquo;是刻画中国耕地和劳动力变化格局的重要分界线。沿此线带状区域内因退耕还林造成耕地快速减少,而农业劳动力转移滞后;其西北部区域耕地快速增加,农业劳动力也在增长;其东南部区域耕地明显减少,而农业劳动力减少速度更快,二者呈现协调态势。③ 耕地非农化进程中县域劳动力转移效率呈下降趋势。1996-2000 年和2000-2005 年,全国分别有447 个和505 个县域的耕地减少和劳动力转移呈良性变化,90%的县域劳耕弹性系数(LFEC) 的中位数分别为4.58 和2.97。④ 基于SOM自组织特征映射神经网络聚类方法,可将1996-2005 年中国县域耕地与劳动力变化的耦合特征划分为9大类型区。多情景模拟分析表明,2005-2015年的LFEC趋势值为2.55。
[72] Kroll F, Haase D.

Does demographic change affect land use patterns? A case study from Germany

[J]. Land Use Policy, 2010(27): 726-737.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent demographic change, mainly characterised by a decreasing and ageing population, is seen as one of the main factors for future land use development in Europe. However, there is still insufficient evidence about the relationship between demographic changes and land use changes since quantitative studies dealing with these interactions are still rare. We aim to fill that gap by presenting the first comprehensive study that investigates statistical relationships and spatial differentiations between demographic and land use change for the whole of Germany. Our study is based on data for the period from 1995/1996 to 2003/2004. The results clearly show that in most growing regions in the West of Germany a correlation was found between land use, natural population growth and net-migration, whereas for land use change in the shrinking regions in the East of Germany economic variables are of noticeable importance. A cluster analysis reveals “gaining” and “shrinking” regions concerning both urbanisation and demographic change. Neither a decreasing nor an ageing population imply reduced land consumption for housing and transportation. Furthermore we found a decreasing settlement population density for almost all German districts regardless of population growth or shrinkage.
[73] Long H L, Heilig G K, Li X B et al.

Socio-economic development and land-use change: Analysis of rural housing land transition in the Transect of the Yangtse River, China

[J]. Land Use Policy,2007 (24):141-153.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Rural housing land accounted for 67.3% of China's total construction land in 2000. While there are numerous studies analyzing the loss of arable land due to urban sprawl, less attention has been paid to the study of rural housing land in China. This paper develops a theoretical framework for rural housing land transition in China. It introduces a research method, which is using the spatial differentiation in regional development for compensating the deficiencies in time-series data, to analyze the rural housing land transition in the Transect of the Yangtse River (TYR). Detailed land-use data and socio-economic data from both research institutes and government departments were used to test the following hypothesis on rural housing land transition. We assume that rural housing in every region will undergo specific stages&mdash;the proportion of rural housing in the increase of total construction land will decline gradually with the development of the local economy, and the end of the transition corresponds to a new equilibrium between rural housing and other construction activities. Five regional types of rural housing land change were defined according to an aggregation index used to reflect landscape patterns. The outcomes indicated that the share of rural housing in the increase of total construction land declines gradually from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of the Yangtse River, i.e. from Ganzi&ndash;Yushu to Luzhou&ndash;Diqing, Enshi&ndash;Chongqing, Tongling&ndash;Yichang and to Shanghai&ndash;Chaohu. Each region is in a different phase of the rural housing land transition, which corresponds to a particular socio-economic developmental level. Finally, some policy implications were discussed by applying this research to land management issues. The authors argue that there are problems in the current rural housing land managerial system in China, and that the Central Government needs to define uniform regulations for rural housing according to regional socio-economic developmental level, physical conditions and rural housing land transition phase.</p>
[74] Travis E.Booth.

Compensatory Mitigation: What Is the Best Approach?

[M]. University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law, Spring, 2004:205.

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] 高金龙,陈江龙,杨叠涵.


[J].地理科学进展,32(3):361-371.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[75] Royal C. Gardner. Lawyers, Swamps, and Money—U.S. Wetland Law, Policy, and Politics[M]. Island Press, 2011:106.

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