Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (7): 1112-1119

Orginal Article


赵海根12, 杨胜天2, 周旭2

1.北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
2.北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京 100875

The Simulation of Green Water in the Yanhe River Basin Based on Data Assimilation

Zhao Haigen12, Yang Shengtian2, Zhou Xu2

1.Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100048,China
2. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China

中图分类号:  P339

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)07-1112-08

收稿日期: 2016-08-30

修回日期:  2016-12-14

网络出版日期:  2017-07-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0402403)、北京市博士后工作经费资助项目(2016-ZZ-118)、中国博士后工作项目(2016M591093)资助


作者简介: 赵海根(1983-),男,河北邯郸人,工程师,主要从事生态水文研究。



分别利用分布式时变增益水文模型(DTVGM)和分布式耗水过程模型(DEPM)对延河流域延安水文站以上区域进行水文过程模拟,并应用拓展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法对2个模型的绿水(实际蒸散发)模拟结果进行同化处理,从而优化了研究区的绿水量并得出绿水的空间分布规律。结果表明:在整个模拟期,DTVGM的月尺度效率系数(NSCE)达到了0.83,水量平衡相对误差为-1.97%,模型能够较好地模拟研究区的水文过程;DEPM的水量平衡相对误差为-1.81%,能较好地模拟流域的水量平衡;DTVGM和DEPM模拟的流域2010年平均绿水量分别为378.52 mm和375.55 mm,空间分布格局相似。与站点观测值比较,DTVGM和DEPM模拟绿水的NSCE分别是0.76和0.59,DEPM的结果具有更多的空间变化信息。同化结果表明EKF算法能综合优化2个模型的模拟结果,同化后DTVGM模拟研究区的平均绿水量为376.34 mm,NSCE为0.78;同化后研究区绿水标准差为40.37 mm,比同化前增加了7.79 mm,绿水空间分布体现了更多的空间变化信息,同时,空间分布时格局也更加合理。

关键词: 遥感 ; 数据同化 ; 生态水文模型 ; 绿水 ; 延河流域


The accurate green water simulation is very important for the crop growth, agricultural drought monitoring, food security and rational allocation of water resources. Now, there are three methods which can be used to get greenwater: field observation, remote sensing calculation and hydrological model simulation. The field observation can not get the accurate simulation result of catchment green water at large scale because of complicated spatial heterogeneity; the remote sensing calculation method can only get the instantaneous simulation result at a large scale region. Compared to the two methods above, the hydrological model can get the continuous green water simulation results in large scale catchment. But, because hydrological models have different structures and characteristics, different simulation results can be got when inputting the same simulation data in the same region. In order to comprehensively utilize the simulation results of different hydrological models, the data assimilation method is a good choice. In this study, the Distributed Time Variant Gain Model(DTVGM) and Distributed Evapotranspiration Process Model(DEPM) were used to simulate the hydrological process in the catchment controlled by the Yan’an station in the Yanhe River Basin based on their structures and characteristics, and the Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) data assimilation algorithm was used to assimilate the green water (actual evapotranspiration) simulated by the two models to optimize the green water in the study area. The statistical indexes show that the simulation result of DTVGM is applicable to simulate the hydrological processes in this study area, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient(NSCE) is 0.83 and the relative water balance is -1.97% in the whole simulation period. The water balance relative index of DEPM is -1.81% in the whole simulation period, which shows that DEPM can model the water balance well at the study area.Besides, the simulation results show that the green water in 2010 simulated by the two models is 378.52 mm and 375.55 mm, respectively. There are not obvious difference for the mean simulation results of two models and the spatial distribution pattern are also similar, but there is more spatial variable information for result simulated by DEPM model than that of DTVGM. Compared to the observed green water, the NSCE of green water simulated by DTVGM and DEPM is respectively 0.76 and 0.59, but the spatial distribution of green water simulated by DEPM has more change information. Then, the green water simulation result of DEPM was used as “observed value” to assimilate the green water simulated by DTVGM based on the EKF data assimilation method in order to optimize the green water simulation result.The average green water simulated by DTVGM after data assimilation is 376.42 mm and the NSCE is 0.78 when comparing to the observed green water. The Standard Deviation(SD) for the green water simulation becomes 40.37 mm after assimilation, which is significantly increased by 7.79 mm than the original modeling results. The green water in spatial distribution shows more spatial change information and is more reasonable in this study area.

Keywords: remote sensing ; data assimilation ; ecological hydrological model ; green water ; the Yanhe River Basin


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赵海根, 杨胜天, 周旭. 基于数据同化技术的延河流域绿水模拟研究[J]. , 2017, 37(7): 1112-1119

Zhao Haigen, Yang Shengtian, Zhou Xu. The Simulation of Green Water in the Yanhe River Basin Based on Data Assimilation[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(7): 1112-1119





1 研究区概况

研究区位于黄河中游的多沙粗沙区(图1),是延安水文站控制的集水区,面积3 197.32 km2。研究区多年观测的平均径流量为0.71×108m3,多年观测的平均输沙量为0.72×107m3。研究区的土壤类型以黄绵土为主,其次为黑垆土、红胶土和淤土。研究区内植被类型包括森林、灌丛和草原,植物种类丰富,草地和农作物的面积占研究区总面积的80%以上。

图1   研究区地理位置及雨量站、水文站分布

Fig.1   Location of study area and distributions of rainfall station and hydrological station

2 研究方法


2.1 分布式时变增益模型

DTVGM采用水文循环机理与水文非线系统理论相结合的方法进行水文过程模拟,时变增益是模型的核心[16]。DTVGM 既有分布式水文概念性模拟的特征,同时具有水文系统分析适应能力强的优点,在中国的干旱、半干旱以及湿润地区多个流域的应用,证明模型能够在水文资料信息不完全或者有不确定性干扰条件的情况下获得比较好的分布式水文模拟效率[16~18]。DTVGM模型通过流域出口观测值对流域的产汇流水文过程进行校正和模拟。

2.2 分布式耗水过程模型


2.3 模型评价方法

对于DTVGM的径流模拟结果,为了同时考虑丰水、平水、枯水月份的模拟效果,本研究选取2010年偶数位月份的模拟径流进行参数率定,奇数位月份模拟径流用于参数验证[20]。纳什系数(NSCE)和水量平衡相对误差(WE)[18]被用来对模型的模拟结果进行评价。而DEPM 模型缺少汇流过程,所以采用水量平衡的方法对径流模拟结果进行分析评价。




式中, AET为用观测值转换后的实际蒸散量,mm。 PET为观测潜在蒸散量,mm。 K1为将观测值转换成大水面自然条件下蒸发量的转换系数, K2为将大水面自然条件下蒸发量转换成陆面蒸散发量的转换系数, K1K2在黄河流域一般取值分别为0.81和0.75[21], KH为将观测值转换成大水面自然条件下蒸发量的高程修正系数,由观测点高程结合方程(2)计算得到。H为观测站点的高程,m。

2.4 数据同化

本研究采用拓展性卡尔曼滤波(EntendedKalman Filter, EKF)[12,22]对DTVGM 和DEPM模拟结果进行同化处理。EKF是以线性最小方差估计理论为依据,以前一个时刻的估计值和当前时刻的观测值来更新对变量的估计,求出当前时刻的状态值。状态方程、量测方程、白噪声激励的统计特性和量测误差的统计特性是EKF运算过程中涉及到的4类信息[23]。EKF将非线性观测方程在滤波预测值时刻的滤波值展开成泰勒级数,略去二次以上项后得到的非线性系统的线性化模型,并取低次项逼近它们,得到扩展卡尔曼滤波的方程组[24]
















式中,X(k)是目标k时刻的状态向量,Φ(k,k-1)是系统的状态转移矩阵,W(k)是系统随机干扰向量,Z(k)是系统的观测向量,V(k)是系统的观测噪声向量,H(k)是观测矩阵。P(k,k-1)P(k|k)分别是X(k,k-1)X(k|k)对应的协方差矩阵,K 为卡尔曼增益。

3 数据准备



表1   水文模型的地表参量及其获取方法

Table 1   Surface parameters and acquisition method of hydrological models

高程m遥感产品Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
叶面积指数无量纲遥感产品Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
地表反照率%遥感产品Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
土地覆被类型无量纲遥感解译Landsat TM
土壤类型无量纲遥感产品Harmonized World Soil Database version


4 结果与讨论

4.1 DTVGM和DEPM模拟结果验证与分析

1)DTVGM 模拟径流结果验证。DTVGM在校正期和验证期的纳什系数分别为0.84和0.41。根据Beskow等[25]的研究,当0.36< NSCE<0.75时,模型模拟的效果是可以接受的。图2显示了DTVGM模型在率定期和验证期模拟的延安站月径流线与实测径流线吻合较好,整个模拟期的效率系数为0.83,水量平衡相对误差分别为-1.97%,模拟精度达到要求。

图2   DTVGM模型2010年延安水文站模拟径流与实测径流对比

Fig.2   Comparison of monthly simulated and observed runoff for DTVGM at Yan’an hydrological station in 2010

图3虽然显示DTVGM对于峰值的模拟不是非常理想,但这种现象普遍存在于大量的研究之中[25~27]。Viola等[26]特别强调了准确获取能代表模拟时段的空间降雨数据是模型能否成功模拟峰值的关键。Notter等[27]认为以下几个理由可以解释模型模拟峰值不理想:研究区降雨的空间分布不能被降雨观测网络及时准确地获取; 研究区一天中雨强处于不断变化之中甚至一天之内有多场降雨发生,而这些因素水文模型模拟都没有考虑。除此之外,研究区内降雨多以强降雨为主也加大了模型对于峰值模拟的难度。

2) DEPM模拟径流结果分析。DEPM首先进行植被截留的计算,植被截留量以蒸散发的形式返回大气。模型的核心是Richards土壤水的运动方程,通过节点土壤水的计算连接经验公式Ritchie分别计算土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾。由于模型不进行汇流,所以只对其水量平衡相对误差进行分析,水量平衡相对误差值为-1.81%,能较好地对流域水量平衡进行模拟。

4.2 模型绿水模拟结果比较


图3   同化前DEPM 和DTVGM模型5~9月份月绿水量评价

Fig.3   Monthly green water evaluation simulated by DEPM and DTVGM between May and September in 2010 before data assimilation

2个模型对研究区2010年的绿水进行了模拟,DEPM计算的流域平均绿水量为375.55 mm,比DTVGM计算的结果量小2.97 mm。图4显示2个模型绿水模拟的空间分布,可以看出2个模型模拟的空间趋势一致,绿水量从研究区西北部向东南部递增。

图4   水文模型模拟研究区绿水空间分布

Fig.4   Distribution of green water simulated by distributed hydrological model


4.3 绿水同化结果

表2总结了2个模型的模拟结果和同化前后绿水在流域尺度上平均值和标准差(Standard Deviation, SD)的对比。通过表2可以看出,DTVGM模型同化前2个指标平均值和标准差分别为378.52 mm和32.58 mm,同化后这2个指标的对应值分别为376.34 mm和40.37 mm。与同化前相比较,DTVGM同化后的平均值变化幅度不大,减少了2.18 mm,说明同化并没有对研究区绿水总量进行过大影响,SD同化后增大了7.79 mm,表明同化后的结果具有更多的差异性。图5显示同化后DTVGM模拟的绿水量和观测值的NSCE为0.78,比同化前DTVGM模拟的绿水量有少量提高。图6显示了DTVGM同化前后绿水的空间分布格局变化图。

表2   DEPM和DTVGM模拟绿水同化前后平均值、标准差和均方根误差的对比(mm)

Table 2   Comparisons of average value, SD and RMSE for green water simulated by DEPM and before and after assimilating green water simulated by DTVGM (mm)



图5   同化后DTVGM模型5~9月绿水量评价

Fig.5   Monthly green water evaluation simulated by DTVGM between May and September in 2010 after data assimilation

对比图6a和6b可以看出,同化后的结果比同化前包含了更多的空间变化信息,研究区上游部分区域绿水量有所减小,从349.10~382.00 mm区间变化到283.01~349.00 mm区间;而研究区下游部分区域的绿水量有所增加,主要从382.01~415.00 mm区间增加到448.01~547.00 mm区间。

图6   DTVGM同化前后绿水空间分布

Fig.6   Distribution of green water simulated by DTVGM before and after assimilation

DTVGM和DEPM对研究区2010年绿水的模拟值分别是378.52 mm和375.55 mm。赵静等[28]运用流域估算模型对黄河中游区域1970~2000年之间进行了实际蒸散发的模拟。除了极少数的极值外,文献中延河流域的多年平均实际蒸散发与本文的研究结果相符。可见,DTVGM和DEPM可以进行大空间尺度的绿水模拟估算,结果精度可靠。

5 结论


1) DTVGM能较好地模拟研究区的水文过程,月尺度径流模拟和实测值的NSCE为0.83,WE为1.93%;对于DEPM来说,水量平衡相对误差为-1.81%,模型能较好地模拟流域的水量平衡过程;

2) 同化前DTVGM和DEPM模拟的研究区2010年平均绿水量分别为378.52 mm和375.55 mm,空间分布趋势相似。与绿水站点观测值相比较,DTVGM和DEPM模拟的绿水NSCE值分别为0.76和0.59,但是DEPM模拟的结果具有更多的空间变化信息;

3) EFK方法的同化处理提高了DTVGM的绿水空间格局模拟效果,同化后标准差比同化前增加了7.79 mm,体现了更多的空间变化信息;

4) 同化结果较好地反映了研究区2010年的绿水时空变化。同化后研究区的绿水量平均值为376.34 mm,范围在256.07~531.05 mm之间,与站点观测值相比较,NSCE值有略微的提高。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Impacts of land use change and climate variability on green and blue water resources in the Weihe River Basin of northwest China

[J]. Catena, 2016, 137: 318-327.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Farmland area decreased by 1.4% and woodland, grassland, and construction land area increased by 0.6%, 0.2%, and 0.6%, respectively. The combined impact of land use change, agricultural irrigation expansion and climate variation decreased the blue water flow, green water flow, and green water storage by 21.6202mm02year 61021 , 35.0102mm02year 61021 and 28.0702mm02year 61021 , respectively. Climate variability decreased the blue/green water flow and green water storage, land use change decreased the blue water and green water flow while it increased the green water storage, irrigation expansion decreased the blue water flow while it increased the green water flow/storage. The spatial distribution showed an uneven change in the Weihe River Basin. Together, we suggested that the variability of water resources availability in the Weihe River Basin was mainly attributed to climate variability, while land use change plays a key role in the sub-basins which experienced dramatic changes in land use.
[9] Hartanto I M, Van Der Kwast J, Alexandridis T et al.

Data assimilation of satellite-based actual evapotranspiration in a distributed hydrological model of a controlled water system

[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2017, 57: 123-135.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Advances in earth observation (EO) and spatially distributed hydrological modelling provide an opportunity to improve modelling of controlled water systems. In a controlled water system human interference is high, which may lead to incorrect parameterisation in the model calibration phase. This paper analyses whether assimilation of EO actual evapotranspiration (ETa) data can improve discharge simulation with a spatially distributed hydrological model of a controlled water system. The EO ETa estimates are in the form of eight-day ETa composite maps derived from Terra/MODIS images using the ITA-MyWater algorithm. This algorithm is based on the surface energy balance method and is calibrated for this research for a low-lying reclamation area with a heavily controlled water system: the Rijnland area in the Netherlands. Data assimilation (DA) with the particle filter method is applied to assimilate the ETa maps into a spatially distributed hydrological model. The hydrological model and DA framework are applied using the open source software SIMGRO and PCRaster-Python respectively. The analysis is done for a period between July and October 2013 in which a high discharge peak followed a long dry-spell. The assimilation of EO ETa resulted in local differences in modelled ETa compared to simulation without data assimilation, while the area average ETa remained almost the same. The modelled cumulative discharge graphs, with and without DA, showed distinctive differences with the simulation, with DA better matching the measured cumulative discharge. The bias of simulated cumulative discharge to the observed data reduced from 14% to 4% when using DA of EO ETa. These results showed that assimilating EO ETa may not only be effective in the more common applications of soil moisture and crop-growth modelling, but also for improving discharge modelling of controlled water systems.
[10] 金晓媚, 万力, 梁继运.


[J]. 现代地质, 2008, 22(2): 299-303.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Jin Xiaomei, Wan Li, Liang Jiyun.

Accuracy verification of evapotranspiration result using hydrological budget Method-A case study of the zhangye basin.

Geoscience, 2008, 22(2): 299-303.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[11] Vinukollu R K.

Quantifying global evapotranspiration from remote sensing: Estimates, trends and uncertainties for terrestrial hydrology[D].

Princeton University, 2011.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Qin Changbo, Jia Yangwen, Su Z et al.

Integrating remote sensing information into a distributed hydrological model for improving water budget predictions in large-scale basins through data assimilation

[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2008, 8(7): 4441-4465.      URL      PMID: 3697185      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This paper investigates whether remote sensing evapotranspiration estimates can be integrated by means of data assimilation into a distributed hydrological model for improving the predictions of spatial water distribution over a large river basin with an area of 317,800 km2. A series of available MODIS satellite images over the Haihe River basin in China are used for the year 2005. Evapotranspiration is retrieved from these 1脙茠脗鈥1 km resolution images using the SEBS (Surface Energy Balance System) algorithm. The physically-based distributed model WEP-L (Water and Energy transfer Process in Large river basins) is used to compute the water balance of the Haihe River basin in the same year. Comparison between model-derived and remote sensing retrieval basin-averaged evapotranspiration estimates shows a good piecewise linear relationship, but their spatial distribution within the Haihe basin is different. The remote sensing derived evapotranspiration shows variability at finer scales. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) data assimilation algorithm, suitable for non-linear problems, is used. Assimilation results indicate that remote sensing observations have a potentially important role in providing spatial information to the assimilation system for the spatially optical hydrological parameterization of the model. This is especially important for large basins, such as the Haihe River basin in this study. Combining and integrating the capabilities of and information from model simulation and remote sensing techniques may provide the best spatial and temporal characteristics for hydrological states/fluxes, and would be both appealing and necessary for improving our knowledge of fundamental hydrological processes and for addressing important water resource management problems.
[13] Xie X, Zhang D.

Data assimilation for distributed hydrological catchment modeling via ensemble Kalmanfilter

[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2010, 33(6): 678-690.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Catchment scale hydrological models are critical decision support tools for water resources management and environment remediation. However, the reliability of hydrological models is inevitably affected by limited measurements and imperfect models. Data assimilation techniques combine complementary information from measurements and models to enhance the model reliability and reduce predictive uncertainties. As a sequential data assimilation technique, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been extensively studied in the earth sciences for assimilating in-situ measurements and remote sensing data. Although the EnKF has been demonstrated in land surface data assimilations, there are no systematic studies to investigate its performance in distributed modeling with high dimensional states and parameters. In this paper, we present an assessment on the EnKF with state augmentation for combined state-parameter estimation on the basis of a physical-based hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Through synthetic simulation experiments, the capability of the EnKF is demonstrated by assimilating the runoff and other measurements, and its sensitivities are analyzed with respect to the error specification, the initial realization and the ensemble size. It is found that the EnKF provides an efficient approach for obtaining a set of acceptable model parameters and satisfactory runoff, soil water content and evapotranspiration estimations. The EnKF performance could be improved after augmenting with other complementary data, such as soil water content and evapotranspiration from remote sensing retrieval. Sensitivity studies demonstrate the importance of consistent error specification and the potential with small ensemble size in the data assimilation system.
[14] 尹剑, 占车生, 顾洪亮, .


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2014, 29(9): 1075-1084.      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yin Jian, Zhan Chesheng, Gu Hongliang et al.

A case study of evapotranspiration data assimilation based on hydrological model.

Advances in Earth Science, 2014, 29(9): 1075-1084.]      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[15] Chen He, Yang Dawen, Hong Yang et al.

Hydrological data assimilation with the Ensemble Square-Root-Filter: Use of streamflow observations to update model states for real-time flash flood forecasting

[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2013, 59: 209-220.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The objective of the study is to evaluate the potential of a data assimilation system for real-time flash flood forecasting over small watersheds by updating model states. To this end, the Ensemble Square-Root-Filter (EnSRF) based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) technique was coupled to a widely used conceptual rainfall-runoff model called HyMOD. Two small watersheds susceptible to flash flooding from America and China were selected in this study. The modeling and observational errors were considered in the framework of data assimilation, followed by an ensemble size sensitivity experiment. Once the appropriate model error and ensemble size was determined, a simulation study focused on the performance of a data assimilation system, based on the correlation between streamflow observation and model states, was conducted. The EnSRF method was implemented within HyMOD and results for flash flood forecasting were analyzed, where the calibrated streamflow simulation without state updating was treated as the benchmark or nature run. Results for twenty-four flash-flood events in total from the two watersheds indicated that the data assimilation approach effectively improved the predictions of peak flows and the hydrographs in general. This study demonstrated the benefit and efficiency of implementing data assimilation into a hydrological model to improve flash flood forecasting over small, instrumented basins with potential application to real-time alert systems.
[16] Xia Jun, Wang Gangsheng, Tan Ge et al.

Development of distributed time-variant gain model for nonlinear hydrological systems

[J]. Science in China: Series D-earth Sciences, 2005, 48(6): 713-723.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In this paper, a rainfall-runoff modeling system is developed based on a nonlinear Volterra functional series and a hydrological conceptual modeling approach. Two models, i.e. the time-variant gain model (TVGM) and the distributed time-variant gain model (DTVGM) that are built on the platform of Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Remote Sensing (RS) and Unit Hydrological Process were proposed. The developed DTVGM model was applied to two cases in the Heihe River Basin that is located in the arid and semiarid region of northwestern China and the Chaobai River basin located in the semihumid region of northern China. The results indicate that, in addition to the classic dynamic differential approach to describe nonlinear processes in hydrological systems, it is possible to study such complex processes through the proposed systematic approach to identify prominent hydrological relations. The DTVGM, coupling the advantages of both nonlinear and distributed hydrological models, can simulate variant hydrological processes under different environment conditions. Satisfactory results were obtained in forecasting the time-space variations of hydrological processes and the relationships between land use/cover change and surface runoff variation.
[17] Cai Mingyong, Yang Shengtian, Zeng Hongjuan et al.

A distributed hydrological model driven by Multi-Source spatial data and its application in the Ili river basin of central Asia

[J]. Water Resources Management, 2014, 28(10): 2851-2866.      URL      摘要

Hydrological simulation in ungauged regions is a popular topic in water resource and environmental research, and is also an important part of the international research initiative Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB). In this study, a multi-spatial data-based DTVGM (MS-DTVGM), combining multi-source spatial data (MS-spatial data) with the Distributed Time-Variant Gain Model (DTVGM), was built in order to reduce dependence on conventional observation, and was applied to the Ili River basin where traditional data sets are scarce. Because it utilizes MS-spatial data to measure precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, air temperature, vegetation parameters, and soil parameters, the model is driven purely by data from common platforms, thus overcoming the disadvantage of the large amounts of data typically required for distributed hydrological models. The inputs and simulation results were calibrated and validated using station or field observations. The results indicate that: 1) the MS-DTVGM is feasible in the Ili River basin; all model inputs can be acquired from multi-source spatial data and the key parameters are accurate; 2) the MS-DTVGM has good performance on a monthly time scale, and its simulation results can be used for a longer time-scale water resource analysis; and (3) daily runoff generation correlated strongly with snowmelt, the R 2 is about 0.69 indicating that the latter is an important contributor to water resources and suggesting that a snowmelt module is indispensable this area. The potential of distributed models for hydrological simulation in data-scarce regions using MS-spatial data was clearly demonstrated.
[18] Zhao Haigen, Yang Shengtian, Wang Zhiwei et al.

Evaluating the suitability of TRMM satellite rainfall data for hydrological simulation using a distributed hydrological model in the Weihe River catchment in China

[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(2): 177-195.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The objective of this study is to quantitatively evaluate Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) data with rain gauge data and further to use this TRMM data to drive a Distributed Time-Variant Gain Model(DTVGM) to perform hydrological simulations in the semi-humid Weihe River catchment in China.Before the simulations,a comparison with a10-year(2001-2010)daily rain gauge data set reveals that,at daily time step,TRMM rainfall data are better at capturing rain occurrence and mean values than rainfall extremes.On a monthly time scale,good linear relationships between TRMM and rain gauge rainfall data are found,with determination coefficients R~2 varying between 0.78 and 0.89 for the individual stations.Subsequent simulation results of seven years(2001-2007)of data on daily hydrological processes confirm that the DTVGM when calibrated by rain gauge data performs better than when calibrated by TRMM data,but the performance of the simulation driven by TRMM data is better than that driven by gauge data on a monthly time scale.The results thus suggest that TRMM rainfall data are more suitable for monthly streamflow simulation in the study area,and that,when the effects of recalibration and the results for water balance components are also taken into account,the TRMM 3B42-V7 product has the potential to perform well in similar basins.
[19] 宋文龙.


. 北京: 北京师范大学, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Song Wenlong.

Simulationof vegetation evapotranspiration procession in typical watersheds in the middle reach of the Yellow River.

Beijing: Beijing Normal University, 2013.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 罗琳.


. 北京: 清华大学, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Luo Lin.

Quantitative diagnose on sharpreduction of discharge in typical tributaries of the Yellow River in the Loess Plateau.

Beijing: Tsinghua University, 2013.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] 周旭.


. 北京: 北京师范大学, 2015.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Zhou Xu.

A distributed modeling approach to analysis the impact of revegetation on the evapotranspiration change in the middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin.

Beijing: Beijing Normal University, 2015.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[22] 张建帆, 丁胜, 陈军, .


[J]. 现代计算机, 2012, (11): 11-14.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang Jianfan, Ding Sheng, Chen Jun et al.

Improvement and application of extended kalman filter algorithm in target tracking.

Modern Computer, 2012,(11): 11-14.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] 王涛,徐德民,冀伟,.


[J]. 弹箭与制导学报,2005,S1(5):484-486.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Tao, Xu Demin, Ji wei et al.

A method of preventing divergence of EKF. Journal of Projectiles, Rockets,

Missiles and Guidance,2005,S1(5):484-486.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[24] 张爱民.


[J]. 信息技术, 2013, (10): 95-97, 102.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Aimin.Research on target tracking of extended Kalman filter and its application. Information Technology, 2013(10): 95-97, 102.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] Beskow S, Mello C R, Norton L D et al.

Performance of a distributed semi-conceptual hydrological model under tropicalwatershed conditions

[J]. Catena, 2011, 86: 160-171.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Conceptual rainfall-runoff models at the watershed scale are useful tools for assisting in managing and planning water resources, making it possible to estimate streamflow and to predict hydrologic impacts due to land-use changes. The objective of this study was to calibrate and to validate the LAvras Simulation of Hydrology (LASH Model) (Beskow, 2009) in a Brazilian Tropical Watershed for daily streamflow. LASH is a continuous, distributed, semi-physically based model for simulation of different hydrologic components on a daily basis. The Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) global search method was used with the LASH model in order to optimize model parameters that were found to be the most sensitive or not directly measurable. The LASH model was calibrated over a 2-year period, thereafter, the parameters obtained through the calibration were kept constant for the validation step using a different period of time from that analyzed during the calibration. The Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (C) values found were 0.820 and 0.764 during calibration and validation, respectively, whereas, the C (log Q) values equal to 0.821 and 0.770 were obtained for the same periods. The SCE-UA method was found to be an efficient algorithm for searching ‘optimal’ model parameter values. It was possible to conclude that the model has a great potential for being applied in generating the long-term streamflow as well as flow-duration curves. Therefore, the model can reliably be applied under tropical conditions of this medium-sized watershed or other similar watersheds, thus making it useful to plan the sustainable development of similar tropical and subtropical watersheds.Research Highlights? The model can be applied to regions with scarcity of data. ? Only a few calibration parameters are necessary to use the LASH model. ? The SCE-UA method was efficient for finding ‘optimal’ parameter values. ? The LASH model predicted stream flows adequately in a medium-sized watershed.
[26] Viola M R, Mello C R, Acerbijunior F W et al.

Modelagemhidrológicanabaciahidrográfica do Rio Aiuruoca,MG

[J]. RevistaBrasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2009, 13(5): 581-590.      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[27] Notter B, Macmillan L, ViviroliD et al.

Impacts of environmental change on water resources in the Mt.Kenya region

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2007, 343(3/4): 266-278.      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Water resources are becoming increasingly scarce in the Mt. Kenya region. Land use and climate change may pose additional challenges to water management in the future. In order to assess the impacts of environmental change, the NRM3 Streamflow Model, a simple, semi-distributed, grid-based water balance model, is evaluated as a tool for discharge prediction in six meso-scale catchments on the western slopes of Mt. Kenya, and used to analyse the impact of land use and climate change scenarios on water resources. The calibration and validation results show an acceptable performance of the NRM3 Streamflow Model in simulating discharge. Input data represent the main limitation. Rainfall patterns in the mountainous catchments are very heterogeneous and difficult to capture with the monitoring network. River water abstractions make up 80鈥100% of naturalized dry season discharge, but amounts can only be approximately estimated. Under the scenarios of land use and climate change examined, the total amount as well as the variability of discharge will increase: Conversion of the forest area to crop- or grassland will increase annual runoff by 11% or 59%, respectively, by mainly increasing flood flows and, under cropland, slightly reducing low flows. Climate change as projected by the IPCC Task Group on Scenarios for Impact Assessment [IPCC-TCGIA, 1999. Guidelines in the use of data for climate impact and adaptation assessment. Version 1. Prepared by Carter, T.R., Hulme, M.., Lal, M., Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Task Group on Scenarios for Climate Impact Assessment.] will result in an increase of annual runoff by 26%, with a severe increase in flood flows, and a reduction of the lowest flows to about a tenth of the current value.
[28] 赵静, 张晓萍, 段建军, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2009, 24(8): 1450-1457.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhao Jing, Zhang Xiaoping, Duan Jianjun et al.

Regional evapotranspiration estimation in Hekou-Longmen section of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River.

Journal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(8): 1450-1457.]

[本文引用: 1]     
