Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (7): 1120-1126

Orginal Article


赵泉华, 胡广臣, 李玉

辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院遥感科学与应用研究所,辽宁 阜新 123000

G0 Distribution Based on Water Line Extraction from SAR Image

Zhao Quanhua, Hu Guangchen, Li Yu

Institute for Remote Sensing Science and Application, School of Geomatics, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning, China

中图分类号:  TP79

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)07-1120-07

收稿日期: 2016-09-20

修回日期:  2016-11-26

网络出版日期:  2017-07-20

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金(41301479、41271435)、辽宁省自然科学基金(2015020090)






关键词: 水边线提取 ; G0分布 ; SAR图像 ; 斑点噪声


The water line is the demarcation line between land and sea areas. It is important interaction zone for global ecosystem conservation. As a result, it is vital that the rapid, accurate, real-time extraction of water line. Remote sensing solutions using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are playing an increasingly important role in monitoring water line and have getted much more attention from scholars and related department around the world. The sensor has two types: satellite SAR and airborne SAR. Satellite SAR has many advantages, for instance wide range observation, timely data available and all weather operation. As a result, it is a most suitable sensor for monitoring water line in marine environments. At present, the commonly used satellite SAR sensors for this purpose including Seasat SAR, Jers-1 SAR, Sentinel-1 SAR, and so on. In the SAR images, water line usually shows the edge characteristic, so the edge detection based algorithms are the most commonly used in coastline extraction. The classical edge detection operators including Canny operator, Sobel operator, Roberts operator, Prewitt operator and Laplacian operator, and so on. The operators have some advantages such as simple, fast speed, but they always effected by speckle noise inherent in SAR images, as a result, they can not obtain accurate water line results. So noise is a major issue for the task of boundary detection by the SAR images. Instead of combating the noise, we use a technique for boundary detection in SAR images based on the statistical properties of speckled data. The G0 distribution is a special form of G model, its parameters are very sensitive to the surface roughness and succeeds in characterizing a wide range of areas as sea, mountain chain and urban areas in speckled images. And the parameters required for boundary detection is extracted with moment estimation. Moreover, relative to G distribution, G0 distribution does not include the complex Bessel function, and is a kind of simple statistical distribution model with less parameter. According to the estimated parameters of G0 distribution, the marine and land areas can accurately be separated. In order to extract the water linefrom SAR image, a G0 distribution based algorithm is proposed in the article. First, the domain of SAR image is divided into a set of sub-blocks with the same size, and the grayscales of pixels in each sub-block are assumed to be identical and independent G0 distribution. The roughness of each sub-block and scatter shot parameters of the distribution are obtained with moment estimation. By thresholding the roughness parameter, the rough sea area can be divided, and then its geometric center is determined. On the rays started at the geometrical center, the cut-off points between sea and land are located with likelihood function. Consequently, the water line is formed by linking all the cut-off points. To prove its feasibility, a process of water line extraction has been tested with simulated and real SAR images by the method. Qualitative and quantitative results show that the proposed method can extract water line from SAR image effectively and efficiently.

Keywords: water line extraction ; G0 distribution ; Synthetic Aperture Radar image ; speckle


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赵泉华, 胡广臣, 李玉. 基于G0分布的SAR图像水边线提取方法[J]. , 2017, 37(7): 1120-1126

Zhao Quanhua, Hu Guangchen, Li Yu. G0 Distribution Based on Water Line Extraction from SAR Image[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(7): 1120-1126

水边线是陆地和水域的交界线[1],由于人类活动和自然环境变化等影响,水边线不断变化,直接影响到人类对水域资源的开发和利用[2,3]。因此,实现快速、准确、实时的水边线监测有重要意义。合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)因其全天候、全天时、不受烟尘、云雾限制等优点[4],已成为国土资源与环境调查中的重要技术手段。但由于SAR图像固有的斑点噪声[5],使得水边线难以准确判定。因此,利用SAR提取水边线是图像处理研究领域中的热点和难点。



1 算法描述

1.1 SAR幅度图像的G0分布模型

对幅度图像进行建模,已知SAR图像z={zi, i =1, 2, ..., N},其中,i为像素索引,zi为像素i的幅度,N为总像素数。在统计学的理论框架下,z可建模为随机场Z={Zi, i =1, 2, ..., N},其中,Zi为表征第i个像素点像素幅度的随机变量。本文利用G0分布建模SAR幅度图像的斑点噪声:


式中,n(取正整数)为有效视数; α(< 0) 为形状参数,表示粗糙度; γ( > 0) 为尺度参数,和散射微波的振幅有关。

G0分布的特点之一是参数 α随地表粗糙程度的变化而变化, α值越接近0,即 α越大,表明该区域灰度值变化越大,该区域越粗糙,如城市地区,而在同质区域 α值很小,如水域、牧场或农作物区域;γ参数是尺度参数,表示该区域的散射能量,描述地物的散射性[13]。地物变化会引起粗糙度和散射能量的变化。根据γ值可以对图像进行初始化分,得出粗略的水域和陆地区域。

1.2 基于G0分布的水边线提取模型


图1   水边线提取流程

Fig.1   Process of water line extraction by SAR

1.2.1 划分粗略的水域

为了划分粗略的水域,需将图像分为大小相同的子块,并估计出子块的相关参数。生成一个512×512 像素大小的标准图像,如图2a所示。图2b为其对应的模拟高斯SAR图像,以较暗区域代表水域,以较亮区域代表陆地。将模拟图像划分成大小为64×64像素的子块,如图2c所示。通过矩估计求出每个子块的 αγ的估计值[14~16]。假设Z ~ G0( α, γ, n),可推出其矩估计如下:


式中,EG0()是矩的表达式,r(<-α)是其阶数。通过大量的实验证明,利用1/2和1阶矩估计出的参数可以更好地对水域和陆地进行分类。 αγ的估计值表示如下[17]



图2   模拟图像水域的初始区域

Fig.2   Simulated image and initial water area

1.2.2 确定边界点

-陆边界点所在像素周围区域的粗糙度和反射性存在较大变化。为了找到边界点,以几何中心o为起点,θ为2条相邻射线的间隔角度,向周围做射线。将第p条射线记为sp,1≤p≤360/θ,每条经过陆地区域的射线上都会有一个边界点。设sp由该射线经过的mp个点元素组成,记为sp=z1, ..., zmp)。以第p条射线sp所经过每个像素的8邻域为样本,估计其参数值,记为该像素的参数值。αp表示第p条射线上所有像素的α值的集合,γp表示第p条射线上所有像素的γ值的集合,记αr= min (αp),γr= min (γp),αb=max(αp),γb=max(γp),参数(αr, γr)和(αb, γb)分别代表水域和陆地区域。为了判定每条射线上的水-陆边界点,引入下列似然函数[18]


将参数( αr, γr) 和( αb, γb)带入到似然函数L中,j依次取1到mp,求出其对应的所有L值。





式中,L(mp) 表示第mp个像素似然函数L的值,L(j)表示第j个像素似然函数L的值。


2 实验与结果


2.1 模拟SAR图像


图3   实验结果及原始图像叠加轮廓线结果

Fig.3   Experimental results and the result of superposition of original image contour line

根据上述实验结果可知,本文算法和Canny算子的提取结果明显优于其它4种对比算法。为了进一步证明本文算法的有效性,分别对本文算法和Canny算子的提取结果进行精度评价。首先,对提取结果建立缓冲区,如图4所示,其中,图4a和b分别为本文算法和Canny算子实验结果的缓冲区分析示意图,图中红色表示算法提取结果,蓝色表示真实边缘,绿色表示实验结果与真实边缘的重合部分。然后,据此给出精度评价指标(见表1),B0S0表示实验结果与真实边缘重合的点所占百分比,Bxx =1, 2, 3)表示落在第x个缓冲区的点所占百分比,Sx表示落在前x缓冲区内的点的累加百分比。由表1可知,本文算法的最终结果与标准轮廓线重合率为48.01%,落在缓冲区内的点占51.99%;Canny算子的最终结果和原始轮廓线重合率为50.81%,落在缓冲区内的点共占25.37%,有23.82%的点在缓冲区以外的区域。由此进一步精确地证明了本文算法的有效性和准确性。

图4   缓冲区分析示意图

Fig.4   Analysis schematic buffer

表1   缓冲区精度分析(%)

Table 1   Buffer precision evaluation

算法B0 / S0B1 / S1B2 / S2B3 / S3
G0分布48.01 / 48.0142.03 / 90.049.42 / 99.460.54 / 100
Canny算子50.81 / 50.8118.94 / 69.753.86 / 73.612.57 / 76.18


2.2 真实SAR图像

图5为6幅真实SAR图像,该组图像均为HH极化方式,其中,较亮区域为陆地,较暗区域为水域。图5a大小为512×512像素,分辨率为30 m×30 m,陆地区域有绿地和农作物。图5b、c、d大小为1 024×1 024像素,其中,图5b分辨率为30 m×30 m,陆地区域为城市;图5c、d分辨率为20 m×20 m,陆地区域多为山脉。图5e、f大小分别为256×256像素、128×128像素,分辨率均为30 m×30 m,均表示内陆水域。

图5   真实SAR图像

Fig.5   The real SAR image



图6   轮廓线与原始图像叠加结果

Fig.6   Results of original image outline overlay


3 结论


1) 水边线往往呈现非规则性,实验结果表明基于G0分布的水边线提取方法,能够较精准地提取这些非规则形态的水边线。

2) 由于受SAR图像固有斑点噪声和水岸其它地物的影响,传统边缘检测算法提取的水边线多呈现变形、不连续等现象;利用G0分布建立的SAR图像模型,可以有效估计水域及水岸地物的粗糙度和散射性参数,并能降低斑点噪声的影响。由于水域及水岸地物参数有显著的差异,因此划分结果受水岸地物的影响较小,进而可以有效地划分出水域和陆地,最终得到精准水边线。

3) 在提取的水边线基础上,可以进一步计算水域的面积、周长等特征,为有关部门的水域调查提供更多可靠的数据支持,因此提出算法具有重要理论意义和实用价值。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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ABSTRACT Data from a coherent illumination system like a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be modelled by the multiplicative model. This model explains the characteristics of these data. The multiplicative model states that, under certain conditions, the constructive and destructive interferences of the incident and reflected signals give a return that varies, in a random manner, with the mean value of the backscatter corresponding to the illuminated target. The K distributions have been widely used to model data comming from a coherent illumination system, in particular for SAR images. These distributions allow us to model homogeneous as well as heterogeneous data. Given the need of finding a model for extremely heterogeneous data, a new class of distributions, the G distributions and a particular case the GA0 distributions have been recently proposed. These distributions model urban area very well, while K distributions do not fit this type of data. In this work, the feasibility of substituting the GA0 distribution for the KA distribution is studied and the practical usefulness of doing this will be shown. Once this fact is established, it will be possible to consider SAR images under the GA0 model only.
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Among the frameworks for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image modelling and analysis, the multiplicative model is very accurate and successful. It is based on the assumption that the observed random field is the result of the product of two independent and unobserved random fields: X and Y. The random field X models the terrain backscatter and, thus, depends only on the type of area to which each pixel belongs. The random field Y takes into account that SAR images are the result of a coherent imaging system that produces the well-known phenomenon called speckle noise, and that they are generated by performing an average of n statistically independent images (looks) in order to reduce the noise effect. There are various ways of modelling the random field X; recently the Γ611/2(α, γ) distribution was proposed. This, with the usual Γ1/2(n, n) distribution for the amplitude speckle, resulted in a new distribution for the return: the (α, γ, n) law. The parameters α and γ depend only on the ground truth, and n is the number of looks. The advantage of this distribution over the ones used in the past is that it models very well extremely heterogeneous areas like cities, as well as moderately heterogeneous areas like forests and homogeneous areas like pastures. As the ground data can be characterized by the parameters α and γ, their estimation in each pixel generates parameter maps that can be used as the input for classification methods. In this work, moment estimators are used on simulated and on real SAR images and, then, a supervised classification technique (Gaussian maximum likelihood) is performed and evaluated. Excellent classification results are obtained.
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This article proposes a technique for boundary detection in speckled imagery based on active contours and on the statistical properties of speckled data. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), sonar, B‐ultrasound and laser imagery is corrupted by a signal‐dependent non‐additive noise called speckle. Many statistical models have been proposed to describe this noise, aiming at the development of specialized techniques for image improvement and analysis. The distribution is a statistical model that succeeds in describing a wide range of areas as, for instance in SAR data, pastures (smooth), forests (rough) and urban (extremely rough) areas. In order to determine boundaries between different areas, dynamic B‐splines are proposed in this paper. The algorithm automatically finds seeds and regions boundaries by a decision rule based on the estimation of the parameters of the law. The proposed algorithm is tested on synthetic and real SAR images, and both the accuracy and the performance of the proposal are assessed.
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We compare the accuracy of five approaches for contour detection in speckled imagery. Some of these methods take advantage of the statistical properties of speckled data, and all of them employ active contours using B-spline curves. Images obtained with coherent illumination are affected by a noise called speckle, which is inherent to the imaging process. These data have been statistically modeled by a multiplicative model using the G0 distribution, under which regions with different degrees of roughness can be characterized by the value of a parameter. We use this information to find boundaries between regions with different textures. We propose and compare five strategies for boundary detection: three based on the data (maximum discontinuity on raw data, fractal dimension and maximum likelihood) and two based on estimates of the roughness parameter (maximum discontinuity and anisotropic smoothed roughness estimates). In order to compare these strategies, a Monte Carlo experience was performed to assess the accuracy of fitting a curve to a region. The probability of finding the correct edge with less than a specified error is estimated and used to compare the techniques. The two best procedures are then compared in terms of their computational cost and, finally, we show that the maximum likelihood approach on the raw data using the G0 law is the best technique.
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We propose an analytical bias correction for the maximum likelihood estimators of the G 1 0 distribution. This distribution is a very powerful tool for speckled imagery analysis, since it is capable of describing a wide range of target roughness. We compare the performance of the corrected estimators with the corresponding original version using Monte Carlo simulation. This second-order bias correction leads to estimators which are better from both the bias and mean square error criteria.
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Many applications consecrate the use of asymmetric distributions, and practical situations often require robust parametric inference. This paper presents the derivation of M-estimators with asymmetric influence functions, motivated by the distribution. This law, regarded as the universal model for speckled imagery, can be highly skewed and maximum likelihood estimation can be severely hampered by small percentages of outliers. These outliers appear mainly because the hypothesis of independence and equal distribution of observations are seldom satisfied in practice; for instance, in the process of filtering, some pixels within a window frequently come from regions with different underlying distributions. Traditional robust estimation methods, on the basis of symmetric robustifying functions, assume that the distribution is symmetric, but when the data distribution is asymmetric, these methods yield biased estimators. Empirical influence functions for maximum likelihood estimators are computed, and based on this information we propose the asymmetric M-estimator (AM-estimator), an M-estimator with asymmetric redescending functions. The performance of AM estimators is assessed, and it is shown that they either compete with or outperform both maximum likelihood and Huber-type M-estimators.
[17] 周鑫.


[J]. 电子学报, 2013, 41(1): 178-184.      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

G0分布是目前合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)图像数据建模的一个重要模型,建模能力强、实用性好,受到了广泛的关注.G0分布的应用离不开准确有效的参数估计,而由于G0分布表达式复杂,统计意义上最优的最大似然估计法一直没能用在G0分布上.本文首先给出了一种新的方式来推导得出G0分布,在此基础上,采用最大期望(Expectation Maximization,EM)算法为G0分布给出一种有效的最大似然参数估计方法.文中的方法与现有的G0分布参数估计方法通过实验进行了比较,实验结果充分证明了所提方法的有效性.

[Zhou Xin.

An EM algorithm based maximum likelihood parameter estimation method for the G0 distribution

. Acta Electronica Sinica. 2013, 41(1): 178-184.]      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

G0分布是目前合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)图像数据建模的一个重要模型,建模能力强、实用性好,受到了广泛的关注.G0分布的应用离不开准确有效的参数估计,而由于G0分布表达式复杂,统计意义上最优的最大似然估计法一直没能用在G0分布上.本文首先给出了一种新的方式来推导得出G0分布,在此基础上,采用最大期望(Expectation Maximization,EM)算法为G0分布给出一种有效的最大似然参数估计方法.文中的方法与现有的G0分布参数估计方法通过实验进行了比较,实验结果充分证明了所提方法的有效性.
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Image processing and jump regression analysis

[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2005, 101(476): 312-313.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Recent statistical tools developed to estimate jump curves and surfaces have broad applications, specifically in the area of image processing. Often, significant differences in technical terminologies make communication between the disciplines of image processing and jump regression analysis difficult. In easy-to-understand language, Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis builds a bridge between the worlds of computer graphics and statistics by addressing both the connections and the differences between these two disciplines. The author provides a systematic analysis of the methodology behind nonparametric jump regression analysis by outlining procedures that are easy to use, simple to compute, and have proven statistical theory behind them. Key topics include: Conventional smoothing procedures Estimation of jump regression curves Estimation of jump location curves of regression surfaces Jump-preserving surface reconstruction based on local smoothing Edge detection in image processing Edge-preserving image restoration With mathematical proofs kept to a minimum, this book is uniquely accessible to a broad readership. It may be used as a primary text in nonparametric regression analysis and image processing as well as a reference guide for academicians and industry professionals focused on image processing or curve/surface estimation.
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A statistical and geometrical edge detector for SAR images

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 1988, 26(6): 764-773.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) edge detector based on the ratio between pixel values is described. The probability distribution of the image obtained by applying the edge detector is derived. Hence, the decision threshold can be theoretically det...
