Scientia Geographica Sinica  2017 , 37 (8): 1127-1134

Orginal Article


王波1, 甄峰23

1.香港大学地理系,香港 999077
2.南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,江苏 南京 210093
3.南京大学人文地理研究中心,江苏 南京 210093

Impacts of City’s Characteristics on City’s Importance in the Virtual World: An Empirical Analysis Based on Internet News Media

Wang Bo1, Zhen Feng23

1. Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China
2. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu, China
3. Research Center of Human Geography, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu, China

中图分类号:  K901

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2017)08-1127-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:甄峰,教授。

收稿日期: 2016-12-26

修回日期:  2017-03-12

网络出版日期:  2017-08-15

版权声明:  2017 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41571146)资助






关键词: 城市网络空间影响力 ; 政府因素 ; 市场因素 ; 互联网新闻媒体 ; 大数据


Along with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, the Internet has functioned as an important news media in people’s day-to-day lives. As the centers of flows of people, goods, information, and capital, cities have been frequently appeared in the Internet news media. However, the number of reports about city in the Internet news media is not evenly distributed for every city; instead, the distribution shows huge gaps among cities and reveal the disparity among city’s importance in the Internet. By collecting and analyzing the yearly Media Index of 281 prefectural-level and above cities in Baidu, the most popular search engine website in China, this current study firstly analyzed city’s importance and its changes in the period 2011-2014. By adopting panel data regression model this study then explained how the importance of cities in the Internet is related to its characteristics in government and market perspectives. Finally, the evolution of the influence power of government and market factors was explored from the regression model results of each year. The main conclusions can be addressed as follows. 1) There are huge gaps in the amount of coverage of cities in the Internet news media, exhibiting obvious hierarchical and spatial variation of city’s importance in the Internet. However, both variations constantly and gradually dropped in the period 2011-2014. 2) The amount of coverage of cities in the Internet news media has been heavily determined by the city’s government factor (i.e., city’s status in the hierarchical administration system) and market factor including population size, economic development performance, tourism resource, and the spatial distance from the national media center. Specifically, our panel data regression model shows that provincial-level city, city with a larger population size, a larger GDP per capita, being a national-level historical and cultural city, a closer distance from Beijing (the national media center) tends to have more chances to be reported in the Internet news media. 3) Interestingly, through regression models on the impacts of the abovementioned variable of each year, results demonstrate that the impact of government factor decreased while that of market factor increased, indicating the role of Internet in promoting economic growth in government’s recent development strategy.

Keywords: city’ ; s power in the internet ; government factor ; market factor ; internet news media ; big data


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王波, 甄峰. 城市实体特征对城市网络空间影响力的作用机制——基于互联网新闻媒体的分析[J]. , 2017, 37(8): 1127-1134

Wang Bo, Zhen Feng. Impacts of City’s Characteristics on City’s Importance in the Virtual World: An Empirical Analysis Based on Internet News Media[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2017, 37(8): 1127-1134

在传统的城市地理学中,城市的行政等级、人口规模、经济发展水平等一直是衡量城市在实体空间中影响力(或:城市在城市体系中的等级、重要性等)的重要指标[1~6]。随着全球化、信息化的快速发展,城市影响力反映在不同的维度。一方面,随着全球化的加速,城市的影响力更加体现在城市网络中与其他城市的物资、人力、资本、信息等各种“流”的掌控力(centers of flows)[7]。在这一背景下,国内外学者从交通流(交通班次、交通基础设施网络)、人流(货运量、客运量)、企业组织(生产性服务业、跨国公司网络)等关系数据分析网络视角下的城市等级体系[8~14]。另一方面,信息通信技术的进步引起了学者对网络虚拟空间的关注。网络建构了与实体空间相对应的生产、消费、权力、文化空间,呈现出影响力[7, 14~16]。例如,甄峰分析基于微博社会空间的中国城市网络与等级[14]。然而由于数据获取的困难,对城市网络影响力的研究仍然较少。随着大数据时代的来临,特别是带有地理信息的网络数据,为地理学研究提供了新机遇[17,18]。同时,当前的相关研究大多重视对关系数据与网络数据的分析结果,而忽视了与城市静态属性数据的对比分析。关系数据/网络数据与传统数据衡量结果的差异如何?两者之间存在什么关系?这一关系又是如何演化的?本文从城市在互联网新闻媒体报道的数量这一视角分析城市网络空间影响力,并进一步考察城市实体特征对城市网络空间影响力的作用机制及其演化。

城市作为“流”的集聚中心,往往是新闻事件发生与报道的重点。在传统的纸质媒体中,城市在新闻报道数量与篇幅上的差距,反映了城市在纸质媒体上的影响力差异[19~22]。已有的研究表明,在完全市场化环境下,城市的新闻报道量受该城市的人口规模、经济发展、旅游资源、犯罪率、新闻媒体机构数量及其他重要机构数量等(例如:中央法院、中央银行、股票交易中心)影响[21]。需要注意的是,在中国,互联网新闻媒体的发展一直接受政府的积极引导,并在一定程度上体现国家政策赋予互联网的期望[16, 23]。一方面,省级市(包括直辖市及各省、自治区的省会及省府)成为辖域内的新闻媒体中心,比地级市集聚了更多的互联网新闻媒体机构[16]。而这其中,北京集聚了全国近50%的互联网新闻媒体机构,成为全国的互联网新闻媒体中心[16]。另一方面,重要机构数量也体现出省级市与地级市间的重大差异。同时,考虑到互联网新闻媒体对城市竞争与城市经营的帮助,越来越多的政府意识到在市场环境下新闻报道对“地方塑造”(city making)的重要性,即通过对城市正面形象以及大量报道的宣传,维持和提升城市的互联网影响力,帮助城市吸引更多外来投资与人口[24,25]。当前,互联网已经成为人们日常生活中获取新闻的主要媒介。早期的调研表明,50%的美国网民有阅读互联网新闻的习惯[26]。而近年来,这一比例更高,2014年近80%的中国网民会阅读互联网新闻①(中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC).第35次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告, 2015.。在互联网新闻中,大约70%包含了地理信息,为地理与城市研究提供了重要的大数据[27]。因此,有必要探讨城市在互联网新闻媒体下的网络空间影响力。而随着网站(例如,谷歌、百度)对数据的开放,也为相关研究提供大数据支持。

1 概念、数据与方法

有关城市新闻媒体报道量的数据来自百度提供的媒体指数②(媒体指数(也曾经被称作:网络曝光度)是指:以关键词为统计对象,根据该关键词在各大互联网媒体报道的新闻标题中出现频次计算所得的标准化数值,反映新闻媒体对该关键词的关注详情请查阅:。百度是中国最大的搜索引擎网站,拥有极高的互联网应用普及率③(中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC).2014年中国网民搜索行为研究报告, 2015.。自2011年起,百度根据收录的新闻媒体数据与网民搜索数据,提供基于关键词分析的开源接口(。但需要指出的是,经过开源接口查询得到数据并非原始数据,而是经过加权处理的二次数据。但该数据有效揭示了关键词出现在新闻媒体报道中以及被网民搜索的差异(即:相对的数量差异),并被广泛应用到科学研究中[28~31]。具体来说,媒体指数越高,表明关键词出现在新闻媒体报道标题的次数越多。



表1   模型变量及其定义

Table 1   Definition of dependent and independent variables

因变量Mit城市i在年份t的媒体指数中位数值 (i = 1, 2, 3…281; t = 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014),衡量城市的网络空间影响力
自变量Gi虚拟变量,当城市i是省级市时,Gi =1;否则,Gi =0
Ti(t-1)虚拟变量,当城市i在年份(t-1)是全国历史文化名城时,Ti(t-1) =1;否则,Ti(t-1) =0
DiBJ城市i与北京的直线空间距离。当i = Beijing时, lnDiBJ =0


2 基于互联网新闻媒体的城市网络空间影响力

2.1 城市网络空间影响力的等级差异


表2   2011~2014年中国城市媒体指数(M

Table 2   The median value of media index (M) of a city in China, 2011-2014


注:a 该表仅包括2011年的前20位城市。


基于2011年的媒体指数值的自然对数,使用Jenks自然断裂分类法,将281个城市划分为5组。2011~2014年,不少城市的媒体指数值实现了从低数值组到高数值组的上升。2011年,第一组(LnM>5.96)与第二组(4.48≤LnM≤5.95)的城市分别占到281个城市的5.69%与8.90%。而在2014年,两组的比例分别上升到8.54%与21.00%。这表明,越来越多的城市得到互联网新闻媒体报道。或许,这也反映越来越多的城市开始注重互联网新闻媒体的报道。同时,通过计算2011~2014年间各城市媒体指数值的变异系数(coefficient of variation),发现变异系数从2011年的3.29减少到2014年的2.06,说明虽然城市间的差异仍然非常大,但呈现出逐步缩小的趋势。


2.2 城市网络空间影响力影响因素及其机制演化

在分析中,分别针对政府因素、市场因素及两者综合影响使用回归模型。在回归模型之前,对自变量进行相关性分析。所有自变量间的相关系数均小于0.4,且模型VIF值均小于3,没有明显的共线性问题。在回归模型中采用稳健回归(robust),这种方法被证明结果是渐进有效(Asymptotically valid)的[34]。在具体分析中,首先控制住时间固定效应,采用面板数据的回归分析,考察政府因素与市场因素对2011~2014年间城市的互联网新闻媒体报道数量的影响(表3)。然后,分别考察2011~2014年间各个年份政府因素与市场因素对城市的互联网新闻媒体报道数量的影响大小变化(表4)。

表3   互联网新闻媒体下城市影响力的面板数据回归分析

Table 3   Panel data regression results for the importance of cities in internet news media in 2011-2014

Gi (地级市作参照值)
Ln Pi(t-1)1.081***0.0680.907***0.063
Ln Ei(t-1)0.956***0.0740.815***0.069
Ln DiBJ-0.108*0.064-0.125**0.056
Overall R20.3990.6990.759
Wald chi2983.57***1334.59***1641.41***

注: * P < 0.10; ** P < 0.05; ***P < 0.01。


表4   2011~2014年互联网新闻媒体下城市网络空间影响力的稳健回归分析

Table 4   Robust regression results for the importance of cities in internet news media in each year of 2011-2014

Gi (地级市作为参照值)
Ln Pi(t-1)0.875***0.0600.970***0.0591.134***0.0721.145***0.071
Ln Ei(t-1)0.878***0.0670.958***0.0691.062***0.0871.027***0.084
Ln DiBJ-0.096*0.052-0.106**0.051-0.182***0.062-0.131**0.060
Adj. R20.7930.7970.7630.752

注: * P < 0.10; ** P< 0.05; *** P < 0.01。




表4的模型估计结果进一步显示了政府因素与市场因素对城市互联网影响力的影响作用大小的演化过程。从各个自变量的影响系数来看,2011~2014年反映政府因素的系数逐年减少。而反映市场因素的人口规模、经济发展水平、旅游资源的系数逐步增长。而在这一变化过程中,与北京的空间距离的影响开始变得显著。具体来看,2011~2014年,省级市的媒体指数中位数值分别是地级市的5.19、3.99、3.37和2.52倍。而每1%的人口规模增长会带来1.40%、1.63%、2.11%和2.14%的城市互联网新闻媒体报道量的增长。虽然,影响系数在2014年略有下降,1%的人均国内生产总值增长会带来1.41%、1.61%、1.89%和1.79%的城市互联网新闻媒体报道量的增长。全国历史文化名城的互联网新闻媒体报道量维持在非全国历史文化名城的1.3~1.5倍之间。这一变化说明市场因素在互联网新闻媒体中发挥的作用愈加明显。这一变化,一方面可能反映出当前各个城市对互联网新闻媒体的关注,通过在互联网媒体中的曝光度来提升城市的形象,吸引投资与游客;另一方面也可能反映出随着信息与通信技术在全国范围内的普及城市间 “信息鸿沟”的缩小,互联网新闻媒体的潜在读者布局更广,使得更多的城市开始受到网络的关注。当然,信息与通信技术的普及也离不开市场经济发展的推动。而在这一变化过程中,距离衰减效应更加明显。与北京的空间距离影响到城市获得互联网新闻媒体关注的机会。


3 结论与讨论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The rise of the internet city in China: Production and consumption of internet information

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From the perspective of internet information production (IIP) and internet information consumption (IIC), we interpreted the spatial patterns of the internet industry in China based on top commercial websites. The findings demonstrated more obvious industrial clustering compared with that in Western countries, highlighting the rise of internet cities in China. The differences amongst diverse website themes generate disparities between IIP and IIC, suggesting future developmental trends of these internet cities. The specialised division of internet cities remains somewhat consistent with the local context. The government plays a key role in the early stage of China0964s internet industry, enabling cities involved in internet industry at the initial stage gains first-mover advantages, leading to the uneven patterns of spatial patterns since then. Though the role of government in the development of internet industry should still be emphasised, the success of internet cities finally depends on whether their specialisation meets the market demand.
[17] 刘瑜.


[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(4): 564-575.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Yu.

Revisiting several basic geographical concepts: A social sensing perspective.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(4): 564-575.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] 甄峰, 王波.

“大数据” 热潮下人文地理学研究的再思考

[J]. 地理研究, 2015, 34(5): 803-811.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhen Feng, Wang Bo.

Rethinking human geography in the age of big data.

Geographical Research, 2015, 34(5): 803-811.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[19] Pred A.Urban growth and city systems in the United States, 1840-1860[M]. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1980.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Taylor P J.

Hierarchical tendencies amongst world cities: A global research proposal

[J]. Cities, 1997, 14(6): 323-332.      URL      摘要

Abstract This is a plea for global-scale analyses of social change with particular reference to the study of the hypothesis that there is a world city hierarchy. Data deficiencies (state-centrism and attribute bias) and theoretical limitations in conceptualizing how a world city hierarchy might develop are highlighted and suggestions for overcoming these problems are presented. Empirically, this involves a pilot study of US world cities using geographical content analysis of the business section of city newspapers to explore inter-city relations. Theoretically, it is proposed that the static conception of hierarchy be replaced by the more modest idea of hierarchical tendencies within a broader space-time context. Combining these empirical and theoretical proposals, a research programme for a global study is outlined and readers are invited to consider how it might be implemented.
[21] Avraham E.

Cities and their news media images

[J]. Cities, 2000, 17(5): 363-370.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper discusses assorted aspects of the images of cities in the news media. Images affect perceptions and various spatial decisions made by three groups: the general public, decision makers on the national level and the place's inhabitants. Thus, media portrayal has implications for the position of cities in the growing international and national competition for various resources such as tourism, investments and businesses. The first part of the paper discusses three general aspects of the subject: how to measure a city's news media image, types of images, and level of research in the field. In the second part, which is based upon a literature review, an integrated model is suggested that illustrates the four factors that determine the amount and nature of cities' coverage patterns in the national news media. These factors are: (1) the city's characteristics: population size, geographical location, crime rate and number of national institutions; (2) editorial policy towards the coverage of the city (allocation of reporters, definition of “news” about the city and sources used, definition of target audience) and the personal background of the newspeople; (3) social – political environment in which the media operate (central values of society, political culture, etc.); and (4) the public relations efforts made by the city.
[22] Avraham E.

Media strategies for improving an unfavorable city image

[J]. Cities, 2004, 21(6): 471-479.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Today, as cities attempt to acquire a favorable image among investors, immigrants and tourists, the leaders of many cities believe that the unfavorable images and stereotypes associated with their names are obstacles that forestall a brighter future. The object of this article is to present a review summarizing media strategies, that local decision-makers can employ to deal with city image-related crises, and to reverse a city’s negative image. The article first deals with the marketing of cities, images and stereotypes, with image management and with techniques geared to successfully deliver campaign messages. It then presents 10 strategies to improve a city’s negative image: encouraging visits to the city; hosting spotlight events; turning negative characteristics into positive characteristics; changing the city’s name, logo or slogan; cultivating the residents’ local pride; solving the problem that led to the formation of the negative image; delivering counter-stereotypical messages; ignoring the stereotype; acknowledging the negative image; and geographic association or separation in the campaign.
[23] Hachigian N.

China's cyber-strategy

[J]. Foreign Affairs New York, 2001, 80(2): 118-133.      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[24] Beriatos E, Gospodini A.

“Globalizing” urban landscapes: Athens and the 2004 Olympics

[J]. Cities, 2004, 21(3): 187-202.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper deals with transformations of urban landscape in the era of globalization. First, it attempts to describe and understand how particular aspects of urban morphology, such as built heritage and innovative design of space, have become the competitive edge in terms of landscape. Second, it develops the argument that on the basis of their great potential for (a) promoting economic growth and (b) enhancing place identity of cities, both built heritage and innovative design of space appear to be expansively used as major components of contemporary strategic plans of cities for the transformation and improvement of urban landscape. Combining and promoting built heritage and innovative design of space as two central themes in urban landscape transformations generates, for the 21st century city, a new landscape collage dominated by two extremes: (a) that of tradition with rather local spatial references and (b) that of innovation having more universal or global spatial references. Thus, under the forces of globalization, the new emerging urban landscapes may be termed as localised ones. As a case study, Athens and the landscape transformations for Olympic Games 2004 are analysed.
[25] 张京祥, 王旭.


[J]. 城市规划学刊, 2012, 2: 33-38.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Jingxiang, Wang Xu.

The scaling up of cities in the process of endogenous city marketing —A case study of Xuyi County.

Urban Planning Forum, 2012, 2: 33-38.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


The UCLA Internet report: Surveying the digital future

[R]. Los Angeles: UCLA Center for Communication Policy, 2000.

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[27] Hill L L.Georeferencing: The geographic associations of information[M]. Boston: Mit Press, 2009.

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[28] Yuan Q, Nsoesie E O, Lv B et al

. Monitoring influenza epidemics in china with search query from baidu

[J]. PloS one, 2013, 8(5): e64323.      URL      PMID: 23750192      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Several approaches have been proposed for near real-time detection and prediction of the spread of influenza. These include search query data for influenza-related terms, which has been explored as a tool for augmenting traditional surveillance methods. In this paper, we present a method that uses Internet search query data from Baidu to model and monitor influenza activity in China. The objectives of the study are to present a comprehensive technique for: (i) keyword selection, (ii) keyword filtering, (iii) index composition and (iv) modeling and detection of influenza activity in China. Sequential time-series for the selected composite keyword index is significantly correlated with Chinese influenza case data. In addition, one-month ahead prediction of influenza cases for the first eight months of 2012 has a mean absolute percent error less than 11%. To our knowledge, this is the first study on the use of search query data from Baidu in conjunction with this approach for estimation of influenza activity in China.
[29] Zhang W, Shen D, Zhang Y et al.

Open source information, investor attention, and asset pricing

[J]. Economic Modelling, 2013, 33: 613-619.      URL      摘要

In this paper, we advocate the search frequency of stock name in Baidu Index as a novel and direct proxy for investor attention. Firstly, empirical results show that the quantified investor attention is a desired explanatory variable for abnormal return even trading volume is considered. Secondly, the Main Board is more efficient than the ChiNext and the SME Board in the view of informational efficiency. Thirdly, investor attention exhibits strong contemporary relationship with abnormal return. Fourthly, open source information can enhance the speed of information dissemination and make the market efficient.
[30] 刘铮, 王世福, 赵渺希, .


[J]. 地理研究, 2013, 32(7): 1253-1268.


[Liu Zheng, Wang Shifu,Zhao Miaoxiet al.

Exploratory analysis of directed weighted network of city.

Geographical Research, 2013, 32(7): 1253-1268.]


[31] 王波, 甄峰.


[J]. 经济地理, 2016, 36(1): 46-52.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Bo, Zhen Feng.

China’s city hierarchy under Internet and its influencing mechanism: An empirical analysis based on Baidu Search.

Economic Geography, 2016, 36(1): 46-52.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[32] Schmetterer L.

Introduction to mathematical statistics

[M]. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.

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[33] 国家统计局. 中国城市统计年鉴[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 2011-2015.

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[National Bureau of Statistics of China. China City Statistical Yearbook. Beijing:China Statistics Press, 2011-2015.]

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[34] White H.

A heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator and a direct test for heteroskedasticity

[J]. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1980: 817-838.

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[35] Graham M.

Geography/internet: ethereal alternate dimensions of cyberspace or grounded augmented realities?

[J]. The Geographical Journal, 2013, 179(2): 177-182.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many of the ways in which we discuss, imagine and envision the internet rely on inaccurate and unhelpful spatial metaphors. This paper focuses on the usage of the cyberspace' metaphor and outlines why the reliance by contemporary policymakers on this inherently geographic metaphor matters. The metaphor constrains, enables and structures very distinct ways of imagining the interactions between people, information, code and machines through digital networks. These distinct imaginations, in turn, have real effects on how we enact politics and bring places into being. The paper broadly traces the history of cyberspace', explores the scope of its current usage and highlights the discursive power of its distinct way of shaping our spatial imagination of the internet. It then concludes by arguing that geographers should take the lead in employing alternate, nuanced and spatially grounded ways of envisioning the myriad ways in which the internet mediates social, economic and political experiences.
[36] Wang B, Zhen F,Wei Z et al.

A theoretical framework and methodology for urban activity spatial structure in e-society: Empirical evidence for Nanjing City, China

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(6): 672-683.      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[37] 王波, 甄峰.


[J]. 人文地理, 2014, 29(3): 14-21, 55.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Bo, Zhen Feng.

The research on characteristics of urban activity space in Nanjing: An empirical analysis based on big data.

Human Geography, 2014, 29(3): 14-21, 55.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     
