地理科学  2018 , 38 (12): 2093-2099 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.018

Orginal Article


应小宇1, 阚琪2

1.浙江大学城市学院,浙江 杭州310014
2.浙江大学建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州310058

The Influence of Street Spatial Layout Factors on Wind Environment in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Ying Xiaoyu1, Kan Qi2

1. Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, China
2. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China

中图分类号:  TU201.1

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2018)12-2093-07

收稿日期: 2017-11-25

修回日期:  2018-03-14

网络出版日期:  2018-12-20

版权声明:  2018 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(51878608)、浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY18E080025)资助





利用基于计算流体力学(CFD)理论的数值模拟软件,在不影响街道连续性面貌的前提下,通过控制变量法分别改变街道贴线率、街道界面密度、街道高宽比3个关键要素的数值来观察街道风环境的变化情况。结论主要有: 街道内的风速大小随着街道贴线率的增大呈抛物线趋势变化,先增大后减小,在街道贴线率接近70%时,城市街道内风速达到最大; 随着界面密度的不断减小,城市街道内各个测点的风速变化的幅度越来越大,这样会让在其中行走的行人感受到强烈的风速变化,舒适度大为下降; 城市街道内的平均风速和街道高宽比成反比例关系。

关键词: 街道空间布局 ; 风环境模拟 ; 街道贴线率 ; 街道界面密度 ; 街道高宽比


With a rapid urbanization in Asia, the high-density new urban-center districts have already changed the microclimate in the city. Because of the using characters of building, the commercial streets which have emerged massively making a large number of pedestrians appear, pedestrian comfort in the commercial streets of the new urban-center districts requires more attention. Different street spatial layout will lead to change the internal wind environment in it and then affect the pedestrian comfort. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models are used to study the correlation between the three main street spatial layout factors, which are near-line rate, street interface density and street aspect ratio, under the simulation of relevant weather conditions. The results are mainly the following three points, first, the wind speed within the street change with the increase in the near-line rate like a parabola trend, and the wind speed reaches its peak about at a near-line rate of 70%. In that cases, it’s conducive to ventilation. Second, as the street interface density decreases, the variation of the wind speed of each measuring point in the city streets is getting bigger and bigger, and then the pedestrian walking in it will feel a strong wind speed change and the comfort is greatly reduced. Thirdly, the wind speed in the city streets is inversely proportional to the street aspect ratio. These conclusions will provide an important reference and evaluation basis for urban designers at the beginning of the design to effectively avoid future wind environmental problems.

Keywords: street spatial layout ; wind environment ; near-line rate ; street interface density ; street aspect ratio


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应小宇, 阚琪. 杭州商业街道空间布局形态关键要素对周边风环境的影响[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(12): 2093-2099 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.018

Ying Xiaoyu, Kan Qi. The Influence of Street Spatial Layout Factors on Wind Environment in Hangzhou, Zhejiang[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(12): 2093-2099 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.12.018

随着中国城市化进程的快速推进,中国的城市建设处于持续的巨变之中,城市中心区建设逐步进入一个高速发展期。楼房林立、人口密集的城市新建中心区,开始进入人们的日常生活之中,极大的改变了人们生活的城市微气候。风是城市微气候的重要影响因素[1]。城市新建中心区的高层建筑群,将直接影响城市冠层的气流运动,加剧了近地面处的气流运动,使建筑周围形成下冲流、上冲流、角流等,并可能造成局部气流加速,形成一定的涡流区、静风区或疾风区,从而影响到人们的舒适、健康与出行安全[2, 3]。以往的规划设计中,城市规划师和建筑师更多得将精力放在形式和功能上,而忽略了室外风环境的设计,从而导致很多潜在的风害发生[4],例如峡谷效应、分离涡群、静风区、尾流区、风洞效应,并且直接影响城市气候。夏热冬冷地区的城市新建中心区需要风环境相关规划策略。清华大学江亿教授在2006年的《中国绿色建筑报告》中指出,夏热冬冷地区的节能措施的重点为夏季的遮阳和通风,春秋季利用自然通风[5]。对于夏热冬冷地区而言,其设计策略应兼顾两季的巨大气候差异。



在城市设计领域,与街道空间布局相关的主要有3个要素:街道贴线率、界面密度、街道高宽比[10]。目前,街道贴线率的研究主要集中在街道贴线率的概念确定,和街道贴线率在实际设计项目中的应用 [11,12,13,14,15,16]



1 风环境模型的建立

1.1 原始模型的建立


本文中所采用的数值模拟软件Phoenics是基于雷诺时均方程开发的,计算所需条件采用软件自带的自动选取功能[19]。初始风的设定如下所述:由于地表摩擦的作用,接近地表的风速随着离地高度的减小而降低。只有离地300~500 m 以上的地方,风速才不受地表的影响,可以在大气梯度的作用下自由流动。因此,来流面风速的变化规律以指数率表示为:

U(z)= UG ×(z/zG)α (1)

式中,U(z)为任意高度z处的平均风速,UG是标准高度zG处的平均风速,指数α为描述地面粗糙度的参数。模拟中标准高度zG设定为400 m,该高度处平均风速UG为13 m/s,α为0.25。湍流强度假定为地面52 m以上12%[20]

建筑群中交通干道方向与风向相同时会使该交通干道内风速加大,交通干道方向与风向垂直时则该交通干道的风速比较小。此外,交通干道方向与风的夹为45°时,建筑群内风速较为均匀[21]。由此说明,街道方向与风向相同或垂直时,方向这个因子对风速的影响作用明显,在这两种情况下研究公共建筑的排布对风速的影响作用不大。然而,当街道方向与风向夹角为45°时,由于风速稳定均匀,方向这个因子对街道风速的影响较小,故在这种情况研究公共建筑围合的街道轮廓的形态因子,比较适合[22]。为了让模拟结果更直观,风速大小取杭州市冬季较大风速10 m/s进行模拟。

《建筑间距和退距管理技术规定》第三条规定,非居住建筑的间距,除经批准的详细规划另有规定外应符合下列规定多层平行布置时,其间距不小于较高建筑高度的1.0倍,并不小于6 m;垂直布置时,其间距不小于9 m,山墙间距不宜小于6 m。根据以上规定,本文模型中建筑间距大于或等于6 m。

绿色建筑设计标准[23]中规定:建筑覆盖区域小于整个计算域面积3%;以目标建筑为中心,半径 5H 范围内为水平计算域。建筑上方计算区域要大于3H,其中H 为建筑主体高度,因此本文中模拟区域大小为1 200 m×600 m×100 m。由于本文只研究商业街道内部的风环境,为使模拟结果更具有倾向性,不考虑街区外界环境的影响,因此模拟区域只建立典型的商业街道模式简化模型。


图1   原始模型及其风速分布

Fig.1   The original layout and its velocity vector field

1.2 街道贴线率与街道风环境的相关性


这组模拟实验一共选取了4种不同的街道贴线率,分别是100%(原始模型),85%(模式a1),70%(模式a2),55%(模式a3)。建筑后退距离为5 m,得到以下街道空间布局(图2)。

图2   不同街道贴线率对应的街道空间布局

Fig.2   The layout types of different near-line rate

1.3 界面密度与街道风环境的相关性



图3   不同界面密度对应的街道空间布局

Fig.3   The layout types of different street interface density

1.4 街道高宽比与街道风环境的相关性



图4   不同街道高宽比对应的街道空间布局

Fig.4   The layout types of different street aspect ratios

2 模拟结果及分析

2.1 街道贴线率模拟结果分析


图5   人行道模拟测点的风速比

Fig.5   The wind velocity ratio on the measure points on the sidewalk


2.2 界面密度模拟结果分析


图6   南侧人行道模拟测点的风速比

Fig.6   The wind velocity ratio of the measure points on the south sidewalk


图7   不同模式下测点风速变化波动幅度

Fig.7   The volatility of wind velocity ratio

2.3 街道高宽比模拟结果分析


图8   南侧人行道模拟测点的风速比

Fig.8   The wind velocity ratio of the measure points on the south sidewalk


y = 0.1305x2-0.6931x + 2.5376 (2)

图9   不同模式下测点风速变化波动幅度

Fig.9   The volatility of wind velocity ratio

曲线表明,y值先随着x值增大而减小。当x= 2.6时,y值达到最小值1.62。随后,当x值继续增大,y值随之缓慢增大。因此可以初步推断,在高宽比为的值接近1∶1时,街道内的风环境变化幅度最小最稳定,进而给行人提供更舒适的外部空间环境。

3 结论


1) 综合城市商业街道空间布局的3个要素来看,根据当要素的大小发生变化时,各个测点相对应的风速比变化可以看出,界面密度这一要素对于街道风环境的影响最为明显。随着界面密度的不断减小,城市街道内各个测点的波动幅度越来越大,这样会让在街道中行走的行人感受到强烈的风速变化,导致其舒适度大为下降。

2) 在其他条件均稳定不变的前提下,街道贴线率的变化并不会造成街道内风环境的变化,影像街道内不同位置的风环境有差异性的原因主要还是所处区域位置不同。当街道贴线率为70%时,城市街道内风速较大,有利于通风和空气质量更新。

3) 随着街道的高宽比的减少,街道内各个测点的风速比也都逐渐增大,大致呈反比例关系。在高宽比为的值接近1∶1时,街道内的风环境变化幅度最小最稳定,进而给行人提供更舒适的外部空间环境。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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<p>城市人居环境已成为推动城市化发展进程,衡量城市化发展水平的重要因素。以社会经济环境、居住环境、基础设施和公共服务环境、生态环境4 个一级指标,28 个二级指标构建了城市人居环境质量综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法对中国286 个地级以上城市在2000 年、2003 年、2006 年和2009 年4 个时间断面的人居环境质量特征和时空差异变化进行了分析。结果表明:中国城市人居环境质量整体在逐步提高,城市之间人居环境质量得分差值缩小,各城市排名基本保持在一定范围;城市人居环境质量级别差异明显;城市人居环境质量时空差异显著,呈现出与经济发展水平相似的从东部到中、西部依次递减的地带性空间分布特征以及南高北低的分布状况,且各地区城市级别分布不均衡;人居环境质量水平较高的城市呈&ldquo;团&rdquo;状分布,与国家&ldquo;十二五&rdquo;规划纲要中城市化战略格局基本吻合;城市人居环境质量与城市规模无对应关系。</p>

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https://doi.org/10.7666/d.Y2234642      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>城市人居环境已成为推动城市化发展进程,衡量城市化发展水平的重要因素。以社会经济环境、居住环境、基础设施和公共服务环境、生态环境4 个一级指标,28 个二级指标构建了城市人居环境质量综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法对中国286 个地级以上城市在2000 年、2003 年、2006 年和2009 年4 个时间断面的人居环境质量特征和时空差异变化进行了分析。结果表明:中国城市人居环境质量整体在逐步提高,城市之间人居环境质量得分差值缩小,各城市排名基本保持在一定范围;城市人居环境质量级别差异明显;城市人居环境质量时空差异显著,呈现出与经济发展水平相似的从东部到中、西部依次递减的地带性空间分布特征以及南高北低的分布状况,且各地区城市级别分布不均衡;人居环境质量水平较高的城市呈&ldquo;团&rdquo;状分布,与国家&ldquo;十二五&rdquo;规划纲要中城市化战略格局基本吻合;城市人居环境质量与城市规模无对应关系。</p>
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[19] Jean Claus, O Coceal, T Glyn Thomas et al.

Wind-direction effects on urban-type flows

[J]. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2010, 134(2):131-155.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-009-9434-y      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recently, several attempts have been made to model the wind velocity in an urban canopy in order to accurately predict the mixing and transport of momentum, heat, and pollutants within and above the canopy on an urban scale. For this purpose, unverified assumptions made by Macdonald (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 97:25–45, 2000) to develop a model for the profile of the mean wind velocity within an urban canopy have been used. In the present study, in order to provide foundations for improving the urban canopy models, the properties of the spatially-averaged mean quantities used to make these assumptions have been investigated by performing large-eddy simulations (LES) of the airflow around square and staggered arrays of cubical blocks with the following plan area densities: λ p =020.05, 0.11, 0.16, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.33. The LES results confirm that the discrepancy between the spatial average of wind velocity and Macdonald’s five-point average of wind velocity can be large in both types of arrays for large λ p . It is also confirmed that Prandtl’s mixing length varies significantly with height within the canopy, contrary to Macdonald’s assumption for both types of arrays and for both small and large λ p . On the other hand, in accordance with Macdonald’s assumption, the sectional drag coefficient is found to be almost constant with height except in the case of staggered arrays with high λ p .
[20] Tetsu Kubotaa, Masao Miurab, Yoshihide Tominagac et al.

Wind tunnel tests on the relationship between building density and pedestrian-level wind velocity: Development of guidelines for realizing acceptable wind environment in residential neighborhoods

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.10.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The main purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between the building density and the average wind velocity at pedestrian level in residential neighborhoods. This paper firstly presents the results of wind tunnel tests on 22 residential neighborhoods selected from actual Japanese cities. The results show that there is a strong relationship between the gross building coverage ratio and the mean wind velocity ratio. Secondly, the wind environment evaluation for case study areas is performed by using the wind tunnel results and the climatic conditions of several major Japanese cities. The development method of guidelines for realizing acceptable wind environment in residential neighborhoods using the gross building coverage ratio is proposed.
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Numerical simulation of the wind field around different building arrangement

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jweia.2005.09.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A numerical model with the RNG κ61 ε turbulence closure model and a pressure correction algorithm of SIMPLEC is used to examine three different building configuration effects on wind flow. Comparisons of computational results with experimental data have been carried out for the vertical velocity profiles at some measurement points. For the experimental study, the building arrangements were presented by 1:150 scale models and tested in a low-speed wind tunnel. It was found that the wind environment for two improved arrangements with lower interval-to-height ratio is better than that for the reference layout with higher aspect ratio in terms of the natural ventilation. The interference effect is more obvious for two improved arrangements than the reference one. The numerical results also show that changing wind direction from perpendicular to the building facades to a 45°-incidence angle has significant effect on the flow field for different configurations.
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