
苏玲玲, 周素红, 关美宝, 柴彦威, 齐兰兰

地理科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2) : 278-287.

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地理科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2) : 278-287. DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.20220643


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Impact of real-time urban environment on momentary happiness under geographic contexts of daily activities

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The impact of the urban environment on residents' happiness has become a hot topic in the field of geography in recent years. Despite the achievements of research on happiness, there has been a lack of attention to how happiness is expressed as transitory experiences in the proximate environment and related to the spatial-temporal geographic contexts of people's daily activities. This study obtains data on momentary happiness via ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and collects environmental data of activity place through GPS and mobile sensors to explore the relationship between the real-time geographic environment and momentary happiness of daily activities. The results show that residents' momentary happiness is affected by the immediate urban environment. Appropriate temperature and POI density can promote happiness, while noise, PM2.5, population density, the numbers of POI types and intersections are not conducive to happiness. The relationship between the geographic environment and momentary happiness is also regulated by time and space factors. Compared with working days, the immediate environment of activities on rest days has greater impacts on happiness. The distance of activities from home weakens the relationship between the built environment and happiness. This study confirms that geographic contexts of daily activities are related to momentary happiness and are regulated by the characteristics of people's spatial and temporal behaviors, which provides reference for the environmental planning and management of Chinese cities.


瞬时幸福感 / 地理环境 / 日常活动 / EMA / 移动技术

Key words

momentary happiness / geographical context / daily activities / EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment) / mobile technology


苏玲玲, 周素红, 关美宝, 柴彦威, 齐兰兰. 日常活动地理环境对居民瞬时幸福感的影响[J]. 地理科学, 2024, 44(2): 278-287 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.20220643
Su Lingling, Zhou Suhong, Kwan Mei-Po, Chai Yanwei, Qi Lanlan. Impact of real-time urban environment on momentary happiness under geographic contexts of daily activities[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2024, 44(2): 278-287 https://doi.org/10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.20220643

随着人民生活水平的提升,无论是国家、政府还是居民个体都越来越关注除了经济效用以外的个体福祉问题[1]。幸福感在学术界也引起了学者广泛的关注,以往对美好生活的研究也被重新定义为关于幸福的问题。随着幸福感研究的深入发展,幸福科学(Science of Happiness)作为一门新的综合性学科由此产生[2]。目前心理学、经济学和社会学等学科对幸福感研究进行了大量的理论和实证分析,而地理学的幸福感研究则处于起步阶段。地理学对空间和环境的关注可以为幸福感研究带来新的视角和可能。
生态瞬时评估(Ecological Momentary Assessment,EMA)是获取即时数据的有效方法,它要求在真实生活情境下,多时间点搜集个体的即时性反应[12]。EMA可以用来研究个体变量随时间和情境变化的相关影响因素。评估通常由多次重复评估组成,规定特定时间间隔,允许对瞬时波动进行精确分析。EMA有效降低了回忆偏差和启发式偏差,提高了生态效度,被视为评估日常生活中情绪和体验的黄金标准[13]。地理信息技术的发展,为EMA提供了一个精确的地理测量框架,通过GPS捕捉EMA响应时的位置,能够系统精确地收集地理环境相关因素[14]

1 理论框架与研究假设

研究发现,设施及服务的可获性会对幸福感产生直接或间接的积极贡献[15]。但也有研究指出,这些场所会带来嘈杂和拥挤的环境而不利于幸福感[16]。对人口密度的研究发现,人口密度越高,居民的幸福感水平越低,可能的解释是人口密度提高会带来环境嘈杂和治安下降等,也有学者认为过低的人口密度会导致社会资本的减少进而降低幸福感[17]。混合度对幸福感的影响也是混合的,因为混合度在带来积极影响的同时也会带来负面影响[18]。感知到的交通劣势会对幸福感产生负面影响[19]。自然环境与幸福感之间存在着积极的关系,充足的蓝绿空间可以促进身体活动,增加社会交往机会,缓解生活压力带来的负面情绪 [20]。然而也有研究指出,与自然环境因素(如绿色或蓝色空间)的接近程度在统计学上并不显著[21]。还有一些研究发现空气污染、噪音等城市环境会带来不良情绪状态而降低幸福感体验[22]。但已有研究多关注居住地及其周围环境对居民长期整体幸福感的影响。地理环境不仅影响长期的整体幸福感,也可能影响短期的瞬时幸福感。目前仅有少数国外学者关注了日常活动空间环境对瞬时幸福感的影响[23]。然而在中国的城市背景下,日常活动地理环境如何影响居民瞬时幸福感目前还不清楚。
日常活动地理环境与瞬时幸福感的关系可能受到活动时空特征的影响。从活动时间方面看,有研究表明,城市环境质量、交通出行状况和人流等环境在休息日和工作日存在着较大差异[24]。而人们在工作日和休息日的活动地点、活动类型和活动模式也存在着较大差异[25]。有理由猜测地理环境与幸福感的关系在工作日和休息日可能存在差别。从活动空间方面看,活动距离也可能影响即时地理环境与幸福感的关系。城市环境和设施的可达性会影响人们日常活动距离[26]。而日常活动距离也可以在一定程度上反映其获取服务和设施的能力及日常移动能力[27]。此外,距离越近,活动空间环境可能越熟悉,例如社区是人们日常活动最频繁的空间单元。熟悉会引起人们对环境的忽视,因为出于习惯,人们可能不再注意到某些环境特征,但这些特征可能会立即引起一个新来的人的注意 [28]。那么随着活动离家距离的增加,人们对环境的感知和需求可能存在变化,这种变化是否会改变即时地理环境和瞬时幸福感的关系有待验证。
图1 研究框架


Fig. 1 Conceptual framework

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2 数据与方法

2.1 调查方案

调查实施方案:① 通过社区居委会介绍和社区内随机拦访形式招募社区居民作为本次调研参与者,参与者首先要填写“广州市居民日常活动与环境健康”调查问卷,并接受调查和设备使用培训。② 参与者需要携带便携式环境监测设备(AirBeam 便携式传感器、噪声便携式传感器、蝠音象限设备(蝠音象限设备是由北京城市象限科技有限公司研发生产,用来统计人们的智能移动终端对WiFi信号的请求的移动设备。蝠音象限的数据采集终端可插入手机,随时随地统计人流信息。软件终端可以对统计结果进行去重、去伪、校正,从而客观地反映调查区域某一特定时间的人口数量。)和配备的智能手机)进行连续48 h(1个工作日和1个休息日)的实时环境数据采集(温度、湿度、噪音、PM2.5质量浓度以及GPS数据)。③ 参与者需要在每天4个时间点(8:00,12:00,16:00,20:00)通过智能手机的网页链接在线填写EMA调查问卷。4个时间点分别指代上午、中午、下午和晚上,以捕获个体在1 d内经历的各种时空环境和幸福感体验。
表1 个体社会经济属性

Table 1 Characteristics of the research participants

指标 属性特征 样本量 占比/% 指标 属性特征 样本量 占比/%
性别 68 47.2 年龄 青年早期(18~28岁) 16 11.1
76 52.8 青年晚期(29~44岁) 80 55.6
教育水平 小学及以下 6 4.2 中年(45~59岁) 41 28.5
初中 17 11.8 老年(60岁及以上) 7 4.9
高中(含中专、职高) 36 25.0 个人月收入 1 999元及以下 19 13.2
大专 34 23.6 2 000~4999元 59 41.0
大学本科 33 22.9 5000~7999元 24 16.7
研究生及以上 18 12.5 8000~9999元 19 13.2
婚姻状况 单身 33 22.9 10000元及以上 23 16.0
已婚 111 77.1

2.2 数据和变量说明

1) 幸福感。可以被概念化为一种长期稳定的生活状态,也可被概念化为短期的情感体验[29-30]。以往的研究多集中在长期的整体幸福感,随着对日常生活体验的关注,基于实时体验的瞬时幸福感研究已经出现。瞬时幸福感(Momentary happiness),指个体在特定时刻所感到的快乐程度,是对享乐体验的情境依赖评估[31],强调“当下”“正在发生”的短期效应,会随时间和情境的变化而出现短期波动[32]。本研究关注的幸福感为瞬时幸福感。
2) 环境变量。中国快速的城市化进程导致了城市空间高密度化、高异质性的特点,城市微环境成为影响着个体生活感知和体验的重要因素。为了获取更加精细化的时空环境数据,研究借助相关的移动设备采集了一系列带有时空属性的即时环境数据,作为本研究的微环境变量。AirBeam是一款便携式的空气监测传感器,可以实时收集记录局部空间的温度、湿度和PM2.5质量浓度数据[5]。AirBeam传感器将数据实时发送到AirCasting应用程序,该应用程序将数据存储在智能手机上。SLM-25声级计是一种便携式的噪声传感器,可用来记录个体实时经历的噪声环境。该噪声传感器符合IEC61672 Type 2和ANSI S1.4 Type 2声级计的标准,测量范围为30 ~ 130 dBA,误差精度为1.5 dBA。使用前,对所有的便携式传感器进行了校准。此外,智能手机和便携式传感器具有内置的时间和位置识别功能,可以用来获取个体精确的时空轨迹信息。
利用GPS追踪定位EMA响应时间点的所处位置,进而可以获取该点周围的建成环境数据,本研究分别对活动地点进行了 100 m、300 m 和 500 m的缓冲分析并显示出环境特征影响的相似结果。在这里展示了100m缓冲区的结果,因为100 m缓冲区内建成环境对瞬时幸福感具有更高的解释力,这与已有文献较一致[5]。在建成环境方面,研究采用“3D”(Density,Diversity,Design)指标[18],密度(Density)由蝠音象限设备捕捉周边的移动终端来计算实时的人口密度来表征,多样性(Diversity)由缓冲区内POI(兴趣点)类型数量反映城市功能的多样性(研究使用的POI数据包括15个一级分类和65个二级分类。这里使用空间单元内二级分类中POI(兴趣点)类型的数量来代表城市功能的多样性。),设计(Design)由道路交叉口数量反映路网通达性。本研究在“3D”基础上,增加POI密度、蓝绿空间覆盖率。POI密度反映社会经济活动的紧凑性,归一化植被指数(NDVI)和归一化水体指数(NDWI)计算的蓝绿空间覆盖率来反映环境的宜人性。
3) 控制变量。就人口统计因素而言,性别、年龄、教育水平、婚姻状况和收入等在幸福感研究中得到了广泛的讨论,因此本研究将其作为控制变量放入模型。

2.3 模型设定

式中,Yji为因变量,代表参与者j j=1, …, 144)在第i次EMA调查(i=1,…,8)时的幸福感体验评估得分。Xmji表示第i次EMA调查参与者j的第m个个体属性变量,βmj为其回归系数。Wnj为参与者j的第n个地理环境变量,γ0n为其回归系数。β0j是微观层(第一层)的随机截距,γ00是宏观层(第二层的随机截距。rji是微观层的随机效应,服从均值为0、方差为σ2的正态分布;μ0j是宏观层的随机效应,服从均值为0、方差为τ00的正态分布。在多层模型中,ρ(the intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC)通常被称为组内相关系数,用于衡量组间差异对因变量的解释能力。由于本研究未考虑环境变量对不同个体活动位点的影响,因此第二层回归系数未包含随机效应。
本文用Stata软件进行模型估计,采用Log likelihood和AIC评价模型的拟合优度。在多层模型中,因变量的方差是由微观成分和宏观成分共同组成,且在这两个水平之上存在着未解释的方差,因此,通常采用方差缩减比例指数来分别表示这两个水平上的可解释方差,同时表明了不同类别变量在减少相对于零模型的估计预测误差方面的效果[34]

3 模型结果

3.1 日常活动地理环境对瞬时幸福感的影响

表2 瞬时幸福感与即时城市环境的多层有序logistic回归结果

Table 2 Multilevel ordered logistic models of momentary happiness

变量 模型1 模型2 模型3
β S.E. β S.E. β S.E.
  注:******分别表示变量在90%、95%和99%置信水平上显著;AIC 为赤池信息量准则;空白处表示无此项;POI为兴趣点。
个体属性特征 性别(女=1; 男=0) 0.3925 0.5536 0.4483 0.5378 0.4785 0.5378
年龄 0.0389 0.0249 0.0394 0.0242 0.0394 0.0242
教育水平 –0.4872** 0.2395 –0.4337* 0.2339 –0.1294** 0.0557
婚姻状况(已婚=1; 其他=0) 1.1533* 0.6557 1.1973* 0.6382 1.2909* 0.1722
收入 –0.0120 0.0794 0.0060 0.0076 0.0057 0.0071
活动环境特征 温度 0.0558*** 0.0161 0.0552*** 0.0163
湿度 –0.0204 0.0153 –0.0204 0.0153
噪音 –0.0875*** 0.0111 –0.0876*** 0.0113
PM2.5质量浓度 –0.0079** 0.0032 –0.0079** 0.0032
人口密度 –0.0060*** 0.0009 –0.0055*** 0.0007
绿色空间覆盖率 0.0013 0.0018 0.0012 0.0014
蓝色空间覆盖率 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002
POI 密度 0.0003*** 0.0001 0.0003*** 0.0001
POI 类型数量 –0.0216*** 0.0067 –0.0273*** 0.0050
交叉口数量 –0.3398*** 0.0478 –0.4335*** 0.0421
生存性活动 –0.5951* 0.3699
维护性活动 0.1149 0.2309
社交和休闲活动 0.3458* 0.2001
其他 0.2105 0.5084
同伴(有=1,无= 0) 0.1871 0.1718
方差缩减比例(地理环境)/% 15.3 20.9 21.3
Log likelihood –973.977 –957.676 –953.557
AIC 1975.954 1945.354 1943.874
由于便携式传感器获取的微环境与缓冲区内提取的建成环境变量在空间单元上存在一定的差异,研究分别在模型1中加入微环境变量,在模型2中加入100 m缓冲区内的建成环境变量。从模型 1中可以看出,温度与幸福感显著正相关,表明冬季的广州,温度越高,居民越有可能获取较高的幸福感体验。噪音则会显著降低居民的幸福感水平,这与已有研究结果较为一致[35]。PM2.5质量浓度与居民日常活动中的瞬时幸福感显著负相关,从全国范围来看,广州市的空气质量相对较好,但在少雨干燥的冬季仍存在一定程度的污染质量浓度超标情况并影响居民的幸福感水平,未来仍然需要加强局部地区的大气污染防范与治理。模型2可看出,实时人口密度与幸福感显著负相关,说明身边高密度人口会显著降低居民的幸福感水平。POI密度与幸福感显著正相关,POI类型数量与幸福感显著负相关,也就是说身边同类型设施的集中可提升幸福感,这可能是因为同类设施的集中可给人们提供多种可替代选择进而提升幸福体验。交叉口数量与幸福感显著负相关,可能是小范围内过密的交叉路口会增加人们的道路不安全感进而降低幸福感水平。
研究将情境因素中的活动类型(出行活动、生存性活动、维护性活动、社交和休闲活动和其他),同伴信息(有同伴或无同伴)放入模型 3来检测上述结论的稳健性。模型结果显示,相比出行,人们在进行生存性活动时幸福感水平较低,而社交和休闲活动可以带来更高的幸福感。在加入情境因素后,即时地理环境与幸福感的相关系数在方向和显著性上均未发生重大变化,表明上述结果的稳健性,假设1得到验证。

3.2 时空行为特征的调节作用

1) 活动时间(工作日/休息日)的调节作用。通过对539条工作日和559条休息日的瞬时幸福感统计发现,休息日的幸福感平均得分(4.09)高于工作日的平均得分(3.97)。研究进一步分别构建了工作日和休息日的统计模型,来分析即时地理环境对幸福感的影响是否在工作日和休息日存在差异。
表3可以看出,在工作日,温度与幸福感显著正相关,噪音、PM2.5质量浓度与幸福感显著负相关;人口密度、交叉路口数量与幸福感显著负相关。而在休息日中,温度、噪音、PM2.5质量浓度与幸福感显著相关;人口数量、绿色空间覆盖率、POI 密度、POI 类型数量和交叉口数量均与幸福感存在显著的相关性。从中可以发现,相比工作日,休息日的幸福感受到城市环境的影响更大。这可能是因为工作日主要在居住地和工作地开展惯常性的工作和家务活动,活动环境较为熟悉,弱化了地理环境的影响。而休息日的活动具有更多的偶然性,休息娱乐活动较多,对活动空间的选择性更大,其次活动空间的陌生感会增加对周围环境的关注,进而强化了即时地理环境对幸福感的影响。假设2得到验证。
表3 活动时间调节作用的分组回归结果

Table 3 Results of grouping regression of activity time regulation

变量 工作日 休息日
模型1 模型2 模型3 模型4
β S.E. β S.E. β S.E. β S.E.
个体属性特征 性别(女=1;男=0) 0.3270 0.7101 0.4686 0.6856 0.4789 0.6049 0.4054 0.5874
年龄 0.0570* 0.0321 0.0573* 0.0310 0.0334 0.0271 0.0360 0.0265
教育水平 –0.4942 0.3097 –0.4645 0.3024 –0.4597* 0.2695 –0.3963 0.2602
婚姻状况(已婚=1;其他=0) 1.2630 0.8534 1.2377 0.8278 1.1533* 0.6766 1.4056** 0.6992
收入 –0.0406 0.1029 –0.0041 0.0989 –0.0200 0.0859 –0.0133 0.0834
活动环境特征 温度 0.0654** 0.0302 0.0553** 0.0222
湿度 –0.0202 0.0282 –0.0263 0.0233
噪音 –0.1025*** 0.0190 –0.0824*** 0.0165
PM2.5质量浓度 –0.0110** 0.0055 –0.0108** 0.0049
人口密度 –0.0052*** 0.0014 –0.0079*** 0.0015
绿色空间覆盖率 –0.0011 0.0030 0.0045* 0.0027
蓝色空间覆盖率 0.0002 0.0002 0.0019 0.0021
POI 密度 0.0001 0.0001 0.0005*** 0.0002
POI 类型数量 –0.0144 0.0104 –0.0264** 0.0122
交叉口数量 –0.3242*** 0.0708 –0.3736*** 0.0801
方差缩减比例(地理环境)/% 20.1 20.3 18.7 26.0
Log likelihood –489.303 –487.701 –498.957 –486.314
AIC 1006.606 1005.402 1035.914 1022.627
2) 活动空间(离家距离)的调节作用。研究将活动地点与居住地的直线距离作为活动距离,进一步分析了活动距离对城市环境与幸福感关系的可能调节作用。
表4可以看出,微环境变量与活动距离的交互项均未达到统计显著性,表明温度、湿度和PM2.5质量浓度与幸福感存在着稳定的相关性,不受活动距离的调节;在100 m缓冲区内的建成环境中,POI密度与活动距离的交互项系数显著为负,表明活动距离削弱了POI密度与幸福感的正向关系,交叉路口与活动距离的交互项系数显著为正,表明活动距离削弱了交叉路口与幸福感的负向关系。
表4 活动距离调节作用的模型结果

Table 4 Results of activity distance regulation

交互项 β S.E.
温度×距离 –0.0020 0.0027
噪音×距离 0.0016 0.0015
PM2.5质量浓度×距离 0.0001 0.0006
人口密度×距离 0.0001 0.0001
POI密度×距离 –0.0005* 0.0003
POI类型数量×距离 0.0011 0.0009
交叉口数量×距离 0.0291*** 0.0083
图2 空间距离的调节作用


Fig. 2 Analysis on the regulating effect of activity distance

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4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论

1) 居民瞬时幸福感体验受到活动地点的即时环境影响。对于城市微环境,冬季温度的升高、噪音和PM2.5质量浓度的降低都可以显著提升瞬时幸福感水平。对于小尺度活动空间内的建成环境,POI密度与幸福感显著正相关,而高人口密度、高混合度和较密的道路交叉口不利于瞬时幸福感。
2) 即时地理环境与瞬时幸福感的关系存在时间异质性。无论是工作日还是休息日,微环境中的温度、噪音和PM2.5质量浓度都与瞬时幸福感密切相关。建成环境中的人口密度和交叉口数量不利于瞬时幸福感,而绿色空间、POI类型和密度在休息日达到统计显著性。相比工作日,休息日的幸福感受到建成环境的影响较大。
3) 即时地理环境与瞬时幸福感的关系存在空间异质性。活动距离削弱了POI密度与幸福感的正向关系,也削弱了交叉路口与幸福感的负向关系。这可能是因为长距离活动多为时空弹性较小而目标性较强的事务性活动,使周围建成环境对幸福感的影响不大。

4.2 讨论



齐兰兰, 周素红, 闫小培. 世界视野下的中国民众幸福感状况及其影响因素[J]. 世界地理研究, 2013, 22(2):140-150
Qi Lanlan, Zhou Suhong, Yan Xiaopei. Status and influencing factors of subjective well-being of Chinese people under the global vision. World Regional Studies, 2013, 22(2):140-150
党云晓, 张文忠, 余建辉, 等. 北京居民主观幸福感评价及影响因素研究[J]. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(10):1312-1321
Dang Yunxiao, Zhang Wenzhong, Yu Jianhui et al. Residents' subjective well-being and influencing factors in Beijing. Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(10):1312-1321

Residents in urban China are paying increasingly more attention to the quality of life and personal well-being with the improvement of living standards. Improving residents' quality of life is also an important target of urban development. Scholars have conducted research on subjective well-being from the perspective of psychology, sociology, and economics for a long time. However, only few geographic studies in China have addressed this topic. Among these studies, some were concerned with the evaluation method of happy city or happy region by building an evaluation index system, others focused on small scale case studies that examine the influencing factors of individuals' subjective well-being. These studies show that individual social attributes have significant impact on subjective well-being; subjective well-being is also influenced by socioeconomic factors such as crime rate and employment of a city or region. On the other hand, by reviewing the literature we found that geographers in western countries have conducted much research on the measurement, index system, and influencing factors of subjective well-being. Given the Chinese socioeconomic, policy, and institutional context of the past decades, it is important to examine the unique factors that affect subjective well-being of citizens in China, which has not been adequately covered by existing research. Based on the data from a large survey of 5732 participants conducted in 2013 in Beijing, this article develops an indicator system of individual subjective well-being; it also analyzes the subjective well-being of individuals with different social attributes and estimates the impact of relevant factors on subjective well-being with a multivariate linear regression model. Several conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) Individuals with diverse social attributes are significantly different in subjective well-being. The young and the old are happier than the middle-aged group of respondents. Family income has positive impact on subject well-being. However, people with highest family income are not the happiest. Individuals who are highly educated or have a big family are happier. Household heads, pensioners, high-rank managers of companies, and employees of state-owned enterprises are more satisfied with their lives. (2) The majority of the survey participants gave higher scores on life satisfaction but lower scores on happiness. (3) Policy and institutional factors have significant impact on individual's subjective well-being. Respondents with Beijing hukou feel happier and those living in commercial housing are happier than those living in residence provided by workplace or in affordable housing. (4) Increase of working or commuting time leads to lower happiness. (5) Respondents who changed residence once or twice in the last five years feels happier, but this is not the case with those who changed housing more than three times. Similarly, changing job makes people unhappy. (6) Individuals feel happier if they feel good about the living environment, national policy, personal health, and relative income.

Heerdink M W, Van Kleef G A, Homan A C et al. On the social influence of emotions in groups: Interpersonal effects of anger and happiness on conformity versus deviance[J]. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 2013, 105(2):262-284
Ha S, Kim S. Personality and subjective well-being: Evidence from South Korea[J]. Social Indictors Research, 2013, 111 (1): 341-359.
Su L, Zhou S, Kwan M P et al. The impact of immediate urban environments on people's momentary happiness[J]. Urban Studies, 2022, 59(1): 140-160.
王丰龙. 幸福地理学研究中的时空间尺度陷阱[J]. 人文地理, 2021, 36(2):11-19
Wang Fenglong. Spatiotemporal scalar traps in geographical studies of subjective well-being. Human Geography, 2021, 36(2):11-19
曹阳, 甄峰, 姜玉培. 基于活动视角的城市建成环境与居民健康关系研究框架[J]. 地理科学, 2019, 39(10):1612-1620
Cao Yang, Zhen Feng, Jiang Yupei. The framework of relationship between built environment and residents' healthy based on activity perspective. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(10):1612-1620

Rapid urbanization has an indirect impact on public health while changing the shape and layout of urban space. The study on the process and mode of urban built environment on residents' health has always been a hot topic of preventive medicine, geography and environmental science. Based on the residents' daily physical activity, this paper focuses on the important branching direction of the research on the relationship between urban built environment and residents' health, clearly defined the conceptual model and action pattern between different scale built environment and residents' health. On this basis, the paper proposes a systematic research framework based on the logical structure of ‘Built environment objective organization-residents' subjective perception-physical activity promotion-health effect output’, and elaborates the specific research ideas from three aspects of data sources, research methods and key research contents. It is believed that residents' daily activities are critical to reveal the space utilization and layout optimization. It is an important combination direction for the development of micro-scale health geography in the future. The study provides theoretical support and paradigm for subsequent empirical research, and also provides reference for relevant public health policy.

Kwan M P. The uncertain geographic context problem[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2012, 102(5):958-968
Kopsov I. A new model of subjective well-being[J]. The Open Psychology Journal, 2019, 12102-115
We propose a new approach to evaluation of SWB, which we specify as a combination of two states, momentary SWB and projected SWB. The former is a measure of satisfaction with transient life experiences, the latter a reflection of expected probability of satisfaction of future aspirations. These two states, independent, but complementary to each other, consist of distinct components associated with different human needs.
Brulde B. Happiness theories of the good life[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2007, 8(1):15-49
柴彦威, 陈梓烽. 时空间行为调查的回顾与未来展望[J]. 人文地理, 2021, 36(2):3-10
Chai Yanwei, Chen Zifeng. Space-time behavior surveys: State-of-the-art and prospects. Human Geography, 2021, 36(2):3-10
Dockray S, Grant N, Stone A A et al. A comparison of affect ratings obtained with ecological momentary assessment and the day reconstruction method[J]. Social Indicators Research, 2010, 99(2):269-283
Measurement of affective states in everyday life is of fundamental importance in many types of quality of life, health, and psychological research. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is the recognized method of choice, but the respondent burden can be high. The day reconstruction method (DRM) was developed by Kahneman and colleagues (Science, 2004, 306, 1776-1780) to assess affect, activities and time use in everyday life. We sought to validate DRM affect ratings by comparison with contemporaneous EMA ratings in a sample of 94 working women monitored over work and leisure days. Six EMA ratings of happiness, tiredness, stress, and anger/frustration were obtained over each 24 h period, and were compared with DRM ratings for the same hour, recorded retrospectively at the end of the day. Similar profiles of affect intensity were recorded with the two techniques. The between-person correlations adjusted for attenuation ranged from 0.58 (stress, working day) to 0.90 (happiness, leisure day). The strength of associations was not related to age, educational attainment, or depressed mood. We conclude that the DRM provides reasonably reliable estimates both of the intensity of affect and variations in affect over the day, so is a valuable instrument for the measurement of everyday experience in health and social research.
Shiffman S, Stone A A, Hufford M R. Ecological momentary assessment[J]. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2008, 4(1):541-565
Mennis J, Mason M, Ambrus A. Urban greenspace is associated with reduced psychological stress among adolescents: A geographic ecological momentary assessment (GEMA) analysis of activity space[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 2018, 1741-9
林杰, 孙斌栋. 建成环境对城市居民主观幸福感的影响——来自中国劳动力动态调查的证据[J]. 城市发展研究, 2017, 24(12):69-75
Lin Jie, Sun Bindong. The impact of built environment on urban residents' subjective well-being—Evidence from China's labor force dynamics survey. Urban Development Research, 2017, 24(12):69-75
Morrison P S. Local expressions of subjective well-being: The New Zealand experience[J]. Regional Studies, 2011, 45(8):1039-1058
Li W, Sun B, Yin C et al. Does metro proximity promote happiness? Evidence from Shanghai[J]. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2018, 11(1):1271-1285
Cao X J. How does neighborhood design affect life satisfaction? Evidence from Twin Cities[J]. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2016568-76
Delbosc A, Currie G. The spatial context of transport disadvantage, social exclusion and well-being[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011, 19(6):1130-1137
陈玉洁, 袁媛, 周钰荃, 等. 蓝绿空间暴露对老年人健康的邻里影响——以广州市为例[J]. 地理科学, 2020, 40(10):1679-1687
Chen Yujie, Yuan Yuan, Zhou Yuquan et al. The neighborhood effect of exposure to green and blue space on the elderly's health: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020, 40(10):1679-1687

Exposure to green and blue space refers to the surrounding green and blue space exposed in residence and activity place in daily life, which can bring about health benefits for residents. The neighborhood green and blue space is related to the elderly’s health. Based on questionnaire data in Guangzhou in 2018, remote sensing image, street scape and so on, we extracted various green and blue space indicators, etc. From the perspective of reducing harm, restoring capacities and restoring capacities, we also constructed research framework including five mediating pathway. This research employed multilevel linear regression model and mediating effect model and propensity score matching method to examine biopsychosocial pathways and mechanism linking exposure to green and blue space to the elderly’s health. According to this empirical analysis, firstly, neighborhood exposure to green and blue space is significantly associated with the elderly’s self-reported health and mental health; Secondly, physical activity encouragement and reduction in stress and social cohesion facilitation play a separate role in mediating the effect of green and blue space exposure on the elderly’s health, while reducing environmental harm and improving aesthetic pleasure did not perform significant role on the elderly’s health; Thirdly, the impact of exposure to green and blue space on the elderly's health differs significantly among different social strata. According to our findings and conclusions, we suggest the necessity of achieving 'Healthy city' and 'Health aging' construction, such as increasing the proportion of water body in public space, optimizing the layout of urban green space and improving vertical green space view, which provide new references for relevant public policies for the elderly.

Zhang X, Zhou S, Lin R et al. Relationship between long-term residential green exposure and individuals' mental health: Moderated by income differences and residential location in urban China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020178955
刘倩倩, 党云晓, 张文忠, 等. 中国城市 PM2.5 污染对居民主观幸福感的影响及支付意愿研究[J]. 地理科学, 2021, 41(12):2096-2106
Liu Qianqian, Dang Yunxiao, Zhang Wenzhong et al. Impact of PM2.5 pollution on urban residents' happiness and willingness-to-pay: A case study of urban China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2021, 41(12):2096-2106

China’s rapid industrialization and urbanization are not necessarily accompanied by the corresponding improvement of living standards. As the largest developing country in the world, the rapid economic growth has been confronted with problems such as inadequate public services, soaring housing prices, environmental degradation and food safety, which have seriously restricted the happiness of Chinese urban residents. In recent years, PM2.5 pollution imposes serious impacts on the health and life quality of residents and restricts the improvement of urban residents’ happiness. Exploring the influential mechanism of air pollution on residents’ happiness and the economic value brought by the improvement environmental quality provide a scientific basis for the construction of livable cities in the new era. Based on the theoretical analysis framework of the impact of meso-and micro-scale air pollution on residents’ happiness and willingness to pay, we select 40 cities in China as the cases for empirical analysis. By employing the large-scale questionnaire survey data of 40 cities in 2015, this article adopts a Bayesian multi-level ordinal categorical response model to empirically explore the impact of PM2.5 pollution on residents’ subjective well-being, and evaluates residents’ willingness to pay to alleviate PM2.5 pollution by using happiness evaluation model. The empirical results are presented in the following aspects. First, PM2.5 pollution exerts a significant negative influence on residents’ subjective well-being, that is, the more serious the PM2.5 pollution is, the lower the residents’ subjective well-being. Specially, for every unit increase in the number of days of haze pollution, the subjective well-being of residents will significantly decrease by 0.040. Household monthly income has a significant positive impact on residents’ subjective well-being, meaning that the increase of household income is accompanied by the increase of residents’ happiness. For every unit increase in monthly household income, residents’ happiness will significantly increase by 0.026 percentage points. Second, willingness to pay is affected not only by household income level, but also by the air quality of the city where residents live. Third, residents in 40 cities were willing to pay 226 yuan, or 2.274 percent of their monthly income in order to improve air quality. Residents in Beijing were the most willing to pay 582 yuan to reduce PM2.5 pollution, accounting for 3.535 percent of their average monthly income. In addition, residents have the highest willingness to pay at the initial stage of reducing PM2.5 pollution and improving air quality. The conclusions of this article not only enriches the relevant research results of environmental pollution and residents’ happiness, but also provides an empirical basis for the policy making of environmental pollution improvement in Chinese cities.

Birenboim A. The influence of urban environments on our subjective momentary experiences[J]. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2018, 45(5):915-932
In today's developed world, the ability of a city to generate good experiences for its residents and visitors is a main aspect of its attractiveness. A good city is considered to be one in which people feel secure, relaxed, and happy. This article explores the factors that influence the subjective momentary experiences of individuals in the city, while focusing on the impact of spatial variables on these experiences; 91 students living in Jerusalem, Israel, were asked to repeatedly self-report four dimensions of episodic experience, namely, sense of security, happiness, annoyance, and sense of comfort. Reports were sent in real time using a smartphone application during an eight-month period. The results, based on over 5000 experience samples, indicate that subjective momentary experiences, particularly sense of comfort and sense of security, are highly influenced by situational variables and environmental characteristics including type of activity and environment, place characteristics, and company. Surprisingly, personality variables which are considered to be a main determinant of wellbeing and general life satisfaction were found to be non-significant in the multilevel models that were implemented. This finding further supports the notion that momentary experiences greatly differ from general evaluations of subjective wellbeing.
Xia F, Wang J, Kong X et al. Exploring human mobility patterns in urban scenarios: A trajectory data perspective[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018, 56(3):142-149
塔娜, 柴彦威, 关美宝. 北京郊区居民日常生活方式的行为测度与空间–行为互动[J]. 地理学报, 2015, 70(8):1271-1280
Ta Na, Chai Yanwei, Kwan M P. Suburbanization, daily lifestyle and space-behavior interaction in Beijing. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(8):1271-1280

Rapid suburbanization in China is dramatically reshaping the daily life of suburban residents. Characterized by fragmentation, increasing car ownership and job-housing separation, suburbanization is changing the way residents use urban space. In China, long-distance commuting, traffic congestion, spatial mismatch and the low quality of life emerging in the progress of residential suburbanization have caused widespread concerns. Suburbanization of residents' daily life is believed to be a solution to the socio-spatial issues in suburbs. Therefore, scholars have argued that there is an urgent need to introduce behavioral perspectives to the study of suburbanization. This approach will enhance our understanding of the process and the mechanism of suburbanization from the perspective of an individual’s daily life. The important step in this study is to portray the nature of the daily lifestyle in the suburbs. Along with the trend toward behavioral perspectives in human geography, space-time behavior has become an important perspective for the study of urban space. Activity space and travel behavior often serve as important indicators of individual behavior in urban and geographic studies. This study focuses on daily activity-travel behavior, introduces the concept of lifestyle, and brings forward a concept of daily lifestyle based on a combined measure of activity space and trip frequency. The daily lifestyle of suburban residents can be classified into five categories: localization, spatial exclusion, suburbanism, polarization, and city dependence, according to the size of the activity space and the trip frequency. Based on a GPS-facilitated activity-travel survey dataset collected in the Shangdi-Qinghe area in Beijing in 2012, this paper compares the differences in activity-travel behavior among five daily lifestyle groups. The study finds that there are intergroup differences in the spatial distribution of activities, activity participation and modal split among these five lifestyle groups. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the impact of suburbanization on daily lifestyle by examining the relationship between daily lifestyle and built environment while controlling socio-demographic factors using a multinomial logistic model. Women and older people are more likely to be in the categories of localization and spatial exclusion. Low-income people have the higher possibility to be spatially excluded. These outcomes indicate that traditionally disadvantaged groups could be trapped in suburban areas, raising definite concerns for their daily life in suburban areas. Factors associated with the built environment primarily impact the localization lifestyle. Mixed land use in danwei and higher retail density contribute to the concentration of activity space in suburbs, as well as more active travel. The concept of daily lifestyle provides an effective and reasonable way to understand complicated activity-travel behavior of suburban residents. The paper offers a special perspective on understanding suburbanization and the interaction between urban space and individual behavior.

焦华富, 韩会然. 中等城市居民购物行为时空决策过程及影响因素——以安徽省芜湖市为例[J]. 地理学报, 2013, 68(6):750-761
购物决策过程是居民根据自身需求进行购物信息搜寻、购物目的地选择等方面的完整过程,是居民购物行为发生与实施的前提和基础,已经成为城市地理学研究的热点之一。本文利用2011 年芜湖市居民购物行为调查问卷数据,通过构建居民购物出行的嵌套Logit 模型,从购物出行模式决策、购物初始时间决策、购物目的地决策、购物出行交通方式决策等四个层面对芜湖市居民购物行为的决策过程及影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:① 居民属性特征对购物出行模式决策具有显著影响,男性居民选择单纯购物出行的概率较大,而女性居民、有家人陪伴的居民更倾向多目的出行;在中心城区居住及出行距离远的居民偏好中午进行多目的购物概率较大,出行距离集中在1~2 km的范围内,而近郊区居民则避开下班高峰期进行购物,倾向选择2~5 km的购物空间范围;② 具有私家车的男性居民在晚上进行购物的概率比较大,其出行概率是上午的2.94 倍,更加偏好远距离出行;居民上下班途中购物大多发生在下班时间,偏好5~8 km范围的远距离;有朋友陪伴的居民更倾向上午依赖公共交通进行远距离出行;③ 以家为购物出发地点的居民的购物更倾向19:00 之后并且偏好远距离出行,公交车依然是芜湖市居民购物出行的主要载体。
Jiao Huafu, Han Huiran. Research on temporal and spatial decision-making process and influencing factors of residents' shopping behavior in medium-sized cities: A case study of Wuhu City in Anhui Province. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(6):750-761
As human geographers have paid more and more attention to practical problems of human and society, the focuses of urban geography have transformed from macroscopic level such as researches on city system to microscopic level such as studies on shopping space, living space and commercial space. At present, China is in a transitional period in which cities' main functions are changing from production to consumption. With the development of shopping behaviors, the complexity and the transformation of shopping patterns as well as their deep influences on society, economy, institution, culture and so on, residents' shopping behaviors have become a focus of certain fields such as urban geography, urban sociology and urban economics. Based on the residents' shopping decision-making theory, the data from the interview and questionnaire survey on Wuhu residents' shopping behavior in 2011, and the nested Logit model on residents' shopping tour behavior, the paper analyzes the residents' decision-making process and its factors influencing the decision-making in the following four aspects: shopping travel mode, shopping starting time, shopping destination, and shopping transportation mode. The results are shown as follows. (1) The characteristics of residents' attributes such as the gender, monthly income and family companions have a significant effect on residents' decision-making of shopping travel mode. The residents who live in the central city and those who live relatively far away are more likely to have a multi-purpose shopping tour. The residents living in the central city prefer shopping at noon, and their travel distance mainly extends from 1-2 km, while the suburbanites go shopping mainly after 19:00 p.m. to avoid the rush hour and tend to choose the shopping space in the range of 2-5 km. (2) The male residents who have private cars are more inclined to go shopping in the evening, 2.94 times as many as in the morning. They are more likely to have a long-distance shopping. Residents on and off duty prefer to go shopping on their way back home. Their shopping space is mainly confined in the range of 5-8 km. The residents shopping with companions are more likely to have a long-distance travel by the public transport facilities in the morning, which mainly focuses on the range of 5-8 km. (3) The residents who set out from their houses tend to go shopping in the evening rather than in the morning and are more inclined to go shopping after 19:00. Bus is still the main vehicle for the residents' shopping travel.
齐兰兰, 周素红. 邻里建成环境对居民外出型休闲活动时空差异的影响——以广州市为例[J]. 地理科学, 2018, 38(1):31-40
休闲行为的产生条件一直受到国内外地理学者的重视,邻里建成环境作为结构性制约因素,在休闲行为研究的交叉学科中开始受到重视,但是关注其对休闲行为影响的时间差异的研究严重不足;此外相关研究多从是否产生休闲行为或活动量的角度去验证,缺乏建成环境对休闲空间特征影响的衡量。基于时间地理学理论,以广州市为案例地,结合居民的出行活动日志调查与人口普查数据、土地利用数据、建筑POI普查数据,探讨居民休闲行为时空特征及居住地的邻里建成环境对其产生的影响。研究发现:工作日,居民外出型休闲活动时间呈现出高度集中特征,高度集中于12:00~14:00,活动集聚的时空区域是12:00~14:00、4 km内;休息日,居民外出型休闲活动时间集聚的集中性减弱,活动持续时间增长;活动集聚的时空区域是9:00~20:00、1 km内。邻里建成环境的不同维度指标对休闲活动距离的作用时段与影响程度存在差异。工作日上午并无影响显著的因素;中午,休闲距离主要受到道路交叉口数量和商业中心可达性的负向影响;下午,休闲距离受到道路交叉口数量先负向后正向的影响。休息日上午,休闲距离主要受开敞空间用地比例的负向影响;中午,受开敞空间用地比例、公交站点数和到最近开敞空间距离的负向影响,土地利用混合度则是呈现先正向后负向的影响;下午,受道路交叉口数量和公交站点数的负向影响、休闲设施数量的正向影响。从作用机制来看,休息日是休闲机会和时间成本作用占主导,工作日是休闲环境作用占主导。
Qi Lanlan, Zhou Suhong. The influence of neighborhood built environments on the spatial-temporal characteristics of residents' daily leisure activities: A case study of Guangzhou. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018, 38(1):31-40

The conditions of leisure activity has been payed much attention to by geographers.Neighborhood built environment, as a structural restriction factor, has been paid attention to in the interdisciplinary study of leisure behavior. However, there is still little study to consider the time difference of the influence of the built environment on leisure behavior. Most researchers believe that the built environment has an impact on leisure behavior, and the related researches are mostly from the perspective of whether there are leisure activities, and lack of measure of the spatial dimension of leisure behavior. Based on the theory of time geography, this paper takes Guangzhou as an example and use residents’ activity dairy, census data, land use data and building POI(position of interests) data to explore the spatial-temporal characteristics of residents' out-of-home leisure behavior and the neighborhood built environment impact.We find that on weekdays, the out-of-home leisure time of residents showed a high degree of agglomeration. The space-time areas highly concentrated are from 12:00 to 14:00 within 4 km. On weekend, the degree of time agglomeration is weakened, but duration of the activity is increased. The space-time area highly concentrated is from 9:00 to 20:00 within 1 km. Residents' leisure activities are constrained by factors such as the neighborhood built environment, the time length of the leisure activity, the distance from the workplace, and so on. These effects are higher in the weekdays than in the weekends. The constraints are higher in the morning and at noon than in the afternoon on weekdays. On weekends, the constraints are high in the morning and low at noon. There are differences in the time and the degree of influence of the different dimensions of the neighborhood built environment on out-of-home leisure activity distance. On weekday: There is no significant factor of the built environment in the morning. The leisure distance is mainly affected by the negative impact of the number of road intersections and the accessibility of the commercial centers at noon. In the afternoon, leisure distance is affected by the number of road intersections, and at first it is positive effect and then negative effect. On weekend: In the morning, the leisure distance is mainly affected by the negative impact of the proportion of the land use of the open space. At noon, it is affected by the positive effect of the land use ratio of the open space, and negative effect of the number of bus stations and the distance to the nearest open space. The land mix index has a positive and then negative effect. In the afternoon, the leisure distance is affected by the negative impact of the number of road intersections and the positive impact of number of bus stations.From the point of view of the mechanism, residents are restricted mainly by the neighborhood built environment on weekends, while the work place mainly on weekdays. The opportunity for leisure and time costs are dominant roles on weekends, while the recreational environment is the dominant role on weekdays.

张艳, 柴彦威. 北京城市中低收入者日常活动时空间特征分析[J]. 地理科学, 2011, 31(9):1056-1064
Zhang Yan, Chai Yanwei. The spatio-temporal activity pattern of the middle and the low-income residents in Beijing, China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(9):1056-1064
The dramatic institutional and spatial transformation has brought great challenges for the planning and provision of public housing and transportation in terms of social sustainability. In the western cities, the urban disadvantages such as the female, the elderly, the disabled, and the low-income groups have been "entrapped" in certain spatial territory with lower level of accessibility and mobility in their daily life as a result of the urban sprawl, suburbanization of jobs and other public facilities, the institutional housing segregation, as well as the deficiency of the public transit. In China, there have been great social transformation and spatial restructuring driven by the dissolve of Danwei compound, land use separation, industrial suburbanization, and residential relocation during the process of market-oriented transition. As a consequence, individuals, especially the urban middle and low-income groups, would face great challenges of decreasing accessibility and mobility in their daily life which could in turn result in the decline of the life quality. Aiming at discovering the spatio-temporal demand of the urban middle and low-income groups and promoting the social equity in urban policy and planning, this paper explores the spatio-temporal activity pattern of the urban middle and low-income residents in Beijing from the perspectives of the temporal allocation and spatial distribution of both work and non-work activities, observed daily activity space and mobility based on the activity diary survey of 600 households, 1 119 individuals of Beijing in 2007. Aided by the GIS technique and tools, the 3D geovisualization of individual's spatio-temporal path and the spatio-temporal activity density surface are introduced to explore and compare the spatial and temporal pattern of the middle and low-income groups and their counterpart group. It is found that the social transformation and spatial restructuring in urban China has exerted obviously more negative impact on the daily life of urban middle and low-income groups than their other groups. Firstly, the whole daily activity pattern show the trend of "fragmentation" due to the existing of large amount of out-of-home, non-employment activities during the day time. Also, the middle and low-income have relatively shorter work hours than their counterparts in the workday while they have relatively longer work hours than their counterparts in the weekend. Secondly, there is no strong rhythm of their work time, and their work activities relatively dispersed in the large spatial extent. Also, most of their non-work activities are located within the 1-km distance from their home. Thirdly, the middle and low-income group has lower level of mobility than other groups. They have more single purpose trips, and more frequently use the non-motorized mode such as walk and bicycle in their daily life. Besides, they have much smaller observed activity space measured by convex polygon. Finally, it is argued that much more attention should be paid to the accessibility and mobility consequences of provision the public housings for the low-income group.
Pocock D C D. Urban environmental perception and behaviour[J]. Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 1971, 62(5):321-326
Eid M, Diener E. Global judgments of subjective well-being: Situational variability and long-term stability[J]. Social Indicators Research, 2004, 65(3):245-277
Weijs-Perrée M, Dane G, Van den Berg P et al. A multi-level path analysis of the relationships between the momentary Experience characteristics, satisfaction with urban public spaces, and momentary- and long-term subjective wellbeing[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(19):3621
Previous research has shown that the urban environment could influence people's behavior and wellbeing. However, little is still known about how the objective and subjective measures of the momentary experience of urban public spaces could contribute to the satisfaction with the urban environment of cities, which eventually could influence the momentary and long-term subjective wellbeing (SWB) of citizens. Therefore, the aim of this research is to gain insight into how momentary experience and satisfaction with the urban public space could contribute to the SWB of citizens, and thereby control for personal, contextual characteristics. Relationships were simultaneously analyzed using a multi-level path analysis approach based on a sample of 1056 momentary experiences of urban public spaces reported by 161 citizens of the urban area Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The results showed that personality and personal characteristics are highly important for explaining long-term SWB and subsequently long-term SWB positively influences momentary SWB (the degree of feeling secure, comfortable, happy and annoyed) together with the momentary satisfaction of urban public space characteristics. In addition, contextual characteristics, such as time/day and distance to facilities are important for explaining people’s momentary SWB. Policy makers and urban planners can use these results when developing policy and designing a healthy, attractive, livable and safe living environment for citizens.
Gamble A, Garling T. The relationships between life satisfaction, happiness, and current mood[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2012, 13(1):31-45
Durayappah A. The 3P model: A general theory of subjective well-being[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2011, 12(4):681-716
Wang J, Xie H, Fisher J F. Multilevel models: Applications using SAS[M]. Germany: Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
Fujiwara D, Lawton R N, Mackerron G. Experience sampling in and around airports.momentary subjective wellbeing, airports, and aviation noise in England[J]. Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment, 2017, 56(10):43-54
赵莹, 柴彦威, 关美宝. 中美城市居民出行行为的比较——以北京市与芝加哥市为例[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 33(12):2275-2285
Zhao Ying, Chai Yanwei, Kwan M P. Comparison of urban residents' travel behavior in China and the U. S.: A case study between Beijing and Chicago. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(12):2275-2285

Comparative urban research is an important perspective for learning international experience and guide Chinese development, and urban residents’ travel behavior is a measurable phenomenon for exploring how different contexts and development stages have impact on residents’ daily activities. Previous studies mostly focus on theoretical discussions on urban spatial development and residents’ daily behavior in China and the U.S. rather than empirical studies based on first-hand surveys. This paper explores differences in behavioral patterns and space-time constraints of residents living in the urban centers of Beijing and Chicago. The datasets are based on Beijing activity diary survey of residents living inside the Fifth Ring Road and Chicago Regional Household Travel Inventory of residents living inside City of Chicago, both of which were collected in 2007. The datasets finally comprise data with two-day activity-travel diary from 715 individuals in Beijing and 589 individuals in Chicago. The results show that people in Beijing have relatively short commuting distance and center-oriented distribution, whereas people in Chicago have relatively long commuting distance and decentralized distribution. These are in consistent with the different suburbanization processes between China and the U.S. Suburbanization in China is mainly living space rather than employment centers. However, employment in large American metropolitan areas has been decentralized in a large extent. For socio-demographics, men with high household-income tend to travel long distance to work, which responds to intra-household gender division of labor and classical sector model in social space. For daily activities and travel, the purpose with the longest distance is work-related activities in both cities, but the second is maintenance-related activities in Beijing while the counterpart is entertainment-related activities in Chicago. For transport mode, people in Beijing prefer walking or bicycling, while people in Chicago are more likely to use cars. This paper generates some important insights on the development mode for future Chinese cities after considering the U.S. experience - i.e., developing sub-centers to form a multi-center spatial structure, improving urban facilities to reduce excess travel demands for maintenance and daily-shopping, encouraging people to keep using bicycles or walking instead of depending of cars. Discussions of the benefits and shortcomings associated with comparative urban research based on travel behavior analysis are provided, along with suggestions for future research.

Petrovi A, Ham M V, Manley D. Where do neighborhood effects end? Moving to multiscale spatial contextual effects[J]. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 202141-21




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