Regional fair is from the perspective of space to examine the question of the fairness of traffic.Traffic development will greatly improve the regional accessibility.Generally, with the high-density, high-connectivity and good-access, well-planned transportation system is good up to the region, is closely linked to the region and the outside, and gives the more opportunity to development.From fair view of the effectiveness, the realization of traffic fair will be more conductive to the realization of fairness to maximize social benefits.According to the principle of diminishing marginal utility, to improve traffic flow in the areas less developed will obtain greater efficiency and higher social recognition than in developed regions.It is important to coordinate the relationship between fairness and efficiency in the regional economic development.The purpose of regional economic development is to achieve the objectives of social equity for efficient growth, to provide equitable regional development opportunities.This paper attempts to take Jiangxi Province as a case, up to the point of view from space to explore opportunities for regional development of the space fairness.It takes a case of geography services for current application of economic and social construction.Thanks to the help of organizing and extracting spatial data, mapping and spatial analysis method of ArcGIS, under the comprehensive analysis of the methods of accessibility evaluation, a simple method be put forward based on ArcGIS.Up to a lot of evaluation methods, this study in order to achieve the accuracy of evaluation, the scope of Jiangxi Province is to be divided into some grids of the size of 100 m?100 m.The accessibility mentioned up in the paper is the shortest time from the grid to the corresponding node.The average accessibility is the average time of all the accessibility of the grids in the scope of corresponding node.The largest accessibility is the largest time of all the accessibility of the grids in the scope of corresponding node.The scope of corresponding node is gained by the function of cost-weighted distance in ArcGIS.Combined with the methods of principal component analysis and cluster analysis, regional accessibility of different levels in 1997 and 2007 has been evaluated.Through the case study of Jiangxi province, some conclusions can be summarized below:(1) The regional accessibility have been improved after decades of development.(2) The regional differences of accessibility have been minified.(3) High-grade center urban can provide a higher level of goods and services, and better development opportunities can be obtained for which closing to it.(4) The effect of traffic construction applicable to the principle of diminishing marginal utility.Increase traffic investment in backward areas contributes to the achievement of the regional fair.(5)The region of poor accessibility has fewer opportunities, and it lags behind economic development.(6)The slow development of Jiangxi Province in south-central, south, north-west resulted an unfair regional development.The innovation of this study is from the perspective of traffic up to discuss regional development opportunities of the fair, and in the process of accessibility evaluation, some problems of closed roads be better dealt with.
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