The industrial location selection is the important micro perspective of understanding the underlying mechanism of urbanization. The characteristics and influencing factors of enterprise location and its urbanization effect were discussed based on the analytical frame of western location factors. The results of the questionaire survey showed that the enterprise location deviated from the western industrial location theory anticipation of being located or approaching to the metropolis. On the contrary, the enterprises mainly centrer around towns or countries and with the spatial pattern of "scattering around large scale areas and concentrating on small scale areas". At the same time, most of the enterprises never relocated or only moved within short distance. If they want to relocate, their intention of moving to development areas or medium and large cities is not very strong. The influcing location factors, such as transportation expenses, technological cost, transactional cost, agglomeration economies, labour cost, land cost, capical and private factors were examined, which resulted in the phenomenon of in situ urbanization in coastal aeras in Southeast of China. The article testifies and perfects the western industrial location theory.
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