The cyclical climate change and its relationship with solar activity are the hot spot in the international research of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in recent years. By multi-scale analysis of Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction over the past two millennia, the results were found as follows:(1)Seven different time scales of quasi cycles of 6 yr, 11 yr, 21 yr, 43 yr, 86 yr, 247 yr and 914 yr were evidently discovered. And then interannual variability. Interdecadal climate oscillation and the millennium cycles were mainly fluctuation periods. The climate changes at both the centennial scales and the decadal scales were driven by solar activity. (2)The oscillation amplitude was small in MWP of the Northern Hemisphere, but in LIA the amplitude was relatively larger. The coldest period in the Northern Hemisphere was between 1400 A.D. and 1800 A.D. (3)In the next few decades, the natural fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere temperature will greatly reduce the global warming effect caused by human activities.
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