采用平均高度、平均盖度,平均物种数等单项指标及物种丰富度指数,物种多样性指数和重要值等综合指标分析了不同干扰强度对草本层植物高度,盖度,物种多样性及物种组成的影响。结果表明:旅游干扰对草本层高度的影响明显,游径边缘干扰强度最大地段草本层植物高度明显降低;旅游干扰对草本层盖度影响不明显,虽然随干扰强度的降低,草本层盖度有所上升,但不同干扰强度下盖度差异并不显著;旅游干扰增加了物种的多样性,游径边缘干扰强度最大地段物种数最多;同时干扰也对草本层物种组成产生了一定影响,随干扰强度增加,耐践踏植物及伴人植物比例增加。旅游干扰对植物群落草本层植被影响的空间范围大约在距游径10 m以内。
Impacts of tourism on vegetation play an important role in recreation ecology studies. Huangshang Mountain is a famous scenic area in China. It is inevitable for tourism development over long period of time to bring negative influence on environment. In order to understand the effects of tourism disturbance on vegetation in Huangshang Mountain scenic area, field survey was made in main routes and areas of Huangshang Mountain. The effects under different intensities of tourism disturbance on the height of plant, the cover of vegetation, the species diversity and species composition in herb layer was analyzed by followed indicators: the average height of plants, the average cover of vegetation, the average number of species, species richness index (Margalef index) D, species diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index )H’ and importance value . The conclusions are as follows: Tourism disturbance bring an obvious impact to the plant height in herb layer. The plant height decreased evidently at the trailside where there is the largest disturbance. The plants are about the same height in other further sites. The impact of tourism on vegetation cover is not great. With the increase of disturbance, there is a little rise in vegetation cover, but the change is not evident. The disturbance raises the diversity of species. There is the highest amount of plant species in the edge of trails, but the highest values of Margalef index and Shannon-Wiener index occurred in 5m away from the trails. There is a variation in species composition of community under various intensities of tourism disturbance. With the increase of tourism disturbance, the number of plant species that are more tolerant to trampling increased and the proportions of anthropochory species show the same trend. The effects of tourism disturbance are not the same in three districts in Huangshang Mountain scenic area. The different effects can attribute to the difference of environmental condition and the intensity of tourism disturbance in three districts, although the difference in effects of tourism disturbance is not evident. The spatial extent of tourism influence is about in 10m away from the trail in Huangshang Mountain scenic area.
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