Seven kinds of heavy metals content at 22 norm sample plots were determined in Jiangsu Province. Using heavy metals content data, we analyzed the pattern of heavy metals and its influencing factor by TWINSPAN and CCA. The results showed that the distribution of heavy metals in Jiangsu Province was different obviously. Entire distribution feature of heavy metals distribution had a clear gradient with "Subei North Jiangsu-Suzhong (Central Jiangsu)-Sunan (South Jiangsu)". The elements which controlled the entire feature distribution of heavy metals were Hg, Cd and Cu in the Sunan region, Pb, Cr and Ni in the Suzhong and region Subei district. Spatial location, soil physicochemical property and human active intensive were the most important influencing factors which controlled the distribution pattern of heavy metals in Jiangsu. The explanation of three influencing variations accounted for 56.9%, of which the explanation location variation independently was 21.5%, soil physicochemical property was 17.5%, and the human active intensive is 17.9%, but 43.1% could not be explained. This research showed that the spatial distribution pattern of Theavy metals in soil was affected deeply by economic development gradient in Jiangsu Province. The method of WINSPAN and CCA is good for analysis the relations between heavy metals content and influence variations, and it may be a potential method for soil environment research.
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