The external environment greatly influences the diffusion of ari-technique innovation.The study on the diffusion environment is helpful to know the factors which affect the diffusion process, so as to find out the effective countermeasures for the diffusion.Yangling National Agriculture High-tech Industries Demonstration Area is a demonstration area of agri-tecnique innovation in arid and semi-arid areas of China, which serves as a source of innovation with its surrounding areas.Taking Guanzhong as its diffusion region, the diffusion environment of agri-technique innovation are analyzed and evaluated based on the quantitative approach.The results show that the overall diffusion environment of Guanzhong is not good except Yangling area.There is little difference among the diffusion environment of each municipal area.The contribution that every factor asserts to the diffusion environment of every area is varies greatly.There are three different types of diffusion environment existing in Guanzhong area, among them, Yangling is the best one, Baoji, Xianyang and Xi’an come next, Tongchuang and Weinan are the worst.The authors also point out the optimizational direction of diffusion environment for Guanzhong area, and pave the way for the theoretical study on diffusion environment.
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