为了研究探索洪泛平原湿地区域基于DEM的地表水要素数字特征,采用ArcGIS9.0的Hydro Arc Tools模块,配合改进升值裂开算法编制的程序在三江平原洪河保护区1:1万比例尺的DEM基础上进行了数字水系提取研究,将研究区划分为6个数字集水区,提取出以沃绿兰河-浓江河为主的数字河网,以及大小82处泡沼和洼地。研究表明,在保持高精度DEM前提下,数字地表水系统可以通过基于DEM自动提取出来,但是存在河道偏移以及河网形态失真等问题,需要在进行数字提取前后进行多次修正。在DEM数字高程预处理过程中保持高程信息的水文特征不丢失,以及发展专业处理平坦区域和低洼地域的有效算法,将是进一步提高洪泛平原湿地区域数字水系提取效率和精度的关键。
For study of digital surface hydrological elements controlled by DEM in the wetland area of Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,both the ArcGIS9.0 Hydro Arc Tools module and the module based on the modified Breaching and Flat Area Algorithm are used to extract the hydrological elements from the DEM data at scale of 1:10000. With the digital method, the study area is delineated into 6 catchments, 82 ponds and depressed low-lying as well as a drainage net-work of both Woyalan River and Nongjiang River. The research indicates that the digital hydrological elements can be extracted successfully from high precise DEM, however, it need to be modified for many times before and after automatic digital extraction due to the problems of digital riverways’ excursion and distortion. For improving both precise and efficiency of digital extraction in the wetland area of a flood plain, some key issues need to be carried out such as development of efficient Algorithms professionally for flat areas and an efficient pretreatment on DEM without loss of key hydrological information.
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