In 2007, the enclosed chamber technique was used and the measurements on methane flux from Spartina alterniflora were taken during three periods (before the flood, in the course of rising and ebbing tide, and after the ebb) in the Shanyutan wetland which is the largest wetland in the Min River estuary region. The results showed that methane fluxes had obvious seasonal variation. The average methane flux from S.alterniflora before flood and after ebb were 13.12 and 12.94 mg/(m2·h) respectively; the monthly methane flux was lower after the ebb in some months, whereas in other months, emission was either higher after the ebb, or there was no difference; in the course of rising and ebbing tide, the methane flux [3.07 mg/(m2·h)]to hydrosphere was higher than that [2.35 mg/(m2·h)]to atmosphere(p>0.05); the total methane flux to atmosphere and hydrosphere from invasive S.alterniflora patches was 86.86 and 7.84 g/(m2·h)respectively. The correlations between methane flux from S.alterniflora and temperature and salinity were lower, and was higher between methane flux and moisture of sediment (0-20 cm).
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