Economic geography has close relationship with economics and there are three frontier approaches in contemporary economic geography which are founded on three approaches of economics: neoclassical,institutional and evolutionary economics.Based on neoclassical economics,’new economic geography’ or’geographical economics’ is bringing the’geographical turn’ back into economics and has attracting many scholars’ attention,both in modern mainstream economics and in geographical sciences.Meanwhile,with the perspectives of institutional economics and other social sciences,the "institutional turn" and "cultural turn" have transformed mainstream economic geography into a more interdisciplinary approach.Recently,the rise of evolutionary economics in mainstream economics is bringing a new approach named as "evolutionary economic geography" to geographical sciences.Although mainstream economics and geography have largely developed separately,those three approaches of’new economic geographies’ will bring a new stage to the innovation and development of contemporary economic geography from the "Quantitative and theoretical revolution" and the "Marxism turn" onwards.This paper introduces the fundamental principals of neoclassical,institutional and evolutionary approaches in economics and explores their effects on the directions of development of contemporary economic geography.We should think much of the great differences between neoclassical,institutional and evolutionary economic geographies,but they also have many commonalities and great complementarities to explain various formal and substantive spaces,so the competition and cooperation between them should be the important direction of developing contemporary economic geographies.
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