The soil coleopteras in Changchun City were investigated with the emphasis laid on the species richness and abundance in relation to the types of land-use,i.e.,farmland,mangrove forest,Three-North Forest Shelterbelt and natural secondary forest in July and September in 2003.The soil coleopteras were hand-sorted and were identified to the families level with the aid of microscope.A total of 598 soil colepoterous individuals was captured and fell into 32 families.These results suggest that the litter removal of land use habitats affect negatively the communitiy structures of soil coleopteras.More and more simple crop type and seasonal agricultural activity reduced group number,individual density and biodiversity of soil coleopteras communities of crop field.Forest shelterbelt was the main corridor that soil coleopteras contact each other in different farmlands.These findings also suggest that keeping complex vegetation can improve group number,individual density and biodiversity of soil coleopteras communities in a habitat.
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