Rapid economic development and increased human activities of Changjiang River Delta made a strong influence on the ecological environment.Taking Kunshan of Suzhou City for example, this study was conducted to search for the heavy metal accumulation in soil and bioaccumulation of wheat in Changjiang River Delta, which will provide a theoretical guidance for economy development and pollution control.The heavy metal in the organs of root, stem, leaf and grain of wheat were studied.In each organ, the eight kinds of heavy metals were examined:Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, and the absorption of heavy metals in different organs were analyzed.The results indicated that the root had the greatest accumulating capability; the absorption of Cd was the maximal while that of Cr was the minimal in each organ.Meanwhile, an analysis on correlations showed there is correlation between content of heavy metal in grain and that in the other organs of wheat, but have no certain rule.This indicates the complexity of outer contaminants and reactions in plant.By the evaluation on the potential risks of heavy metals in wheat, the potential risks of Hg, Zn and Cd have been above moderate levels.Moreover, the potential risk of eight kinds of heavy metals reached a higher level, based on which the author proposed to control heavy metal emissions of this area.
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